Anna’s Dungeon

Chapter 43: Ch 43 – Yarn

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When we entered Jenny and Evan's home, we found Gerl was standing around awkwardly while Jenny was rooting around in her cabinets looking for something, maybe extra bowls and spoons. Meanwhile, Evan seemed to be eyeing Gerl and us as we stepped in with a stern expression.

“Good afternoon.” I greeted everyone.

Gerl gave me a sheepish smile and blushed.

Evan only seemed to get even more grouchy upon seeing that.

While Jenny shouted over her shoulder, “Almost ready…”

“Did you get a lot of work done?” I asked trying to be cordial.

Evan grunted, “Plenty. It's good too, it's going to start getting cold soon.” He practically huffed.

Finally! After all this time I knew that it was fall or early winter. I’d not wanted to ask anyone since that would be ridiculous…. Maybe I should have just asked Naan, then again did it know? Well, it didn’t matter anymore.

Gerl nodded, “I'm looking forward to winter for a change, no more constant back and forth.”

“You're a letter carrier, right? Do they not need messengers in the winter?” I asked wondering about that.

“Even if they do, I’m not gonna risk a snowstorm and freeze to death for it.” He said firmly.

So it got really cold around here huh? Good to know. Actually, what did that mean for the elves and Dragon Smith and the others? I guess that wasn't something I needed to worry about, even if I was curious.

“That’s something we should consider.” I said to Devin hoping he would help me remember this for later.

He raised an eyebrow at me, “Yeah?”

“Yeah.” I pressed, though I couldn't help but think that maybe he wasn't going to be much help.

“Found them!” Jenny announced pulling herself free from the back of a cabinet with two bowls in hand.

Devin decided to point out that I was a bit dusty so I ended up rinsing my face and hands in some water that she’d drawn earlier that day. Since they didn’t actually have chairs for everyone Jenny brought a large cloth, more a blanket really, out into the space behind their home and we all sat on that instead. I sat next to Devin, and Jenny sat next to Evan. Gerl sat on his own a bit off to one side, constantly glancing back at me with an obvious nervousness to him.

He really liked me huh? The constant looks and blushes made me feel a bit like a cat, wanting to play with a ball of yarn. But that wasn't something I was going to be doing in front of Evan and Jenny who I was already in trouble with.

Jenny set the pot on the ground beside us and served each bowl one at a time, it took a few minutes and everyone waited politely. I was glad they didn’t hand me a bowl first or I might have just started eating… I didn’t want to be rude, but I didn’t know this world's etiquette! Or my own to be fair.

As everyone started eating Jenny spoke, “Anna and I visited Charlene earlier this morning. Since she’ll be having some things made she and Devin will need a place to stay for the next few days.”

Evan glanced at his wife, not quite thrilled about this. Rather than reply, or make a statement, his eyes narrowed and he glared at his soup. Alright, so he was not happy, and that might be an understatement.

I decided to offer an apology, “I’m quite sorry about last night. I didn’t mean to keep you both awake.”

“As if that was the only problem…” Evan grumbled, glancing at Gerl and Devin in turn.

Gerl scratched at his cheek, “I still don’t quite understand what you mean…”

Ahh, even now he was oblivious, I’d throw him a bone, “I assure you that Gerl takes no blame, he slept quite soundly last night. Too soundly if I had to say so. He must have been exhausted.” I offered the truth, or at least the version of it that didn't involve dreamy magic, though I doubted anyone would believe it.

Evan didn’t look the least bit convinced.

Devin nodded, “She's right. Anna might be scandalous, but she tends to be a bit too honest about this sort of thing.”

That was some awkward support, but I guess I'd take it. I appreciated Jenny's help today just seeing her there looking awkward next to her husband was making me feel a bit too guilty. So I decided I'd just roll the dice, “To apologize for last night I’ve decided that we’ll stay at the old church until we leave.” If Evan was the forgiving and charitable sort he’d accept my apology and let things go.

Devin groaned, “Seriously?” He was no doubt blaming me. Well, it was my fault, so I guess we could deal with that later.

I nodded my head to confirm my decision.

“Good.” Evan grunted.

Or he'd do that... Well, I gambled and I lost.

Jenny frowned at him, “Dear… Isn’t it enough for her to apologize and make the offer? Surely we could let her stay in a proper bed instead of… that place. Let try and make it up?”

Jenny to the rescue!?

“She’s young yet. If she never faces the consequences of her actions then how will she learn?” Evan noted as though he was a wise sage.

Devin notably grimaced, releasing a long tired sigh.

“I see you don’t disagree.” Evan said noticing Devin’s expression.

“No…” Devin offered, “It was more…” He glanced down at me and I could see his cogs ticking in his head as he tried to come up with something to say. He was about to lie, wasn’t he?

I raised a hand to his lips, “You don’t need to defend me.”

“But…’ He said obviously feeling protective.

“I’d rather not discuss such things anyway. Besides, I really should have controlled myself better.” I said with a soft smile.

Devin stared at me as if I’d grown a second head. Was he so bad at lying he was going to ruin mine!?

“It's a bad habit.” I said adding some more truth to my explanation before Devin felt the urge to push the issue.

“Is that so… You should fix that then.” Evan said firmly.

Jenny looked aghast, “Dear… “

“It’s fine.” I said not thinking any of it was worth the effort. We’d slept in caves just fine. Besides I really need to talk with Naan. This would give me an excuse to not stay in their house all night. Not that I really needed one, but Jenny and Charlene really didn’t need any reasons to think I was sneaking around at night. They were friendly enough, and I’d prefer to stay on everyone's good side as long as I could.

The subject appeared properly dropped and while Jenny seemed upset at the outcome she pressed onward, “What about them helping with the fields?”

“They can help with that if they so desire. I won’t turn down working hands.” Evan noted. He noticed her expression shift just slightly and continued, “And don’t you tell me that half the day for breakfast isn’t worth it. I’ll pay some coins, my peace of mind is worth that much.” He grumbled.

Nice try Jenny. I couldn’t help but smile at the two. Sure Evan was obviously angry with us and not that trusting all things considered. But I couldn't bring myself to be that angry with him. I could admit to being a terrible guest, but I could also admit that it was a bit too much fun to pass up. I couldn't help but wonder how much they’d discussed this prior. I got the feeling that I’d not really got to be around many couples in my former life. Maybe it was why I was enjoying having Devin around…

Did I just insinuate he and I were a couple!? Even to myself that was quite a stretch. I really need to watch myself lest I do something I’ll regret. Still, I was looking forward to being a bit freer, a bit of cleaning at the Church and I could enjoy Devin all night long.

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“You’re making those funny faces again.” Devin said leaning over to me.

“No, I wasn’t.” I lied.

He could only chuckle knowingly.

We ate and said goodbye for now and we borrowed a bucket from Jenny, she also told me where the town well was. I sent Devin that way to fill up the borrowed bucket so I didn’t have to look like an idiot that had never drawn water before.

I walked towards the church reaching out to Naan hoping for a reply. I got nothing back, even though I expected they would meet us nearby at some point. I couldn’t help but wonder why that was. I didn’t want to go inside and fight with the dust just yet so I walked around the church noting the various vines and clumps of thick grass that were growing up around the building on the fence that had seen better days.

I ended up standing behind the church noticing what had once been a garden that was now more of a pile of various garden plants that were actively engaged in warfare with the local insect population. I wouldn’t want anything growing here without cleaning this up. Though I supposed I wasn't sure why I was thinking I would anyway.

I sighed to myself, it's like I’d claimed the building as my new home the way I kept thinking of it. It wasn’t even that nice, barely any different than a cave. Well, I guess that was underselling it. The basement needed a bit of work, but the rest was pretty rough. This backyard area was kind of nice though. There were bushes and trees beyond here, and the town wall was on one side with the churchyard fence on the other side. It had more privacy than I expected considering how the town was all inside the walls.

I heard footsteps in the grass and a voice that wasn’t Devin's spoke up, “Uh… Miss.”

I turned to find Gerl standing there looking quite embarrassed. he stood there fidgeting with his hands.

“Oh, Gerl. Did you need something?” I asked unable to hold back the smile I had as my thoughts from earlier resurfaced.

“I wanted to ask a question…” He said after a long considering pause.

“Yes?” I asked, wondering with great curiosity what he might ask.

“Mister Evan was quite angry with us… But he never really explained why." He paused again considering my expression which for the most part I didn't change. "I couldn’t bring myself to ask Devin, maybe I should have." He was trying, but he was clearly shy. Which became more and more obvious with each delay. After another pause, he made a bit more progress, "But I didn’t want to make him angry.” He added before frowning.

He was a polite one for certain, but he really should just come out and say it. Of course, I already knew what he wanted to ask, and I found the fact that he was less dancing and more tripping around it quite cute. It was so convoluted at this point, but maybe that was why it was so amusing. I took a step towards him so I could look more up at him, “So you want me to explain why he was angry?” I asked far too innocently.

“You seem like a very nice person… So...” He offered not quite sure what he wanted to say or at least how to phrase it. Even after I laid it all out in front of him he couldn't seem to bring himself to ask the question, because deep down he very much probably already knew what it was. Or maybe it was the dream he had that was making him think naughty thoughts about me? Or was it so utterly simple that he was just so shy that he couldn't untie his tongue around me?

I beamed up at him, he was so innocent. “Alright, I can explain it. It’s quite simple really." I said moving in closer, "Last night after you fell asleep..." I watched his eyes follow mine. He was entirely fixed upon my gaze and I continued, "I climbed up on Devin and..." I offered until I was almost right next to him before I finished, "...we fucked for a good half hour. He plowed me nice and hard while you lay there dreaming innocent dreams.” I couldn't help but giggle at my horribleness. I just couldn't help myself it was too obvious... I was the cat, and he was my yarn!

He blushed furiously, “You…” He said sputtering awkwardly, working his lips not sure how to reply.

“That's right.” I said smiling up at him predatorily, “At one point I even threatened to suck your cock if he didn’t give me his.”

“Wha…” He said looking like he might overheat, his mind seemed to be spinning in place and going on where.

“By the way Gerl. I need to ask, what did you dream about last night? Anything fun?” I said biting my lower lip in anticipation.

He glanced away quite guiltily. What had I done? I couldn't help but be too curious. But honestly more than the dream there was something else that might be fun right now.

“Now that you're awake, do you want me to suck it?” I asked, setting my hand on his crotch. “I’m sure you’ll enjoy it.”

He audibly swallowed and the words just fell out of his lips, “Would… you?” he asked clearly stunned more than anything. Then he realized what he said and shook his head, "Wait.. what?" He had no idea what I was even talking about, his mind was probably feverish as red as his face was. Maybe he thought this right now was a dream?

I didn't care one bit! He obviously liked me or at least liked looking at me, so I dropped down and yanked his pants down.

"Miss!" he proclaimed in shock yet unable to move or at least uninterested in doing so.

His pants gathered around his ankles and I gripped his manhood in my hand. I leaned in and took a deep breath of him, rubbing his slightly soft length against my face.

I sort of loved the musk of him, the sweat of a day's work giving him that pungent order. “It really is a bad habit…” I said smiling up at him. “But I just can’t help myself.” I said licking my lips, as he hardened before my eyes. "You don't mind do you?" I asked sweetly.

Heartbeats ticked by, one, two, five each obvious though his cock as it flexed and stiffened. Had his mind just locked up? I couldn’t wait any longer, I slipped him into my mouth. I bobbed myself and worked for my hand as my spit coated him more thoroughly with each stroke.

“Wahh…” he moaned out as my attention.

“Did I do this for you in your dream?” I asked pausing my mouth for a moment so I could speak.

It took him a moment, but he answered “No…” as I continued my efforts.

I pulled off of him just looking up at him wondering if he would say anything. Do anything. His eyes just observed me, like a mouse watching a cat, and I like the cat watching him back. I noticed his tip already forcing out a dollop of his liquid. He wasn't much for words it would seem but his dick wanted me to continue at least. So I obliged and licked it up with exaggerated motions letting his sticky fluid coat my tongue. I of course had no such issues with my words and I continued to play with him, “Did I let you fuck me in the ass? Or did I lean back and watch as you plunged this thing into my pussy?” I asked when he suddenly spurted cum onto my cheek.

I quickly locked my lips to his tip and began drinking what he gave me down. It was amazing how much drinking cum turned me on now… With each jolt of his cock thick loads of him filled my mouth. Each surge from his tip into me and my body hummed brighter, warmer, and with more urgency.  A few swallows later and he’d softened even with my lips on his tip. I was practically feeling an orgasm building inside of me with each taste he gave me, I’d barely even needed to do any work. But then again that just meant I could get more, easier. Still, that had been pretty quick, that wasn't going to be any good for me...

Finally, I pulled him from my lips, and I licked what I could from his tip, and my lips. I smiled up at him, “So?”

“You… You have more…” He said staring at my face, he awkwardly gestured towards my cheek not sure what else to say, or do.

I gathered up the bit of his seed with a finger and sucked it free, “All gone?” I asked as I felt each and every drop turn to molten sunlight in my veins.

He nodded wordlessly, looking a lot like a panicked herbivore staring down a tiger. Like even now he was debating if he should run? Left or right? It was like he was frozen mid-choice, on every choice.

“You never answered me you know.” I said smirking at him.

“I leave you alone for five minutes.” Devin said with a long sigh.

Gerl took a step back at realizing that Devin was there and tripped backward over his own pants. “I’m so sorry… I… She said… I… I can’t believe…” Panic and horror suddenly filled every bit of his voice. Suddenly he was nothing but words.

I couldn't help but giggle at that. There on my knees and glanced over at Devin, “Jealous?”

He ignored my question, “I thought we had work to do.” Devin said stepping past the tall grass and around through the open section of fence, towards the section that was mostly dirt where I was.

“We have all day, Gerl came by to ask me about what we did last night.” I explained all sugar and sunshine.

Devin considered me, then glanced over to Gerl who was trying to pull up his pants and failing miserably at it as though his digits were suddenly beyond his control, his legs splayed open so that the pants weren't going anywhere anytime soon unless he changed that.

Devin knowing full well that I was entirely responsible for this just leveled his judgment upon me, "And you explained fully?"

“Of course.” I said sucking on my finger playfully. “You know me… I just had to get a taste.” I said smirking and I glanced at Gerl, “You all done? Or do you have more you want to share with me?”

Gerl stared wide-eyed at Devin as he glanced this way and then that way. Back and forth he looked dumbfounded beyond words and actions.

"What about you Devin? I'm still thirsty." I tempted him.

Devin sighed with utter resignation, "I tried." he muttered to himself, and a few moments drifted by before he replied, "Fine..." and to my surprise, he undid the loop of his pants and let them drop. His mast was hard and instantly at attention.

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