Anna’s Dungeon

Chapter 44: Ch 44 – Hearts

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I nuzzled my face to Devin’s cock running my tongue up and down its length. “Gerl… you want more, right?” I said using my hand to stroke him as he still lay there staring back at me.

Gerl couldn’t seem to decide what to do, he glanced between us as though Devin might crush him under his boot without warning.

“I… Miss Anna.” He said awkwardly trying to pull up his pants again yet unable to look away from me.

Devin growled in delight down at me as I sucked on one of his balls, and I glanced up to find his eyes fixed on me.

I was afraid that Gerl might bolt if he could get his pants past his knees. So I opted to prevent the situation and reached over pulling his pants back towards me and his feet. The pants snagged on his boots right where I'd prefer they stayed.

“Miss Anna!” Gerl cried out almost in fear, as though I was sentencing him to execution.

“There’s no miss about her.” Devin said gesturing for me to turn around. I gave his dick a tiny kiss before turning towards Gerl, while Devin got down on his knees just behind me. “All that’s in her head…” He said hiking my fake dress up. “Is dicks.” He said thrusting his hard shaft all the way into my pussy with a force that caused his balls to swing into me.

My limbs quivered as Devin shoved me towards Gerl and I collapsed between his legs. “Not… just… dicks…” I said between moans.

“No? Then what else is in there?” Devin demanded as he drew back and began pummeling me steadily.

Was I really having issues coming up with an answer to this? “Shut up...” I proclaimed not wanting to argue about it.

“Hah! Not even going to argue?” Devin said really digging his hands into my sides in a way I just loved.

"Shut up!" I repeated myself more just wanting to egg him on.

"Why would I do that?" he demanded back from me.

I didn't really care, I wasn't really trying to have a conversation or an argument. It was more that I really loved when Devin was a bit angry. The way he relentlessly pounded me was fantastic. It only took a few more thrusts for my body to shake, and me to release a chorus of shivering giggles as I turned my attention to the now stiff dick not too far off in front of me.

I tugged on Gerl and he slid closer, Devin was practically an anchor behind me. He might not have been the beefiest of manly specimens in the world but compared to me, or Gerl he was improbably immovable.

Devin slapped my ass, “You’re so bad.”

I released a moan at the attention, and I raised my head up and slurped down Gerl’s cock. Noisily coating him with the spit that I’d built up waiting for this moment.

“Bad!” Devin said slapping my other cheek.

My pussy clenched and flexed around him with each time, tingles dancing up and down my spine and through my body. The sparks of pain made my body involuntarily clamp down on him, and I loved it. But I wanted more, I recalled our previous night, and with a touch of shape-shifting, I tightened myself around him.

Devin grunted before instantly blowing his load inside, “Fuck!”

Delight filled me from behind as I sagged climaxing again from the spurts of pure wonderment that filled me up. I hummed with it, not wanting to move and just shape-shifting my tongue around Gerl’s cock inside of my mouth with my nose pressed into his groin.

"You get so tight sometimes..." Devin said breathing heavily from behind me.

I continued to hum to myself while playing with my ability in my mouth. Devin’s throbbing cock still flexing in my depths. My tongue lengthened and shortened as it dove around, and around, then recoiled back to its normal shape. I couldn't help but wonder what this might feel like. I doubted Gerl's mind had any real idea what was going on in my mouth, even though every fiber of his being was interested only in that. It was an unusual truth about sex I supposed. Would he be worried if he knew what I was doing? Would it gross him out to see my tongue flex and change shapes? Or would it turn him on even more? I should really try that with Devin sometime, seeing as how he knew exactly what I could do I wanted to know how he might respond to it. I wanted to see his face, his eyes, drink in his surprise, and his lust.

“Miss…. Anna!” Gerl groaned out before he came again, dropping onto his back as I sucked, and sucked. My body shivered all the way through as the euphoria bubbled outwards from my core as I extracted, and swallowed every drop I could. Each tiny droplet seemingly burned inside of my body and making me sweat more and making me feel so much pleasure.

I just paused, Gerl’s softening length in my mouth as I enjoyed the sensations arcing through me.

“I really want to be angry with you…” Devin said leaning against me, running a hand under my fleshy dress and along my now sweaty skin. “But it's really hard when you feel this good.”

I gently pulled off of Gerl’s length watching it flop into a disappointing shadow of its erect self.

“I think he’s pretty spent.” I said frowning at Gerl's groin.

Gerl glanced down at me, eyes wide.

Devin having spent a few moments just enjoying the feel of my skin with his hands started moving again, forwards and backward starting very slowly he started picking up a little bit of pace, not much, just a little bit teasing me and himself at the same time. I grinned, just laying my head on Gerl’s thigh like it was my pillow. I just let Devin do his thing, slow and delightful for a while. Gerl didn't seem like he was going anywhere. I just laid there using his firm, but pleasant, body for the softness it could provide.

Once Devin's pace had reached the point where it was less a tease and more of a real fucking, I focused instead on Devin, using my hips to slam back on him mirroring his own motions.

Devin squeezed me in his grasp feeling every bit of softness my body held and I could hear him groan his enjoyment from behind me.

My mind wandered back towards my pillow, “Gerl… What did you dream about?” I asked.

Gerl stiffened at that. “Why do you want to know?” he asked almost concerned.

Why was he so resistant? I couldn’t very well… Oh! Devin thrust in suddenly moving at a faster pace, shifting his hands to my ass cheeks, spreading me slightly. His force increased the feel of his balls swinging, smacking into me with each forward thrust.

I lost track of what I was thinking about… all I could think about was how his cock separated me with each thrust. The warmth and the way his fingers practically kneaded my ass. The way his cock practically sloshed my insides and his fluids about.

I wish Gerl wasn’t so passive. Or soft for that matter. I wish he’d fuck my mouth, maybe I could get Devin back in my ass again? I loved this so much. I had another orgasm, a quick tensing as my legs tried to straighten me out and Devin resisted me grabbing my thighs and pushing me forward towards Gerl, while he kept pounding me. Then I relaxed again, glancing up at Gerl. Oh, that was right, “The dream?” I asked again.

His face was so red at this point it where it would be clearly obvious to anyone, even with the olive tan skin. “You… and my mother… did things.” He said silently.

I couldn’t help but burst out into laughter. I couldn’t help it, it was too damn funny.

“Hey…” Gerl said looking quite embarrassed.

“It's not…” I tried to explain even as felt my body rocked by another wave of intense delight and I sagged against him. I sort of forgot myself and I started licking his leg, it was salty and I wanted to taste him even more.

Gerl shifted himself backward, “Why... Why did I say that... I… I shouldn’t have said anything.” Suddenly panic and fear invaded his words and expression.

“Wait!” I tried to call out as he slipped away and my head nearly dropped to the dirt, "I didn't mean..." I tried to grasp at his leg he pulled free from under me. I was more fluid than solid at this point and he just kept on going. 

Having escaped Gerl then yanked up his pants, what had once seemed like an impossible task completed effortlessly.

“I wasn’t laughing…” I tried to insist just as Devin exploded inside of me and my world became nothing but pure pleasure, and energy swirling inside me as my body rocked… “Holy… shit…” I proclaimed as the intensity of our simultaneous climaxes washed over me.

When I glanced back up Gerl was rushing around the building, much to my disappointment.

“Gerl! Come back…” I moaned unable to keep my pleasure from my words.

I sagged back down on the ground missing my pillow already, all I had now was dirt and stone.

Devin finally slackened behind me. “Damn… I'm tired.”

I couldn’t even find the strength to pull myself up, I slipped forward instead. Then I rolled over since I didn’t find the prospect of laying face down in the dirt much fun.

Devin was on his knees still, cum soaked cock exposed for me to see.

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“That looks delicious…” I said.

“Still?” He asked while he tried catching his breath.

“You want me to clean it up right?” I asked him.

“At this point, I wish the creek this place was named after is around so we could just jump in it.” Devin sighed while considering his options.

I disagreed, and I slowly started to find some energy. I was just so relaxed that I would have preferred to just lay there. But gradually the surplus of molten action began to assert itself inside of me, and I sat up and slid over to him, and wasted some time cleaning our combined mess, even as he softened.

Devin just let me do as I wanted just focusing on catching his breath and I didn’t insist on overdoing it so he seemed fine.

Devin glanced over at me, “So we’ve got that out of our system for a bit, right?” he asked a bit instant.

I reached down into my pussy, pulling a cum soaked finger to my lips, “Maybe?” I asked sucking the slick fluid from it as provocatively as I could.

“Dolana, preserve me…” He said with a sigh.

“Who's that? Should I be jealous?” I asked already expecting the answer.

Devin laughed, “The goddess of patience.”

“Damn…" I said laying back on the ground. "I got some hefty competition.”

We both laughed for a few moments. Devin recovered, then wrestled his pants back up, securing them. “So seriously now. Are we ready to get to work?”

“Can’t I just lay here for a few more minutes while my body is nice and relaxed?” I asked instead.

“Fine… A few more minutes.” Devin said laying down next to me.

“You do realize this isn’t the last time this is going to happen right?” I asked some part of me feeling the need to confront it.

“Yeah…” He agreed.

“Are you alright with this? With me doing whatever?” I asked. I don't know why I asked now, but I guess it only seemed right to raise the question if this was what I was going to be doing.

Devin considered staring up at the sky, white puffy clouds drifting by lazily as we lay there. “Do you care about me?” He asked.

I was honestly struck by the question. This wasn't a conversation I was expecting or was ready for. But, did I? If I honestly thought about it? What was there between us? We'd sort of been through a strange array of bullshit so far.

Maybe, instead of just thinking about the whole thing, I could break it up and consider what we had? Briefly, I had thought of us as a couple before. I wasn't sure if that was wishful thinking or just silly musings. Back when he had crashed through the stone wall in the elvish prison I had been so happy to see him. I generally enjoyed Devin’s company. I really loved the sex, particularly when he was a little angry with me. He took it out on me in just the way I wanted him to. That probably wasn't the healthiest observation or desire, but it was a thing I supposed. But it was more than that, not just the sex, but our flirting. I liked our stupid jokes, and how he smiled when I was thinking dirty thoughts. I liked when he held and squeezed me. I enjoyed being with him, whether it was just as we walked down the road, or as he held me falling asleep for the night.

I knew deep down that I'd not known him for long, barely at all really. I knew that a lot of that was just me wanting to fuck him. But this question... He wasn't asking if I loved him, he was asking if I cared for him in a deep and meaningful way. This shouldn't be this complicated, I was running in circles in my mind trying to justify and explain things. Hell, he hadn't even really asked if I cared for him, but more a general, "About him."

I don’t know why, but as my mind considered it, twisting into knots so easily, tears started rolling down my cheeks.

Devin who was watching me for his answer seemed shocked, “I… shit…”

But before he could do anything else, or say anything dumb. I reached up with a hand stroking his stubble-covered cheek. “Devin… I do care about you.”

“I…” he seemed perplexed by my response as if he hadn't expected it.

Perhaps it was the tears that were confounding him. He could share that with me I guess. In some ways, I too felt the same. Are these tears of joy? Of sadness? What even was I doing…

“I… care for you too.” Devin said his hand wrapping around mine, his other hand reaching over and brushing my cheek and the tears from it. “I think your nuts most of the time… and I think you’ve got the whole friend lover thing, backward in your head. Sometimes, you make me so mad. Because I want to protect you… I want you to be mine.” He explained.

So much for, "care about." Still, I didn't really mind. Maybe I was just performing mental gymnastics to avoid the closeness. My tears welled up again. Why? Is it because I wanted this so badly? I felt like a silly teenage girl falling in love for the first time... Maybe it was because I didn't remember most of my past life? Or maybe it was something simpler? Maybe I just had a crush on Devin and I was happy he felt the same way?

I sniffed, “I like that.” I agreed. “All of it.” I smiled, “Honestly when you’re mad and get rough that's kind of the best part.” I just couldn't help myself.

Devin shook his head, “Just when I thought we were being-”

I shifted my fingers over his lips stopping him before he got too far, “I mean it though. I like you… maybe a bit more.” I admitted. I shouldn't... I shouldn't even try. But maybe Devin would be good for me? He sort of resisted me at times, though... other times not. My thoughts were gently derailed and sent careening into an abyss as he replied.

“Yet… it's going to be like this anyway?” He asked, I could tell he was trying to not be harsh. But it was there nonetheless.

“I think so… It’s in my nature… I could lie, I could tell you I was all yours, then I’d fuck the stable boys when you weren't looking. I doubt you would prefer that?”

He gave me a weird look, “Why stable boys?”

“Ignore that part…” I insisted not sure myself.

“I don’t want you to lie to me.” He said sagging slightly.

“And that's good because I don’t want to lie to you either. If the way you deal with this is having angry sex with me, then we can both enjoy it… if this is going to be a problem, then maybe it's best we make that the call here, and now before we get in too deep.” I said.

“I wish I knew. You saved me you know.” He said.

“From what? The camp? Please you broke yourself out of that cell. You’d have gotten out just fine.” I insisted.

“No… the guard in the forest. If you didn’t leap in when you did, there was no way I would have walked away from that.” Devin said idly tracing my bottom lip with his thumb.

I might have sort of put that part out of my mind. “Okay…” I admitted, “I guess I did help there. But I was equally dead if you weren't there.” I said.

“Please, you’d have seduced him and escaped, somehow.” Devin supplied.

“I don’t think we could say for sure…” I pointed out unable to not smile a little bit at the stupid thought.

“I guess, but it doesn't change the fact that you saved my life. I’m not going to be all dramatic about it and say that I have some debt I’ll never be able to repay. But all the same, I want this to work between us. Besides if your life is generally this crazy, you probably could use someone like me to help watch your back.”

I couldn't help but shed a few more tears at that. “My ass isn’t bad to look at either.” I pointed out. I couldn't help but make stupid jokes, I couldn't stop trying to make this something less than what it was. Why was he being so nice to me? I wasn't that good of a person was I? I mean everyone has their faults I supposed, I was at least trying to be realistic about mine rather than idealistic.

“You're not wrong.” He agreed, cutting off my mental whirlpool before it could build too much strength. We both just smiled like the idiots we probably were.

We lay there for a time, Devin’s eyes considering each curve of my face, I doing much the same with his. His eyes seemed so much deeper at that moment, I’d seen so many emotions on Devin’s face. It was a face I was starting to know quite well, and even now it seemed like I was missing so much that was just below the surface.

“Devin, could you just kiss me already?” I asked once I'd realized what was missing.

Devin laughed, then gently leaned in and pressed our lips together. It was a brief kiss, but the way our lips parted ever so slowly like our lips wanted to stay together just a heartbeat longer seemed almost special in a way I’d never really experienced in my life. It was utter stupidity really, I'd kissed, and done anything and everything to anyone and everyone. But this... This was something I don't think I'd actually experienced before, even if it was just a tiny little ember inside of me at this point.

I felt bad that I couldn’t live up to his standards for what he wanted in a woman. But I, all the same, wasn’t about to change something so fundamental about me that it gave me an affinity as a succubus. I wasn’t entirely sure how that worked, but my gut told me this wasn’t something about myself that was going to be changing easily, if at all. You didn’t ask water to stop being wet, now did you? I just applied the same logic to myself, no matter what I did, I’d still be wet. I just hope that Devin wouldn't mind being in the splash zone.

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