Anna’s Dungeon

Chapter 6: Ch 6 – Life

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I recognized the scout when he arrived, “Girl eat food.” He said holding out a small furry creature.

I looked down at the creature, a bit of its fur was stained red with blood. That gave me slight pause, and I asked, “Are you not going to cook it?” I asked.

“Cook? Why cook?” the goblin sniffed.

I took the small creature, it had four tiny legs and a short tail. Its fur was course and rough. I didn’t know a name for it.

He nodded, “Good. Eat. Then fuck.” He gestured before pulling his own creature from a sack. He sunk his teeth directly into the fur and began pulling strips of meat off it. It made me slightly sick if I was fully honest.

I still wasn’t happy with the idea of having sex with this creature either… I had more or less conceded that with the dungeon, but it just felt… wrong. I glanced down at the creature in my hand, and after trying to raise it to my lips several times I found I just couldn’t do it.

“What wrong? Eat!” The goblin said looking at me.

“Can I have that knife back?” I asked.

The goblin spent a few moments eating before pulling the knife out from the sack, I wondered if he realized that could be dangerous. More likely he had no idea. He just handed it over me.

I spent some time trying to figure out what I was doing. The plan was to remove the fur, and maybe cut It up? But it wasn’t going well by the same the goblin finished its meal.

“Alright… Time fuck.” He said setting his sack to the side. I frowned glancing up at him, not only was I not in the mood at all having spent some ten minutes failing to cutting animal fur when he dropped his loin cloth to reveal his slightly bulbous penis I lost what tiny interest there was. Him, like the other goblins were sort of a brown color, maybe a touch of yellow in there. The color itself wasn’t particularly obvious in the dark, rather everything took on a more gray tone. The goblin was roughly half my height, he could probably eat my pussy out while both of us stood. Which if it wasn’t for the sight I just saw might have been slightly more interesting then the alternative. As it was I just grimaced at him.

“What wait for? Lay down. Eat later.”

The dungeon had already given this creature the order to have sex with me. It knew my plan, and we’d decided I’d go along with this. Not really what I wanted to do, but as it was I’d have to do. If I pushed it off then what? I didn’t want to antagonize the dungeon further, we needed some good will between us to foster whatever this was going to be.

I set the knife, and the corpse to the side making up my mind. I laid down on my back, lifting my loin cloth to give it access.

The goblin seemed eager, they had all already probably enjoyed this woman’s body prior. I wished I was even the slightest bit wet, I even tensed up a bit as he approached. Not quite sure what to expect.

After a few moments he pressed himself into me. It was only then that I realized what this was going to be like.

In and out he went, and I just lay there barely feeling anything. A few minutes later he grunted and I felt a bit of warm liquid shoot out just inside me.

He looked at me, “You less noisy today.”

I shrugged, “Compared to what?” I asked.

“Before.. you whimpered.” He explained.

“Ah.” I noted I supposed most women wouldn’t find this appealing. I didn’t but then again I didn’t really care all that much either, it wasn’t great, or really even good. It was lacking all around. “Well this is how it will be.” I explained.

He nodded, “Easier. No chasing.” he laughed to himself before gathering up his loin cloth, grabbing his sack and leaving.

“That was terrible.” I noted.

However there was no response. The truth was that the goblin’s cock was so thin and short he didn’t really do much. It was worse then a finger… or was it? I wasn’t sure where I’d gotten that from. Perhaps that was worth trying?

I reached down still laying flat on my back as I was. The night before I’d worked at my clit, this time I reached past it and into slightly moist insides. It was better then the goblin, I could reach in deeper, and I could curl it and hit different places. After a few moments of this I realized that the other bit difference was that if I didn’t massage my nub the whole thing was worse. I decided that next time I’d at least try that.

For now I abandoned masturbation to focus on the groaning in my stomach. I needed to eat, and unless I somehow managed to put this thing in my mouth I’d have to figure that out.

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Other goblins came, each one wanting their own turn. After the line formed I just rolled over and let them figure it out. The first had been the larger of the group, and they could enjoy themselves back there without any effort on my part. So I just focused on my own task. It took hours in the end but I got several decent chunks of meat from the corpse. I really had no idea what I was doing and digging around with the mostly dull knife seemed more like sawing at a tree. I gradually learned how to dig it under the fur, separate the top layer from the muscle below. Still having goblins take turns sticking themselves in me wasn’t entirely distraction less. I wasn’t getting me off for certain, but that didn’t mean I was able to entirely focus on my task.

When I had finally produced chunks of meat I wanted to cook I decided to ask the dungeon, “How do I cook these?”

“Cook?” The dungeon asked.

“Fire? I want to heat the meat and then eat it.” I explained.

“I already told you there are no comforts.”

I blinked, the dungeon considered that a comfort? I considered it mandatory. I glanced down at the chunk of bloody meat I tried to raise it to my lips only pull back again. “I can’t… I can’t eat it like this.” Maybe a few more days of hunger would prove that wasn’t the case, but I was putting my foot down on this one.

“Fine. Find sticks I’ll spend some small mana to give you a fire.”

“Thank you.” I sighed in relief.

I found my way out of the room, considering how much further the elf man had taken me into the cave I found my room was actually not that far from the entrance. It took only about five minutes, and there were a few turns I had to ask for directions with, but It wasn’t so complicated that I couldn’t remember it. Stepping outside of the cave I collected sticks, bits of wood even some leaves like I had seen the elf man do. I didn’t go far, just around the entrance, certainly not out of sight of the cave.

I returned with what I’d found and asked where to put it.

“Is your room not sufficient?”The dungeon asked.

I considered, my instincts were that this was a bad idea. “Is that fine? Is the smoke not bad?” I asked as the idea came to me.

There was a pause from the dungeon. Then it replied, “I don’t know. Fine, find a small room near the entrance.”

I wandered down that path before finding a small, more of a bulge in the path then a room. I set my sticks there, and littered bits of leaves and dried grass I’d found there.

No sooner then I’d stepped back then one of the sticks suddenly became lit and after a few moments small flames were gathering along the wood.

“How did you do that?” I asked.

“As long as the dungeon is only occupied by those connected to me making small modifications like temperature are easy.”

“Ah…” I said before realizing I’d left my meat in my room. I quickly rushed off to collect my uncooked food.

I learned more before I’d eaten as well. After all unless I used a stick or a knife to put the meat in the fire, I’d burn myself. Because I’d not saved any sticks I had to make do with the knife this time. Then then I burnt a little as I worked, eventually having to settle for cooking part of it, then biting that off. I just worked bite at a time until most of the chunk had cooked though. The meat was tough, but somehow it was also the most delicious thing in the world. It was a strange dichotomy.

I wasted no time cooking the second chunk with slightly better results. From there I worked on the carcass, cutting more meet scraps free and cooking those as well. The light helped more then I expected, I hadn’t realized how the dim light had been preventing me from seeing where the fur and tissues were. I wouldn’t say I was good at it, but by the time the fire had burned down to embers I thought I had gotten considerably better.

“Was it worth it?” The dungeon asked after a moment.

“Was what worth it?” I asked.

“The effort.” The dungeon noted.

“Well I had to eat… Besides I think it was good.” I explained.


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