Anna’s Dungeon

Chapter 7: Ch 7 – Arrangements

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The next few days were quite similar to the first. That was to say the goblins hunted, and enjoyed me. I cooked and enjoyed the food. At least everyone was enjoying something. I stopped trying to prepare my food in the dark and instead did so only in the sun light, or by the firelight. It helped greatly and by the sixth day I was actually not too bad at the process. I’d also started saving sticks to skewer the meat above the heat so I could cook while I kept working. If I had a cutting board or a counter maybe that would have also worked, but I barely knew what those were besides a vague impression and what I could deduce from the words themselves. But I’d know them if I saw them for certain! It was a minor frustration with how my mind operated, but I was acclimating.

Still the smell of cooking meat filled the air and I found enjoyment in eating the food I grilled and prepared. I was surprised by that, but I didn’t know why. Deep down I would have assumed I’d enjoy the sex more, but the goblins… Well my initial assessment apparently had been accurate. The truth was that there was no lust between us, neither on their part, nor on mine. I didn’t know if that was because the goblins had been ordered to do this, or if they were tired of the body I inhabited. Perhaps it was my own lack of interest that contributed?

I simply found that in the end they masturbated with my body, and I tried to masturbate with my thoughts. It didn’t really work that well, at least on my end. After my first experience in this body my own fingers nor the puny goblin cocks could even get me close.

Maybe that was why I found my enjoyment elsewhere. Still it was limited, I wasn’t exactly a chef, learning to skin one or two small creatures and barbecuing their flesh over an open fire was barely even cooking. Still the smells and sounds of sizzling meat were enjoyable none the less. One of the few things I was enjoying, so I was doing my best to enjoy it to the limit!

My bed was a blanket on the stone, and I covered up with another blanket. My outfit was a loin cloth. Yes, just the loin cloth. I’d covered myself with the blanket the first day, but there was little point in trying to be modest now.

While I was sitting there waiting for the meat chunks I’d made to turn the proper color, a goblin came down the cave pausing by me.

“If you want to fuck me you’ll have to wait.” I stated firmly, though I didn’t even glance back at him.

After a moment he spoke, “Food.”

I turned back to him confused only to realize he was starring at my food.

“That's mine.” I noted with a touch of annoyance.

He nodded glancing away.

That reaction made me feel like an asshole… “Do you want some?” I asked after a moment of consideration.

He nodded looking not unlike a child eager to do anything to get what he wanted.

“Will you do something for me then?” I asked.

He considered, “Maybe?”

Well that wasn’t quite the answer I wanted, but it was better then no. “I could really use a bed… or a pillow, or maybe just more blankets…” I explained.

He considered tilting his head this way and that way, then he shook his head, “No… Can’t do…”

I frowned at that response, but after thinking about it for a moment I realize that perhaps my aspirations were just beyond him. That was unfortunate for a moment there I thought I might be able to bribe these goblins into doing who knows what for me. Well perhaps it was technically true. In the end the dungeon was simply amassing its energy, as it turned out it had very limited reserves. Though I was starting to formulate my own questions about that, so far I knew little.

This left me, and the goblins to mostly do what we wanted. In the goblins case they hunted, then fucked me. In my case I cooked, then was used as a sex toy. One might argue that this wasn’t really life for either of us. Or at least it wasn’t much of one.

For a moment I got my hopes up I wondered if they could get me furs, then again I already had a small pile of bloody furs. I had no idea what to do with it. I wasn’t about to sleep on the fleshy mess, so having more of it wouldn’t help. I tried washing them which helped a little. Other words came to me, things like tanning, or hides. But I didn’t have any idea what those things were or how to do them. So for now I just let them air out in a room hoping that one day they would magically become pillows. I wasn’t delusional, just super optimistic!

While I was busy thinking the goblin was starting to drool. Still I wanted something I just didn’t know what I wanted. In truth my list of wants only kept growing though I had no way to get any of it. I couldn’t even cook without the dungeon starting fires. Perhaps I should consider trying to figure that out myself? I was feeling better after several days of being properly fed, though I could use a better cleaning I’d washed my self and my loin cloth in the stream, but I could really go for a bath, a warm one if I could choose.

I kept getting distracted. I had no obvious answers so I just decided to delay, “How about this, You’ll owe me a favor when I can find something you can get for me?”

He just nodded his drool only getting more intense.

“But!” I continued. “You need to bring me another critter, this one is mine. But if you give me yours I can cook it for you.”

He considered, “This favor?” He asked.

“Of course not! I’m just not giving you my food, you need to give me yours, then you can have it once its cooked.” I insisted.

He considered, “But I still owe favor?”

“Yes. I’m cooking it for you, that's why you owe me the favor.” I said a bit frustrated at its failure to understand the basic transaction.

He nodded, “Ok. I find food…” then he rushed towards the exit to the cave.

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Well I hadn’t expected him to rush off now, they already came back this morning. Though I suppose with that drool leaking down his chin I should have expected this much. The goblins as it turned out were somewhat child like. That was to say, they were idiots. Deep down I wondered if he would even remember he owed me that favor. Hell, if I tried really hard I could probably convince them they did even if they didn’t. Maybe if it came to that I’d need to test that theory.

The next day the bulk of the goblins saw that I was cooking for their comrade. This led to envious stares. Even the scout who had doubted the whole concept of cooking that first morning was looking extra ravenous.

“If the rest of you want me to cook yours…” I considered, if there were this many of them maybe I could figure something out. “Is there some place we can get things? Supplies? I asked.”

The scout narrowed his eyes at me, “What want?”

“Blankets, clothing, things like that.” I explained.

“Make these?” He asked.

“Can you?” I asked back.

“You… make these.” He insisted.

“I don’t know how.” I sighed.

He tilted his head, “But woman…”

“I don’t know how.” I insisted again.

He thought long and hard especially for a goblin, “Learn from goblin?”

Wait, come to think of it the goblins had loin cloths as well. One would have to know how to do this sort of thing, most were just hides, so some goblin somewhere knew how to do this! “Which goblin?” I asked.

He considered, “Goblin woman.”

“There are no goblin women here…” I said looking at him.

“Not here… Village.” He offered.

There was a goblin village? “The village you came from?” I asked not quite sure.

He nodded.

“Why exactly do you live here instead of that village?” I asked a touch curious.

“Cave smart. Smart cave help us.” He explained.

I see, so the dungeon easily convinced them that it was smarter then them. Because of this they accepted it as their leader. “But there are many more goblins in your village?”

The scout nodded, “Many, Many.”

That was interesting, if we could get more goblins would that not mean we would be stronger? Perhaps I was pressing my luck with the dungeon in this sense. Yet I doubt it would disagree, and as long as I was the one expending effort in that way wouldn’t it be happy?

“Can you bring them here?” I asked, realizing that if I left for a long period this would be more complicated.

The scout considered for another long moment, “Maybe?”

“Well try that, as long as you're all willing to help me out then I’ll cook for you.”

So it was that I somehow became the cook for six goblins. I couldn’t help but feel like some kind of strange housewife.

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