Anna’s Dungeon

Chapter 61: Ch 61 – Queen’s Orders

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Standing there I instructed each to remove their clothing, one bit at a time. I sort of wished there was more if only to just amuse myself further. Two piles of clothing later I found myself looking at both of them, glancing back and forth. Either was scrawny, at least underneath. Devin was definitely the bulkier of the two, and his body was certainly more built for hard work. That didn't mean that Gerl's body didn't have its own story to tell. His legs were built for walking, maybe even running, he was thin, but that just made the layer of muscle all over him stand out all the more.

Casual observations aside I had a complaint, “Devin… why aren’t you hard yet?” I asked.

“Because you're still dressed.” He replied.

I couldn’t help but laugh, “You have a point.” I said running a hand up his chest through the thin hair that decorated it, “But you forget, I’m never dressed.” I replied as my hand reached his collar bone, and traced it to the side. As I did so the fleshy dress that hid my womanly figure pulled into my skin and vanished. I stood there fully displaying my perky and feminine form for both men to enjoy. I didn't miss that Gerl seemed more than a little shocked at the display. I guess there was a difference between knowing I could do this kind of thing, and seeing it right in front of you.

“You say that, but this is much better.” Devin pointed out.

“Miss Anna… You’re… beautiful.” Gerl said shyly once he had a moment to properly adjust himself.

“Which of my looks do you boys prefer?” I asked giving them both a look with a small spin. I switched to my human persona, then repeated it switching back to my tiger kin form. “Or maybe something like this?” I asked shifting my ears to be more elvish and hiding my tiger features.

Gerl just stared slack-jawed at me paralyzed by the options.

Devin however stepped up behind me, placing his hands on my waist and gently squeezing me there, “I prefer your tigress form, I think.”

“Oh?” I asked amused by that. “Care to tell the class why?”

He raised an eyebrow but continued, “It’s closest to how I met you. Sure you’ve filled out… but there is something about you that I think only works in that form. Maybe it's how your ears twitch, or the faces you make. It just suits you the best I think.” He said running his hands up my sides and pulling me back against him. I could feel his dick pulse as I pressed back into it, not quite hard yet, but not quite soft, each beat of his heart trying to change that.

“That's sweet.” I said grinning up and over my shoulder at him, as I adjusted my form to his preference. Taking on my tiger kin form once more my tail softly coiled around his chest and gently swished up and down his back.

His hands gently explored me from behind, caressing my stomach, gently reaching up and cupping my breasts.

“That's nice…” I cooed back at him just enjoying the attention.

He squeezed my soft breasts forcing them between his fingers just a little bit. “But you prefer it rougher.” He replied.

I bit my lower lip, “So much…” I breathed out really starting to get into the mood. I wiggled my butt a little letting his dick finish its ascent to the height of hardness. “Gerl, why are you down there still.” I asked, “Don’t you want to feel me? To taste me? There are so many possibilities.” I pointed out.

“I…” he said clearly unwilling to look away from me, yet unable to move either.

“I think I’ll need to help him Devin.” I explained as I ran my hands up his arms even as he continued to fondle and grope at my mounds eagerly.

“You plan on rewarding this behavior? What's a man like me to learn if you do that?” Devin asked.

“Oh… You get the part for sure. You’ll see.” I pointed out as I gently guided his hands down my body as I just tried to soak in his touch for a few breaths longer. I thoroughly enjoyed his hands and the way his body felt against my own. It filled my mind with all the wonderful things I could do with it, and how I could enjoy him.

But glancing down at Gerl and his fully erect length only served to remind me that I had two toys tonight. A woman such as myself couldn’t possibly let the opportunity go to waste.

“Move away from the wall, set your head on your clothing.” I said to Gerl. Even as Devin began to gently rub his cock against my back, eager to fuck me as his hips moved on their own. He had plenty of stamina so I wasn’t worried, in fact, it only served to remind me of how much I enjoyed him. Besides he hadn’t given up his firm stroking of my body either.

That was all the better as I moistened within, eagerly awaiting what would come next.

Gerl finished the task given to him and looked up at me very much expecting to be devoured.

I had to gently pull Devin’s hands away for what came next, and he resisted me if just slightly. He growled as I did so, “Calm down mister. We’ve only just gotten started.” I said as I stepped over Gerl, and slowly lowered myself down over his vertical shaft. I spent a brief moment working my fingers into myself and then used them to guide him to, and then into my entrance.

I let out of soft breath as he parted my insides. “That’s nice… It feels like it's been ages.” I mused.

“You’re ridiculous.” Devin said from behind me. “I fucked you just yesterday.”

“Did you?” I asked.

“Obviously.” Devin agreed.

“Too long.” I said anyway.

Devin sighed, “So what's my part in this, oh queen?” He asked with a touch of mocking in his tone.

I giggled at the whole idea, “You get to come over here and feed me that wonderful cock.” I said leaning backward using my hands to keep me upright as I arched my back so I was roughly at the right height.

“I do like your mouth.” Devin agreed, stepping up his hand finding his dick, and giving himself a few tugs as if to ensure he was quite ready.

I adjusted my legs so I could hold myself a bit more firmly to Gerl, and then gently began to rock myself back and forth. I could hear Gerl inhale at the unexpected motion. He really was too shy for this wasn’t he?

Not like I cared, of course, I tried to not waste any time trying to position myself so that his length rubbed just the way I wanted, and started to find my rhythm. Small waves of delight began to build as I rocked myself on him.

Now that I’d figured that out I breathed in and tilted back as best I could, opening my lips wide for Devin. Who smirked down at me, “There is something about this now that I see you staring up at me like that.”

“Yeah?” I asked.

“The way your breasts gently rock side to side… That hungry look in your eyes... You look amazing.” He said stepping up and holding his manhood over my face. “How could I hold back at seeing this?” He asked slipping his tip into my mouth just a little.

I kissed his tip, sucking gently at the length he gave me.

I felt Gerl’s hands rest upon my thighs.

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“You want more?” Devin asked as he gently pushed his tip in and let me taste it, only to steal it away.

“Didn't you just say you couldn't hold back? Give it!” I insisted.

Devin laughed deviously at that, as though this was exactly what he was hoping for, “Fine.” He said pressing it in and burying himself all the way down in one smooth motion that pressed him all the way down into my throat.

I hummed against him unable to speak.

He grinned down at me, his hands finding my shoulders. Then he gently pushed back, pulling himself out. Then he thrust himself back in.

Gerl was finally starting to get into things on his end as well as his hands began to rub at my thighs, gently pressing into me, even while his waist began to intuitively lift itself up in thrusts. We weren't synchronized, but it was nice that he was getting involved. I couldn’t spend much of my attention on Gerl however as my focus was on finding the right time to breathe as Devin fucked my face.

He wasn’t relentless, but he was firm. He built a slow but steadily insistent motion before pulling back entirely.

I reached out, trying to get to his tip with my tongue, trying to taste him more. My fingers inched me backward as I tried to reach him. Only for him to shove himself back into me after a few more moments.

Thrusting down and into me five more times he pulled free grinning as I licked out with my tongue against the fluid budding upon his tip.

I lapped it free just at my limit, licking my lips, and begged, “Stop teasing me!”

He just chuckled deeply to himself. “Maybe I’m enjoying making you work for this.” He mused.

I pouted up at him, “Then maybe you're ready to move onto the second step?” I asked.

“Hmm? And what's that?” Devin mused as he leaned in just a bit more so I could suckle at his tip with my lips.

Before I could answer he plunged back down and I choked as he pressed his balls into my nose. The moment lingered and I couldn’t help but smell only his musk. The slight sourness of his sweat and body. Maybe I was a little weird, but I kind of liked it at times like these.

Gerl was starting to really get into it, his hands were now gently helping my motions, and his motion had started to line up with my own.

My own pleasure was mounting moment by moment, especially as Gerl started to improve. I was getting…

Gerl’s seed burst into me with nearly no warning warmth spewing forth into my depths, immediately like lightning dancing through my body, the warmth, and energy flooded into me, mana pouring throughout. It was like a swirling spiral forcing its way out from my core. It was so wonderful and it pushed me higher and higher, leaving me just a touch from my own climax. My legs flexed and I reached higher even as Devin gently pulled back intent on torturing me.

I felt a bit of Lightheadedness wash over me as I tried to breathe. Devin of course simply held his mast over me. So I couldn't help but stare up past Devin’s cock at his face, even as he dripped with my spit.

I couldn't take it anymore, and so I ordered, “Put it in my ass.”

He seemed amused as if to ask, “How?”

I was at my limit with his cheekiness, “On your knees knight!” Yet, I couldn't help but laugh at that.

“So that’s how it is.” He mused leaning down as he ran his hands over my arms. He lowered himself down to his knees behind me.

It was only then I recalled that Gerl was still inside me. Still, he was growing softer by the moment, we’d need to change that.

But for the moment I gently leaned forward gently lifting myself for Devin to sort things out. My need for him only burned brighter as I waited for what felt like far too long before I finally felt his tip press into me.

“You know how this works.” I breathed out, leaning forward a bit more, and running my hands up Gerl’s body so I was supporting my top half on his shoulders.

Devin pressed in just a touch. I couldn't help but shiver at the bit of pain and pleasure it stole from me. My insides parted, and then shifted just a bit as he slid deeper and deeper.

Moaning, I focused on my breathing. he was going so terribly slow. With each tiny movement forward I released another soft moan, as I eagerly awaited what came next

I felt his warm skin close against mine, signaling that he was about as deep as he could go. Devin began to move, nice firm strokes, and I vibrated in delight. “Gerl… kiss me.” I said reaching with a hand to his lips. He raised himself up, and I used my hands to pull him the rest of the way, so I could plunge my tongue into his mouth. I fished his tongue into my mouth, and sucked on it, moaning into his mouth as Devin’s right hand formed my ass into his grip while he stroked the curve of my back with his other hand. That hand tracing down my back found its way to the base, gently wrapping around my swaying tail and lightly tugging on it.

I released Gerl’s mouth as I finally reached my climax and giggles erupted from me, my whole body shivering as though it started in my toes and caused each muscle in my legs to flex, working its way up and through my body in a wave. I couldn’t help but curve my back towards Devin as I pressed myself back into him. My tail wrapped itself around his arm curving up its restrainer in delight.

Gerl began to move anew, his length stiffening with the motion Devin made that caused my flesh to quiver within. Then Gerl was upright next to me, “I want these…” He said before shoving my right tit into his mouth and sucking on it.

“Oh!” I cried out in delight. Even as I wrapped my arm behind him pulling him even more to my breast.

My breath only quickened as he sucked and Devin shifted his attention to more firmly pounding my ass.

Gerl’s dick more flexed than thrust, but I got lost in it, all the same, I could feel the cool air swirl around my sweaty skin.

Then Devin leaned in next to me kissing my shoulder, trailing kisses up my neck and finally I twisted just slightly to meet his lips as he finally thrust deep into me and began pumping his own thick pleasure into me. I couldn’t help but orgasm again, then maybe even again he fueled my love for being a vessel for their cum. Inside of me, the mana, the heat, and his cum filled me in ways that were oh so delightful.

Devin might have paused his movement for the moment but that didn't lessen our kiss, we were pulled into one singular moment each of us trying to somehow one up the other, even while Gerl was left to suckle on me however he wished.

After a time that was too short, but also too long, Devin’s lips parted from my own, our deep breaths mingling in the air between us. We both stared into each other's eyes and I could see the fire in him, as I didn't doubt he could see my own.

“Fuck me more Devin… fuck me with everything you have.” I urged him.

“As you wish… my queen.” He added with a smirk as he pressed down on me, and by proxy Gerl below me. Gerl didn't seem to mind as he continued to enjoy my nipples, groping and enjoying my body. While Devin's hand tightened around my tail. Then just as I asked, he drove himself in hard. His action and intensity took on an edge of force, and I loved every second of it.

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