Anna’s Dungeon

Chapter 62: Ch 62 – Corner

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Devin hugged me back against him while Gerl lay tired below me.

“Miss… Anna…” Gerl mumbled having barely managed anything after he had cream-pied me, Devin on the other hand still flexed inside of me. He’d cum twice inside of my ass and he was taking a break while worshiping my neck. I was counting the moments as I enjoyed his tiny twitches until he was hard enough to give me a third.

Unfortunately, a sound from down the passageway pulled my attention from Devin’s cock, and his light pecks on my neck.

Scout and the other goblins were coming up this way. Was it weird that I didn’t even cover myself? I didn’t really care, besides most of them had been inside me at some point.

“What is it?” I asked them realizing that something was strange.

Kosue who was in the back of the group stared at me as they came to a stop.

Devin just kept right on hugging and kissing me as though they weren't even there, lost in my body as it were.

“Humans…” Scout noted.

I frowned trying to give meaning to what amounted to a single word. After all, they knew there were humans, so what was different about them? “Humans in the church?” I realized perhaps a bit too slowly.

Kosue nodded, “They… inside.” She seemed to be blushing at me if only slightly. I didn’t recall her being so reserved back when the goblins were enjoying me. Maybe it was because I was naked? Come to think of it I’d never undressed for them had I? Why would I?

I sighed, “Is the door to the cave open?”

“Closed.” A goblin I wasn’t particularly familiar with noted.

“Alright, well I guess I should go see what they are doing.” I said feeling quite disappointed that was where this would end. Still, Gerl was pretty much spent and looked like he’d run a marathon even though he’d practically done the least work. Not that I hadn’t enjoyed his contributions, but I supposed comparing him to my stallion Devin was a bit unfair.

“Devin…” I called leaning back as he gently massaged my shoulders.

“Yes, yes…” He mused giving me one last squeeze before pulling back.

I couldn’t help but let out one last moan as his half-erect length pulled free of me, pulsing several times before it was completely removed.

“Ah- Ahh….” I shivered with loss.

Devin removed his hands and I felt even worse. I wanted this to last all night…

"Finally... this is over with." Naan grumbled internally.

"What?" I asked the voice in my head.

Naan ignored my question, “They aren't just in the church, but through the town.”

I couldn’t help but turn my attention back to the dungeon sense at that. True enough, Naan could sense a number of men all over the surface, more people than I’d seen in the town were up there now. Even though it was practically night.

“The town was practically crawling with new people.” I mused. Slowly standing up and allowing Gerl’s long softened self to slip free. I couldn’t say that was too missed at least in its current state. Maybe there was some kind of magic to keep him hard? What even were my priorities here?

I sighed slipping a finger into myself to gather what I could and licked it off, hoping that would at least prevent outright leakages. Or maybe that was just me indulging myself further.

"Could you stop that?" Naan asserted with a note of anger.

"I'm done... what's got your panties in a twist?" I asked.

"That doesn't even make sense." Naan rumbled.

"Whatever, what's your problem?" I demanded instead.

"You are disgusting." The former gemstone noted.

I blinked at that, "Huh?" Was that the first time someone had ever called me that?

"Forget it. Focus on what matters." Naan proceeded instead, but with no less anger.

That seemed to be the stopping point for now, not like I wasn't going to focus on what was happening. It was just a momentary thing, Naan was just overreacting. Setting that all aside, I allowed the same old green dress I’d been wearing to form up around me. It still felt a bit too heavy and bulky, if not quite as bloated as it once had. Maybe I'd gotten more skilled? I didn't know.

I glanced back to Devin to find him staring at his undergarments, in front of himself. He then slipped them on and glanced over to me, “We really should revisit that bathing idea at some point.”

I nodded, as I watched him slide his pants up, and then pull his shirt down over his head, before pulling his boots on.

I glanced at Gerl who looked to have fallen asleep. Well not like I needed him for this, he could just enjoy his little nap.

“If he wakes up just… tell him to stay here.” I pointed out, “He works for me now, and so does Devin.” I said gesturing at Devin for emphasis.

Scout tilted his head at that, “Work… for?” I wasn’t sure if he didn’t understand the words, or if he was having issues with the concept.

I decided to try and make it simple, “Guard, and soldier.” I gestured at Devin, Then pointed at Gerl, I had to pause to think of something for him, after all, what exactly was he going to do? “Helper.” I offered less certainly.

He seemed a little more certain, then gestured at himself, “scout.”

I paused thinking he might be thinking of names, that couldn’t be right? I’d fix it later if it wasn’t, “Yes.”

I took a step forward and wobbled slightly.

Devin’s hands caught me, “What's going on with you anyway? You seem to be fine sometimes, and unable to even stand up straight others.”

“I’ll explain later… But thanks.” I said pausing for a moment to focus on my surroundings and take a few breaths.

“You also forgot you're still a tiger kin.” Devin noted.

“Oh.. shit, thanks.” I said slipping back into my human persona. I really should pay more attention to that, it was strangely easy to forget how you looked though. We started down the passageway and crossed over the river.

We climbed up the ladder and pulled open the door to find a man reaching for the door in question. A candle flickering in his hand held out now practically over my head.

We all froze right then and there. He stared at me, and I stared right back. After a moment I was the first to speak, “Hello? Can I help you?” This was more or less my home, if only for a few days. So I might as well act like it, right?

“You…” The man replied unevenly.

“Me?” I asked back.

“What is this?” He asked after a moment.

What even was this conversation? “What are you doing here? This is where I’m living.” I protested.

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He shook himself, “But… this is a cave.”

“And?” I asked back.

“We were told that there was room here…” He replied after a moment, his expression shifting as if he finally realized that he was being a bit silly.

“Naan, maybe submerge the path over the river if they get past us?” I asserted mentally.

“Room? For what?” I continued looking up at the man.

“For the injured.” he pointed out.

“Oh…” I realized, “Can I come up?”

He stepped back and Devin and I climbed up.

We found that all available space in the small rooms we’d cleaned was already taken. They had even set someone down in the dusty storage space. We followed them upwards to find that they’d filled the main chamber of the church with people as well. Though everyone up here appeared to be doing better than those down below. Someone rushed in, “There's more room for injured below?” He asked.

He glanced back at me. “There is a passageway and water.” I explained, not sure what else I could do at this point.

He nodded, “There is an open cavern down a ladder.”

So it was that Devin and I ended up helping them move the worst of them down into the cavern. It wasn’t exactly what I’d planned on spending my evening doing, but I really didn’t know how to say no without seeming like a complete bitch. Naan at least insured that the goblins were not visible from the far side, and no one knew there was a way over hidden just below the surface of the mirror-like river.

Of course, this didn’t help me, or the others. Gerl and the goblins were basically stuck where they were for the time being. Things had just gotten quite a bit more complicated. Which was quite annoying when I had just thought I'd de-complicated the whole thing!

It was late when everyone was settled in, and half the way down the passageway was now filled with sleeping soldiers with various wounds.

Devin and I had made our way down to the water's edge and I sat in his lap staring out into the darkness, beyond which I knew Gerl and my goblins sat huddled near the entrance to a death trap.

“Naan, any ideas?”

“The safest would be to carve a pathway for ourselves. At least we have some mana to work with, but it would be a long passage to find somewhere to come out.”

“Could you just come out wherever?” I asked.

“Ideally we could come out horizontal and create an entrance. If we have to break through the surface vertically it would result in lost mana, and an otherwise obvious pit. I won’t be able to re-seal it without someone covering the hole.”

“Why is that?” I asked.

“Have I not explained that sun or moonlight breaks down a dungeon’s body?”

“Maybe you mentioned it before?” Some part of that sounded familiar, but I wasn’t sure. “Right, so once exposed you can’t really work in that place anymore? What about waiting until the sun moves or something?”

“It's not simply direct light, and I suppose I shouldn’t say it's impossible. Rather it would just be very wasteful. Best we just avoid it if possible. Besides, do you plan on leaving such a hazardous pit on the surface?”

“I guess not.” I agreed.

“Should we begin?” Naan asked.

“Have you tried clearing out the plants inside the other path?” I verified.

“With fire?” Naan asked.


“They shift or dodge when I focus on them. Perhaps with some external help, it would be more feasible.”

“But that sounds pretty dangerous.” I said realizing the problem.


We were on the clock now. We could start digging and hopefully create a pathway to safety, or we would try clearing out the alternative pathway.

I sighed, “Well I guess we could always use Emmett again.”

“Another wasted body of mana would very much be a setback in the alternative plan.” Naan pointed out.

“True… It always comes back to that doesn't it.” I offered while thinking about it.

So far I’d been terrible at decision-making. It seemed like every choice I made was a bad one. Going into that dungeon, bringing the goblins into town. Gerl had ended up working with us. Sure it hadn’t ended horribly, but that wasn’t really because I’d chosen well, that was simply because Gerl liked me. Saved by seduction again… I mused to myself as I ran my hands along Devin’s arms.

“Something on your mind?” Devin asked.

“Just thinking about what to do.” I admitted.

“Hmm… I guess we could get some food. But with the army camped here, well I only have a few coins from earlier.”

“Maybe I could charge the army rent.” I chuckled.

“Good luck.” He replied in kind.

After laughing for a few moments I asked a question that I probably should have asked ages ago, “By the way, what's this place called anyway?”

“Hmm? Oh, I think it's called summer creek.” Devin replied.

“What? I haven't seen a creek anywhere.” I pointed out. I’d been all over the town itself if only to walk to one place or another. It wasn’t that big, plus I’d seen the fields beyond, there wasn’t a creek, or a stream out there either.

“Yeah, that's why it's summer creek because it's only around in the summer.” He pointed out.

“Does that mean this place floods in the summer?” I asked pointing at the almost perfectly serene reflective underground river next to us.

“That’s a good question.” Devin admitted, “I don’t know…”

I relaxed into him, “Not that it matters I guess.”

He wrapped his arms around me pulling me against his firm body.

Of course, before I could really settle in, Naan interjected to ruin it, “We might have some problems after all.”

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