Anna’s Dungeon

Chapter 73: Ch 72 – Oppsie

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“Anna!” Devin said more intensely trying to pull me from my course.

I let out a burst of giggles as my impromptu tail popped free no doubt spraying my fluids across the floor. I didn't care, about any of that of course. I only had one thing on my mind.

I reached up to Devin's shirt and grabbed it, pulling him down and to my lips. Our tongues intertwined automatically as I walked him backward causing him to half fall, half sit down.

“An-na-!” He tried to speak even as I sucked on his tongue.

Our lips broke. My breaths came fast and heavy even as I ran my hands over him and moved myself so that I straddled him, shifting my knees forward as I went.

My tail shifted around awkwardly as I didn’t quite know what to do with it. As much as I had enjoyed it, my pussy was dripping wet for something else. That something else gently poked its head into me as I loomed, just over him. “I love this cock…” I said as I pressed down onto him automatically. His dick slipped backward, sliding into my ass crack instead.

I pouted automatically at my own failure.

Devin grasped my shoulders, “Anna-” He said looking up at me.

“Fuck me Devin… Not later. Now.” I said with heavy breaths.

He just stared at me, too busy thinking.

I raised myself back up and tried shifting back and forth a bit trying to line him up, but going down again he slipped to the front. I tried again and he ended up his tip teasing my ass again. This was taking too long and my impatience was showing. My still wet tail dove between my legs, and wrapped around Devin’s Cock under my dress.

Devin’s eyes widened at the strange, and entirely unexpected touch.

But I grinned as I finally got his tip to push apart my lips and slip into me. And I shuddered anew as his throbbing manhood pulsed in my depths. Oddly it felt like it was about to reach climax, about to burst. Maybe it wasn’t so odd. I had been playing with him for a while.

“You already that close?” I asked uncoiling my unusual tail.

“Anna…” he breathed his eyes fixed on mine.

I just lay down against him, his hands not resisting my motion at all. I’d practically ignored the twenty men and Gerl. They were all watching me as I mounted Devin. That just turned me on even more. That exhibitionist side of me was rearing to go. It had been a little excited when I fucked Devin right next to Gerl, and I had really enjoyed finding Kay watching me get pounded, but nothing compared to this, not even my last gang bang.

“Devin?” I whispered again.

“Why must you be this way?” He asked, his hands shifting from my shoulders to my neck, gently pulling me in and kissing me.

A few moments of intense kissing and we parted once more. I panted close enough for my breath to mingle with his own. “I said I was sorry.” I reminded him, smiling far too much.

I could feel his cock reach upward, reminding me with its presence that of all the dicks in this world Devin's was the most reliable I'd found. I couldn’t help but giggle at its motion, its shape, and its warmth.

“Damn you… I want you so bad…” He said his hands forgetting my face, and shifting under my dress, then he started moving with intent. I shivered in delight, as my strange tail did as it wanted and wrapped around Devin's arm.

He gave me a strange look.

“What?” I whispered down at him.

“What is that?”

“What's what?” I queried playfully back as we both started getting into a consistent rhythm.

“You know exactly what. What that is.” He demanded, before reaching to grab it and pull on it.

I let out a squeal as he did so shivering with a sense of wonder that I couldn’t quite explain. I’d not just made a tail… Or rather it certainly was a tail, but clearly, my preoccupation with other thoughts had made it with a particular purpose in mind. I’d just let my body make whatever it wanted, and I wanted to feel sexual pleasure.

He stroked the length of it and I melted against him. Even as my tail coiled and surged around his arm, as though claiming it as its own.

“Is… Is that a tail?” He whispered back.

“I couldn’t help myself… I needed something inside me.” I whispered back as he pumped harder.

“You’re just a disaster you know that?” He demanded.

“I know… But you knew as much as I did that there was no way this was going to go any other way, your dick is just too delicious, and you take too long.” I said leaning in and kissing him once more.

“I thought maybe you could…” He said when we parted, “Maybe there was some tiny shred of hope that you could have resisted.” he said.

“But why would I resist you… My knight.” I said before I started sucking on his tongue again.

His hands pulled me down roughly and as he buried himself into me he finally came. Deep inside of me, his warmth spilled out and my tail squeezed his arm as my insides squeezed his manhood. I shivered, shaking and vibrating against him. My whole body sang its own song, a note of pure delight at my climax.

I was practically lost in my own world, just me and Devin, linked at our hips. I really had forgotten about everyone else. But I was drawn back to what was happening around me as one of the men spoke up, “I’m gonna go.”

I lifted up almost completely on instinct, some long-trained response pushing me up to claim my prize. I opened my mouth wide and smiled.

The man in question didn’t stick it in my mouth, he just sprayed it all over my face. Bits of it on my cheeks, on my forehead, in my hair. Spurting again and again he barely got any in my mouth. What a waste! I could only frown at him while I did my best to gather it up on a finger, and sucked some of it free. I could feel the heat of it, the moment it was inside my mouth as I sucked it free it went from warm to liquid fire as I quite literally sucked some portion of it out and made mana out of it. Not that I knew how that worked, but it wouldn’t stop me from loving every drop of it.

“Who else has some more for me?” I asked as I glanced around as I continued picking the thickest of what the man had sprayed onto my face and dangling it into my lips before sucking it off. I half made it a show, not just for the men, but for myself, I loved their cum, I wanted it so bad. The sensation that filled me when their cum became my power was a drug like no other. This batch in particular was incredibly thick It made me think that maybe he hadn’t had sex in weeks, or months.

“Me! Can you… put it in your mouth?” Another asked as he stepped forward.

I did just what he wanted, inhaling his length between my lips and sucking. Instantly his load popped free into my throat.

“I’m taking too long… can you… use your hands?” Another walked up.

“Me too!” Another called out after a moment.

Why would I turn them down? I reached out with two hands and stroked them both even as I sucked with my mouth on the one as my body shook gently with its own pleasure. An instant climax from the rush of the newest cum that filled me with life.

I could feel my insides flexing and pulsing around Devin’s half-hard dick still resting but clearly enjoying my body even as he took a break.

I pulled my mouth free from the manhood after a moment. I licked my lips and realized that there was really something getting in the way of this.

I reached down grasping the skirt of my dress.

Devin however squeezed my tail as I did so.

I immediately orgasmed again letting out a shuddering breath as I was forced to focus on just staying upright for a few moments.

“Don’t you dare.” Devin said up at me.

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“What?” I asked glaring down at him.

“You suck them all off, but I’m the only one that gets to enjoy your pussy.”

“Well… what about my ass?” I demanded all sense of restraint clearly gone.

No sooner than I asked than I felt Devin’s hand follow the curve of my butt cheek and find it, he pressed his finger into me and I couldn’t help but let out a few fresh moans for my previously lonely hole.

“That answer your question?” He asked.

“Oh yes…” I said my tail stroking the length of his arm up and down in the shade of my dress.

I turned my attention back to the two men on either side of me. Nothing but to continue jacking them off once more.

“Gerl where the hell are you?” I asked vaguely into the air.

“Miss Anna?” He said from behind me.

“Why are you over there?” I asked as Devin began to shift his hips under me, his finger poking, and diving a bit awkwardly around, and into me.

“Why?” He asked back, clearly just confused.

I opened my mouth to tell him to come around, but I had another idea a moment later.

I glanced to the men on either side of me as Devin picked up his own pace a bit, and I used my own legs to help. “Come in a bit closer.” I told them and they complied slowly shifting closer on each side. I reached over slurping up one and bobbing up and down a few times before switching to the other side. I kept my hands moving all the while as I alternated.

Down below I was really wishing Devin would figure out how to work my ass a bit better, he was trying, but I wanted something a bit deeper, I wanted a cock. Then again… I pulled my tail off Devin’s arm he was gripping my waist with, it reluctantly left as though it very much had a will of its own trying to grip him. I loved how it was stroking his arm in a way that delighted me, but it had a more appealing use right now.

It flexed the other way, finding his other arm, and it coiled back down around his hand.

I paused my alternating blowjob to glance down at him, and I could see his curious expression. I watched him as he gripped my tail in his hand, then using my tail’s meager strength I guided my tail’s tip into my rear entrance. My lids fluttered as I pushed myself in my own ass. But then stopped as I tightened it onto Devin’s arm. I licked my lips and nodded at him.

He seemed to understand and squeezing my tail he pushed it forward causing me to shiver. He got the idea and I helped a little bit on both sides, both pulling back into my own ass as much as helping lift myself as Devin worked to impale me within my wet drenched depths.

“Haa!” The man on my left said as I glanced over to see that I’d managed to keep their ministrations up. I didn’t bother to ask and latched my lips to the throbbing dick. I could taste his fluid erupt after only two bobs of my head. The rush of warmth and energy filled me and I hummed with delight as my body was wracked anew with waves of pleasure as mana surged through me.

I spent a bit too long trying to suck what I could free before I switched to the other side and a few moments later I had another load deposited into my throat and everything became a bright wonderful glow. I ground myself into Devin as I came again, and then again as I dug my tail deeper, and deeper into my ass even as Devin tried to pull it free with a wonderfully torturous tug-off-war game.

I really shouldn't be wearing this dress… But the dampening fabric was less the focus of my attention when I realized that another man had stepped up on the other side. They might have been hesitant at the beginning but seeing how it was going they all seemed eager to at least get me to taste them.

“Oh right… Gerl.” I said my mind fuzzy with pleasures and overflowing with warmth.

I shifted my legs up on Devin’s stomach and he grunted, “Uh… what are you doing.”

Oh right… My mind was too fuzzy to think straight. “Turning around.” I said.

“What? Why? He asked.

“So I can suck someone’s cock without them being over you.” I replied automatically.

He took a moment to reply to that, “…Fine.” He grudgingly agreed.

For the moment he helped guide one leg over to the other side and I got myself turned around. I couldn’t help but naturally grind myself into him with his hard length inside of me. He gave my ass a slap causing me to grin and glance back at him.

“Just for a bit… I’ve been enjoying seeing your face.” He said.

I smiled down at him, “As you wish.” Turning to each side I resumed giving the two men on my sides hand jobs. Wait, they were new guys, right? Whatever, it didn't matter. Then finally, I looked back to the man I’d turned around for in the first place.

“Gerl. Where’s your cock at.”

“Miss Anna… This…” He glanced around shyly.

“Gimme your dick! Now!” I demanded opening my mouth, “Put it in.” I said awkwardly with my mouth open.

He took a breath and then nodded accepting my order for what it was. Shaft in hand he stepped up and placed its tip just at my lips.

I kissed it, then ordered, “Fuck my mouth.” And opened my mouth back up.

“Miss An-nna!” He called out.

“No refusing! Do it!” I demanded before waiting again.

He slowly slid himself forward careful to look down at where he was stepping and moving.

I gently closed my lips down onto his length when I felt him press deeper. Yet he just stood there. Tongue pressed against his length I hummed and he shivered back. I was gradually ticking back towards another orgasm thanks to Devin, but this just wouldn’t do.

I removed a hand from one dick to grab Gerl’s hand and pressed it onto my head. “F-U-K-” I said half around him as I forced his hand with mine, and rammed his manhood in my mouth. I made the sound with a harsh gagging sound that made his length pulse.

I used my hand on his to gently push my head backward. Then after I was at maybe two-thirds of the way out, I reversed course. I was too fuzzy for this shit, I needed these guys to fuck me, not the other way around.

He was slowly adding his strength to the motion, backward again, then forward. About time… I released his hand and reached back over to try and find the lonely dick I’d forsaken for this. I flailed this way, my eyes not quite seeing what I was doing with Gerl’s groin in my face. A hand caught mine and guided it to his manhood before I could do something as crass as slapping his dick by accident.

Everyone in their place I resumed my mindless enjoyment. Devin ramming my ass with my tail, his cock firmly stroking in and out of me with a steady up and down that was mostly me guided by his hand on my hip.

I climaxed again before the man on the right got my attention, I forced myself back off Gerl to drink him down, then Gerl practically forced me back down his length. I wasn’t about to complain either, I was glad he was starting to get into it. He was too shy for his own good sometimes. Well, maybe that was my own personal opinion, after all, I kept shoving his dick in me when he wasn’t sure what was going on. Best he just gets used to it I supposed.

Devin came again… Then Gerl… I shook with each of them bubbling with delight each time someone dumped their cum into me. At some point I started to lose track of things… Someone else took my mouth and used Gerl’s treatment as a guide he just did what he pleased. Not that I minded spit and cum dripping down my lips I eagerly took everything. I took it all, drinking it down and filling myself up. I wondered if Devin took a break between his second and third shot. Maybe I didn’t notice because he was fucking my ass with my tail?

Who knew? The whole thing was becoming a blur of thrusts and bobbing, my hands trying to move with the same rhythm just as a means to keep up their pace. Load after load… dicks flexing against my tongue and another miss that sprayed onto my eye. I wasn’t even that mad, I just fished it free and sucked it off my finger. Then got back into it. I got more and more into it and eventually, they lined up for solo treatment My mind was a fuzzy haze of fucking. I really didn’t mind since it worked out better because my hands just weren't quite sure what to do after a point. It was just too hard to do anything.

Manhood in front of me, I buried my nose against a sack and breathed in before tasting everything. Down below Devin plunged himself against my bottom, deep as he could barely anything coming out, still that tiny bit sparked into a tiny vortex that seared me from the inside and I climaxed again, not just from the cum, but from that harsh motion.

My head pulled off a cock and I erupted into a fit of giggling. How many times? What even? Was I doing anymore? I fell forward panting after a moment. I found my face pressed against a warm throbbing thing and glanced up at a man who was blushing down at me.

“You’re so pretty…” He said.

I grinned up at him, “Ah… thanks.” I said before slurping his cock back into my mouth and I really lost track of the rest.

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