Anna’s Dungeon

Chapter 74: Ch 73 – Impulsive

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“Anna” A voice said.

“What?” I drifted back.

Snapping… a movement in front of my eyes. A jarring sensation as all of my world focused on a singular moment, a focal point in front of me.

“Anna!” The voice forcefully spoke again.

I shook myself my mind clearing slightly of the pervasive fuzzy warmth. sleepiness shaking off me if only slightly. My whole body was warm and energetic. The fog, the warmth, and overall vagueness around me suddenly cleared. Everything before that moment was indistinct, and everything after was clear and crisp. The moment felt violent and forced. A strange clarity and certainty came over me. An almost wholeness I couldn't quite describe.

I glanced this way and that way and only then did I realize I was moving two very distinct senses around, but they were very much purely in sync.

Of course, that reminded me of reality. Naan and I quickly glanced in different directions creating a disconcerting sensation between us.

All at once the sensation of oneness vanished. The clarity, the focus, and the rightness were torn apart, and I gagged uncontrollably and leaned over, eyes forced closed. I managed to not empty who knows what onto the cave floor. I squeezed my eyes shut to avoid the double vision, and could only feel along for the ride in the back of my mind as Naan's vision did whatever it was doing.

“Are you alright?” the voice I began to recognize as Devin's said from just behind me.

I opened my eyes again if briefly to glance around. But I had to close them once more as the images flowed and danced awash in dizziness.

“I… I feel sick.” I groaned.

“That's a first…” He mocked behind me.

“Shut up…” I grumbled not really feeling it just not wanting to deal with anyone or anything at that moment.

Instead of doing as I asked however I felt his arms wrap around my middle pulling me tight against his chest. It was oddly calming, and I focused on it rather than the rest.

Slowly my body calmed, my mind cleared and the intense disconnect between me and Naan settled. It wasn't right, but it was normal.

“You alright?” I asked the voice in my head.

"I must reiterate how utterly revolting you are." Naan said sounding like it wanted to empty its own stomach, not that it had one.

"Thanks..." I replied flatly.

“This is the second time I’ve shared your senses while you indulge in these activities. I will never understand you.”

I wasn't sure what to say to that if anything.

“I find your actions, disconcerting. And the experience itself abhorrent.” Naan continued, “You drive yourself to the point where you can barely think, to the point where our mind forgets everything but the physical sensations and overpowering pleasures. Prior to our merging, this was entirely alien to me. However now, having experienced it, I must say that I find the whole process concerning. If it wasn't for the fact that the act is our only real means for gathering mana I'd insist on never doing it again.”

"What? But it's great!" I replied, not understanding in the slightest.

"I disagree. You also make strange choices when pursuing such things."

“You’re overreacting.” I waved Naan off as I glanced around.

At some point, the soldiers stopped. Which had put the breaks on the whole thing. I wondered when that had been? I glanced back at Devin, “You alright?”

“Are you?” He whispered back to me the concern evident in his tone.

“Hmm? Sure I’m alright.” I replied. I pulled myself up and felt as Devin’s length dropped free eliciting a soft sound of surprise from my lips. I glanced down to find that I’d still been on his lap. Well, that made sense… But why hadn’t I been thinking about it?

I leaned down towards him, “Tasty…” I said reaching for his sex-coated manhood.

“Stop that!” Devin said catching me before I did anything.

“What?” I asked frowning down at his clearly soggy dick. “I just wanted to clean you off… or would you rather walk around with that in your pants?” I asked.

He sighed, “Anna… you... I don't know, it's like you passed out, but you were still talking.”

I tilted my head confused by that. "So?" I asked, being half asleep wasn't too unusual it had happened before.

“What do you mean, so?” He asked back a clear panic in his tone.

I realized my head was feeling a bit fuzzy again. I leaned back falling on my ass my tail instinctively dodging before I could sit on it. “Wait…” I muttered feeling a bit weird. Why did I still have that again?

I shook my head and took a few breaths feeling a bit of clarity return to me after a moment. Right… Remove tail. I don’t need that. I did so retracting it back from under my dress and then looking around at everyone again. This time I actually looked at their faces. They were all looking at me with a bit of concern. Some more than others.

I glanced down at my hands, finding cum… everywhere… I smiled and brought it to my lips licking some of it.

“Stop that!” Devin growled at me.

I shook at his harshness. “What?!”

“Does anyone have some water?” Devin asked standing up now that I wasn’t sitting in his lap. He wasted no time pulling his pants up, even though that meant keeping his cum to himself.

I could only frown at that and I watched as Scout handed him a water skin.

I waved at Scout, who gave me a similarly uncertain expression as the soldiers, though he seemed more generally curious, while the soldiers looked spooked.

Devin reached over and began scrubbing my hands clean for some reason.

“Hey! I can drink that!” I complained.

“I don’t care.” Devin replied as he worked.

I stared slack-jawed at him, “What?!”

“You’re acting strangely. I don’t like it.” He replied.

“I’m not that strange…” I pouted.

My hands were still a bit damp when he was done but they were far less noticeably slick and sticky.

“Well?” He asked me.

“Well, what?” I sighed glancing around.

“Do you remember what we are doing?” He asked.

“Fucking?” I asked.

“No, that's what happened when you got carried away.” Devin explained.

I considered sticking a finger in my mouth and pulling it out. But after a moment realizing that there wasn’t much point in that anymore. What were we doing? What was the point? “Oh right, I was sucking everyone off.” I nodded.

“Before that.” Devin insisted his concern deepening.

I frowned, before? What was that?

“Mana?” Naan asked clearly having a similar problem to me.

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“Mana?” I echoed the voice in my head aloud.

“What about it?” He asked.

“Making it.” I replied deducing it simply.

He gave me a flat look. “And why were we doing that?” He asked.

“What….” I said my head slowly starting to move. Tick, tick, then things started clicking into place, and moment by moment the situation began to return, “I was using it up… we needed more to… kill the plants and dig the path.” I said slowly as it came to me.

Devin visibly relaxed, “Thank goodness you're still in there.”

I frowned, “Wait? You were that worried?”

“Of course.” he said taking a few breaths and closing his eyes.

“What did I do?” I asked realizing this wasn’t the type of reaction I would get from just falling asleep and mumbling.

“You started saying things. Strange things… disturbing things.” He noted.

“What things?” I asked back a little concerned.

“Miss Anna… you were talking about doing this forever. Then you started laughing strangely as you began describing our... insides...”

“Naan…” I grumbled internally.

“You have no one to blame but yourself.” The former gemstone replied.

I very much doubted that.

“That wasn’t all either.” Another noted.

“You were talking about how delicious we were, and how you just wanted to eat us all up…” He said eyeing me skeptically.

“That’s why everyone put their dicks away?” I asked.

“Obviously.” One of the men replied.

My eyes flicked to the man next to him and another memory bubbled free, “Oh your the one who doesn't like women!” I proclaimed.

“What?!” He replied loud and with wide eyes.

“I remember you asking me not to touch you.” I said what I recalled.

“That’s… You are the strange one! I didn’t want you to touch me!” He proclaimed almost angry.

I just frowned, I guess it really didn't matter did it? I'd only ever said that because it popped into my head. Pointless tangents were probably not helping here. I moved on and found myself glancing around at the other complex array of expressions and responses. I wanted to laugh, which was clearly a strange response. Still, I felt at least bad that I’d caused so much confusion, “I’m sorry. I don’t know what came over me. But seriously have none of you guys heard of innuendo? I was sucking your cocks not biting them...” I tried to explain. Well, it sort of explained part of it, but there was no good way to explain Naan’s drunken ramblings as much as my own. Then again what else did I say? “There's more isn’t there?”

“You started arguing with yourself.” Devin noted.

“Ah…” I sighed sitting there on the floor. I was two people after all. That was I guess the natural reaction to us losing our reason. Maybe Naan’s reaction was more natural? Its mind was unfamiliar with such things, and its reaction was fear and to pull back.

But mine? Mine was to get more, I needed more. Did I have a problem? Maybe? Then again maybe I should really consider holding back? Wait… I sort of had tried that hadn’t I? I’d failed… horribly.

“Sorry…” I repeated myself. “I really went too far.” I admitted.

"Then there's... the other part." Devin continued.

Seriously? There was more? "What?" I demanded, wanting to get this over with.

"You started talking in people's heads." Devin said.

"Oh..." I frowned at that, "Me? You sure it wasn't Naan?" I asked.

"It was most certainly you. It was all about cocks and how much you needed more of us... inside you." Devin explained with some bit of hesitation.

I glanced to Gerl, who just nodded in agreement.

Shit... I'd taken over Naan's abilities and started doing and saying shit into people's heads? Maybe Naan was right, maybe I couldn't blame this on it.

"Sorry..." I said once more, hoping this was the last time, not sure what else to do.

“You mean it?” Devin asked me.

I nodded, “I tried to hold back… but at some point… I slipped up.”

“You call that slipping up?” Devin asked incredulously.

I shrugged, “What would you call it?”

He considered and studied my face. Then he replied, “Alright. Let's just set that aside for the moment. You are not the only one that… messed up. I should have stopped you.”

I smiled at that, I appreciated that we could at least both admit to messing up.

“We’ll talk again later. But really this should never have happened in this place.” Devin said.

Scout interjected, “Anna dangerous.”

“Hey!” I complained.

“Good thing.” He replied then glancing away he added, “Sometime.”

Ah, so that's what Scout meant. I supposed I was a succubus after all wasn’t I? But all the same what sort of succubus completely succumbed to a sex coma and started scaring the shit out of everyone? Then again maybe that was the expected result. Lure them in and distract them until… Someone gets all stabby-stabby? That was how my first day was spent, wasn’t it? Probably not the optimal use of my ability though. Wait, wasn't I just supposed to sex people to death? Why was I backward?

My mind was hopelessly wandering.

Feeling better now that our minds had settled and collected I stood up. I glanced up to see the orbs of light I’d created earlier were still there casting illumination around the room. At least that meant we hadn’t completely lost track of time.

I felt something trickle down my leg. I couldn't help but reach down to gather it up with my hand. I only stopped when my fingers found my dress instead. I disguised the motion as a gentle pat on my dress and stretched. That did however reveal that my dress had patterns of dampness on it. I'd not noticed how messy I'd gotten in my sex-possessed efforts.

Maybe I really did have a problem?

“Naan?” I asked.


“We got mana, time to kill some plants?” I asked.

“Ah, yes.” Naan agreed and I could feel its sense shift forward.

“Alright everyone, stand back, we’re gonna cause some noise.” I said glancing my own eyes towards the path ahead.

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