Anna’s Dungeon

Chapter 80: Ch 79 – Why

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Up, and down. Again, and again. The soft sound of my ass rubbing on the man behind me, and more evident the sound of his slick and drenched length sliding out of me as I raised up off him.

“My god your so fucking wet…” He said just enjoying himself.

I glanced back at him, his hands outstretched on either side just sitting back and enjoying me doing all the work. “Hey, you mind putting in some effort here?” I asked a touch annoyed by his attitude so far. Not that I knew him that well, he was some guy from my grammar class.

“But you're so damn good at this, you're doing just fine.” He said leaning back and staring at my ass.

While I appreciated the compliment, that wasn’t the answer I wanted. “I’m gonna get tired at this rate.” I complained between weak moans. The truth was this was somewhat boring. I could appreciate that he was enjoying my effort, but I wanted his effort back. Otherwise, I wasn’t going to be getting off any time soon. Maybe if I didn’t need my hands to support my upper body I could have helped myself a bit, but that never had, and never would work as well as I heard it was supposed to.

“You could at least rub my clit for me.” I decided to offer. If he could do that, that would be a huge improvement.

He sighed slightly just enjoying my warm softness as my insides stroked and squeezed him.

Well, he was an asshole… One more of those to add to my list I guess. That was the craziest thing since coming to college, it was like there weren’t any good guys. Or if there was they were turning my advances down. It was frustrating, to say the least. Well, it had only been a few months so maybe I was just in a spell of bad luck? Maybe I should branch out?

The sound of the lock on the door clicking drew my attention. The man behind me suddenly grabbed my ass squeezing me. It instinctively caused me to shiver as he prevented me from continuing.

“What?” I asked after moaning.

“The door…” he breathed out.

The door opened before I could reply and Belle stepped inside her green eyes flicking to me, and to the man on the couch.

“Anna…” she said coolly.

“Belle.” I replied smugly.

“Wait.. you know her?” The man asked.

“Of course I do, she's my sister.” I rolled my eyes as though some random person was just gonna unlock the door and step inside.

He relaxed and I just resumed what I’d been doing, though I was annoyed that he didn’t actually end up helping. Instead, he just grinned and looked over at my sister. Another point against him.

“Didn’t you agree to not do this when I am here?” Belle asked.

“You weren't here, and you are supposed to be in class.” I pointed out.

“So are you.” Belle shot back.

“I don’t see how that matters to the point you're trying to make.” I offered.

“Fine… what are we going to do for dinner later?” Belle asked pinching her nose and closing her eyes.

“Hmm? Bobby was going to order us pizza.” I said picking up my pace just a touch.

“Fine. I’ll be going out then. Enjoy yourselves.” She groaned and turned to head back out the way she came in.

“Hey, you sure you don’t want to get in on this?” Bobby called out.

I stopped my motion immediately.

My sister glanced back at me and smirked, before pulling the door closed with a thud.

“Huh? What?” Bobby asked.

“Get out.” I said pulling myself off of him and walking over to the bathroom.

“What? What the hell?” He asked again staring down at his soaking wet length just standing at attention.

Flicking on the shower I stood in the doorway, “Didn’t you hear me? Out.” I said pointing to the exit.

He frowned considerably under my glare. But after a few moments, he pulled his pants up and wandered towards the door all the while glancing back at me as if I’d change my mind. I didn’t.

Instead, I now had to deal with my horniness the boring way, and I had to find something else to eat. What a fucking asshole. I had time, maybe I could find someone else.

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My eyes shot open, and I found my hand rubbing myself through my dress. Glancing around I saw Kay sleeping in the corner still. Kosue was also sleeping in the other corner. I took a breath realizing I'd woken up. That felt a bit more forceful than usual.

Devin was behind me, yet somehow we’d rotated a bit during the night. This placed me a little closer to Gerl who was still breathing softly.

Everyone was asleep? This was new. Then again, I guess I had a lot more mana in me now, maybe that was responsible for this? I slipped my hand through its armhole and felt at my actual body. I slipped a finger into myself rubbing over my clit and as usual, was annoyed that it didn’t feel nearly as good as I wanted it to. Even with such an enticing dream, a few minutes of teasing myself only made things worse.

I looked over at the man sleeping within my reach and decided that were was a better solution to my little problem.

Extending a hand over to Gerl’s pants I pulled free the string that secured them. The bow slipped undone and I gently shifted part of his pants down.

His cock was disappointingly flaccid. My hand grabbed him up and gently began to stroke him, his length snapping back down its shorter length each time I reached the end of my tugs.

Damn it Gerl! What are you dreaming about? I felt for his active dream, and it slipped easily into my mind with a speed I’d not expected.

“I’m sorry sir… I let you down, and everyone else down.” Gerl offered.

Dragon Smith glared down at him, “As if I’d forgive a traitor.”

Gerl sagged, “I expect nothing else.” He said almost holding his head out as if he expected someone to lop it off.

No wonder he wasn’t enjoying this… I pressed an image of myself into the dream stepping up behind Gerl, “You can’t have him. He's mine.”

The dream version of Dragon Smith narrowed his eyes on me but unlike reality, I could change him too, so I did, “Very well. Take him, and do what you will. I don’t care.” The big massive man stated with finality that I had given him.

I then insisted he walk off and I knelt down next to Gerl giving him a smile as I pulled his chin up. “Hey!”

“Miss Anna…”

Oh… just this much and he's hard? He's got it bad. I chuckled to myself as I let my focus divert for a moment to his resting body. Of course, now that he was hard… I slipped him into my mouth tasting the bitter, and saltiness.

“Miss…” Gerl’s voice spoke. I felt like It should have been from the dream, but as soon as I tried to switch my attention to that I realized I’d never even tried to keep him asleep. He instead was now staring wide-eyed and red-faced down at me sucking his dick.

I smirked up at him, “Morning.” I whispered before continuing my ministrations.

“Miss… Anna….” He shivered out. “Why?”

“What do you mean why?” I asked pulling myself back and rubbing his tip on my cheek. I practically nuzzled against his manhood, “Because I want to.” I said before continuing. Under my dress I found my finger doing its own thing gladly helping me along. I guess it was better to get this over with, we would be getting up soon and this was sort of a spur-of-the-moment thing.

“But…” He still complained.

I pulled off of him just looking up at him for a moment, “Are you going to not let me have my morning snack?”I pouted up at him.

He looked almost regretful. Gerl could make the cutest genuine faces. “But…” he said back.

“If you want me to stop… I will.” I whispered up even as I pleaded up at him with my eyes. I urged him to let me continue. I couldn’t even help myself as I leaned in closer giving his length’s tip small kisses and playful licks.

“Fine…” He said blushing more than I’d ever seen him.

So I sucked. I licked and inhaled him into my mouth. I didn’t for a moment miss the irony of how I’d been turned on by a dream where in my past life I’d lacked sexual satisfaction from a man only to seek it by giving Gerl a blowjob. For one Gerl was a sweetheart, and probably, more importantly, was the practical craving I had to be filled by cum.

I enjoyed myself pulling him out of my mouth and rubbing him on my face, and then smelling him. His dick throbbed at my attention and I gave glanced up at him with my best pair of "do my eyes."

“Miss Anna…” he inhaled as I felt his cock throb in my grip. My lips locked onto his tip just a touch too slowly. A bit of his load burst out and stuck to my cheek. The second, and third smaller releases in my mouth quickly filled my entire being with delight. My body shook gently with a small climax, soft giggles sneaking out through my nose.

I slipped my hand out of myself and slipped it back where it was supposed to be so I could gather up the bit on my cheek. I playfully sucked it off giving him a smile, “Thanks for the treat.”

“Thank you…” Gerl replied shyly.

I let him cover himself and he started securing his pants again as I licked my lips. I awkwardly shifted this way and that way trying to get more comfortable before turning and finding Kay’s eyes fixed on me. Her gaze felt more intense than I remembered it when we were in an elvish prison together. I wasn't sure why that was. Maybe it was the closeness? Or maybe she was just more intense?

I couldn’t help myself as I bit gently on my lower lip.

Of course, this did raise another question. I slowly turned to find Devin’s eyes on me as well. “Morning?” I asked as sweetly as I could.

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