Anna’s Dungeon

Chapter 81: Ch 80 – Starting Line

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“Morning.” Devin replied flatly.

I waited for something, anything else. Yet the moments just ticked by. “Well?” I asked.

Devin just raised his eyebrow.

Didn’t he have something to say? Why wasn’t he complaining?

Slowly, I could see the edges of his lips curving up just a touch.

What!? What was he smiling about? I didn’t get it!

Then it just burst and Devin started laughing.

“What!?” I asked flabbergasted.

Devin’s arms wrapped me up, which was easy since I was practically in his lap anyway.

“What do you mean, what?” He asked as he pulled me against him.

What did he mean?! “You usually complain when I do dumb things…” I point out.

“So you admit that you were being dumb?” He asked.

I instantly froze. He was messing with me!

“Hey!” I said looking up at him.

“Oh, the cute faces are back.” He said grinning.

I actively tried to pout.

“Even when you try to look dejected you're adorable.” Devin pointed out.

I couldn’t hold it and smirked back.

Then we just started laughing.

“I… I don’t understand…” Gerl pointed out.

Devin's mirth trailed off as he glanced over at Gerl and just said, “I guess it's becoming something of an inside joke with us. But you think she's adorable too, right?”

Gerl looked at me, and I couldn’t help but pout back at him almost instinctually.

Gerl’s cheeks heated even more and he just nodded, "Shes... Beautiful..."

Oh, what a sweety!

Of course, Devin started laughing again. I couldn't resist its infectious nature. So both of us continued to laugh like two peas in the same pod.

Kosue who was freshly roused rubbed her eyes and asked, “What, Funny?”

“Uh…” I offered. “It’s hard to explain.”

Kosue glanced at everyone and then just accepted it outright, “Okay.”

I twisted in Devin’s lap to look over at Kay. Now that I wasn’t preoccupied I remembered that she too had been watching me. “Kay… I…”

Her blue-skinned cheeks were a bit red, “You don’t need to explain. Besides I’ve watched you do more.”

“More?” Gerl asked as though that was the thing to fry his brain.

“She used to watch me fuck the prison… guards? No… I guess they were the priestess's people?”

“Attendants?” Devin asked.

“Yeah... I think so.” I nodded.

Gerl just locked up at that staring at me and saying nothing.

I tried to focus, and turned back to Kay, “I know that you did… but…”

“This doesn't surprise me much. Do you usually do this sort of thing?” She asked instead. “It makes me think of when you said those things to the guard in the camp.”

“I mean…” I said glancing over at Devin for a second.

“She’s always like this. We got kicked out of someone's house because she couldn’t hold herself back.” Devin pronounced.

“Ah.” Kay observed.

“Now that you mention it…” I mused. I ticked through it in my head. It felt like weeks, but it had only been a few days and I’d not let a single day slip by without sucking or fucking someone. Sometimes multiple someones, and on one occasion twenty or so someones.

“You suddenly having regrets?” Devin asked.

“No… just realizing that maybe I’ve been more out of control than usual.” I explained.

“Usual? You're suggesting that you haven't been this way the whole time I’ve known you?” He asked clearly not believing me in the slightest.

Sneaking blowjobs by the stream, a practical orgy on one occasion. “Alright, fine, your right!” I agreed a bit of anger flaring inside as I was forced to make such an admission.

“It’s times like this I miss your tiger kin ears.” Devin said petting my head.

I obliged letting the ears pop free from my head, though I didn’t change anything else so they matched my human persona’s hair color.

Devin just smiled as he scratched behind them a moment later and I practically purred in his grasp.

“If she's been this way, what about you?” Kay asked.

Devin paused his actions glancing up at her, “What do you mean?”

“You act like your just back from your bonding ritual.” Kay pointed out.

“Bonding? Ritual?” Devin asked perplexed.

“It's their form of marriage.” I pointed out.

Kay frowned slightly at my simplification but didn’t offer any corrections.

“Well, I’m just a knight doting on my queen.” Devin explained.

“Queen?” Kay asked eyes wide.

Devin just chuckled, “Maybe we shouldn’t be so flagrant about our jokes?”

“Kay, you're a member of my kingdom you know. Sure it's basically ten goblins, two humans and two demons, but we gotta start somewhere.” I said with a laugh.

Kay seemed perplexed by that, clearly, I wasn't helping.

Naan interjected, “Someone is coming.”

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“Someone is coming, I’ll see you again soon Kay.” I said and barely a heartbeat had passed before she was swirling away back into mana and suffusing into the dungeon body around us.

“Shit…” Devin said watching as her body vanished.

A moment later someone poked their head inside. One of the soldiers, who spoke promptly “The Captain wants to speak with you.”

I nodded and when he slipped away I excised myself from Devin and stood up.

“Uhh…” Devin said behind me.

“Hmm?” I asked glancing back at him.

He pointed at my ass.

Not sure what else to do, I twisted this way and that way glancing back unable to see anything, “What?” I finally asked.

“It's wet.” He pointed out.

“Oh, shit…” I uttered realizing that if I was going to wear real clothing from now on I’d have to be more thoughtful.

“Oh… and your ears.” Devin pointed out.

“Shit!” I announced quickly pulling them back into my head. “You don’t think he noticed do you?” I asked.

“My hand was on your head, plus you didn’t change your hair color.” He said thinking back.

“Well I guess Dragon Smith already knows… but you were supposed to be helping me not do dumb things, not giving me excuses!” I said with a bit of panic.

“You're blaming me?” Devin asked with a hint of indignation.

I sighed, “No… But that doesn't mean you shouldn’t be trying to keep me from doing dumb things.” I insisted anyway.

He scratched at his stubble, “Knightly duties, number one. Prevent queen from doing dumb things.” Devin said as though he was making a list.

I stared at him, and he just smirked back.

Why were we so stupid, and more importantly why was it so fun?

A hasty dress swap later I was in an orange dress. I had Naan act as a mirror for me so I could fix myself up a little and after a few minutes, I was looking pretty good if did say so. The orange might have been intended to pair with my tiger kin persona, but it worked pretty well with my blond human persona as well.

Devin and I wandered over to where the big man himself was overseeing his men’s packing process.

He glanced over at me once he finished saying something to his men. Looking at me he took a breath and began, “I must admit, you’ve held up your end of our bargain quite well.”

“Well, I tried to tell you this was what I wanted from the beginning.” I said cordially.

“Indeed, well I admit I might have judged you harshly considering what, and who you are with.” He continued.

“Yeah, yeah. So is the plan to head out soon?” I asked.

He nodded, “First I need you to open us a way out.”

I nodded, “Naan?” I signaled to the voice in my head.

“You might want to see this.” Naan replied instead.

I didn’t know what to make of that, so I closed my eyes and stepped into Devin. As if understanding what I needed, he held me with one arm as I let my attention leave me behind and focus on what Naan was looking at.

Soldiers, elvish soldiers. Scouting parties?

Naan’s attention zipped around and I was glad Devin was holding me.

“How many?” I queried.

“Enough? Seems this man’s call to stay the night was a bad call after all.” Naan stated.

I didn’t disagree, at least on the foundation that waiting produced this result.

“The elves are scouting for us.” I told everyone else, even as I tried to take in the information Naan was giving me. I continued aloud, “Quite a few groups, and unfortunately not just behind us.”

“Hm… I might need to lure them away again.” Dragon Smith grumbled.

“Again?” I asked.

“When we left the camp, I drew their forces away. It's not foolproof but they know that if they leave me to deal with their individual units I’ll win without question.” He stated.

“So the only way they can fight you is with numbers?” I clarified.

“I suppose you can say that. Not that I prefer to be the butcher, it's just my role in this.” He stated grimly.

I didn’t know what else there was to say, so I sighed to myself, “Alright, you can draw them off. I’ll try to guide everyone out. I can’t guarantee it's going to work, but we can probably avoid some groups with our abilities.” I explained. I finally let my eyes open and found Dragon Smith staring at me.

I held Devin’s arm to me ensuring he didn’t release me. I could feel the dizziness and the lightheadedness ready to swoop in at a moment's notice, should I try to move, or even stand. But for the moment I could only meet Dragon Smith's gaze heavy as it was.

“Perhaps I have misunderstood you.” He stated considering me.

“What?” I asked confused why he would say that now.

“Anna, that's the name you were going by wasn’t it?” Dragon Smith asked.

I nearly nodded, but avoided it opting to speak instead, “Yes.”

“Allow me to formally apologize. I’ve scrutinized your every action, and choice since I found you in Summer Creek.”

“It's not…” I said trying to brush him off.

“No. I took you for the pet of a dungeon. Yet seeing you here, and now. How you have acted, and the choices you have made. I believe that you are a good person.” Dragon Smith stated.

I couldn’t only stare dumbfounded at him.

“Thank you for your assistance. I ask that you do your best to continue to try and protect these people.” He finished.

I could feel his words like heavy weights settling on me. Yet, they weren't restricting, more they were familiar. I gave him a gentle smile back, “They are good people. I want to make sure they make it out of here.” I agreed.

He nodded, “Good. Make your preparations, I’ll have everyone else prepare. This isn’t going to be easy, but hopefully, we can put some distance between them and us.

I nodded and finally, the uneasiness settled in my mind causing my vision to waver. I’d almost avoided it… But I needed to continue to get used to this, to adapt and be stronger. If every time I looked through Naan’s sight it caused me to vomit and trip what good was the ability? Naan’s vision was in truth worth it. Naan itself was adept at scanning and observing all on its own. I doubted I’d ever have that skill set, but being able to bridge the distance by actually sharing senses could make all the difference in the world.

But for now, I’d just need to rely on Naan to communicate as we had in the dungeon.

I patted Devin’s arm after a moment and he leaned down, “You alright?” He asked.

I nodded, “Fine. Just lamenting my weakness.” I smiled.

He squeezed me, “Weak or strong I’m here for you.”

I reached up and gently pulled him to my lips, kissing him in a way I felt like I needed more of. “Thanks. We should get ready.” I said before we started back to our little corner room.

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