Anna’s Dungeon

Chapter 82: Ch 81 – Blood

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It took us over half an hour to organize the townsfolk and gather everyone. Alright, that was taking credit for what the soldiers were doing. I mostly just gathered my friends and ended up chatting briefly with Charlene. But once everyone had gathered themselves Dragon Smith stood at one end and spoke up. He explained the plan, though it was hard to say it was much of one. He then insisted that I was to be followed, not just by his soldiers, but also by the townspeople.

While I hoped that would prevent a repeat of what happened the day prior, I couldn’t help but feel annoyed that it was necessary, or that it happened at all.

Devin poked my side, “Why do you look like someone pissed in your drink?”

I grimaced at that, “I’m just annoyed.” I stated simply.

Devin gently gave me a side hug even as Dragon Smith finished his explanation. It wasn't exactly what I wanted, but it took the edge off a little.

Which then left me with everyone eyeing me, judging me, and debating if I was to be trusted, or relied upon.

I guess I didn’t blame them. I’d made some pretty major fuck ups so far. But I wanted to help them, and I felt like with Naan’s abilities I was the best one to try.

I took a breath and asked Naan, “Are you ready?”


Well then that was it wasn’t it? I turned to Dragon Smith, “Alright.”

He nodded, “I’ll try to lead them south. You take everyone north. I’ll find you and the others after a while. Try to avoid engagements…”

I nodded, “I know.” I said with a touch of annoyance.

He led the way towards the entrance and I could see that Naan had already opened the way. He stepped just beyond the exit and looked back at me. “Which way to the closest patrol?”

I felt Naan’s vision shift to a group of elves standing in a tiny clearing, and gently Naan nudged my hand in the correct direction.

Dragon Smith nodded and with a breath, he lowered down, and shot upwards the force causing the dirt and stone under his body to shift, and crack as he launched skywards.

“Damn that’s stupid…” I noted.

“He is dangerous. It's good that he is restrained to not harm us.”

“Yeah… though I think I’ve at least convinced him I’m more trustworthy than that.” I noted.

“But not us.” Naan pointed out my obvious word choice.

“There is a reason we are like this Naan.” I insisted.

“I am aware.”

“But as long as we continue working together, we’ll figure it out.” I stated.

Naan just rumbled to itself.

It wasn't really the time to get back into this anyway. “Keep an eye out for a good time for us to get moving.” I decided was more productive.

Some ten or so minutes later we had everyone waiting by the door as I waited for Naan to signal me to move.

When Naan finally spoke, “North is clear.”

“Alright, let's move! Be as quiet as you can and stick together.” I said gesturing to the soldiers in front.

We moved, the group awkwardly shambling from the cave and into the forest. It took a few minutes for the group to get out. Once we were all clear, we started moving in earnest. Unfortunately, the group wasn’t even as fast as my goblin and I had been. It made sense however as the town had a number of elderly that were with us. It looked like people were trying to do their part, in carrying and sharing the load. But there was only so much that could be done.

Nearly half an hour of walking north went by without any issues. Then as though I was expecting it Naan had us shift east.

Some five minutes later Naan spoke to me again, “They found our trail.”

“Devin.” I said stepping up next to him.

Rather than just hold me as he usually did he just up and lifted me up into his arms causing me to tense up.

“What?” I sputtered.

“You wanted me to carry you?” He asked, yet he was smirking knowingly.

I gently set my head on his chest, “I was gonna say just keep me up, but this works.”

Devin chuckled to himself.

I let my gaze turn to what Naan was looking at. A small group of three, reminded me a lot of the elves I'd previously been captured by. Their outfits were the same, and they looked well-trained and sturdy. Unlike those, they didn’t look nearly as confident. Then again they were looking for soldier’s, not a petite tiger kin woman that had stumbled into them. But as Naan had suggested they were clearly following our trail.

“What else are we dealing with.” I asked.

Naan zipped his sight this way and that way, showing me various groups. All of them apparently looking for us, or Dragon Smith. Some were frightened, others were rushing hoping to find something or someone. It was hard to pin them down. But several things caught my attention.

“I have a stupid idea.” I admitted aloud after what I'd just seen.

“Well, that’s nothing new.” Devin prodded.

“Hey.” I pouted at him.

“What is it?” He asked instead.

Some five minutes later, Devin, Gerl, several soldiers, and I split off from the group. The soldiers were off to either side and I remained with my two boys.

“I’m surprised you went along with this…” I said pulling my dress off over my head.

Gerl blushed furiously at my actions, “Miss Anna…”

I gave him a smile before shifting my appearance into that of a certain elvish priestess.

“What makes you think they will listen to her?” Devin asked me.

“Because I saw her giving people orders earlier.” I pointed out.

Devin frowned, “Wait, she's here?”

I nodded stretching this way and that way just trying to feel better about the new form. It didn’t feel as bad as when I’d changed into Devin. But now that I was in it and not fighting for my life, I noticed I was taller and that made me feel a bit uneasy.

Gerl however was just staring at my chest, “Hey, you think these are better than mine?” I asked squeezing one of the elvish priestess's melons.

Gerl glanced away instantly. “No…” He tried and failed to lie.

“If you want I could let you fuck her later… I kinda hate her… but I sort of like the idea of letting you do that behind her back…” I said feeling two very different parts of me not quite sure they could agree on it. When I had first left the prison this statement would have never left my lips... I wasn't sure if it was the time since or something else that had changed that.

“Stay focused.” Devin said pulling his shirt off and taking my dress in hand.

A few moments later both men were in nothing but their undergarments. As much as I wished this was for playtime, Devin had a point. I reached up to their chests and let my instincts do what they did best. I watched as my flesh grew outwards and over the two men. Producing the same outfits I’d seen her attendants have. Green open vests that covered little for their top, and long cloth pants for their bottoms. I couldn’t help but feel like this was reaching some limit of mine. I was feeling lightheaded, but I still wasn’t done. I was glad I didn’t need to do anything for their boots, but I did have to let some fleshy cords climb their necks, and reach their ears, completing their simple disguises. Of course, Gerl and Devin didn’t actually look like the men she was with, but unless someone actually expected those specific men to be with her at all times this should work fine. Gerl and Devin weren’t quite the specimens of manliness that the elvish soldiers seemed to recruit, but they weren't terrible either. Though for differing reasons.

Once I’d finished using my body to make their clothing they strapped their swords back on.

Devin was far bulkier than most elves, bigger all around. This meant that his muscles while probably comparable were less defined.

Gerl on the other hand was slim and admittedly almost too dark for an elf. If I hadn’t seen that elves could tan I would have chosen someone else, but we were also in the shade, so hopefully, the whole thing wouldn’t crumble at first glance. Still, his muscles were there, and they stood out.

Maybe If I combined them into one man I could achieve something roughly approximating an elf. That was if I could take Devin's musculature and put it on Gerl's slimmer frame. Not like that was an option, but it did make me chuckle to myself. Which just made Devin raise an eyebrow.

Gerl had more of a thin athletic build, whereas Devin was bigger and more powerful. I guess it made sense, Devin was a soldier, previously a guard who had trained to fight. Gerl was a letter carrier who spent most of his time traveling long distances. Though both seemed to at least know their way around a sword. Or that was my hope at least, Devin I could trust with that. I'd seen him use one. But Gerl, I wasn't entirely sure.

“Alright.” I said looking over them and finding that fine-tuning their skin tone was the hardest part. Pretty sure it was as good as I was gonna get, I pulled back slightly to find fleshy cords connecting me to their vests. That wasn’t good. I wasn’t sure what I was expecting.

“You have a few minutes. Your other soldiers are ready and I’ve ensured they are hidden from the approach.” Naan explained.

I needed to figure this out and fast It would seem. I focused on moving the cords to the back of their vests, then moved them down to the bottom of the pants, then hid them under the leaves, finding that it didn’t matter where they connected to me, so I chose my feet. Unfortunately, I was really starting to feel the drain of this. I wish I knew illusion magic or something instead. One person wouldn’t have been too bad, but doing a bigger body, my clothing and theirs was pushing it well past what I could manage. My heart was slamming in my chest, big tits or not.

“Alright… I think that's as good as we can get. Don’t move too far…” I tried to explain as my body felt weak.

“You alright?” Devin asked.

“I will be once this is over.” I noted just staying low for the moment. It seemed to help some instead of standing. This was blood pressure, wasn’t it? Could I make a second heart? Would that help? I decided that I didn’t want to try any extra dumb ideas, and opted to just stay huddled in on myself while we waited for our guests to approach.

“The clothing is hidden right?” I asked Naan.

“Yes, behind the tree.” it confirmed.

Alright, maybe this wasn’t good. I was going to need to put on a good performance too.

“If you can’t do this we can just attack them.” Devin said.

“Shut up.” I insisted.

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“Just stand there and look intimidating. I’ll do the rest.” I pressed.

“Fine.” Devin grumbled.

“Don’t move, just stand there with your swords… Only move if you need to defend us.” I pointed out.

“Right.” Devin sighed obviously annoyed.

“If only I could throw fireballs or something.” I complained.

“You’d burn the forest down if you could do that.” Gerl pointed out.

I chuckled at that, he was probably right.

At this point, it was too late to be concerned with other possibilities. As Naan informed me they would be able to see us at any moment.

I stood and focused, only to remember one last detail, and pushing my luck I formed a certain jagged dagger in my hand. I forced my attention to my hands, idly pretending to stroke the jagged, but not that sharp edge of my knife with my fingertips. I imagined that the tip of the thing was sharper, but this part I'd intentionally left as dull as possible. I just made the edge red, the thing looked like metal, but just like I could make things that looked like horns or bones, they were anything but. It was entirely fake, probably made out of something akin to my fingernails, but thicker, but in this case, that suited me just fine. I needed to look like I was cutting my flesh for idle amusement, I had no real plans for such things. That was so not my kink.

So instead I fantasized about letting my boys enjoy me in the forest, and let my face do whatever it wanted while I idly toyed with the fake knife.

My lightheadedness wasn’t going away, but for the moment at least I didn’t feel like I was going to fall over. Each moment that drew as I waited for our guests to actually arrive only raised my concern that I might.

But come they did, and their footsteps caused me to glance up at them, I gave them my best cold bitch face, pausing my hands only now that I was looking at them. I trusted that Naan was doing what Naan was supposed to do and focused entirely on my part.

“What do you want?” I asked them.

“What do you mean? We are following this trail.” One of the three elvish soldiers pointed out looking a bit confused at me.

“Well, that's a waste of time since we already sent two groups that way a while ago.” I pointed out wishing my vision wasn’t starting to blur and fade around the edges.

“You’re just a priestess, don’t think that lets you boss us around!” One of them said hand on his sword.

“Leave it.” The man in the middle said. “If you’ve already sent men that way surely you can tell us which ones? I’ll relay the information back to the command post and we can send reinforcements.”

Wait... that sounded really bad.

“Of course.” I said my mind feeling fuzzy. Naan wasn’t also feeling this was it? Oh shit… this wasn’t good at all.

A hand reach out and caught me, “Hey! What's wrong?”

“I… I feel dizzy.” I said not really remembering where I was. Or what I was doing.

“Hey!” A voice called out.

“What's going on?” A more distant voice asked.

“Is she poisoned?” Another asked.

“I… I…” I mumbled as the world went back.

It came back, “Hey, get back. She's fine!” Called someone… Devin?

“I know field medicine.” The voice replied.

I was lower… on the ground? I could feel someone’s warmth next to my head. Like a pillow…

I found my vision fixed up at them. My vision came back to me and I found five elves all looming just around me. Before I had any idea what I was even doing I reached forward as if to push the man leaning toward me back. My knife stabbed him dead center, right in the throat. Red blood erupted and the man fell backward pushing himself as he went, and our eyes met.

“Who?” I asked.

“What?” The man next to me spoke he seemed entirely stunned.

I glanced down at my hand, why was there a knife in it?

I looked over at the man on the ground coughing, and choking on blood. I found the two men to either side of him quickly reached to their sides drawing blades.

The two men behind me did the same and everything quickly began to reassert itself.

Devin and Gerl both pulled swords as the two elves did the same. Everyone was staring at each other in confusion and uncertainty.

“Why would you do that!?” The elf who had once insisted I was, just a priestess, asked.

“What the hell?” Devin asked me as he slid his foot forward just a bit. I found my eyes locked on the man on the ground who was busy dying.

Had I just killed someone entirely by accident? I glanced down at the knife that refused to not be in my hand, mostly because it was grown from my very flesh. How the hell? Had that really just happened? What sort of luck was that?

More importantly, how was I supposed to react to this? I was supposed to be the evil bitch right? How would she respond to this? I didn’t know. She wanted despair right? My mind was working too slowly and too sluggishly for this to make sense.

I was also sort of in shock.

“What just happened?” I asked instead, in a fit of confusion, I honestly think I blacked out there for a moment.

“What just happened!?” One of the elves demanded. “You just stabbed our squad leader!”

I was honestly surprised that no one else was swinging swords. Everyone was just standing around as though this was totally normal. Well no, that wasn't quite right. They were clearly pissed.

“I… did I?” I asked this time just laying it on thick like I had no idea.

“Of course you did!” The man raged.

I glanced up at him, and I could honestly feel a little bad for him. But it was just that, these people wanted to kill all those innocent people. Probably capture them and sacrifice them.

Wait that was it… “Good. You’ll both make wonderful sacrifices.” I said letting my expression match the utter glee I would expect the real woman I was imitating might experience at that.

“I knew you were a monster.” One of them said stepping in with his sword.

Gerl, or who I believed was Gerl in my slightly mixed-up reference swung his blade and forced the elf back.

Then I heard it. Several quick, “Twangs.” the two men standing in front of us were struck with an arrow each.

Devin’s sword lanced out skewering the elf on his side for good measure before they all dropped.

As if remembering to help Gerl stepped in a moment later and jabbed down at the other elf on the ground.

The two elves had joined the heap with the first and Devin glanced back at me his eyes widening a touch.

“Anna?” He asked.

I blinked, “Yeah?”

“You… you alright?” He asked.

I nodded and I quickly began to reclaim the disguises on my two boys and slip back into my previous persona, leaving my outfit the same for the moment.

When the four soldiers came over they stared at me, “When you said you were going to make yourself look like them we weren't sure what to expect…” One stated.

I glanced over to the two that were our archers. I recognized those two, It was kind of hard to forget entirely. I was a bit disappointed that they didn't recognize me earlier. Of course that made sense. They'd fucked a orange-haired tiger kin. Not a blond human woman, plus I had filled out since then. Some part of me still demanded their attention however and was annoyed that they weren't begging to be inside me once more.

What even was I thinking? I shook myself a bit to try to focus and shrugged my response. I was glad when Devin handed me my dress so I could pull it over my head and discard the rest of my disguise.

“We should recover what they are wearing. We might need it if we need to try this again.” I pointed out.

“Are you serious? You fucking fainted.” Devin insisted not worried about what I said at all.

“That's why we need the outfits. It was too much,” I agreed.

Our eyes met and for a moment we seemed to be weighing each other's opinions.

After a moment Devin nodded, “Fine. Let's grab their clothing and get out of here. There's no one else coming this way right?”

I conferred with Naan and was glad to hear that we were mostly in the clear.

"This one is still alive..." One of the others said.

There was a sharp sound and someone replied, "Not anymore."

I conveyed the situation, and we did what we needed to and rushed off back toward our group before they ran into another squad of elves. Some part of me hoped this would be the only time we had to do this, but that just wasn't my luck.

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