Annihilation Maker Of The Dead

Chapter 5: Chapter 5 Entitled

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Takagi Saya POV

"Let me do it."

I don't know how to feel when Amamiya decided to put himself into such a risky situation just to prove everyone about my observation—after all, only me and Kouta knew about it. On one hand, I was happy that I don't have to forced myself into risking my life, but on the other hands, I'm conflicted that because of my pride, he had to do this.


Even Marikawa-sensei knows how dangerous it was, so she tried to makes him abstain from doing such a thing. I don't know exactly what their relationship was but, it was clear to everyone that they are quite close. There were rumors that she always drive him to school, when people asked him about it, he only said she was helping him out. That can't be the full truth.

Speaking of which, Amamiya had always been that quiet boy in the back row seats. He didn't stand out much nor did he have that many friends, more often than not, I have always seen him alone. But seeing the current him who seems almost fearless and playful, it was like a stark contrast to the old him. 

Back then, he wouldn't even dare to look at me in the eyes. But just a few moments ago, he dared to tease me by saying I look good with glasses, hmph! Maybe I should wear glasses more often now since contact lenses couldn't be worn for a longer period of time. Yes, it's only because that. It wasn't because I like his compliment or anything.

"It's okay, you all already seen my power a moment ago. I will be fine," he said before showing off his fearless smile. It ticked me off that he looks calm as if the world hadn't just turned upside down. Isn't he worried about his family?

Heck, what was that power? Don't tell me he's secretly a superhero who saved the civilian by wearing a skintight suit? Pfft, I almost laugh imagining him in such getup. Joking aside, I'm really curious. 

His body doesn't seem to be built to hold such power, he looks slim and even shorter than Busujima-senpai. The latter own strength could be attributed to her kendo skill, she wasn't just anybody. But what about Amamiya? 

Since he seems stubborn, no one was able to stop him. It was then decided that he will go ahead and attract zombies first so that it will created a path for them to safely exit the building. I wanted to say something to him but my pride wouldn't allow me.

But as if he understood my plight, he turned to look at me and smile. Ugh, what is he smiling for? Did he really understand how dangerous it was? I glare at him as if to tell him that but, this guy just winked at me. Of all things, he winked at me. This bastard!

I was worried about him yet he acts as if it was unwarranted, whatever I don't care if he dies or live. 

I watched him with bated breath as he slowly creeps to the shoes locker. When there was a zombie a few feet away from him, he would threw something toward the opposite ends. I then noticed how bulky his pocket is, I couldn't help but wonder–did he already knows he will be doing this from the very beginning?

Otherwise why would he keeps something like pencil, rubber, and other smaller objects in his pocket? In any case, just like what I said, the zombie is too dumb and almost blind so they only follow anything that makes noise. If not for the plan, I would've scream to Rei about how idiotic she was for questioning my ability in gathering information—I'm not genius for nothing.

It didn't take long before he eventually succeed in pulling away most of the zombies stationing at shoes locker. He even dared to locked them up in a classroom, had anyone else been in his place, they probably wouldn't dare to do something like that. After all, my heart almost physically dropped when I saw him putting his hand on the door handle.

"No," I didn't know who whispered that, it could be me but also Marikawa-sensei. It didn't matter though as he didn't seems to heard us.

The moment he pushed the door opened, the zombies immediately flood toward him. It wasn't only me who got nervous when he went into the classroom alongside group of zombies like fanatic fans chasing after their idol. Just as Saeko was about to make a move, a few minutes later, he walked out without any drop of blood on his clothes. He was even waving at us!

This idiot! I will reprimanded him later for making me worry so much about him! It was like riding a rollercoaster, except he was the operator who keeps speeding up and slowing down at random times like a devil. 

Finally, the time has come. Without any zombies obstructing him no more, he quickly reached the entrance of the building. At this point, we all silently agreed to stepped down the staircase seeing as everything have been going very smoothly. But we stopped near the shoes locker as we watched Amamiya slowly pushed the glass door aside.

He was being extra careful about it, I sighed in relief when he executed it soundlessly. This is the crucial moment, the outside is clearly a lot more dangerous so we had to be very, and I strongly emphasized 'very', carefully. 

When I finally exited the building, my breath was stuck in my throat. The others probably feel the same as I did, seeing as there are more than just a small group of zombies in the field. But we didn't have the time to stop to admire, so we were about to take our first step toward the mini bus until something happened.


It was the sound of a metal crashing onto another metal, I quickly turned around and saw a paled student running toward us while carrying something with him. I could feel chill down my spines when I saw not just the other students, but zombies following behind them.

Without a second thought, we all reached the same conclusion and immediately sprint toward the mini bus. No one voiced out their thoughts but deep inside, I cursed the student for ruining our plan and possibly be the cause of our demise.

While Saeko, Rei, Komuro, and Kouta were fighting off any zombie that lunged toward us from the field, I noticed something strange in the distance. It was a lone zombie that was acting far from their usual behavior of following the noise like a mindless beast, this one remained motionless on the same spot. 

Suddenly, I feels a hand shoving me aside. I turned around and saw a stretchy tongue wrapped around Amamiya waist like a snake. That would've been me if I wasn't on the ground. 


"Don't worry, heh this is nothing," he still tried to act calm despite clearly surprised by the sudden assault. No one expected a zombie could stretched their tongue out like a frog, even more so this long. I estimated it to be around a hundred feet!

"Oh no no, you aren't pulling me, I WILL be the one pulling here," he suddenly said as he gripped his hand around the tongue, abruptly, he forcefully yanked them with his insane strength. My jaw dropped when the strange zombie comes flying toward him, and its head was then smashed to pieces by his fist.

I wasn't the only one surprised by his yet again superhuman strength demonstration, the blood that splattered over his shirt and face makes him looks even more menacing to the other students. 

"Huh? This is..." He muttered something to himself but I couldn't hear it with all the ongoing noises from the zombies.

Thankfully, there wasn't any more strange zombie like the tongue stretcher so we were able to get inside the mini bus completely harmless. I honestly don't like the other students who shamelessly went along with us, they were the one who spoiled our plan to begin with. If not for them, things wouldn't go south that fast.

In any case, I let out a sigh once I find myself a seat near the window. Being surrounded with zombies at all times isn't good for the heart, though the same could also be a big problem if someone among us were bitten by the zombie. I turned my head at the small group of students in the back row seats, none of them seems to be acting shady. I wouldn't let my guard down around them however, some of them even had bad rumors before the whole thing went down.

"Wait for me!"

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I suddenly perked up upon hearing that, the voice sounds eerily familiar to someone with particularly disgusting rumors. I take a quick look at the people running toward us, and among them, I saw a teacher with glasses. My face immediately turned ugly, I remembered this teacher. He was the one who caused Rei to skipped a whole year because their parents had a history. 

"We should go now," Speaking of which, Rei suddenly said as if she couldn't wait to leave the whole school behind. Komuro as always seemed confused by her insistent, he wanted to save people as much as he could—but he doesn't know what kind of trouble will arise if he bring a scummy teacher in.

Even I don't wish to have that teacher who always ogling at my body everytime I walked past him alongside us. He wasn't just disgusting but reeks of trouble, call it my precognition ability but I'm usually right in this case.

But then, before he could get in, someone obstructed him. Unexpectedly, it was Amamiya with his perpetual calm. 

"I'm sorry Sir, but the bus is full. Please wait for the next one," he calmly stated without any change to his expression. I couldn't help but chuckles, there were quite a lot of room still. Though I am certainly relieved that I won't be in the same space with that teacher.

"What do you mean full? I could see a lot of spaces!"

"My apologies Sir, but we do not care the opinion of entitled people," At this point, it was clear to everyone that Amamiya was just trying to fuck over the teacher. Komuro wanted to say something but was held back by Rei. Hearing his words, the teacher's expression went through many emotions under just a few seconds. He suddenly turned his attention to the students in the back row seats, the corner of his lips curled up.

"Do you want me to die here? Hey all of you, if he could do this to me, it is highly likely that the same could also happen to you! Do you want that to happen?"

The back row seats student look at each other before nodding, when the teacher saw that, he smiles as if the victory was already his. I can already tell what's going to happen from now on so I shook my head. Amamiya should be able to handle something like this, at least the current him who were quite fearless.

"T-That's right!"

"Let the teacher in, he's our teacher after all!"

"Are you going to abandon people for selfish reasons!"

God, these people are truly shameless. If the zombies outside could hear their voice, I bet they wouldn't even dare to utter a sound. But thanks to the tightly enclosed windows, no sound would escape aside from the door. It doesn't change the fact that they are stupid though. So what will you do, Amamiya-kun?

"Oh my, I didn't expect our passengers to be very entitled too," he paused as he calmly observed every single student who complained, his cold but calculated eyes caused a few to flinched as if regretting their decision already. When he smile, they initially thought they are fine but not until he continue.

"However, like I said, our bus do not take entitled passengers. If you do want to continue, please leave."

"...H-How could you said that? This is the school's bus!"

"T-That's right! We have the right to be here!"

They seems to have forgotten the fact that they have alerted the zombies before. Even now, we could've go ahead and get somewhere, but due to their insistent on bringing the scum teacher with them, we had to wait. Of course Amamiya could have let the teacher in and be done with it, but I don't think that's exactly what he will do.

The teacher had the brightest smile on his face, he probably think that with all these students on his side, he can power through this—this gives him the idea that he may be able to become their leader too later on, killing two birds with one stone. 

"Why don't we just let the teacher in?" Komuro said without a clue in his head. Rei glared at him before saying.

"No, do not listen to him Amamiya-kun! I believe in your decision."

"So am I," Busujima-senpai said with a smile. She had remained relatively quiet for a while now, so it surprised me that she voiced out her opinion. 

"Thank you, ladies. To the dear passengers who wanted to be with the teacher please raise your hand, don't worry I will be gentle," he stated but his usual kindness were gone from his expression. It was at a time like this that I realized that he had truly changed, though if I had to pick, I'd say the current him is much more manly.

"I am, so what? Are you guys afraid of him?" The student with a dyed blond hair stood up among the back row seats. His appearance and attitude were the very definition of 'bad student'. Seeing someone on their side have a strong backbone, the more weak-willed students also gained a bit of confident so they too raised their hands.

However a few of them seemed to have realized something so they quietly went back to their seats. The delinquent seeing them like that clicked his tongue, 'what a coward', so he thought.

"See? I've got a majority of the students on my side, whatever rumors you might heard about me, it must have bee—"

Without a word, Amamiya kicked the teacher straight to his chest before slamming the door shut. The latter wanted to bang the door but was too afraid of attracting the zombies so he could only watch. Amamiya then turned around to face the back row students. He slowly approached them.

"W-What do you think you're doing? Stop!"

"Fuck you! Don't think I'm afraid of—Ugh!"

"Ah! Stop it!"

My, he really didn't went easy on them. Personally I think they kinda deserved it, after all, they were the one inconvenient us—If Busujima-senpai and the rest didn't clear up the path to the mini bus, they wouldn't have been harmless. Although I also didn't do much in terms of contribution, but it won't be the same in the near future.

Kindness? That won't do much in the world of zombie apocalypse, I'm sure among us that Amamiya was the first to fully adapted to our sudden circumstance. It might take us a while but eventually we too—at the very least, I can understand the logical side to it. Maybe I have already changed before I knew it.

Under just a few minutes, he knocked them all out. He didn't even defend himself and just let their attacks hit him, however he doesn't seem to be hurt at all. It's really strange. He then turned around to face us, smiling as he said.

"Can you guys help me out a bit?"

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