Annihilation Maker Of The Dead

Chapter 6: Chapter 6 Direction

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"How dare you kick me? Do you know who—"

When I opened the door of the bus, the teacher was about lectures me when he realized I was carrying someone. He was dumbfounded as I tossed them all beside him, one by one. Of course if it wasn't for the others' helps I might have to leave the door unguarded, thus the teacher would be able to force his way in. If that happens, he could take Shizuka hostage as she was close to the door. When I was done, I turned to look at him and smile as I said.

"Did you say something?"

"You're going to regret this."

"Oh my Lord, I'm so scared. Unfortunately, you will have to safely escape the school first before you can think about taking revenge," I chuckles at his threatening words. I could just leave them like this, but that wouldn't be me at all. Of course I already did something to them secretly, however this and that are two different things. 

"Are you good to drive now Marikawa-sensei?"

"Mm, although the control and whatnot are much different than my car but I can do it."

"Then wait for my signal," I said before turning around to look at the teacher and the students sprawling on the ground. They were glaring at me as if I was their mortal enemy, my smile slowly turned hideous. The teacher suddenly feel ominous as if he could read my intention from my expression alone, it might be too obvious since I didn't hide it at all.

The first thing he did was turning his body around trying to run toward the exit, however it's too late. I quickly sucked in all the air around me as my heart tightened. And then, I screamed as loud as I could.



The students groaning on the ground paled at my action, they immediately tried to stood up and run like the teacher, some even wanted to catch up to the bus but Shizuka-neesan already drove away. I looked at them one final time, I could tell what they are thinking—they will definitely take revenge if they survived, but that will never happen.

With a thought, I cut off the connection with the parasite inside all of their body. It didn't have any ability aside from self destruct upon my order, it didn't take much of my stamina so I could do it every single one of them. Even the teacher.

I have actually considered if I could create an intelligent beast which could let me know 24 hours where they are, and what they are doing. However, it doesn't seem that I can do such a thing with my current strength yet. Otherwise I might have a group of them at my will right about now, who doesn't want to have minion of monsters that listen to them? Unfortunately this cheat isn't crazily overpowered, at least not yet.

Though of course I can still create an army of monsters, but I will have to command them myself which would be a bit pain in the ass. However it's a good power to flex or intimidating other people—it will also be a good way to hide what my actually power is. 

Right about now, the students and teacher might be clutching to their heart and soon, they will eventually succumbed to their death. I don't feel guilty at all killing all these people despite them being student that goes to the same school as me. After all, they will certainly be a threat to me and my companions if left alone. 

I read enough novels to understand this simple rules, it's either me or them. From my past life experience, I know for a fact that if I showed my weakness in front of people—they will take advantage of it. It is especially more evident when the law no longer bind people in the apocalypse.

Well first and foremost, I have to get myself even stronger. Although I'm happy with the superhuman strength, I still wanted more. Maybe I could do something about my stamina too. When I am truly standing at the top, why would I be afraid of people conspiring against me? I would smashed them apart before that could happen.

"You didn't have to do that," Komuro muttered with a disapproved look on his face. I look up to him and chuckles, it can't be helped that he's this type of person. It's a good thing that he still has his kindness, but that might be the end of him in this new world where such a thing was trampled on. Though I'm not one to say this since I'm a big hypocrite.

"Why are you laughing? You left them to die!"

"Then would you like to go with them?" I calmly said, but my eyes remained on the changing landscape outside. From my perspective, I'd rather cut off anyone with shady background because I don't want any risk toward people close to me. It's a simple yet logical reason. 

"W-What are you saying?"

"Tell me Komuro. Imagine this scenario, you're with your family in a grocery store. But then, a robber comes in and take your family hostage, would you submit to them since you don't want them or you get hurt?"

"That is..."

"You might say the scenario and what happens previously are two different things, I agreed since I likes to exaggerated things for fun. But at the end of the day, that's just how I feel if he was here with us, as for the other students, I'd say they get their just desserts," I paused and turned around, Komuro appeared conflicted. 

"If they could easily be riled up by him like that, what are the chances that someone like him would end up becoming our leader? I'd say very high. And for someone with a well established rumors around him, you don't want him to lead us do you? Isn't that right, Miyamoto-san?"

Komuro turned around to look at his childhood crush, he must have thought she would understand his plight but she nodded her head with hatred in her eyes. I didn't know exactly what happen between her and the teacher, but I certainly heard a lot of things. Her reaction suggests there are likely some truth to the story.

"He's a disgusting man. Because of our parents history, he decides to make me skipped a whole year out of spit," she said between her teeth, just recalling the experience ignited some unwanted feeling in her heart.

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"But still..."

"Hey, I might makes it hard for them to escape alive but it isn't impossible if they pushed themselves hard enough," I said sounding very convincing even to myself. He might not believe my words, but that didn't matter because he would likely use his own imagination to believe what he think was right. 

Maybe the others also thought, despite what I did, they might still have a chance of survival—no matter how small it is. They didn't know I go out of my way to make sure that they won't appear in front of us anymore in the near future. I won't say it's for good cause I know it's not, but I would do anything to make sure my family is safe. 

Speaking of which, my sight involuntarily fall to the driver seat. I let out a sigh when I feel a headache coming. She must have been more shock to see me like this in comparison to everyone else. She had seen me when I was at my worst after losing my family, I wonder what she thought of me? Is she disappointed in me?

With my feeling and my experience of losing people close to me, I really didn't want to go through the same pain again. Even now I wondered how my adopted sister was doing, I tried giving her a call but it didn't get through. 

"Thank you for saving me."

I look up and saw Saya coming in to sit right next to me. My seat was closer to the window so there was an empty seat to my left side. Was she thanking me about the part where I pushed her earlier? 

Hm, I thought she was a tsundere girl but I may have been mistaken. No tsundere would actually let out their true feeling like what she just did. She could be the superior version of them, who knows.

"Your welcome, though it was more of spur-of-the-moment thing," I said with a shrugs. 

"Still, if it wasn't for your timely push, I might not be here right now," she softly muttered, but I could hear her perfectly clear. She then continues after a moment of silent.

"...aren't you worried about your family?"

I raised my eyebrows at her question. I glanced at her and noticed that she seems restless, was she worried about her family? She was showing sign of weakness to me, does that mean she considered me a close friend? Unlikely, maybe a friend who she can talk to. We weren't particularly close before I possessed Youji to begin with.

I expect her to have this sort of conversation with Komuro or the other girls, I mean I have been showing them a particularly bad side of me. I'd like to think that I'm on the lower end of spectrum after that. Or was she curious about me since I have shown nothing but calm?

"I lost my parents in a car accident long ago."

"Huh? I'm sorry, I didn't know..."

I chuckles upon seeing her appearing apologetic, I shook my head and said.

"It's alright, I was soon adopted by someone. She doesn't know how to take care of me, often times, she looks awkward whenever she tries to cheer me up." 

I recalled the time when I was taken to live with her, for a few days, Rika doesn't know what to say to me. However, she did somehow forced me to bath and feed me when I didn't want to do anything. I was truly at my lowest at the time, even so, she eventually becomes the light that bring me out of the memory of that storming night.

"Then aren't you worried about her?"

"I would be lying if I say no, but I believe in her. Don't you believe in your family too?" I said as I turned my head toward her. She bites her lower lips before letting out a sigh, her tense shoulders slightly relaxed.

"Of course I do! But..." I patted her in the back before exchanging glance with Saeko and the others behind him.

"It's time we talk about where we should go from now on," I said and noticed how everyone immediately perked up, except Saeko—she remained calm even now. No one knows what she was thinking, but I bet her family isn't normal either judging by her kendo skill.

"Alright Kouta, you're up."

"W-What? Me? But my family are overseas so I don't think we could go there..." he softly said while scratching his head. 

"Then what about you Miyamoto-san? You look really restless, tell us what you think."

Hearing me calling out her name, her body flinched. After the call with her dad in the rooftop, she had been worried sick about him since. The worse feeling was, at the time, her dad didn't even noticed it was her at the end of the line. She clenched her fist and look up, she then tell us the town where she lives—it was also in the same neighborhood as Komuro. 

However, they will have to cross the bridge as it was quite far from where they currently was. I continued asking the others, but the results point toward the same direction—to the bridge.

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