Annihilation Maker Of The Dead

Chapter 8: Chapter 8 Shizuka’s Care(R-18)

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I shouted in surprised, she was wearing a loose T-shirt so I could see her cleavage as clear as the reflection of the water. My eyes remained glued to her asset. Although I do plan on pursuing her in the near future, I didn't expect this sudden turn of event. Why is she here?

"Mou, Yu-kun! You're staring too hard into my breast~ hehe, do you like them that much?"

She speaks in a slurred speech, there was also a faint blush on her cheeks—combining both and her sudden intrudes into the bathroom, I had one guess. She's drunk.

I recalled the memories of the time when she was last drunk, my adopted sister was also home that particular day. One thing leads to another, eventually they keep teasing me, aka the old Youji, until the latter felt blood rushing to his head and run away into his bedroom. 

The situation was too stimulating for the young virgin who doesn't have much experience with interacting with the opposite gender. What's more, the two are quite the beauty themselves.

I couldn't help but be envious after looking back into it, if I was there, things might escalated to something that should be keep as a secret. And maybe graduating to adulthood as well? Who knows, but I certainly wouldn't run away if I was him. Though drunk they may be, they wouldn't tease him if they weren't interested in him to begin with.

"What are you doing here Shizuka-neesan? I am still using the bathroom as you can see."

I said while submerging in water in the bathtub, however my eyes didn't move away from her mesmerizing figure. I could feel my manhood being stimulated by the current situation as my thoughts were filled with only one desire, however I'm still unsure if I should make the move.

"Muu, I know that! I just~ wanted to wash your back like we used to!" She said with a pout before pointing at me and continues, "We used to shared bath a lot! But one day, you keep refusing! Nee-san is sad!"

I raised my eyebrows at her words, I thought she comes here with the intention of a night visitor, but to think it was something innocent like that. Was I too dirty? Perhaps.

"I already washed my back though."

"That didn't matter! Come here, sit riiiiight here~" 

She said before slumping down to the floor and pat the chair in front of her. Her pants becomes wet upon contact with the floor, though she doesn't seem to care about it. She keeps patting on the chair as if urging me to do so immediately, it was quite child-like behavior that I couldn't help but chuckles.

I let out a sigh before I stood up revealing all my secret to the mature woman like the day I was born. Her eyes slowly went to a certain part of my body but I ignored it and sit on the short chair. She immediately comes to her sense and turn on the faucet before soaking my back with water, I refrained from telling her it was already wet.

"Hehee~ I missed this."

She muttered while gently caressing my back with her hands covered in foam. If not for Youji's memory, this would have been my first time having someone washing my back. I didn't know why she wanted to do this but I'll assumed it was one of her ways to bond with me.

Suddenly, I feel something different touching my back as her breath could be heard close to my ear. It wasn't her hand, but it was certainly soft and heavy—there can only be one thing, her breasts. 


"Mm, your back is quite wide so Nee-san had to do this~"

She was leaning her breasts against my back, I could even feel her nipples through her shirt. My limping little brother were once again stimulated by her action as it slowly grows in size and hardened like a tall but solid tower. 


When she let out a strange moan out of her mouth as her breath breeze through my ear, I'm starting to feel hot for a different reason. With her breasts going back and forth, I feel like I was in heaven. Eventually, I was starting to feel her nipples slowly turned hard against the fabric.

While I was tempted to turn around, I held it in. It was a new experience for me so I certainly wanted to enjoy this for as long as I could. However, I do feel a certain urge to ease my little brother.

Just as I was considering to do or not to do, her hands that was grabbing onto my shoulders suddenly begins to go lower. From my chest to my stomach, she was caressing them in a subtle manner as if my body were a piece of glasswork. 

If I was the old Youji, I would've stopped her and run out. But to the current me, this was a chance I was expecting. As if she could read my thoughts, her slippy hands eventually reached a certain body part of mine that was erected, I couldn't help but let out a moan.

"I also need to clean this part~ hehe."

She wrapped her fingers around my shaft, it was warm and delicate. She then slowly rub it up and down, I sucked in cold breath at her action. I could tell her skill seems amatuer-ish, but with her breasts pressing against my back, it was more than enough to stimulated anyone if they were in my place.

"Do you like this? Fufufu, then how about this?"

I curled down my toes when I feel her right hand massaging my precious jewels. I didn't know having someone doing this to my balls while her left hand rubbing my shaft could feel this good, where did she even learn to do this? 

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Feeling my shaft twitching in her hand, she chuckles before increasing the pace. I could feel the heat rushing up to my head as my brain turns to mush. Something was building up within me, and I knew exactly what it was. 

I tried my best to hold it in, however she must have noticed it so she whispered into my ears.

"Let it all out~"

I feel something within me broke down as my pelvis suddenly jerked forward with my eyes shut, with a groan, I released my pent-up frustration all at once toward the wall. 

A few moments later, I opened my eyes and saw the stained wall. I let out a chuckle then I looked downward to my shaft, it was still hard. 


I turned around and was about to say something when I noticed she had fallen asleep, there was a big smile on her face. I sighed before a wry smile surfaced on my face, I find it hilarious that she just went straight to Dreamland after giving me a handjob. I thought I could do something more but this is enough.

I cleaned up her hand that was stained with semen before cleaning up myself, especially my little brother. Then I put on a bathrobe before picking her up in a princess carry and exit the bathroom. 

When I walked past the living room, all the eyes fall onto me before girls looked away with flushed cheeks but boys remained glued on Shizuka. I don't care what misunderstanding was created from my action, at the very least I do hopes this might refrain them from approaching her. 

When I went up the staircase to the second floor, I met up with Komuro and Rei—the latter was leaning against him only a few inches away as if she was about to kiss him. Seeing me flashing a knowing smile at him, Komuro's face turned slightly red from embarrassment before pushing Rei aside and escaped down the stairs.

Is this how it feels to blue balls someone? It does feel good, I thought to myself.

Rei was about to question him why he ran away when she finally noticed my presence and the one in my embrace. She looks intoxicated like a certain someone, I nodded my head internally after connecting the dots on how the situation unfolded into what I just witnessed. 

"You ruined it," she muttered with a pout. I raised my eyebrows, I recalled something about her going out with his best friend. When we met at school, they were together but the boyfriend was nowhere in sight. I can guess that something happens between them, but I thought they were in love so it doesn't make sense that she seems desperate for Komuro now. 

Was she truly in love with his best friend? Or did she still have a feeling for her childhood friend? Whichever the case, I don't really care. I just thought it was interesting and something worth to ponder about. 

"No need to thank me," I said in a sarcastic tone before walking past her as I go up. Her dumbfounded expression was certainly something, I turned deaf ears to the complaint behind me. Shizuka momentarily stirred due to her voice, but she didn't wake up in the end.

When I walked into the bedroom, I saw Kouta standing in the balcony. The latter turned around upon hearing my footsteps, his eyes went wide when he saw me carrying Shizuka again. Ignoring him for a moment, I slowly place her on top of the bed before covering her under the warm blanket. 

"Mm, Yu-kun."

I thought she was finally waking up but sighed upon realizing it was just sleep talking. I pat her head before ruffling her hair for a bit, then I turned around and walk toward the balcony. 

Kouta didn't say anything as he observed the bridge in the distant with a scope. I scrutinized my eyes trying to see if my sight could reach that far, but fail miserably. Maybe I should've gone with the hawk eye instead of night vision, fortunately though, the newly improvised parasite is much stronger then the first one. I could strengthening it further by feeding it zombies in the future.

Nonetheless, I shouldn't immediately feed it with powerful abilities least the glittering accident occurs again. Even a foundation could be ruined if it wasn't solid enough.

"What do you think about that strange zombie I killed at school?"

"Huh? You mean the one that stretched its tongue like a frog? I don't know...but it's definitely not a good thing."

I nodded at his words, I was really taken by surprise at the time. I thought this was just a normal zombie apocalypse, it finally dawned to me why the Goddess blessed me with such a strong cheat. However, I'm more intrigued on what I found next after smashing its head apart.

 I found what assumed to be a gem hidden on the neck area, probably the reason how that particular zombie had a strange ability. It was colored in red. It wasn't big, only around the size of a pingpong ball. Should I feed it to my beast? Will I gain the ability of that zombie if that happen? Ew, but it's worth trying out. The only thing that's stopping me was the unknown risk that comes with it.

It wouldn't be laughable if my beast ended up becoming some kind of monster that ran rampart, it's tempting but I had to reined in my curiosity.

"Hey, look at that."

I comes to my sense at Kouta's words as he pointed toward something. I follow his line of sight and frowned upon noticing a father and his daughter running away from the zombies, the latter seems to be around at most 6-8 years old. I saw him going into someone's front door before knocking onto their door loudly, asking for help. 

I cursed under my breath, who the fuck would make such a loud noise when the zombies were close to them? He even had his daughter with him for fuck sake. He must be truly desperate to get her to safety, though it doesn't change the fact that his action is foolish.

"What do we do?" Kouta asked as he looked at me, I saw it in his eyes that he intended on helping them even if I were to say no. It can't be helped, I will put some sense into that idiotic father once I rescued them.

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