Annihilation Maker Of The Dead

Chapter 7: Chapter 7 Home

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"Since our goal aligned, why don't we take a rest somewhere? With what we have seen on the outside, I bet it will take a while before we could cross the bridge," I said after taking everything into consideration. I had a feeling due to the panic, everyone would like to leave immediately, which would only results in a long and terrible traffic. 

Some nodded their heads in agreement, they frowned upon remembering what they had seen before. The people outside seemingly had gone crazy—Rxpe, pillaging, murders, it was as if all hell break loose. That was a fine example of what people would do once the law no longer restricted them like the time in peace.

They also almost dropped their hearts when a crazy murderer fired his shotgun at the bus, but fortunately the windows remained intact—though there were some spider-web-like cracks. I was surprised at the revelation. I never expected a mini bus the school used for a once in a year camping was actually bulletproof, I guess it's a private school for a reason.

For a moment, I almost exposed my power to protect them from the incoming bullets. I don't want to showcase them yet, I feel like it's too early. At the very least, I wanted to explore more about my power before that.

Though that didn't mean I wouldn't dare to use it if my hand was forced, it's all just words at the end of the day. If someone close to me is in danger, I don't care about everything else and I will use my power to the fullest. 

"But do we have somewhere to go?" Kouta asked, he was still holding tightly onto his nail gun like a certain goblin obsessed with the ring. At times, he would admire them like a child seeing new toy.

"I do have a place in mind," I casually replied before turning my head to the driver seat. Shizuka noticed my gaze on her by observing from the rearview mirror, she tilted her head in confusion.


"Unlike you guys, I live in the city—well, it was closer to the bridge and we also had a balcony we could use to observe the situation, how about that?"

"Are you talking about Rika's place, Yu-kun?"

Hearing her words, my mouth turned into crescent moon shape as I smile. I actually plan to go there in the first place and there's a valid reason for that. I also considered many times on how to convinced them until I realized I don't need to do much, I only needs to throw some baits.

"Yes, and I will give you guys another reason why we need to stop there—she has a cabinet of weapons," I didn't wait further and drop the bomb as I calmly observed all of their reactions. Most showed a mutual surprise since it wasn't easy to get hold of weapon in modern day, especially Japan with their strict regulations. 

But for someone to have a cabinet of weapons, does that means she have more than one? Upon reaching this train of thought, Kouta suddenly stood up from his seat. His face revealed all kind of emotions, though mostly raw excitement.

I secretly chuckles as I thought, the fish had taken the bait splendidly. 

"You mean real working weapon with vicious bullets? You meant it?!"

"Of course, Kouta-kun. I had seen them personally, one of them might even be familiar to you, it's a Springfield M1A1," I said while recalling the time when Rika had proudly showed her weapons at the back of my mind. As an enthusiast FPS gamer, I am also familiar with some of the weapons.

"That semi-automatic rifle?! That's it, we're going there now!"

"Calm down for a moment, we need to consider every—"

"Oh right, I also had a shower big enough for around four people," I said before Saya could finish her words. Her mouth went agape for a moment before she closed them and didn't say anything else. 

"Mm, a bath would be nice," Saeko commented as she cast her eyes on her blood covered shirt and skirt. Personally, she doesn't really mind them but she wouldn't go out of her way to reject the offer either. 

"Then you all agrees that we will be going there? No objection?" I said while causally examining everyone one last time, they exchanged looks but didn't say anything—it was concluded that we all reached a mutual agreement. I had to make sure that they couldn't complain later if this topic ever comes up, just in case.

"Then, Marikawa-sensei."



20 minutes later.

"Um, we're here."

Shizuka nervously announced after parking the bus on the left side of the street. The house we were going for was only a few steps away, however there's a problem—the zombies had us surrounded. This was to be expected as they were riding a normal mini bus, not some magical bus enchanted to be soundless.

"Now what do we do?" Komuro asked. Although he was still conflicted about the previous matters, he couldn't dilly-dally on his seat at an important time such as this.

"What else? The usual of course," I said before grinning. To their surprise and horrors, I opened the door but before the zombie could do anything, I kicked it hard enough and send it crashing onto the wall. Then I slowly walk out and begins cutting down their numbers with my growing combat skill. I am one punch man!

"Then, I'll go," Saeko declared with a clear excitement in her tone before stepping outside. Seeing the two did a quick work to the zombies as if they were enjoying it, Komuro and Rei exchanged looks, then they too followed along just a moment later. Kouta was also excited and plan to head out with his airgun, but he was pulled back with his collar by Saya against his will.

A few minutes later, everyone eventually exit the bus before staring at the corpses on the ground. Then I slowly lead them toward the right direction. It was just a short walk before I finally arrived in front of my home.

"T-That was a Humvee!" Kouta shouted as he pointed his finger at a vehicle he recognized after we walked past the gate. He then run off toward it and begin to admire it up close. I smile at his reaction before shaking my head.

"What kind of adopted sister do you have?" Saya muttered as the corner of her lips twitched. I couldn't help but chuckles seeing her and some other reactions, I open my mouth and said.

"Isn't it a little too late to ask that?"

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" did said she had weapons, I sure hope she isn't doing anything illegal," she mumbled while staring at me with strange eyes. I could have said something here, but I remained silent. I wondered what kind of thought running through her mind, I laugh internally when I thought of that.

When I unlocked the door using the keys I had, I thought to myself with a sigh, 'I'm home'. Although it was my first time to personally steps into the house, it doesn't really feel that different thanks to the whole memory fusion.

Once we were all settled in at the living room, Saya voiced out her intention to be the first to take a bath, then followed by Saeko and the other girls. It was decided that they would use the bath first before boys. I don't really mind either way.

I plan to take a short nap, but someone tapped on my shoulders. I turned around and saw the manifestation of a gun nerd, it was Kouta. I let out a sigh as I discard any thought of resting, I signalled him to follow me as I lead him upstairs. 

When we walked past the bathroom, I could hear the girls squealing without a care in the world. It was mostly Rei and who I presumed Shizuka-neesan? Either way, it makes my certain body part hard so I increased my walking pace.

When I unlocked the door of my adopted sister's bedroom and went inside, I took a moment to observed the interior—and the conclusion I reached was, basic and simple. Her bed was a quite huge for a single person, but I knew the reason why. Shizuka did often visited, hehe.

I walk up to the metal cabinet and put in the key as I could hear a certain someone breathing heavily behind my back. With a click, I revealed what was hidden within it. Kouta was momentarily stunned before he regained his clarity and immediately rush toward the weapons. He even shoved me aside, rude.

"T-This is!"

Before he could go full nerd moment on me, I quickly took my leave. When I walked to the kitchen, I saw a long purple hair. It was Saeko, she was looking for something in the freezer. She must have heard my footsteps as she turned around and nod at me.

"Is that?" 

I raised my eyebrows when I recognized the shirt she was wearing, of course I would. It was mine. What's more, she wasn't wearing any pants down there—it was a swimsuit. It was such a sore sight for my eyes, I had no choice but to shameless stares at her beautiful ass.

"Oh, this? My apologies, my shirt is currently in the washing machine so I can only find what I could wear," She said without minding my wandering gaze at her certain body part. She wasn't the least bit embarrassed which makes me feel slightly disappointed. If it was Saya, that girl would've gone red as tomato.

"I don't mind, I was just curious, anyway what are you doing?"

"Mm, I was getting hungry so I thought of cooking something, would you like to taste it? I'm quite confident in this," She said while her hands were busy cutting the onion into pieces. Seeing the usually cool girl showing me her feminine traits, I couldn't help but feel my heart skipping a beat.

"Sure, I'm kinda hungry too now that I think about it."

She then told me to sit down and wait, I did exactly that but my eyes remained on her figure. The way she handles the knife and other cooking utensils suggested that she had some experience to back it up. I sighed in relief, I don't know why but I thought she might be the cliche type—the one who boast that they can cook, but the results showed different things. Fortunately I was wrong.

Before long, she place down the steamy fried rice with sunny side egg in front of me. I subconsciously gulped a mouthful of saliva, it looks good. I look up to her and she giggles.

"Enjoy your meal," she said before sitting down at the opposite end of the table, then looking at me with expectation. 

"Thank you for the meal," I muttered before I use the spoon to tear apart the egg and scope some rice alongside it. I look at her for a moment before I put the spoon into my mouth, my eyes went wide.

I didn't say a word and silently keep eating until the plate was only left with few leftovers, mostly vegetables. 

"How was it? You look like you were enjoying yourself so I didn't want to disturb you," she said with a chuckle upon noticing I had finished them all. A slight blush creeps to my face, I feel embarrassed. 

"It was amazing," I stated my honest feeling. If I were to compared it to my adopted sister, the difference was like heaven and earth. It wasn't like she was bad at cooking, but her food didn't leave that much of an impression. It was so-so.

After I finished washing the dishes, I realized the bathroom was free so I took it as my turn.

"Sigh, this is nice."

I muttered once I soaked my body into the bathtub filled with warm water. For a moment, I feel enlightened with my mind scattered everywhere. I only regained my sense after a few minutes had passed.

With a thought, the parasite slowly emerged out of my palm. The current appearance of it look like a black worm, I should feel disgust but this is my power. I had been thinking a lot about it, especially when I recalled I was almost taken by surprise at my first meeting with Saeko. 

For the new abilities, I will add danger sense and night vision. I immediately feel a small part of my stamina was siphoned, I nodded in satisfaction. Finally, it is time to upgrade it. 

First, I will create another parasite beast to appear on my right hand. I will give it the ability to consume the other essence, thus copying and assimilating them into its own. This means that this parasite could eat another parasite and gained all of their abilities—and it could also work for other living organisms. The moment I finished my creation, I immediately feel exhausted and weak.

With a thought, the newly created parasite immediately devoured the old parasite. As a results, it has grown slightly bigger but still fit within the palm of my hand. I looked at it with a smile before pushing it back into my chest.


I involuntarily let out a satisfied sigh, I can't helped it, the feeling of becoming powerful is just that good. With this, if my opponent is a skilled fighter, I could acquire his skill and experience by devouring him with the help of the parasite. It should also work for the zombies despite them being 'undead', I will give it a try later. I was enjoying the moment when it was interrupted by the sound of something clicking.


I look toward the door of the bathroom and saw a faint tall figure standing behind it. Suddenly, my danger sense went off. I was confused for a moment until the door was unlocked and my eyes went wide.

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