Another Dimension Through A Mirror

Chapter 5: Chapter 04

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She couldn't help but stare at the ceiling blankly. It wasn't the first time to see a child finally being taken away within a noble family from their orphanage.

But Janet was the child she had taken care of personally after she was abandoned by her own biological parents.


She held onto the blanket tightly and then turned to her side. She stared at the open window, the curtains being softly blown by the cool wind.

She got out of her blanket and walked towards the window with slow steps. Looking out the window, you could see no residents around their area but one temple.

She clasped her hands and bowed her head in prayers toward the sky.

She hoped for that noble to give up on adopting her. Knowing the house's recent drama, she doesn't want Janet to be involved with them.

"Oh, our benevolent creator, please listen to this pitiful servant's plea..."

Mumbling her complaints while her eyes were shut, a sudden wind blew violently making her fall down in surprise.

She couldn't help but tremble at the chills she feels so sudden then looked up to freeze at the strange phenomenon that is happening right before her eyes.

A form slowly formed into a small child. Looking closely, you can find sheep or goat-like ears popped out from her white bob hair. 

The child blinked their eyes before staring dully at the woman who had fallen to the ground. Remi looked at the child in bewilderment and hurriedly stood up.

Before she could speak, the child curved its lips into a smile and spoke.

[Chosen one, how may I be in your service.]

She bowed respectfully as her light misty blue eyes scanned silently towards the black-haired woman.


Remi stiffened at the strong voice that was spoken by the child who appeared to be a girl in front of her. She silently took a deep breath and then moved her stiff body to a kneeling posture.

She could feel a divine yet strong power that is lingering in her. She didn't dare to underestimate her no matter how young she looks.

After all, she learned this the hard way. She bowed her head and quietly whispered in nervousness.

"My apologies, as my appearance isn't quite appropriate right now."

It was the truth. She was only wearing a white nightgown that only reached her knee and light pants under her. She was barefoot as she got off her bed, forgetting to put on her sleepers.

She just continued to stare at Remi who is shaken by her sudden appearance. To be honest, she was a little annoyed at the disturbance that made her leave the "meeting" early.


Silently exhaling, she descends to finally formally appear right in front of the kneeling Remi.

[Lady R, please do stand up as this is also inappropriate for one of the chosen ones to be kneeling to a mimic like me.]

Remi looked up, confused at the second mention of her being the "chosen one." She softly spoke out, introducing herself.

"If you don't mind... It's Remi..."

She hesitated to ask for her name. Realizing this, the child immediately giggled and gestured her to her bed.

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Seeing her seated down, the child puffed its chest proudly and introduced herself.

[Call me Mei Mei~ A name that was chosen personally by our creator! Isn't it amazing?!]

Remi gazed at the child in admiration. She couldn't believe someone that had appeared to be also be named by their creator other than the current prophet who is hardly seen.

If anyone who wasn't a believer were to see this scene, they would be at a complete loss at this absurd situation of how blind they are in their religious belief.

"...If I may be so rude, why have you come here?"

Mei Mei nodded in understanding and stood on top of the bed. Floating can consume most of her energy within this low-developed continent.

[I've come due to your prayers, chosen one. Although we don't appear in front of just anyone...]

Remi stared at her in surprise.

'Is it possible the chosen ones she is currently identifying myself to be the ones' prayers to be answered..?'

She thought at the possibility she thought of and nodded respectfully in understanding.

[Though I'm here to inform you as you are the first to pray for us among the chosen ones. That child has her fate awaiting her.]


[That's all I'm allowed to speak of... I'm sorry.]

Her eyes shrank in shock. Remi couldn't believe it as her hands trembled with extreme emotions. It wasn't anger but fear at how her fate will be like without being under her watch or protection.

Mei Mei jumped and floated right in front of her face. Seeing her holding back her tears, she sighed helplessly and placed her small palm o top of her head.

[Sorry for not being much help, as I only appear during nighttime. This is probably our last meeting and maybe we will get to meet each other, just remember, you both have your destiny to follow and you cannot change that...]

She didn't say anymore as she gazed at the still bow-headed woman in front of her and gently flies towards the window.

[Goodbye and hopefully destiny bring us together once again.]

Giving her a small bow, she faded away just like how she appeared.

Remi looked up to see stardust was left behind on the window's stool where the child disappeared from.

She tiredly looked down and covered her face with both hands. She stayed like this for a few minutes then the laughter started leaking out from her mouth.


Her laughter grew louder not caring if someone were to hear her from outside her room as she continued laughing.

Tears streamed from her eyes, staining her cheeks.

"Destiny, Fate. …Miracle… Mother. I guess you were right..."

She blankly stares at the night starry sky that is peacefully passing on like any other night.

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