Another Dimension Through A Mirror

Chapter 4: Chapter 03

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Remi stood up lightly as she stared at the person laying their head down on the table tiredly. 

"You could've called me later if you're tired and go to bed..."

Remi worriedly walked towards the desk and reached out her hand. Before she could even touch them, her hand was quickly smacked away.

The laying and the tired person who was lying on their desk sprinted their head up and growled.

"Uhhh... Headmaster Sean..."

Hearing Remi's awkward voice, he snapped back to reality and quickly send an apologetic look as he stared at her reddened hand.

"Remi. Sorry, I didn't realize you came in..."

His husky and deep voice gently rang against her ears as he scratches his beard in frustration.

Remi smiled softly at the grumpy and sorry look on his haggard face. There were big eye bags that nearly crossed out from the nose position's line.

"It's fine, you don't need to worry about it. Please just go to bed."

"No. I must inform you of something."

Feeling the tense atmosphere hovering around. She froze and turned a serious expression on her face.

"Did 'one of them' arrive while I was away?"

Headmaster Sean nodded coldly. He looked down at a file. He calmly grabbed onto it and lipped through it.

"A 'higher one' at that."

Remi deeply frowned at his words, wrinkling her face. She exhaled and stared at him nervously.


At that single questionable yet nervous word that came out of her mouth, Sean couldn't help but send a pitiful gaze toward her. 

After all, every child here must be adopted into a family who can provide for them their needs. Most of the ones that come to their orphanage are nobles.

He took a document from a drawer he left open and handed it to Remi rather than answering her.

She obediently took it from his hands and look at its context. As she look through it, there was multiple emotion that are being shown on her face.

Surprise. Nervousness. Shock. Unacceptance.

"She wasn't even present!"

Remi raised her voice in panic. She couldn't believe it. Why was Janet out of all the children that were present?

Sean stared at Remi's panic state calmly. He expected her to act this way, after all, it was none other than the child she raised lovingly as her younger sister.

He tiredly rubbed his temples and stood up. He glanced at the piled papers that require him to look through.

"Remi, Do you want to go through billing?"

Sean smiled benevolently towards the now frozen youngster in front of him.

"N-no, sir."

She stammered in her reply as she robotically raised her hand next to her temple in a salute.


He looked at her with a pathetic face. He shook his head ignoring her action.

"You're now an adult, Remi. And a caretaker. It's our job to take care of the children who were abandoned but we also must send them to a well-off family."


"No buts."

Sean glared at her for talking back at him. Remi shut her mouth at his intense yet threatening glare.

He walked towards her and then placed his hand on her head. He gently stroked it as he whispered to her ear.

"You need to let her go slowly and unsuspect."



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Half a year.

That was the time limit until the noble comes back and officially adopt Janet as 'his' daughter.

She bit her nails in frustration. She couldn't help but kick the innocent wall in anger.

'No. I should calm down.'

She took a deep breath and exhaled to calm her raging emotions swelling within her chest.

"...Whew, right... Luck became on Jenny's side to become finally adopted even at the age of 12."

Remi closed her eyes as she muttered while going into deep thought. She sat down on a chair and tapped her finger on its arm.

'But why a noble like him in need of a daughter when he has his own?'

She snored as she read the document that the headmaster gave to her. She should give it to him after she finishes going through it before she loses.


Remi raised her head towards the door that was being opened.

A blonde-haired child popped their head at the small opening of the door. She smiled at the girl who was peeking behind the door.

"Come in, Jenny!"

She cheerfully smiled at the happy child who immediately opens the door and flashed into her arms.

Janet snuggled into her embrace and softly giggled.


Remi gently stroked her hair and placed the document backward showing nothing but a blank sheet of paper on top of the desk.

"What brought you here at this late hour?"

Janet pouted at her question and grudgingly glared at her.

"Since we didn't get to enjoy the festival, can't we spend more time here?"


She stared at her as if realization finally struck her and regrettably hugged Janet into her arms.

"T-then shall..."

Before she could even finish her words, she stopped. She didn't forget his words as if reminding her to stay away from Jennette.

She silently stared at the confused girl in front of her and picked her up by butting her hands under her arms and placing her on her lap.

"I'm sorry. But I will soon be 'busy' tomorrow so I need to sleep early, okay?"

Remi sadly smiled down at her and gave her one last hug and put her back onto the floor cautiously until her feet stood perfectly on the floor.

Janet tilted her head in doubt but obeyed her sister's word as she waved her hand as she head out.

"Good night, Sister!"

She brightly smiled at her, her beautiful ruby eyes glittering brightly. Remi raised her hand in response as she softly smiled at her.

"Sweat dreams, my little princess..."

Janet gave her one last look then turned around and left her room. As she finally shuts the door, Remi silently sighed sadly.




Behind the closed door, Janet slightly leaned against the door she shut and tilted her head upward.

She stayed in that position for a few seconds then stood up and walked away. As she walked away towards the girl's bedroom, she quietly thought.

'I wonder what grandpa discussed with sister to have her not spend time with her like she normally does.'

She said she would be 'busy' tomorrow. She didn't believe her words when she said that. After all, she can't hide the fact that she has always been a bad liar.

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