Another World Nation Archimaira: The Weakest King and his Unparalleled Army


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A few hours after the encounter with the bandits.

The group met up with Gardi, who had pulled the wagon, and with the addition of the girl as a new occupant of the wagon, they were now on their way to the border city.

"Well, this is about right. It may be a little big, but it's the smallest dress I have. I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to ask you to bear with this until we get to the city."

Inside the carriage, Celes' voice can be heard leaking from the back space separated by a cloth partition. It seems that the girl has finished getting dressed. While watching Levee preparing to serve, Hélien listens to the voice coming from behind the curtains.

"No, not at all. It is rather a very pleasant material to the touch,...... silver butterfly silk thread, isn't it? I am sorry to have put such a good product to use. I will be sure to pay you your fair share when I return to town."

"What? ...... Oh, no, no, that's fine, not at all. It's not a big expense, so don't worry about it.

From the conversation coming from the back of the room, it seems that the girl has regained her composure. I had been concerned about her state of mind during the exchange immediately after rescuing her, but she seems to have recovered to the extent that we can have a normal conversation with her.

"Thank you for waiting."

The curtains are drawn with a rustling sound.

A dark-haired girl named Zion is there, wearing a fluttery outfit.

She is not dressed for traveling by any means, but it suits her very well. She looked very graceful, a far cry from the girls of the town.

"Miss Helian, Miss Theon. Tea is ready."

Theon takes a seat across from Hellian. At the same time, Levee, who had finished brewing the tea, handed him a white porcelain cup.

It is only Lieve, who has mastered the art of serving tea in a shaky carriage, that is able to brew the tea without mishap. Celes is not clumsy either, but as a military commander, she has not mastered the skills related to serving. In fact, the position of a corps leader is essentially that of a servant. The reason why Levee and Eltina have such skills is because they are often in the presence of the king, Helian.

Theon received the cup graciously with both hands and sipped it as recommended. Her eyes twinkled in surprise as her narrow throat made a swallowing motion.

"--This is delicious."

The words spilled out in an unintentional tone of voice.

The exhale of disbelief clearly shows that it is an honest impression without any falsehoods.

It seems that they liked it.

Theon sipped a kind of herbal tea with a calming effect.

The flower fairies of Alkimaira had created the seeds, and the Doriad had blessed and nurtured several kinds of herbs. The highest quality of the finest ingredients are carefully selected and blended by the best elves of the Third Legion, and the product is a royal gift that has passed a strict screening process by the First Legion's servants.

Its taste and efficacy are both proven.

I beg your pardon. It was so rich in taste that I just ......"

"Don't worry about it. I'm glad you enjoyed the drink."

Perhaps noticing our gaze, Zion hurriedly hid his mouth. He seems to be seriously embarrassed by the slight flush on his cheeks.

I had imagined a different kind of person from the vitality with which he had escaped from the bandits, but this was a surprisingly innocent gesture. Her manners even in a carriage like this, and her appearance, it is highly likely that she is a noblewoman. At least, she is not just a town girl.

As Helian continues to observe her, Zion drinks her herbal tea in an elegant manner and lets out a satisfied sigh. Hélian, who could tell from the atmosphere that he had calmed her down enough, began the conversation.

"Then let me introduce myself again. My name is Helian, as I have already told you. I am a traveler, a merchant of sorts, and I am currently on my way to the border city.

"I am Liewe, squire to Master Helian."

"Likewise, I'm Ceres. Nice to meet you."

When Helian looked at Levee, Levee answered spontaneously, as the Lord intended.

Celes followed, saying her name to the girl.

And the big man leading the way outside is Gardi. He may look scary, but don't worry, he's not a bad guy despite his face.

When I introduced the last one in a broken tone, Zion smiled with a lowered eyebrow. After placing the cup on the saucer, she straightens her posture and tightens her expression. She clears her throat with a single cough and opens her small mouth.

"Thank you for introducing me. I am also sorry that it has taken me so long to thank you. My name is Theon Gardiner. Thank you very much for your help in my time of need.

With these words, Zion bowed his head deeply. His dark, supple hair hung down smoothly.

Beautiful words and graceful gestures. Herian was aware of a twitch in his cheeks as he heard her words, which clearly indicated that she was a noblewoman.

"...... Zion Gardiner?"

He parrots the girl's name.

No, I like the name Zion. That's all right. I had already heard that name, so there is nothing wrong with it. It is the family name, , that is the problem.

The information on the border city obtained from RATESTWOOD is limited, but I knew the name of the family of the count who governs the area.

Lord of the Border City Seals.


I believe the family name is .

...... You can't be serious.

"If I'm not mistaken, I think that the name of the family of the Count of the Frontier who rules over ...... the Border City of Seals is Gardiner. If I'm not mistaken ......."

"Yes. Glen Gardiner, Lord of the Seals, is my father."

The girl's easily spun words made Helian dizzy.

...... are you kidding me?

No wonder her manners are so beautiful and her language so polite. She was not only a noblewoman but the daughter of a great nobleman. What's the curse? I'm having a terrible déjà vu. Why are all the people I've helped so many important people?

I know it's understandable that you might have doubts...

"No, no, I don't mean to be suspicious, but why would the daughter of the Gardiner family ...... be in a place like this?"

He would not normally be allowed to be in a place like this.

After all, we are in the middle of a wilderness infested with monsters and beasts.

A noble daughter attacked by bandits alone, with no guards, much less the daughter of a lord, is an anomaly by any stretch of the imagination.

"I was on a pilgrimage on my father's orders. The situation has been unstable recently, with the outbreak of a major attack from the demon realm and the labyrinth showing signs of unrest. As a woman of the Gardiner family, I have been asked to take on this task.

"...... pilgrim service?"

Some kind of religious ceremony?

In terms of role, I feel it is similar to that of a shrine maiden or priestess.

"Yes. But on the way back from the Western Temple, we were suddenly attacked by a giant beast species. ......"

Herian's words brought to mind the that Ceres had discovered.

"Before I reached the place you just mentioned, I saw in the distance the carcass of a giant beast and ...... many people lying on the ground," he said.

When I asked him to change his wording, Zion dropped his gaze with a somber expression on his face.

"............ they are my bodyguards. Many of them stayed where they were, saying they would make time to let me go. I managed to escape with a few of my guards, but for some unknown reason, we ran into the mercenaries not long afterwards and ...... the rest you know."

"--Excuse me, sir."

He bows his head in apology.

Zion said he escaped with a few guards.

But when Helian and his men found her, she was alone.

So it is easy to imagine what happened to the few who fled the scene with her ...... and what the bandits called mercenaries did to them.

But the important thing is that she managed to escape. They made time for Theon to escape. That's why they got there in time. They had done their job.

There are many parts of her explanation that are unclear due to the lack of information at hand, but Zion is probably telling it like it is. If I were to doubt her words, I would say that she is certainly pretending to be a noblewoman in order to gain their patronage here, ...... but that would be too far-fetched.

Either way, we have already decided what to do with Zion.

Whatever her identity is, once we have helped her, we have a responsibility to get her home safely. At least that was what Helian thought.

"I understand your situation. Anyway, please leave the journey to the border city to me. Aside from myself, all three of my followers are skilled enough to handle the beasts of the wilderness. I will see them safely back to your residence.

I am sorry. I have nothing in my possession at this moment, so I would like to take you at your word.

"Thank you, sir. We expect the journey to be bumpy, but please bear with us."

In the rattling carriage, Helian bowed his head reverently to Zion.

Now that he knew who she really was, it would be better for the self-proclaimed merchant to be as humble as this.

"...... Um, please make yourself comfortable. Honorifics are fine, too.

However, Zion twisted himself uncomfortably. He then demanded that Hellián change his humble attitude in a polite tone.

"But I would not dare to address the daughter of the Gardiner family in such a ...... manner."

Please. My father would scold me if he knew I had forced the man who saved my life to bow to me. You saved my life. I don't want to bow down to the person who saved my life.

It is difficult to refuse stubbornly when you talk like that.

Perhaps he referred to his father with this in mind, but he is an aristocrat, after all, who can naturally bring up the subject in such a manner.

I tried to refuse him again, but he did not change his answer. Hélian sensed that she was being sincere and decided to change her tone of voice to one that was somewhat more casual.

Of course, he could not take her words at face value and completely drop the honorific language, but he would have to change his tone of voice to one of fearlessness.

"Well then, Your Highness--Young Master. I'll go back to the perimeter to keep an eye on things.

Celes said this as soon as the conversation had settled down. She almost said "Your Majesty," but it seems that Ceres has decided to address the merchant Helian as <.

Herian responds with a nod of the head, and Ceres heads for the front of the carriage.

He then warned Galdi, "She was a big girl after all, so you should watch your attitude," to which Galdi replied, "Hey, hey. He was responding in a nonchalant manner, "I know what you mean.

The two of them were still talking to each other as usual, and I felt that my heart, which had been feeling a little shaky after the encounter earlier, was slightly soothed.

As I was smiling unintentionally, I suddenly felt a glance from Zion who was sitting across from me.

Helian turns his face back to the front, but their gazes do not meet. Theon's eyes were not on her face, but on her head.

She tried to brush her hands to see if there was something strange on her face, but there was nothing. However, Zion's eyes, which had been glancing at me a moment ago, were now fixed on Hellian's head with an intensity that could be described as a stare.

"......You, what's on my head?"

When I asked him about it, Zion's face fell in a panic.

Her cheeks were somewhat red.

I'm sorry. The color of your hair was unusual for me. ......

"Oh. Your hair."

Helian replies, plucking his own bangs. On the tip of her finger is a tuft of black hair, the same color as Zion's hair.

I had thought that it might not be that rare, given the fact that the first person I met (Zion) had black hair, but from what she says ......, it seems that it is still a rare hair color.

"Are there many people with black hair around here?"

"Yes. I have never seen a person with pure black hair, except for people of my own blood.

Hmmm," Helian inwardly groaned.

By blood, I assume you mean the Gardiner family that rules the border city.

That would be more troublesome than what I had initially anticipated <.

It could lead to strange misunderstandings and unnecessary troubles.

"Then ...... I'd better not expose my hair too much in the border city."

"--Yes, sir. It would be better to hide it if possible.

Zion looked thoughtful for a moment and then nodded his head in agreement.

Helian responded, "I see." For the time being, he put a hood over his eyes to cover his hair. She tied the hood tightly so that it would not come off in the slightest, which would be enough for the time being.

For a while after that, we had a casual conversation to gather information. We chose topics that would not cause any unnecessary problems (trouble), but within the scope of the topics, we confirmed that there were no fatal deviations from the information we had obtained from LATESTWOOD.

Just as the topic was about to turn to the origins of the SEALs, a firm voice came from Gardi, who was leading the group.

General. I can see them now!

Helian glances in the direction the carriage is going. He could see what appeared to be a castle wall in the distance. Theon also leans out from Helian's side and looks in the direction of the carriage.

Theon looked at her with a somewhat dazed look, and Helian asked her a question.

Mr. Zion. What if that thing is ......?"

"Yes. That's our city - Boundary City Shields.

+ + +

Over the next 20 minutes or so, our carriage arrived at the outer wall of the seals.

The outer wall up close is much taller than I had imagined. It must be 40 meters high. It was so high that it would have hurt my neck if I kept looking up at it.

(Citadel ......)

I have seen pictures of it in a history class. I think it was in Luxembourg.

However, the outer wall that rises in front of me is much higher than what I saw in the picture, and it surrounds the whole city. Even if demonic beasts attacked, it would not be easily breached.

Moreover, it is incredibly large.

If you got close enough to look up at the wall, you could not see either end of the outer wall, or the end of the wall at all, covering such a vast area. The apparently solid outer wall stretched on and on until it was beyond our sight.

How many years did it really take to build such a vast and solid wall? At least ten or twenty years is not enough. If this were the earth, it would have been registered as a world heritage site.

It's quite a magnificent wall, isn't it?

Yes. That's what everyone says when they first visit the Boundary City.

Zion replied with a ladylike smile.

There was a proud tone in his voice, perhaps because it was his own city.

(It is similar to the outer wall of Agartha.)

Helian recalls the outer walls of , the capital of Alkimaira.

The Alkimyra's virtual enemies are not humans but demons. Some of them, such as giants and dragons, are literally on a different scale from human beings, and the strength required of the outer wall also conforms to this.

And this boundary city is also said to be a front-line city where the opponents are not humans but demons and magical beasts. If this is the case, it is only natural that it is built much higher than the outer wall for humans that we see in Japanese textbooks. It is natural that it is similar to Agartha.

But on the other hand, there are some differences. While Agartha has a capital city ward that is always deployed along the outer wall to hide and protect the capital city, there is no capital city ward in Agartha. Although there is some kind of pattern engraved on the wall, there is no pulsating light on the wall or the gate, which is a proof of this.

It is a fine wall, but it is literally just a solid wall.

"Hmmm ......"

Gardi crosses his arms and looks at the outer wall.

Next to him, Ceres was also thinking with her finger on her chin as if she was calculating something.

"It looks pretty thick, but ...... well, three to four shots, I'd say."

"It seems to me that a shortened chant would be sufficient. It doesn't have to be siege magic."

...... I'm hearing some disturbing thoughts, but I'm sure it's just my imagination.

You are reading story Another World Nation Archimaira: The Weakest King and his Unparalleled Army at

Even though they are belligerent demons, Ceres is one of the intelligent ones, and Gardi is a good and air-headed guy. I believe that they are aware of what's going on. Please let me believe you. Please let me believe you. He is at least a hundred times better than the Commander of the Seventh (Robin) or the Commander of the Eighth (Nogarde).

For some reason my stomach aches, but I intentionally ignore it and continue walking toward the gate.

The gate was built on the outer wall, and was of such a magnificent structure that ten large horse-drawn wagons could pass through it side by side. The chains are now rolled up, but there is a thick metal grate attached to the gate, which would be used in an emergency. As a proof that it is not for decoration but for actual use, dry soil was found on the stakes at the bottom edge of the grating.

At the right end of the gate, a group of what appeared to be merchants formed a line. It seems that they are taking time to examine the visitors at the gate. Following Zion's instructions, Helian and his carriage passes by the group and arrives at the gate.

"-- Hmm? What is it with you people? If you want to enter the city, get to the back of the line. Right now we're waiting for the other merchants to come and examine us."

As expected, we were stopped by the gate guard standing in front of the gate. He was dressed in plate armor and had a long spear in his hand. It was a natural response since he had ignored the line and approached us.

Or do you have a letter of introduction? If so, please follow the prescribed procedures ......"

"Thank you for your work. I don't have a letter of introduction, but please let me through here. We'll give you the highest priority."

"...... what a selfish thing to do. If you don't have a referral, just get in line--,......?

The soldier, who had been emitting an unpleasant tone of voice, gulped and his complexion changed drastically as he looked at the owner of the voice calling to him from inside the carriage.

"Oh, you are ......!

"Please be quiet. I don't want to cause a scene here and now."

Zion's voice was released as if to control the soldiers who were about to shout.

The soldier, who had been opening and closing his mouth, finally chewed what he had been told, straightened his back and changed his attitude.

"--Ha, I beg your pardon. However, we need to inform your father immediately. I would like your permission to send a messenger.

"Permission granted. But there is no need for you to pick him up. Tell my father that I'm going back to the house. I will report the details directly to him. Please don't let him know anything else.


The soldier, perhaps sensing Zion's intention to avoid being conspicuous, gave what appeared to be an abbreviated salute and turned on his heel to the reception desk at the gate. Soon after, several soldiers standing by the reception area turned their startled gazes on them, but they were quickly dismissed as if they had been told to do so by Zion, and they were escorted to the reception desk.

The carriage of Helian and his group proceeded through the gate into the interior of the city without much inspection.

Helian is impressed that she is indeed the daughter of a lord, but as soon as she steps through the outer wall into the interior of the city, she lets out an exhale as she is struck by further emotions.

"Oh ......"

The historic townscape, reminiscent of a good old medieval city, greeted Helian as he let out an exclamation of admiration.

The streets are neatly paved with cobblestones, and stone buildings line both sides of the main street that extends from the gate in an orderly fashion.

However, even though the outer walls cover the city in a circle, there is no sense of enclosure, and the space is used in a spacious manner.

While the buildings are lined up in cramped spaces, the city is also rich in colors, with large waterways running through the city and green plazas.

Above all, the city is a place where

"Come on, come by, take a look, buy something! Freshly picked kukul liquor! It's delicious!"

"Reinforcement work on the fort, we are looking for people! If you are interested, please contact the Adventurers' Guild bulletin board!

"Hey, long time no see. I'm organizing a caravan to the border region.

"When do we leave? What, tomorrow? That's impossible. The day after tomorrow is the day the armor I ordered is delivered. I'll think about it if we leave in three days.

"Well, this is Hernil's steamed and baked goods on sale. How about it for today's dinner? If you want a hearty meal, come to Aranu Restaurant!

--It's so lively. Even a cursory glance around reveals people calling out, negotiating, and shouting with authority.

There were citizens, soldiers, merchants, craftsmen, children, old people. And all of them were busy moving about. The place was filled with great bustle. It could have been introduced as the capital of a country.

"...... This is amazing."

Praise was in my mouth.

I had heard that it was a big city, but it was even bigger than I had imagined. There are hundreds of buildings just in the area I am looking at now. In terms of area alone, it seemed to exceed even the current Agartha.

"Yes. It is my pride and joy.

Zion responds from behind Helian, who leans forward. He has a smile on his face like a child showing off his prized possessions.

"I've heard about it, but ...... it's a magnificent city, isn't it? It's even better than I imagined."

"I'm glad to hear you say so."

"I had heard about the recent attacks on a large scale, and with all due respect, I thought the atmosphere would be more tense, but I was surprised to see the smiling faces of the people on the street as well as the ...... cityscape."

While there is some lip service, these are basically honest opinions.

As the words suggest, there is nothing grim about the expressions on the faces of the people who pass by on the spacious boulevards. It is hard to believe that just a few days ago there was an attack by magical beasts.

"Yes. Fortunately, the attack was stopped by the fortress on the front line and the SEALs escaped unharmed. In the direction of the demon territory - there is a little bit of a tense atmosphere in the protruding area located in the south of the city, but this is the commercial area located in the west. This is the area with the highest concentration of commercial facilities in the city, and as you can see, it is bustling with activity every day.

"...... I see."

Border City Seals. Also known as .

It is a city county consisting of five districts and three fortresses, and is one of the important centers of humanity built to cover the overland route connecting the <> and the <>.

The supreme mission entrusted to this city county is to prevent invasion by demons, to keep the demons in the demon territory, and to keep protecting the human territory.

This was the information about the border city of Shields that I had heard from Rattlestwood, and I had imagined a fortified city specializing in battle, or a solemn scene tightly regulated like a frontline base during wartime.

However, Helian growled that he would have to change his mind after being shown such a scene.

The border city of Shields, which he had actually inspected, was not a frontier base, but a metropolis in its own right.

(I only had the image of a frontline base for territorial defense, but you never know until you actually see it. ......)

Seeing is believing. The information you hear from others and the information you experience firsthand are different in freshness. In this sense, it may have been a good decision for me to go out of the country myself.

With this realization in mind, Helian continues to observe the streets of Shields with great interest as the carriage moves slowly forward.

The frontier count who governs this town must be a very good politician, because it is filled with so much vitality in spite of its proximity to the danger zone.

"--ォ----ン-- --"

"? ...... something now."

As I was contemplating the figure of my lord, I suddenly heard what sounded like a distant shout.

The voice was strangely clear to my ears in the midst of this clamor, but at the same time, I could not hear what the voice was shouting because of the great distance.

The only thing I could understand was that the sound source was getting closer and closer.


The shouts came closer and closer, and people on the main street turned in the direction of the source of the voices.

The people on the main street were looking in the direction of the source of the voices, but for some reason their gazes were slightly turned upward.

I followed their gazes and saw a figure floating in the setting sun.

"......What? A shadow?"

I mutter in dismay.

The source of the sound was close at hand before I knew it.

And the shadow against the setting sun grew larger and larger,



It came down (・・・・・).

Literally from the sky, in a straight line.

They are falling with a mysterious cry toward the carriage in which Helian rides.

"Stop it, Galdi!"

He immediately orders his followers to take the lead.

Galdi responds immediately and meets the mysterious assailant head on.

The club (mace) in Galdi's hand is struck at the assailant as if he were bouncing a falling ball back with a bat.


However, the assailant caught the blow from the mace with his crossed arms.

The impact was so great that both of his feet shaved about ten meters off the ground, but he was not blown away, leaving his body on the spot. The assailant let out a roar and his eyes were glistening behind his arms.

--I was surprised.

Helian is blinded by the shocking sight before him.

Now this assailant had survived Gardy's blow head-on.

Of course, Guldi is taking it as easy as he can. <

Even so, however, the club that Ghardi used was not powerful enough to be endured by an ordinary human being. It was a blow that should have resulted in at least a crushed fracture.

Even after taking such a blow head-on, the mysterious assailant was not even stunned, and the damage was enough to allow him to continue the battle.

"...... Who are you?"

In the dark shadows created by the setting sun, the assailant - a man of mature age - releases the voice of "Suika" (who?).

But that is more our line.

This is clearly not a normal person, not to mention the fact that he attacked us.

He is different from the bandit we just encountered.

Even though he is in a fully humanized form and is being treated with a little bit of force, I did not think that there is a human being who could survive under Gardi's attack.

"No, I don't care who he is. Let's give him the girl next to her."



When I refused without thinking, the assailant raised one eyebrow doubtfully.

He looked as if he didn't expect me to refuse.

"Are you refusing my request?"

"Yes. I don't care who you are.

Helian moved his body so that Zion was hidden behind him.

She then responds in a strong tone of voice while staring the assailant squarely in the face.

I took her into my custody. I promised her that I would get her home safely. Therefore, I will not let her go, no matter who it is.

Snap your left ring finger.

This action triggers the pre-arranged .

Furthermore, it is permitted to drive the hostile unit to the brink of death.


When he first left the country, he had set up only for himself (Helian), but after he rescued Zion, he added her to the condition.

Because he promised to send Zion home. He swore that he would bring her home safely after he had gone to such lengths to save her.

I will not allow anyone to stand in the way of that promise, no matter who they are.


The assailant snorted in admiration as Helian moved his squire with a single fingertip.

A pressured look pierced his glazed eyes.

It was a swooning gaze that would have made him shrink back under normal circumstances.

But Helian met the gaze without fear.

She stared back at the assailant, prepared to snap even the ring finger of her right hand if necessary.

And so an equilibrium was born.

A deadly atmosphere flutters between the three followers and the assailant.

The people around them cowered before the scene, unable to move an inch.

The situation is at a standstill.

Then, an embarrassingly weak and out of place mutter was uttered.


The murmur is so faint that it seems to be fading away.

But Helian, who had heard the voice up close, looked at the source of the voice - the girl sitting next to him (Zion) - with a rusty neck movement.

"........................ what now?"

I hope I misheard you.

I hope I heard it wrong.

Helian's question is uttered with such a tragic thought in his mind, to which Zion replies with a shrug.

"Um, ...... it's my father. ...... I'm sorry."

"............ who?"

"That's the guy over there with his fist in the air. ....... I don't know what to say, I'm really, really sorry.

Helian was absolutely mortified as the words were delivered to him as if he had a headache.

She pointed at a small finger, and when she followed the tip of her finger, she saw her attacker, who had been unarmed for some time, standing there with a fearless look on his face and his beard trimmed.

He was hidden in the shadow of the building, but if you look closely, you can see that his hair color is black like Zion's.

In other words, his previous line was not a threat to "give me your daughter," but literally referring to his own daughter. ......

"Hmmm...... no, excuse me. I can't stop the urge from welling up inside of me. When I was told that my beloved daughter had been brought home by a stranger, I couldn't stand still. The moment I saw her, I went to take her in my arms.

The man said, "Gahahahahaha!" without a trace of apology. He laughs loudly.

The person next to me said, "I told you not to say anything because it's ....... I told you to wait for me. ......", he muttered in the most shame-filled voice.

Helian is aghast as he listens to the words of the man who is to lead the city: "I told you to wait for me, but I don't know what else to say.

"It seems that you have protected my daughter. I would like to thank you, but it is a bit difficult in the center of such traffic. I would like to thank you again after I have brought her back to my house. Then I have no choice. I'm sorry, but I'd like to ask you to accompany me to the museum, how about it?"

The frontier count, with a grin and an evil-looking smile on his face, asks me a question, a far cry from his exuberant laugh earlier.

A mere peddler has no choice.

Helian felt a pain in his stomach early on, but had no choice but to reply in the affirmative.

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