Another World Nation Archimaira: The Weakest King and his Unparalleled Army

Chapter 46: 45 - The 14th "Table"

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"I'm sorry about the other day. I was a little out of sorts myself. When I heard that my beloved daughter, whom I had feared for her safety, had returned home safely, I went to hold her in my arms as I always do."

"...... No. Please don't mind me."

The house of the Count of the Frontier is located in the center of the border city of Shields.

After receiving an apology from Count Glenn Gardiner in the guest room, Helian had no choice but to give a curt response.

Incidentally, his beloved daughter Zion is temporarily out of the room for a change of clothes.

He was allowed to go to the guest room to relax while she was getting ready, but within a few minutes of sitting down on the sofa, the Count of the Frontier appeared.

Within a few minutes of sitting down on the sofa, the frontier count appeared and began to speak without Zion, as he did at the beginning of this report.

"But you have a very capable retinue. Your earlier blow was truly brilliant.

I'm talking about the surprise ...... or encounter ...... or the unfortunate incident (trouble) that occurred due to mutual incomprehension earlier.

I was prepared to be accused of disrespect even though I had already explained myself on the way to the museum, but to my surprise, he spoke words of praise. Helian bowed his head and said, "I'm sorry.

However, the man in the background (Gardi) remained steadfast, watching the Count's every move with a wary eye. The other two were no different in their degree of caution. In fact, Ceres did not even try to hide the hostility in her eyes.

...... at least give me a bash.

I want to put my hand on my aching stomach, but I can't do that in front of the master of the house. Helian put a straight face on his face and endured.

"Don't be so hard. I don't care whether you're a nobleman or a commoner. I'd be more than happy if you took it easy with me!

The frontier count leaned forward and gave Helian a vicious blow on the shoulder.

It was a gesture as if he were treating a well-meaning friend, but the soft shoulder that had been hit with such force caused the host to complain of pain.

However, Helian was struck by a chill so strong that he did not care about the pain.

The chills were caused by three pressures on his backside.

Although not directed at him, the pressure he felt through his back radiated an unsettling atmosphere.

(Please don't runaway, please don't runaway, please don't runaway, please don't runaway ......!)

I prayed, reminded, begged and pleaded desperately in my heart.

Their prayers may not have been answered, but fortunately the three followers remained steadfast.

I am truly glad that I told them in advance not to touch them.

"And no need for modesty, Herian. Your squire is a good man indeed. It's been a long time since I've had a surprise attack prevented."

"......, I'm honored."

I said surprise attack, my lord.

No, I had a feeling from the moment I met him, but what I saw in person was far from the image I had of this lord. I could hear the sound of my image of a nobleman collapsing.

"Is it surprising that the lord of this city is a man like me?"

Suddenly, the frontier count asked such a question with his arms crossed.

Having been told exactly what he was thinking, Helian hesitated for a moment and then shook his head.

"Of course not. I don't think so.

"There is no need to be concerned. After all, 50% of the people you meet for the first time will have the same reaction as you!

It's a standard story now," the frontier count laughed.

In many ways, this comment made me wonder if the lord of the house would be all right with such a tone of voice.

"I'm sorry if you were hoping for an aristocratic response, but you'll have to let me off the hook. After all, this is a city that exists near the border of the demon territory. It is not a place that can be protected by a small group of smart people. And we can't rely on those idiots in the kingdom.

So boasted the frontier count, leaning his weight on the back of his chair.

Well, kingdom or no kingdom, this explanation makes some sense of his aristocratic appearance.

Helian nodded inwardly as he recalled what he had heard from the people of Rattestwood.

--Glen Gardiner, the frontiersman.

Also known as the Count of the Holy Sword.


He is said to be more powerful than even the most famous adventurers, and when the invasion of the demons reached the Seals through the fortress, he became the last of his family's lords. (It is even said that the "Hinduism of the world" is the most important factor in the development of the world.

If this were in the modern world, it would be nothing more than a joke with a great deal of hyperbole, but this world is a fantasy world similar to that of the Tactics Chronicles.

It is not something to be laughed at.

In fact, the frontier count, though a flesh-and-blood human being, managed to block Ghardi's blow right in front of his eyes.

"However, I apologize again for what I said earlier.

The Count of the Frontier changed his mood and began with a mysterious look on his face.

I have been rude to the benefactor of my daughter. It's only an excuse, but I was very upset when I lost contact with my daughter whom I had sent on a pilgrimage. I had selected the best of the SEALs' remaining strength to form a convoy, so I didn't think it was possible. ......"

I think that "anxious" is an honest and sincere expression of my feelings.

My beloved daughter, whom I had suddenly lost contact with, has returned safely.

As a parent, it seems to me that it is a very natural reaction to be unable to stand still.

I did not understand the strange behavior of falling from the sky for a hug, but I guess it means that they were so worried about her and that it was an unexpected situation.

"About the convoy," he said. When we found your daughter, she was already at ......."

Yes, my daughter told me what happened. On her way back from the pilgrimage to the last temple, she encountered a huge beast and was attacked by a band of mercenaries who looked like wild thieves.

Helian responded with a nod of the head.

"I never thought that a giant beast species ......, Behemoth for that matter, would show up in that area. This is a monster that would normally require an army of several hundred people to defeat. I'm surprised you let my daughter escape after encountering such a thing.

The Count of the Frontier says with a bitter expression on his face.

It seems that the huge magical beast that Ceres had seen was a more dangerous monster than she had imagined.

"......By the way, you say you were selected from the remaining strength of the SEALs? It sounded as if the SEALs were lacking in strength today."

"Hm? It's just like they say. As you know, we have already repelled the attack from the demon realm, but we still keep our main forces at the fortress in the border region. Although it is not unprecedented in the past, there is no guarantee that there will not be a series of large-scale attacks in the future. Therefore, the forces remaining in the SEALS are mostly the reserve forces of the Border Knights and adventurers of low to mid level. There are some high-ranking adventurers among them, though, who have been escorting the seriously wounded from the fortress.

I see what you mean. The situation does not seem to be unpredictable, but it seems that the main forces - including the adventurers who were urgently summoned - are still concentrated in the fortress as a precautionary measure.

Incidentally, the boundary region is the area between the human realm, where human species live, and the demon realm, where demons and powerful demonic beasts inhabit.

It is a frontier region surrounded by steep mountain ranges from east to west, with a topography that seems to bridge the two regions. It is located to the south of the border city of Shields. It is said that there are three forts in the current boundary area.

"Well. It's about time for my daughter to come back, but before she does I have to say what I need to say.

The frontier count's face tightened and he began to speak. Helian, sitting opposite him, naturally straightened his back under the stern gaze of the Count.

I thank you from the bottom of my heart for saving my daughter from those thugs. It is thanks to you that she is safely reunited with her daughter.

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No, sir. We just happened to be there. ......"

"And you saved my beloved daughter, didn't you? A complete stranger who just happened to see you in the lawless wilderness. Then I have nothing to thank you for.

I show my respect and gratitude to the noblemen who, without knowing she was the daughter of a lord, went to the extent of taking on bandits and rescuing her.

As soon as he finished, the frontier count bowed his head slightly.

It was literally the highest form of courtesy a lord of such a prestigious position could show to a mere itinerant merchant.

"This is for bringing my daughter here. Please accept it."

The Count of the Frontier received the package from the family orderly standing in the corner of the room and placed it on the table.

A heavy metallic clang sounded.

At the prompting of a glance, Herian opened the package and found it filled with brand new gold coins. They are the kingdom's gold coins, which are mainly circulated in this region. Seeing the amount of brilliance, Hélian shakes his head silently.

"...... No, I didn't help you for the reward. You and your daughter have already expressed your gratitude. Those words were enough for us..."

No, that's not how it works. How can I send away the benefactor who saved my precious daughter's life after merely thanking him for his kindness?

The frontier count pushed a package from the table in front of him.

"Normally, I would have thrown a grand banquet to welcome you. But the current situation does not allow it, and I can only repay you in this way. This is the least I can do. It may not be in accordance with your sentiments, but please accept it.

"...... I understand. In that case, I would be grateful for it.

"Thank you."

Just as the frontier count nodded his head, a discreet knock sounded. The family courtier pulled open the door, and there was Zion.

"Sorry to keep you waiting.

Sion stepped into the room and showed his civility by bending down at the waist.

Perhaps it was because he had just cleaned himself up. She was dust-free and cleanly dressed, and a pleasant fragrance wafted from her.

However, upon closer inspection, I noticed a slight reddening of her eyes. The swelling around her eyes seems to be disguised by makeup, but there is no way to hide the color of her eyes. Herian remembers her status and circumstances, and he is convinced that she is a good person.

A daughter of a noble family was attacked by a magical beast in the middle of the wilderness, separated from her guards, and finally being chased by bandits all by herself. Who can blame her for returning alive to her home, the symbol of peace and tranquility, and suddenly loosening her tension?

The tears I shed were either for the realization that I had made it home alive, or for those who had died for me. I had a feeling that it was the latter, but I was afraid to imagine it.

Zion, however, showed no sign of the tears that had been swollen up until a few minutes ago, and sat down solemnly next to the frontier count with a dignified expression on her face.

My first impression of her as a stout-hearted girl may not have been wrong.

"I am very sorry for my father's behavior during our earlier visit. On behalf of my family, I apologize deeply.

"Hey, Theon. Don't you think you can do that in front of my father?

"Please be silent, Father. The integrity of the Gardiner family is in question.

"...... heard that, Lord Helian? You have a terrible daughter. I was so worried about her.

I don't like it when you point water at me.

How am I to comment on a conversation between a father and his son that's so highly inappropriate for an aristocrat?

I feel out of place just being here.

"Father. Mr. Helian is confused.

"Hmm. I see. My apologies. ...... By the way, Mr. Helian, do you have any idea where you'll be staying today?

No. I'm new in town, not really.

Then why don't you stay at my house? We can't offer much hospitality, but we have plenty of rooms available."

"That's an excellent suggestion for your father. Mr. Helian. And you, Leve, Ceres, and Gardi, are welcome to stay with us. We would like to hear all about it."

The proposal almost made my cheeks twitch.

In the future, we would probably deepen our relationship with the upper class of the human nation in order to expand the scope of our information gathering. However, the purpose of this expedition is to establish a base for full-fledged information gathering activities. It is a bit of a stretch to say that we are going to deepen our ties with the rulers from the first day we arrive at the expedition site. The arrangements are absurd.

And for Helian, who was suddenly forced to assume the disproportionate position of "king" - even if it was a disguise - he was comfortable as a traveling merchant. This expedition was a valuable opportunity to practice negotiations from a comfortable position.

This time, I want to make sure that I can proceed in a way that is appropriate for my size.

Even Helian, who had such thoughts in his mind, could not welcome being suddenly moved up to a higher position (stage).

He rushed to interject.

"Thank you very much. However, we do not know enough about etiquette and manners. It is not right for us to be hosted in such a magnificent house. I'd be happy to make you an offer. ......"

"...... Hmm. Then I will introduce you to an inn in my name. There are more than a fair number of inns in this town because of the heavy traffic, but they are all crowded at this time of the year. Time is also time. It must be hard to look around for a place to stay when you are tired after a long journey.

"That's--yes, that would be great. I'm a countryman who doesn't know the left from the right, so I'd appreciate your kindness.

Then you'll have to wait a little longer. There's an inn in the Labyrinthine District that has a good reputation among the peddlers. I'll write you a letter of introduction immediately.

Theon, who was sitting next to him, let out a frustrated sound as he told the frontier count to bring a brush and paper.

"So, sir. Father."

"Zion. They have their reasons. You can't force them to stay."

Zion looked unconvinced, but after a few seconds of exchanging glances with the frontier count, he kept his mouth shut as if in resignation.

The Count of the Frontier spread a piece of fine parchment offered by the family priest on his desk and began to stroke his pen. When he had finished writing, he rolled up the parchment and sealed it with wax on a thread. Two letters were then presented to him.

The one on the right is a letter of introduction to the inn, and the one on the left is a permit for Shields to come and go. The permit is different from those issued to the general public, and is intended to provide some convenience. It's like a thank-you for this trip, use it."

No. You have already thanked me more than enough. Please do not send any more to ......."

"Don't say that. Let me dress up in front of my daughter."

It would be unwise to refuse such a proposal.

After a slight hesitation, Helian accepts both scrolls of the letter.

After a slight hesitation, Hélien accepted both scrolls. I would like to have a chance to talk with you again at a later date when things are more settled. We will have a big party at that time, so please look forward to it."

"...... thank you. If you get a chance, I'd be happy to help.

Herrien, who had muddled the issue with a safe answer, thanked him again and stood up to bow, signaling that he was leaving the room.

The three followers bowed their heads in unison, although they were a little uneasy about it. With a sense of relief in her heart, Helian left the guest room with her three followers.

The family courtesan guided them through the large house where they might have lost their way, and they picked up the carriage that had been left in the care of the servant of the house. They then left the frontier count's mansion, which boasts the size and grandeur of a small castle rather than a mansion.

Helian almost lets out a sigh of relief when he finally gets to be alone with his family. But it is still too early to tell. He should not let go of his tension until he arrives at the inn where he will sleep tonight.

He opens the . I have already marked the location of the inn as told by the Count of the Frontier. The inn is located in the north direction from the central district where the Count of the Frontier's mansion is located - near the labyrinth district. We get into the carriage and let Gardi, who has given us the coordinates, lead the way.

......We are almost to the inn.

Helian mutters inwardly to himself as his body complains of fatigue.

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