Another World Trip: Journey With My Cat and An Otaku Loli Goddess

Chapter 109: Chapter 108 – A Bite Me that Costs 50,000 Gold Coins

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  An enchanting voice drifted over that instantly stole everyone’s attention.

  “Hello everyone, thank you for attending the auction today. We hope that our humble wares will interest you greatly.”


  On the stage before everyone was a woman wearing a stunning red dress with a dangerous slit that subconsciously guided the eyes to its gleam.

  Any stir, every movement, each shift, caused the dress to bring her legs to light, showing just enough to light afire the lust in a person’s soul, yet held back on the extreme limit so as to tickle the imagination with a maddening curiosity.

  Her figure was on full display as the dress hugged and accentuated each curve. The bountiful hills that gently surged like the active tides tempted some weaker-willed men red-eyed, willing to take to the stage and take her right then and there.

  It was as if a temptation that warmed the blood burned within her own. As if it was a part of her very being. It was different from Shen Ling who was like an ethereal fairy. Instead, she was like a seductress whose goal was to bring to ruin those who were led astray.

  The problem was that there were many who were willing to be led astray at this very moment!


  Out of nowhere, several powerful auras exploded into existence that crashed down on everyone! With this, everyone was reminded that this was the auction house of the Qian Dao Sect, an existence that very few were able to offend!

  ‘What a dangerous woman!’

  All those who were awakened from their stupor stared at this woman with a sense of vigilance. Yet they didn’t stare too hotly, afraid that they would be enchanted by her charms once more bringing upon themselves their own destruction.

  “My name is Huli Ruo, and I will be your hostess for this auction,” she said with a wave of her arms. Even this simple gesture of hers was able to nearly send the crowd into a frenzy

  It was almost as if this was an art form that she perfected to the apex. No movement was wasted and when she saw that everybody’s eyes were glued to her, a bewitching smile made its way across her face. Everything was under her control.


  “Hmph, a member of the Huli Jing tribe, no wonder she’s able to make the crowd go so crazy,” Yaomu Shou advised with an expression of disgust.

  “Huli Jing? Fox spirit? That lady is a… nine-tailed fox?” Long Di asked, aware of… certain pop culture references.

  “N-No. That’s their progenitor…” Yaomu Shou was shocked to see Long Di’s eyes so clear, even though he was staring straight at that woman. Even she herself didn’t dare to stare too intently at Huli Ruo.

  “Legends says that their origins trace back to a legendary demon fox. It was capable of shape-shifting and other divine skills that were contained in its nine tails.” Yaomu Shou said after a while.

  “Oh,” Long Di said with a disinterested gaze.

  Yaomu Shou was still taken aback that Long Di could be so collected in the face of such a temptress. She peeked at Jia Yan and Tie Lang, who were beside her, and could see the poor boys with their legs closed tight with a heavy blush on their faces.

  Even Xiannu Liang, Feng Yu, and Zi Yu were affected as a slight blush crept onto their faces as well. Shen Ling was the only one who was able to resist Huli Ruo’s charms with a bit more ease.

  The disparity between them and Long Di was immense. Yet, how could Long Di’s will be weak? He cultivated a technique that allowed him to have, at his command, tribulation lightning!

  This was not something that a weak-willed person was qualified to possess. Due to him being the one who created the technique, it continually tempered his will to transform him into someone truly worthy of wielding its awesome power.

  In the future, if someone wishes to cultivate this technique, their own will must be strong enough to withstand heaven’s might! After all, they don’t have the advantage of being the creator, which compelled the technique to lend Long Di a helping hand of sorts.

  Suddenly, on the stage below, an attendant pushed a silver cart beside Huli Ruo. Atop the silver cart was a large battle axe.

  Its size was normal as far as two-handed battle axes went, however, it radiated an aura of heaviness that assaulted those in the first few rows.

  Even the male attendant who was pushing the cart atop the stage could be seen slightly struggling to do so.

  When he finally brought it to center stage, he bowed slightly to Huli Ruo and deftly left without a word.

  She gestured to the battle-axe and began, “The first item up for auction is a high-grade yellow ranked secular weapon. We’ll start the bidding at 100,000 silver coins.”

  The price immediately doused the dreams of many of the attendees present. Immediately, they could tell that this auction differed from the auctions of the past.

  Such a treasure was something that was worthy to be the highlight of the entire auction in the past. Now, however, it could only be used as the opening for this auction.

  After all, an auction was something that needed to be carried out in a methodical manner. The first treasure to be auctioned couldn’t be too mediocre as that would kill the excitement of the following treasures, it could very well cause some high-profile customers to leave thinking that this sort of auction was below them.

  However, it couldn’t be too flashy either, as it would overshadow the following treasures and ruin the flow of the auction and the bids that should be placed.

  The mere fact that the auction house took out such a powerful secular weapon was indicative of the uniqueness of this particular auction.

  “110,000 silver coins!”

  “130,000 silver coins!”

  “150,000 silver coi-”

  “170,000 silver coins!”

  “Let me finish my bid!”

  “Screw you! Slap me with money if you dare!”

  “I’m too poor to slap you, damn it!”

  Though the price extinguished the dreams of many bidders, there was still a lot who came prepared, as they knew this auction was different from the others.

  This was not only a monthly auction, but was the last auction of the current auction house’s head. Those who were familiar with Qian Dao Sect were well aware that once an auction house’s head was holding their last auction at a particular location, then said auction would be several levels higher than its predecessors for that region or city.

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  No one really knew why, but no one cared! They could get high-end stuff! What was there to worry about!?

  There was another reason for this as well, and that was to impress Huli Ruo. Who knew, maybe if someone spent enough money, they could catch her eye and maybe a bit more.

  “320,000 silver coins!”

  The bid for the axe reached a sky-high price of over 300,000 silver coins. Secular weapons were very important to any cultivator and could raise their battle prowess. For cultivators who walked the line between life and death, they were not willing to let something like this go so easily.

  Suddenly, an arrogant voice echoed from one of the private boxes above, “1,000 gold coins…”


  That bid instantly silenced many of the ongoing bids. The axe was wonderful, but it wasn’t that wonderful. As for Huli Ruo, well not everyone is rich enough, apparently.

  A single gold coin was worth 1000 silver coins, meaning that this single bid was worth 1,000,000 silver coins! That was nearly three times the highest bid not too long ago!

  “My, the esteemed bidder in one of our private boxes made quite a large bid. Is there anyone willing to follow up?” Huli Ruo asked.

  Many people looked to the private box that made the bid, wishing to know which profligate young master was showing off their wealth.

  Inside the private box was a young man who was leering at Huli Ruo with a lustful expression. He had two beauties in each arm. They fed him grapes from the bowl on the table before him.

  His nose was crooked, and his eyes were hawklike. Coupled with his cheekbones that were high, it made him appear malicious without even needing to try. In addition, there were lines that covered his body in a vertical fashion, appearing very strange.

  “Hmph! So much trash came out to make such embarrassing bids.”

  Instantly, everyone’s expression turned sour. You could be rich, but did you have to be rude on top of it!?

  “Miss Huli Ruo, this esteemed one would like to invite you to dinner tonight.”


  It was obvious that he made such a high bid to gain Huli Ruo’s attention and hopefully her favour. The bid amount was a dead giveaway, but then the shameless wretch actually went as far as to outright invite her out!?

  What else could they say other than… they approved!

  Men had to be this decisive, and it was natural that he could be smitten by Huli Ruo’s charms.

  She slightly bowed in the direction of the private box, “This humble one is naturally pleased at Xiao Yanshi’s request. However, regretfully, I must decline due to there being tasks from the sect that needs overseeing by myself.”

  This was the perfect response. Not only was she respectful and tactful in her declination which served to save Xiao Yanshi’s face, but she also brought up the matter of her sect and not even Xiao Yanshi’s background could shake the Qian Dao Sect. This would ensure that he wouldn’t push the matter any further.

  Wait a minute… did she just say Xiao Yanshi?

  “Good lord, it’s actually Xiao Yanshi!”

  “Isn’t he the personal assistant to the Infernal Myriad Ground Clan’s younger generation’s number one junior, Chen Jie?”

  “How the hell did you say all that and not bite your tongue!?”

  “What’s it to ya!?”

  “You were asking me the question, dumbass!”

  “Oh yeah, well if you have the ability, then slap me with money!”

  A discussion broke out once more when the identity of the owner of the private box was uncovered.

  At first, Xiao Yanshi was displeased that he was rejected. However, he was quickly pleased when he heard how his name was and backing garnered so much attention.

  That’s right, he was awesome; he was on top of the world; he was…

  “10,000 gold.”

  Really dirt poor!

  Even Huli Ruo was stunned for a moment before her attention was grabbed by the owner of the other private box.

  A voice drifted out, sounded lazy, and carried an air of ‘I can’t be bothered but I’m already here so meh…’ Yet it was this kind of voice that made a bid of 10,000 gold! Was 10,000 gold cabbages to you!?

  Xiao Yanshi, on the other hand, was choking on the grape he was fed at some point. After all, everyone was singing his praises either in envy, want, jealousy, or a mixture of them. Yet, out of the blue, someone made a bid that made him appear like a beggar. It’s like one was in heaven and then fell to the lowest level of hell. This was too much!

  He looked over to the private box in anger, before asking, “Do you know who I am!?”

  “… Uhm, no…” the lazy voice came out once more. It really sounded like it couldn’t bother to speak with him.

  Xiao Yanshi was really about to explode in fury, but managed to rein himself in at the last moment. He wanted to leave a good impression on Huli Ruo.

  So he took a deep breath and continued, “I am Xiao Yanshi, personal assistant to Chen Jie.”

  “Then my condolences?”

  “Screw you! I want that axe, 11,000 gold coins!”

  “I’ll use 20,000 gold coins to buy your 11,000 gold coins because I can, I’ll raise the bid to 30,000 gold coins for the axe, and because I want my money to talk, I’ll spend 50,000 gold coins so I can tell you to bite me.”

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