Application For Divorce

Chapter 7: CH 7

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Translator: Abo Dammen

After two years of work, Cheng Jin had already become very familiar with Andy. The other was a young man in his twenties who not only had a very clever appearance, but also had a very witty nature, otherwise he wouldn’t be promoted from the position of a shopping guide to a store manager in a short time. He casually waved his hand when he saw Cheng Jin. “Just in time. There just happens to be an order for you.” 

Cheng Jin immediately rejoiced. Prices represented by ‘orders’ were far more expensive than that of common products, and you could take it home to make.

In the past two years, he’d worked hard to learn needlework, 24 weaving methods, and had even learned to make leather bags all to earn money. Once on a sudden inspiration, he added a little ornament to a dress, which was extravagantly praised by the person who had placed the order. To his surprise, Andy found that the young master actually had a talent in design.

Andy was very business minded. He immediately packaged Cheng Jin as a master under the pseudonym Ruilla, and gave him private orders. But as soon as a client wanted to see him, he’d immediately euphemistically say that Madam Ruilla was a noblewoman, or a titled noblewoman, so it wasn’t convenient.

Most of the wealthy people only had wealth and were without titles in their names, so they were somewhat envious of those who had one. Now that they learned that the one who made their clothes was actually a ‘noble’, their hearts were filled with pride and arrogance. So through the young miss’s propaganda, people who came to ‘Ruilla’ specifically to order grew exponentially. 

It’s just that Andy valued quality over quantity. He’d purposely set the number of orders taken to be very low, and would usually only receive one order a month. His approach not only did not make those young ladies and masters give up, but had also made them insane. Now, at every banquet, if anyone owns a piece personally made by ‘Madam Ruilla’, they would certainly be the target of envy.

Cheng Jin wasn’t aware of it. He only knew that when he had no money, he’d come here to do ‘illegal work’ and collect his own working fees after making finished products. Those rich people he knew in the past distanced themselves from him after knowing that his family was bankrupt, and no one invited him to those banquets anymore, so he didn’t know that he had become ‘famous’.

The order Andy took out was for a dress, another special custom-made dress. The client only requested what materials should be used and its general style, and had also brought a box of blue crystal beads.

“The client requested that the crystal beads be made into an ornament. The style should be your own design, and it must be eye-catching,” said Andy.

He added sternly, “These expensive blue crystal beads are very precious minerals. I’ll give it to you, but you must not miss a single one. Count them first.”

Cheng Jin piously took over the box. After the box was opened, the crystal inside emitted a blue light. The blue was extraordinarily pure, comparable to the sky. Andy saw him look dumbfounded and deliberately said, “What? The young master has never seen such a fine item before? You should know that the value of this bead is worth 50,000, because these crystals are so rare. They’ve only been found on a distant planet before, and the total number is no more than a thousand. You have to collect it carefully. If you lose one, you’ll be in big trouble. I can’t help you then.”

Cheng Jin’s spirit returned. He then counted meticulously. Only after he had counted them did he say, “It’s 148.”

Andy said, “Make sure. When the time comes, the client will check it, so it must not be less, okay? The project will take half a month, but I hope you can give it to me in ten days.” 

Cheng Jin firmly held the box in his arms and nodded, “Okay.”

“Jjc P ufa rbwf wjafgljir ogbw atf kjgftberf?” tf jrxfv. Lf jigfjvs tjv j gbeut rxfamt bo ​​atf vgfrr lc tlr wlcv jcv yfilfnfv atja tf mbeiv olclrt la lc afc vjsr.

Andy responded, “Go bah.”

Cr tf gfaegcfv tbwf mjggslcu j ylu yju bo lafwr, atf lcafiilufca ilaaif gbyba bqfcfv atf vbbg obg tlw jcv jvperafv atf afwqfgjaegf lc atf tberf ab atf wbra mbwobgajyif afwq. Jtfcu Alc gfjmtfv bea ab ragbxf lar tfjv jcv atfc atjcxfv la fjgcfrais. Ktf ilaaif gbyba mtffgoeiis gfqilfv, “Tbe’gf kfimbwf, wjrafg. Tbe’gf gfjiis ufaalcu wbgf qbilaf.” 

Cheng Jin smiled lightly. He used to be very rude, probably because he was used to others’ efforts since childhood, so he never knew those were things that needed to be thankful for, and took everything for granted.

It wasn’t until lu Tao detested him that he realized how flawed his character was.

To the point that when he recalled it just now, he felt incredibly embarrassed.

Then he began to change, tried very hard to change, starting from dismissing the maids at home. Before parting with everyone, he solemnly said “thank you” which frightened several people, with consternation and some fear over their faces. Cheng Jin also realized his previous bad behavior of ganging up on others and also bullying… 

One thing after another, after thinking about it, Cheng Jin understood why Lu Tao didn’t like him.

But even if he changed now, it wouldn’t make a difference.

Cheng Jin took a bath, then entered his ‘studio’. He began to draw, sketched out his ideas, fixed and revised them several times, and when he finally finished the sample sketch of the dress, it was already past twelve o’clock.

He slept in bed for six hours and got up when his alarm went off. Although he was still tired and sleepy, he didn’t let himself stay in bed anymore. 

He must hold on!

The live fish he’d ordered before going to bed arrived. Cheng Jin was sipping a small portion of nutritional soup while cooking soup.

He didn’t know how to cook beforeーー or to be more direct, he had never been in the kitchen at all. Later, on a whim, he wanted to be a good wife and practice good cooking skills to improve Lu Tao’s impression of him, but he still couldn’t do it well . In the end, he shamelessly regarded the dishes cooked by the chef as his own and brought them to Lu Tao, and was coldly exposed. After being ‘humiliated’, he settled down and finally learned how to cook.

He boiled the fish soup to a thick white hue, sprinkled a handful of bright red wolfberries, then poured both the soup and the fish into an insulated container, and then he tidied up his appearance. Cheng Jin took the insulated container to the military hospital. 

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The hospital had included his identity who had a ‘visitation permit,’ so Cheng Jin could go in directly without anyone having to pick him up. General Lu Tao’s identity was important, so the floor arranged was the quietest place and the place with the tightest security. When Cheng Jin entered, he needed to go through five infrared scans.

But as he neared the door, he realized that he wasn’t the first person to arrive, because he heard voices inside.

Unable to hear what was being talked about and unable to tell who the person was, Cheng Jin hesitated for a moment before gently knocking the door with his knuckle. After a while, the door was opened by someone who had outstanding facial features, stunning Cheng Jin.

So beautiful!! 

Snowy-white skin, deep features, with long and thick eyelashes that resembled a small brush, and lips with the shade of rose petals. He had long blonde hair, which was tied at the back, making his whole person appear somewhat androgynous.

But because he was tall, Cheng Jin could see his Adam’s apple and flat chest at a glance, so he was sure he was a man.

But he should be a ‘new female’ like him, right?

‘New females’ appeared nearly two hundred years ago, when the birthrate of that society was even lower than today. When the first man was able to conceive life, it caused an uproar all over the world. The man was sent to the Research Institute for examination, and the results were that his body was not much different from an ordinary male. The only difference was an additional reproductive cavity in his body. 

At that time, there were very few women, and there was a big fight in the higher ups over whether or not to propose laws of artificial birth. As soon as this appeared, it changed the future of mankind.

Scientists began to worry that this was only a one-time case, but when the  second and third cases of male pregnancy appeared, a genetic examination revealed that the subjects of these cases all had something in common, which led to the creation of a ‘screening device’. The men identified by the device as ‘could conceive’ would be marked on the birth certificate, and this portion of the men would become ‘new females’.

The emergence of ‘new females’ increased the birth rate, especially on the isolated planets, their birth rates skyrocketed. It was only on the Imperial planet where the majority of young men do it to seek a life of pleasure, but were reluctant to marry and have children, which was why the birth rate wasn’t optimistic.

Cheng Jin’s dumbfounded look displeased the man sitting on the hospital bed. He coughed with the back of his hand against his lips to wake Cheng Jin up. Cheng Jin suddenly felt shy and whispered, “Sorry, I was being rude.” 

The blonde man smiled gently and said, “It’s okay.”

He also introduced himself, “I am Asher, general Lu Tao’s subordinate, and his best partner. He saved my life so he’s also my benefactor. If it weren’t for him, I wouldn’t be able to return this time. It’s just unfortunate he doesn’t remember me now.”

Cheng Jin froze, “He tried to… save you?” And the name ‘Asher’ was so familiar. Cheng Jin quickly remembered why it felt familiarー because in Lu Tao’s light screen yesterday, he saw that the second name in his contacts was Asher.

At that time, he thought it was a woman. 

“Yes,” said Asher, “I was careless enough that I didn’t notice a female insect approaching me, and by the time I did, it was too late. If it weren’t for him, I wouldn’t be standing here right now talking to you.” He remembered something quickly. “By the way, you are…”

Cheng Jin glanced at Lu Tao who was staring at him. His heart felt a little empty, just because his mind suddenly thought of something.

Black and Gold Twin Gods. 

This was reported by an official newspaper. The ‘Black and Gold Twin Gods’ refer to two people: one was Lu Tao, and the other was his subordinate, Lieutenant General Rigel. They say that they worked so well together that they were invincible on the battlefield. They were a pair of good partners with very tacit understanding. 

Official newspapers used beautiful words to praise both men’s abilities and style, and they also pasted pictures of General Lu Tao in his formal suit, which was so handsome that it attracted young men and women who had just begun to think of love to buy them.

Cheng Jin also bought a copy of it, and roughly scanned all the contents above. With regards to the person mentioned with Lu Tao, the surname ‘Rigel’ alone made him lose interest. There’s no other reason. This surname had a great reputation on the Imperial planet. It’s an ancient native family.

Cheng Jin had seen some of the members in their family, almost all of whom were big men with thick beards covering their faces. Even the women were very strong and were born warriors.

So even though the above description of their relationship was close, Cheng Jin didn’t take it to heart; he didn’t think that a boorish man would become his rival in love. 

But now, he may have thought wrong.

Cheng Jin pursed his lips and asked, “Is your full name Asher Rigel?”

The pretty man raised his eyebrows and looked even better when he smiled, “That’s right, Rigel is my last name.”

“Oh, is that so…” Cheng Jin suppressed the bitterness at the bottom of his heart and tried to flash a smile. “My name is Cheng Jin, I’m Lu Tao’s wife.” 

Although there’s a good chance I would no longer be in the near future.

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