Aqua The Pyromaniac

Aqua The Pyromaniac

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Aqua The Pyromaniac

Review: 8/10 from 11 ratings

Captain Aqua of the CK-78 cruiser is a relatively new captain, with her only field experience being a simple recon mission. So imagine her surprise when she is sent into the middle of a massive battlefield with no time to prep. It didn't help that the cruiser she was given wasn't a modern one and, as such, wasn't prepped up to "modern standards". In other words, her ship is unprepared against the modern ships, her ship's guns can barely penetrate even the most basics of modern destroyers, and she has never seen actual combat.

Luckily, it seems her cruiser has one advantage. Since it hasn't been "prepped", the cruiser still has shells on board made for setting other ships on fire, something none of the newer ships have anymore. Yet, even with this questionably morale weapon at her disposal, Aqua's fear over fire may get in the way of using the weapon to survive...

....especially since she is getting the reputation of being a pyromaniac because of it.


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