Archmage Slacker

Chapter 5: Chapter 5

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A week later, two broken fingers, a burned palm, three new lakes, Zee found a nice place where he decided to build a house.

Training on the road turned out to be more difficult than expected. The shape of the objects he created was not bad, a slightly crooked lemon, or a miniature fried cow, was not the biggest test in his life. But directing the force required more experience than he had.

The first fire spell was like a missile attack. He woke up two hours later, after the test. Wanting to cool his hand, he used a simple spell “Stream” and filled the pit from the “Fire Arrow” to the very brim.

For some time, he admired the rainbow hovering over the lake, and then plunged into its abyss. Underwater breathing was an abstract concept, and exploding lungs was not part of the plans, so Zee hurriedly swam to the surface.

Having decided that messing around with elemental magic is not worth it. He focused on creating the items and food needed for a comfortable life. The food came out mediocre, often huge, disgusting in taste. Sometimes it was alive… The uprising of the conscious vegetables had cost him those very fingers. The cucumbers put their lives into bending them, wielding like seasoned wrestlers. While the others hid in the thick grass.

This event had two important lessons. First of all, you should not imagine the vegetables from the advertisement, where they themselves are sent to the soup. The second was healing magic. The excess restorative power was converted into a temporary buff, which made Zee's arm thicker than his torso. The power accumulated in the brush could crush the stones. Biceps and triceps could be the envy of the stubbornest athletes on earth. In any competition, he would take first place... If he could stand up.

The weight of the arm increased, and the rest of the body was left too weak to even move that mass. For the next four hours, Zee spent a fascinating ability reading.

It turned out that it is impossible to create something that does not exist in this world if you do not know the exact structure of the material or its device. But some things that existed only here could be recreated through the visualization of the image. He copied trees, grass, strange stones.

During this time, he became quite confident in his skills and decided to start his settled life, full of carelessness.

The first version of the house took three hours to create and was not hollow ...

The second one was created in half the time, but had a strange architecture, so Zee decide don’t go any further than the living room. Through the open doors, individual rooms could be seen recusing, others shifting position with each blink. The corridor became smaller and smaller, towards the other end.

The final version of the dwelling was created in twelve hours. Every detail was thought out, everything superfluous was removed. Satisfied with the result, Zee set about filling the house with utensils.

We can say that it was a copy of the house of his Grandmother, with whom he lived in the village. Sturdy two-story house with several rooms. Rustic toilet and attached bathroom. Small balcony in master bedroom.

Simple beds, a variety of bedside tables, wardrobes, shelves. Flower pots lined up in rows, giving the surroundings such a memorable look. It was this period of childhood that was the happiest. No fuss, no tasks, no deadlines, no divorce of parents. He had to wake up, walk and play all day, and then have dinner and fall asleep.

And what could be more suitable for his new life path.

Peaceful days have come.


After a couple of weeks, Zee got bored and decided to try some interesting spells. He dreamed of loneliness, but having met it face to face, he quickly realized that he would not last long. So he was attracted by the spell to create life. The notes for this skill could have become a book of its own, there were so many nuances, the preparation ritual would have taken several months, and the chances of creating a terrible abomination were infinite.

The alternative was a more accessible spell for Zee, but not much different in difficulty to the rest of the world. Golem creation. The description said that they are excellent helpers, they do not need to be constantly monitored, and loyalty is unshakable. The most experienced and powerful magicians could even give a personality to this creature.

- Hmm, it looks good, but such a colossus will not fit in the house - He chatted to himself while working, examining a three-meter giant assembled from rough boulders, soil and sand. The golem's facial expression showed readiness to destroy all living things in sight.

He looked more like a villain from a children's series than a servant.

- And what if you try to compress and shape it? - Twisting his fingers on his hands, he changed the signs in the magic circle. The body acted almost independently, leading to the desired result. The golem began to shrink until it reached the height of a tall man. - Now the most difficult thing is to choose an image and consciousness for him ... Interestingly, no one will mind if I choose a girl?

Beads of sweat appeared on his forehead. The rested organism recalled the attraction to the opposite sex, with which Zee had never been successful. Too helpful, soft and modest. He didn’t have a childhood girl friend, even just a friend, everyone with whom he talked from early childhood were guys.

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“Now it’s time to get going! May she be perfect, madly in love with me, ready to fulfill my every request!”

- Hahaha - He laughed, anticipating his idea - Still, she will not be alive, you should not create a sexual slave for yourself, it's not so good for your health. Let her be nice and helpful, that's enough. And it looks like...

Circles began to form around the golem at great speed, they were layered on top of each other, piercing the body of the golem with their plane. The wind picked up, and one of the circles appeared over Zee's head.

A real storm invaded his mind, which he could not control. Memories, dreams, wishes, everything connected with girls broke out from the depths of memory. And with every drop of information, the spell complicated itself.

- Mother of god, no, no, stop - He opened the skill menu, found the creation of the golem and ran his eyes over the text again.

“When creating a personality, you must clearly define all the necessary parameters. Otherwise, they will be randomly generated from your brain.”

“Ah…” His eyes widened as the light of creation illumined everything. The rough stone took on the form and appearance of flesh, the figure became distinct, ideal female proportions. The golem rotated around its axis, changing from hair to fingertips. Until the glow faded and she appeared before his eyes.

Zee was speechless, admiring very tall, young girl. Her white hair fell down to her waist, framing a cheerful face. Huge eyes so green that the summer grass seemed pale and lifeless. She had massive, rounded ...

- Khe - He choked and created a maid dress – Pu...Pu ... Put it on!

The golem obeyed, deftly donning the uniform as if he always knew what it was and how to use it.

- I'm glad to serve you. How can I call you? - The golem's voice was incredible, not a single TV star, pop group, spoke so tenderly and loudly.

- Ah, ahem, God… Just call me Zee – He said even redder.

- All right, master.

- No, don't call me master. Call me Zee

- I understand you, master.

- Please stop!

- Is there something wrong, master? - She made a curious face and tilted her head as if there was no problem here.

- If you like it better, you can call me the Master - “Didn't I give up too quickly? Damn, I don't know what to expect from her. If her personality is random… I don’t even want to think about it, but loyalty to the creator must remain in any case. As in the three laws of robotics! Can she be considered a robot?

Thoughts raced through his head quickly, but no faster than a golem rushing towards him with outstretched arms.

- Thank you, master! - She closed her hands on his body, a crunch was heard.

- Hic… - Managed to utter Zee before losing consciousness.

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