Archmage Slacker

Chapter 4: Chapter 4

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He was awakened by a cheerful melody, accompanied by the words
- Brother, get up. How much can you sleep! You'll be late for class!

At first Zee thought he was blind. The eyes are open, but there is complete darkness around. But the status screen lit up, illuminating the surrounding grass.

- Well, finally, I barely woke you up, Baka! - The status table spun around, releasing a smaller version of Airia, who smiled sweetly, dressed in a school uniform - Time to start the lesson, give me a couple of seconds, silly. And don't peek!!!

She hid behind the status window by jumping out the other side in a teacher's outfit.

- Welcome to an important course that will tell you how to defeat the Lord of Darkness and not die in a ditch from his harmful henchmen.

Zee looked at the children's book, which the little Goddess was leafing through with difficulty, pointing to important places with a pointer.

- You've entered Landria's world! By earthly standards, here the Middle Ages. But not like yours. It's a magical, wonderful world!

- And this world is similar to the world in the novel...

- Once again you interrupt me, I will strike you with lightning in the nipples, stupid brother, or somewhere else - An electric light broke out from the end of the pointer and painfully whipped Zee on the nose.

- So, in this world there are three regions - A simple map has appeared - You are now in Heim, peaceful and pleasant. The second Gifors, a harsh land, full of trials and all sorts of unusual things. And the third Haldmir, there is a bastard, maggot, a piece of shite, this cunt must die, I will rip out his intestines and hang him on it!!!

Airia lost her temper, started yelling, and broke her pointer on her muscular knee. But soon she calmed down and wrapped it with duct tape.

“It is very, very dangerous there until you become stronger, it is better not to go there until you are ready to defeat the Lord of Darkness. It is also worth being afraid of scary people and creatures from this world, do not anger everyone. There are very strong and experienced warriors here, it is worth finding someone like a teacher. The first one will be in the capital Heim, after that collect the heroes and look for the second teacher in Gifors. Remember, the bigger the squad, the merrier! And safer.

She turned the page, adjusted her glasses, and continued.

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- Go to the nearest settlement, which is in the south. It's only a couple of hours' walk from…- She glanced at Zee's location, Airiya's face contorted with a mixture of surprise and anger, and froze. - How did you end up here? What the hell? Have you decided to make fun of me? Damn, damn, you stomp there for more than a month! What kind of shit are you, climbed into the deserted ass of the world? I'll hang you in the guts too! I, yes I, yes... Okay.

The face of the little Goddess was no longer friendly, she fished out a cigarette, lit it and inhaled, blowing the smoke into Zee's face.

- Look at your skills, Godry should have thrown a creation at you. Make yourself a hut, food and water. The skill is very difficult, so don't count on much, at least you won't die of hunger, shithead. Start stomping, practice magic. The more you do it, the better you will become. Exterminate the beast along the way, maybe you will raise some experience. Read the skills, it will help. But how it would make you stronger without a teacher? How I hate you, your idiot. If you try to fool me, I'll send some of the most serious people in this world after you, and they'll clean your ears and ass. Damn lord, it's hard to even maintain such a poor connection. I warned you, go ahead!

She slammed the book shut, tossed her cigarette butt into the grass, and disappeared, leaving Zee with the skills screen.

“Looks like the old man was right, she can’t fucking do it herself! She didn’t even understand my level and how I got here. If the city is in the south, then it would be wise to go north ... To hell her, to hell them all. You know, don't care. I have been commanded all my life and now I can do what I wanted all these years. Idleness!" Zee laughed and laughed and laughed. His nerves gave out; he went against everything that he had been lately. If he can choose a new life, he will make it what he wants!

He scrolled through the list of skills and spells, found the name "Light on the Road" and used it. Expecting to see a small flashlight, Zee fall on his ass as a sphere the size of a car emerged from his palm. The light illuminated everything around for several kilometers.

Zee rushed to the menu and dug up the spell that he considered the most innocuous "Create Water (Fresh)". On the tip of his index finger, a small spell circle appeared. The escaping stream launched him into flight. The jet turned out to be so powerful that it split large blocks of stones, blew up the soil and wound Zee like a fire hose left unattended. The circle disappeared and he fell into the fresh mud.

“It will be necessary to practice…” – knowledge flashed in his head again, something told him that magic is controlled by fantasy and the direction of inner strength.

Calling on the light again, Zee tried to visualize it as a small sphere and restrict the flow of power in it. Gradually, the huge ball shrank into a meter-long figure, which strove to disperse in different directions, flickering and blinking.

“So long as it will do.” He wiped the dirt off his face, thought about a fire spell to dry his clothes, but quickly changed his mind, afraid of roasting himself to a ruddy crust. Although his health did not decrease, and the wounds quickly healed, the pain was as real as before.

Lighting up the meadow, Zee went ahead. Hoping that he chose the right direction to the north.

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