Around Two Worlds and Back

Chapter 11: A New Arrival

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A New Arrival.

Rounding the top of the hill, my Dad and I gazed down on the familiar view of Nzar. Other than the warmer spring scenery around it, it was exactly the same as every visit I've had in the last two and a bit years. The grey stone walls stood tall and unmoved. The plumes of smoke rose in the same spots as always. The view was still beautiful, but it lacked the same charm it did on my first few trips to the town. I guess mum was right. It never changes.

We made our way down the hill and towards the southwest gate. More guards than usual surrounded the entranceway, standing proudly and alert in their red armour. As we passed they crossed an arm to their chests in salute. Ben was standing at the gate booth as usual. Handing him our ID cards, "Why all of the guards? Is everything alright?"

"Everything is in order currently General Tsor—, I mean, Mr. Tsorm. We are just on high alert today, due to an attempted kidnapping of a noble that occurred in Asriana. The culprits managed to evade capture, issuing the whole kingdom's guard to be on alert Sir." Standing to attention he went to salute, but my dad stopped him by raising a hand. "I'm not the head of the guard anymore Ben, I gave all of that up."

With that, we entered town, heading towards our destination, The Stokes Inn, residing on the far side of the shopping district. Passing through the packed Saturday streets was a struggle, and took longer than anticipated. Being around knee height has its disadvantages. I grabbed my dad's leg and asked if he would carry me, which he did gladly.

Looking left and right, I scanned my surroundings, mainly consisting of the top of people's heads. The view from atop his shoulders also allowed me to see the market stalls and street vendors that were scattered along the streets. Thirty eight stalls in total. I'd been told that a lot of these weren't in place permanently, and some only came into Nzar every few months depending on the items they sell and where the merchants travel. This was likely the reason the streets were so busy with shoppers searching for the best places to buy unique items.

The hustling of footsteps soon died down as we exited the north side of the district, closing in on our objective. Up ahead a large detached building stood, precariously tilted, on the right. The wooden supports holding up the overhanging first and second floors looked like they could snap at any moment. The white stone walls were grey in patches and scattered with small windows, likely to give the bedrooms light.

'The Old Whittok' Read the worn sign that hung out over the street. " I guess this is the place.. Dad?" Whilst climbing from his shoulders, a moment of silence followed "It appears to be". He replied, still seeming to be lost in thought.

Paying no mind to it, I began thinking about my cousin. Although I was excited about finally meeting a new family member, I felt a tinge of nervousness well up inside of me as I wondered how I should greet her, or how to even talk to a relative. In my past life, I never had anyone I could really compare to as an example of this type of etiquette. 'I don't exactly think I can be as casual as I am with my parents. Or can I?' I mused as we walked, side by side, through the entrance leading into the inn's bar and reception.

Walking up to the front desk, we asked under our family name for the room number of Bella, "Room 45." The clerk stated after looking through the notebook spread open on her side of the counter. " It's up the stairs on your left to the second floor, and at the end of the corridor." Minutes later, we were standing at the door. Pausing and neatening ourselves up a little, we knocked. "Tap tap" a pause, and "Tap".

The sound of muffled footsteps could be heard approaching the door, the latch clicked and It creaked open. A man with a serious face answered. "Who are you." he frowned

"We are here to collect Bella of house Tsorm. I am Arthur Tsorm her uncle, and this is my son Kharl."

The stern look faded slightly into one of relief. "I see. Come in." He moved back from the door, pulling it further open with him.

The contents of the room were bare, only comprising of one bed, and a wooden coffee table that sat in the centre. Sat at this table was my cousin.



Arthur Tsorm


I hadn't seen my niece since she was a baby, some five years ago. I was worried about how well we would get on. On top of this, Kharl was another worry. His scary intelligence and knowledge of magic put him ahead of pretty much anyone his age. 'All I can do is hope' I thought to myself as the door opened. Scanning the room, I noted that this was the only entrance other than the small window on the far side. The armed guard who accompanied Bella only had a sword at his hip and no other apparent weapons. 'Looks safe'.

My head still hasn't managed to escape the mentality I had back as a general. Focusing on the King and Queens safety was my top priority. Mapping routes of travel, being prepared for any eventuality, and making sure there were as few irregularities as possible. This line of work had honed my senses and keen eye to a level far beyond what is normal. It's only natural It would take me a while to adjust to normal family life.


Looking down at my son, I couldn't help but feel he was always doing the same thing. I know it's a crazy thing to say, but the way his eyes scanned our surroundings, it was like he was always trying to infer things from what he sees.

Remembering back to our spar and his final attack. It wasn't just a fluke, I'm sure of it. The way he slightly smirked as I drew my sword. The clever use of magic was surely used to dodge my attack, he already knew would come. Having those instincts, one must be a veteran warrior having seen hundreds of battles. Yet my boy. My son seemed to have achieved what took me years, being only two years old.

I shook my head. It's impossible. I'm just making things up in my head. Must be the effects of being a father dulling my senses.

Stepping into the room, the gaze from the young girl sat at the coffee table turned to face us. She was a little over a meter tall as she got up to greet us. Her light brown hair matched that of her fathers, but mimicked the slightly curled characteristics of her mothers, bouncing slightly below her shoulders as she proudly strode to us extending her hand. Kneeling on one knee I shook her hand politely. "A pleasure to make you acquaintance Sir" she said, voice trembling slightly at the edges.

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"No need to speak so formally Bella" I replied lightly "Welcome to Nzar, I hope the journey wasn't too long."

"Yes… Uncle. The journey was fine. Only three days by carriage."

Getting up, I stepped back, pushing Kharl forwards, whilst nudging him slightly.

"A P-pleasure to make your acquaintance I'm Kharl" He stammered, extending his hand and bowing a little to avoid eye contact.

"I thought I said there was no need to speak so formally Kharl. Or did you not hear me." The tone of my voice seemed to verbally dropkick my son into an apology. "Sorry father".

"Let's talk on the way back". Moving on from the awkward silence. "It's a long walk back." As I turned around I thought I saw a distasteful look on my niece's face, but ignored it.




Bella Tsorm



What were my parents thinking when they went and sent me to this dump?

I'd just wasted the last three longest days of my life riding in a rackety uncomfortable carriage, with the dingey view of fields the only thing to pass the time. "It's a long walk back". These were the words that nearly pushed me over the edge.

'A LONG WALK?!' The three words that I wanted to scream back at my uncle. I'd do anything to be back at home in my comfy bed, rather than here, achy and walking to some cruddy shed in a field.

"You need to learn what the world is like outside of the city" my father had said to me; I have only greeted with the reply "your dad is right Bella" when I protested to my mother.  All I'd done is throw my overcooked food at the maid. It's not like she mattered anyway. The chef should have done his job properly.

'This is so unfair' is all that ran through my head whilst we made our way through the unfamiliar streets that lay before me.






My cousin had been nearly completely silent the entire walk back, other than the odd word. She had briefly greeted mum before retiring to her bedroom on the first floor, opposite mine. Dad had carried her luggage and left it on her bed as soon as we got back.

She was likely very tired from the long journey. Being so young and having to be alone for that long can't have been fun. Though, something about her bothered me. I couldn't help but feel she'd been hiding behind a facade of niceties. I sighed for maybe the tenth time since getting home. 'Only time will tell. I've lived twenty nine years, what're another few days?'

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