Around Two Worlds and Back

Chapter 12: Upon A Hilltop

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Aria Tsorm



It had been a week. Bella had only come out of her room for meals. It was evident she didn't want to be here. I'm unsure if the reason for her parents sending her here was truly just to develop her mana core. 'If that were the reason I would have thought she would be more proactive when it came to spending time learning from my husband and I. There must be some other reason she was sent here.'

'Where was I…'

Ah yes! 'The two of us both possess very high level mana cores, mine being pale green, and Arthurs being deep yellow, knowing this I'm surprised Bella hasn't asked us for any help regarding her core at all.'

We hadn't even had the opportunity to give her her welcome gift yet, mainly due to the fact I kept forgetting to give it to her, but also because we have seen her so infrequently. I can't exactly barge into a guest's room and force a present on them, no matter how old they may be.

"I'll definitely give it to her at dinner tonight." I decided.






Mum seemed deep in thought, she was sitting on the sofa knitting another jumper for me. Her hands were working away at terrifying speed, however as usual her mind was not, drifting off thinking about something else entirely. I got up and trudged outside. Even though I'd been training a lot recently, the last week with my cousin here had drained me more than physical exercise ever could. She was moody and didn't talk to me, even when I knocked on her bedroom door to see how she was I would get no reply.

To vent my frustrations, I often left the house and walked into the fields that lay far behind it, and practised my spells and magic control. Today however I just felt like letting loose, slipping my body into its imbued state I began to run, calling in the ambient mana around me to subject itself to my will, as I began cycling It throughout my body. Eventually, I wanted to learn to keep this state active constantly, but for now, it was too taxing on my young body. Reaching a stream, I followed it uphill for about five hundred meters or so before breaking off to stand on a plateau. Looking back, the house was in the distance, not too far down, but certainly a good enough distance away so that if anything went wrong I wouldn't damage anything.

I sat cross legged and meditated for a minute. During my time in the special forces, I learned many hand to hand combat techniques and honed my body. I was always best at fighting in close quarters with a knife or pistol. I had learned many martial art techniques over the years that had become engrained into my memory with the repeated use and practice I had with them.

Standing back up, I began to make movements similar to what could be called shadow boxing, in order to get my new body used to the movements my mind found so familiar. Despite my poor motor skills, with each movement that passed through my mind, I honed it to as close to perfection I could get in this physique. My mana infused muscles forced the movements to become faster and faster with each repetition I made. I repeated this until I felt like collapsing and kept pushing further. Releasing the emotions I wasn't used to, releasing my tension. This in practice was similar to meditation. Thinking of nothing, I strived to sharpen my body into a blade that would execute my instruction. All noise drained from my ears but my heavy breathing. I did not even notice the sweat dripping from my face and soaking my clothes as I pushed myself to my limits.

It must have been a funny site had anyone been watching. A two year old out on an early summers day, drenching in sweat after some wacky kungfu training montage. So much for an afternoon nap.

But for me, It was serious.

Collapsing to the floor exhausted and unaware of my surroundings, I breathed in the salty air. The sounds of the fields represented themselves to me, the grass rustled quietly along with the breeze, and the birds chirped in the distance.

"Quite the performance you put on there" Came a female voice from my left. I snapped my head to the left. A few meters away from me, standing with arms crossed and legs at shoulder width was my cousin.

"Are you going to reply? Or just gawk at me?" Sitting down next to me.

"Nice of you to show your face at last," I said cheekily, "My parents were worried about you, you know."



Bella Tsorm



This sucks. I've been stuck in this room for a week now. I only went downstairs for food because I had to. I don't want to see or talk to anyone, not like they can teach me anything new anyway. Everyone who tries to teach me doesn't last long; they always say the same things over and over. "You just have to wait for your mana core to develop. There isn't much we can do other than expose you to mana crystals." I'm fed up with it. Crystals don't work well. I find it hard to absorb the mana from them. No one seems to understand me when I explain.

Besides, what's the point in even trying, when they send me away to such a muddy and uncivilised place like this anyway.

I just want to go home.


As I kept sulking, a 'knock' came from the door. I perked my ears, "Bella, It's Kharl, you should come out and join us, I know it can't be fun in there on your own."


I didn't reply.


I knew he was right, but I didn't want to admit it. Being here was boring, but my sense of pride was stronger than my restlessness. I didn't want to come here, so I wouldn't bother doing anything at all.

"I don't know much about family." came the voice through the door. "But, from what I've seen, I know that as a family we should want what's best for each other…"

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"..So If you feel up to It….. never mind". Footsteps followed as Kharl walked away, leaving me to stew in my unhappiness and the words he left me with. Flopping back on my bed I stared at the ceiling. "What's best for each other.." I mouthed.



Those words are what led me to leave my room. Though I'll never admit it. I'd come downstairs and walked into the living room, to the surprised faces of my Aunt and Uncle.


"Where's Kharl?" I asked before they could open their mouths.


"He went out to play in the fields behind the house", "How are you feeli—-"


I was already gone, sprinting out of the front door to the house and right, heading in the direction kharl went. Behind me, I swear I could have heard "Well… she is certainly her father's daughter." as I began the journey up the shallow hill that lay before me.


And here I now was. Stood watching my cousin, in deep focus, who was practising some weird exercise routine. In honesty, it was impressive seeing someone just over two years younger than me perform such a routine to the extent he was. It was mesmerising. After finishing his workout, I called him out. I received a witty comeback from him, which was unexpected. He seemed quite shy when we had talked previously, yet now he, the boy who should be reading from picture books, had stood up proudly covered in sweat, making perfectly fluent conversation.

"What on earth are you?" I stammered, struggling to compose myself.

He winked in reply. "A prodigy."

Every trace of respect for the boy who stood in front of me vanished. I stared at him blankly following his bold statement. I guess he was being sarcastic, even so, It sounded ridiculous.

Keeping the deadpan face,"You've got a mana core haven't you." I pushed, "Help me form mine. The adults don't help, and you said it is important to assist family. So help me."

"Thank you for asking so impolitely, but my answer is a no. I believe your sentence is missing something at the end of it… Last time I remember, It began with a P and ends in an—-

"Please." I said flatly cutting him off.

"Please what…?"

I glared at him. His smile irritated me, "Please… Help me form my mana core."

"Much better. Get up for breakfast tomorrow, and join us as a family throughout the day and I'll consider the offer."


I can't believe I'm being ordered around my younger cousin. But something about the way he talks reminds me of how an adult does. Almost like an air of authority from ordering people around before.

"What kind of training were you just doing? It looked like you were fighting with your hands, but In a very weird way."

Kharl began walking down the hill towards the house, brushing off my question. "I learned about it from a book"

Without looking back, he continued back home. 'What a weird boy.'






I'd made progress with Bella. She had spent the entire day chatting and being friendly in front of my parents, seeming to be happy. I knew though, that this was only a facade to get what she wanted.

After a few more days passed with the same result, I decided to go along with her request. Pulling her aside I explained how we would do our training once a day, and what I expected in return. I guess I won't just be teaching her mana manipulation, but also how to be a semi-decent human being. I was still learning about how to be as a person around family, I just don't want her to end up like I did in my past life. Alone.

The coming months were going to be tough.


I could feel it.

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