Around Two Worlds and Back

Chapter 13: Bella

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Days became weeks, and weeks became months. The middle of summer had passed. We trained in the blistering heat of the early autumn sun, that was beating down on us as it edged closer to the horizon. The seasons here were perfect, cold winters, hot summers and well balanced springs and autumns.

It hadn't rained for three weeks now, so the ground was dry and the was grass yellow with dehydration.

In the time that had passed, since my cousin's arrival, my core had developed to the fourth stage, deep orange, and She had managed to begin absorbing mana far more efficiently, due to my tutoring. Bella was making very good process forming her core.

I'd also begun learning to read and write the other main central continent languages. My elvish and dwarvish reading was improving at great pace, however beastish I found more challenging. The pronunciation and reading body movements had massive effect on the meaning of what was being said. On top of this, It was even more difficult to read.

Snapping out of my thoughts, I teased, "Nearly done? Oh 'dearest' cousin?" …


"Shut It kharl. I'm concentrating."


Bella was sat about ten meters from me, cross legged, in deep focus holding the centrun mana core tightly. I could sense the smooth flow of mana flowing ceaselessly into her body, even from this distance. She was very close to forming her core. I wasn't sure if she'd be able to achieve its formation before her birthday, which was another month from now, but it was definitely possible. Getting to my feet, I started to stroll towards the house. It had been a productive day, I was glad how the relationship between the two of us had grown over the time she had been staying with us. She was far more polite in comparison to before, and most of the time, felt we got on quite well. Friends would be a suitable term. My first ever friend in this new world.

As I arrived at the stream and followed it downhill, a shout came from behind me, "Wait Up!" Bella was running after me, the thumping sounds from her feet became louder as they landed heavily with each step taken down the slope. Whizzing past me, she came to a halt a few meters ahead, turning to give me her classic glare. "You didn't have to leave me behind you know." She huffed, catching her breath, "

"Were you 'scared?' being left on your own at the top of the hill?" I mocked, prompting a light punch to my shoulder. "Owch! You were concentrating. I felt like heading back for dinner, don't get so angry," I frowned.

"I punched you because you deserved it. You're always making fun of me… Also, when do you think I'll develop my core? Before my birthday?"

"Dunno" I shrugged, "At the moment it's hard to tell, it will depend on how well your training goes in honesty."


Arriving back at the house, we went up to our rooms after checking with my mum as to how long food would be. I wanted to study a little before it was ready. Taking a seat on my bed, I pulled the language book I had from under my pillow. Translating the words within different sections with a pencil, I worked on the sentence structures and pronunciation of individual words.

They say that after mastering one new language, it becomes easier to learn another, and then even easier after the next. This was certainly true. English was my first language, and on top of this, I learned many more in my past life. The languages of this world were still hard to grasp, but nowhere near as challenging as the first couple I had tackled. Though I did wish I had someone to practice with regularly. Mum and dad were normally too busy to lend a hand.

Thirty minutes passed in the blink of an eye. The call from downstairs of "DINNER!" put an end to my session, and before It could be shouted out again, I was already making my way down the stairs at full speed.



Bella Tsorm



Sitting at the dinner table, Aunty Aria and Uncle Arthur were laughing, and funnily enough, so was I. This would have been impossible when I first arrived, yet now I realise. 'I do actually quite like it here'. The place had definitely grown on me, even if it was small and cramped, miles from a proper city, in this expanse of fields.

A loud thudding of footsteps echoed from the corridor, moments before Kharl ran in and joined us, late as ever. He was always so engrossed in studying, I doubt he'd ever be punctual in his entire life. Not even once. Digging into the food, I wondered how long it would be before I developed my core, Thoughts of home also came into my mind, yet I honestly didn't want to think about going back, the fun I was having here seemed to make my time back in Asriana a distant memory.

After about twenty-five minutes of chatting, I finished my food, and headed to bed after saying goodnight to everyone. I was tired from such a long day, my body called me to rest in anticipation for tomorrow. Collapsing on my bed, I drifted off, near instantly, into a deep sleep, undisturbed until the next morning.







After Bella had gone off to bed, my parents and I discussed what we should get her for her birthday. Mum suggested getting her some nice clothes from the market, maybe some jewellery or fashion accessories. Bella seemed to go on about her wardrobe at home and how extensive it was, so this was naturally a good idea. Dad thought maybe a bow would be a good idea, thinking that she should learn how to defend herself in the future, or at least so she could have a physical activity as a hobby. I also thought this was a good idea, especially in a world where magic beasts, bandits and other dangers were so commonplace. I however already had a present for her. I'd thought extensively for the last month as to what I could do for her, what I'd settled with, in my opinion, was perfect. I just hope she likes it.

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The next month passed just as quickly as the others. The weather and heat we had had previously, changed as we slowly entered the autumn. The once dry yellow grass was now well watered and a more rich green, the sea breeze was now far cooler, and the trees were beginning to show signs of colour changes as well. A few days ago, Bella's core had formed, It wasn't anywhere as dramatic as when I had my 'awakening', but quite a large shift in the environments mana did give us a small panic, thinking initialy someone had unleashed a powerful spell nearby.

Today was Bellas's sixth birthday. A letter had arrived whilst we ate breakfast together this morning, posted from my aunt and uncle in the capital. We didn't read the letter, however judging from her happy reaction, the words written within it were likely congratulating her and whatnot. After we had finnished breakfast we all prepared to go for a trip into town, visiting shops, the markets and other various places as a nice family day out. We were now on our way back, after a light lunch, towards the house. The sky was slightly overcast and the clouds we darkening. 'It might rain..'

"Those rolls we ate were sooo nice Aunty and Uncle! Do you think you can make them at home?"

"I'm sure we could give it a try. I haven't made pastry in a while though, so it might not turn out too well."

"Can we do it next week then Aunty? We can go and buy the ingredients and make them in the evening? What do you think Kharl?"

"I wouldn't mind. I preffer the special curry that you cook though mum... You think we could fill them with it?"

"Oohhhh, thats good idea!" Dad said, ruffling my hair. "my mouth is already watering"

Continuing to walk and talk, the house soon came into view. It had started to rain a couple minutes before, hurrying our pace, the rain became heavier. In an instant, the heavens seemed to suddenly decide to release their rage and a horrendous downpour ensued. Dad picked up is pace, grabbing both bella and I by our waists and sprinting towards the house. All we could do is laugh hysterically, as drops of water ran down our faces. Out of breath we finally made it to the shelter of the front porch, and slumped over still giggling at the situation we found ourselves in. What was even funnier was that we all looked like drowned rats, head to toe drenched in water.




An hour later, we sat huddled around the fireplace, hot tea in our hands, still shivering a little after having been soaked to the bone.

"About time for presents don't you think?" I said,

"Gods, we almost forgot! I'll go and grab them now!"

After a minuite or two, she was back, two large wrapped parcels in her hands. In the end we decided to do a present each. Dad went for the bow, as Bella unwrapped it, her eyes lit up with what I thought was a mix of surprise, happiness and confusion. She ran her hands up and down along the bows wooden riser and along its limbs. "This is amazing" was all she could squeeze out of her mouth. "It's a little big for you, but you'll definitely grow into it. I hope it serves you well."

"Thank you so much uncle" She sniffed, tears welling up in her eyes slightly. "I'll use it well."

Moving onto her next present, mum had bought her a set of three high quality scarves, each coming in a differnt colour. The idea was that she could match them with her other outfits. Each scarf came with a small coloured crystal pentant on top, It seemed these could be attached to the scarf or worn on a chain. I'm not big into fashion, but Bella seemed to love them, as the elaborate dresser she was. Only at six years old, I still thought it was a little odd.

Finally, I pulled out my present from my pocket. I'd asked Sangris to help me make it. It was an oak wooden wand. Hand carved and a little wonky,  inside it however, sangris had used the used centrun mana crystal to act as its core. With me imbuing it every night, it had turned out to be a quite well made wand. I figured It would help Bella more easily control her mana output when performing spells. Acting as a funnel, directing the flow of magic in a more precise and stable way.

"Did you make this yourself kharl?" Bella said looking at me sternly.

"Yeah.. I hope you like it…" I trailed off.

'She doesn't like it.' I thought to myself, looking down at my knees.

Looking up, I was rugby tackled over backwards. Hugging me and crying was my cousin. "No one has ever made me something before Kharl" she sobbed, "Thank you so much, I'm sorry if I'm mean sometimes." Getting off of me and shuffling back to where she was sat a moment ago, Bella wiped the tears from her cheeks. "Thats the only hug you'll get from me.. So appreciate it." She huffed.

'Back to good old Bella' I thought. ' Didn't take long.

She was however still clutching the wand to her chest, almost protectively, for the rest of the night. I smiled. 'I'm glad she had a nice birthday.'



A month later, Bella left for home. A letter had come through the post, requesting her to return to the capital. It was quite a shock to have it happen at such short notice, we were all upset by the news. The next day, the same armed guard came to picked her up and escort her home. It was difficult to hold back my emotions as we said farewell. The mean spoiled brat that had orignally arrived here was leaving. I was going to miss her. Despite our differences, we had grown close over the months she had stayed. Even if we did fight all the time, she had changed a lot since she'd been here, and honestly, so had I. I don't think she wanted to leave in honesty, I didn't want her to either.

I stood on the porch, as they walked off. I waved untill they had both dispeared from sight. Half an hour later, I was still sat outside. "I wonder when we'll see eachother again..."

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