Around Two Worlds and Back

Chapter 2: Heist planning and a Stroll

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"Is it normal for babies to cackle like that?" Questioned my mother. "It sounds almost evil, like he's plotting something"

"I'm not sure, Its gotta be normal" came the reply from the other room "You're just be imagining things, don't delve into it too much, he is only 5 weeks old."

The supervillain esque evil cackling of course was coming from me. 'Muwhahaha' … 'It's Foolproof!' I mentally stated while rolling around on the floor.

By foolproof, I am naturally referring to my operation. The Information Heist! I've been planning this for the last few weeks, a genius plan to access the books and papers in the study, this has to occur whilst my brain is still in its information-absorbing stage, so time is of the essence! My laughter intensified, 'I'll finally able to grasp my tiny little hands around some solid information!', hopefully this will inform me as to where I have been reborn.

Not that I particularly want to know whether my past life mission was a success or not, I just hate cliff hangers, and that death certainly was one.

What's been starving my thirst for knowledge so far is "oh no, where is Mr. Froggy?" Unfortunately, it isn't exactly the best book for obtaining ultimate knowledge, hardly containing enough characters to be called a sentence even by newborn standards.

Anyhow, onto more promising topics, the good news is that over the last few months I have been rapidly increasing my stamina and strength in preparation for the operation that relies on me being able to move freely. An exercises regime I have devised, called the: 'If I can't walk, I'll at least try to crawl ' is the cause of this.

This fitness regime consists of:                                      (Imagine this as a hardcore training montage)

- Five sets of sleeping, followed by feeding time

- 2 sets of 'attempted' sit-ups

- 2 sets of having my nappy changed (bladder control is a thing of the past)

- 2 sets of forward baby wriggling

And to finish this off, 'Story time'..

This of course is a joke, my daily routine was more than enough to improve my physical abilities. Babies naturally grow in strength and size rapidly during the early stages of development so I'm sure getting into the study at some point in the near future will be possible.


A voice abruptly interrupted my thoughts, ''Time to go for a walk!''

This comment reminded of how with the passing days, my parents have been constantly increasing the feeling I have,  that in their eyes I'm almost comparable to a dog, Sharp lift at the waist confirmed my suspicions.


"Who's a good boyy" beamed my mother before touching her nose on mine.

At this rate my first word might be 'Woof'.

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A rapid insertion into a front-facing pink baby carrier followed, 'I guess they were expecting a girl' I huffed as the front door was pulled open by a firm pull.  Strapped to Arias chest, all I could do is watch as we stepped out of the porch. 'off into the world I guess' maybe this 'walk' will give some insight to where the hell I am.


The morning air was clear, and with every breath I could feel the cold biting at the back of my throat, making the tips of my ears and nose sting slightly.  As we walked out from the front door it took a moment for my eyes to adjust to the light. The view I then saw was astonishing. 'woah..' It took my breath away. What lay before me off a cliff edge, was an expanse of blue that seemed to stretch out forever. Sea and sky one in the same nearly as far as the eye could see. Squinting, I thought I could see some mountains on the horizon. Something about it however seemed off, but I couldn't quite put my finger on it...The azure blue sky was clear other than a few fluffy white clouds on the horizon that billowed upwards towards the heavens. 'not bad not bad' I said to myself, pretending not to be blown away by this phenomenal real estate location,  Never the less, I engrained the image of this perfect view into my memories.

We continued walking along the coastal path. Around twenty meters to the left, the cliff edge plummeted down by what I guessed as a significant drop, this went on for a little while before our pace began heading inland. Over the rolling fields ahead, puffs of grey smoke could be seen drifting upwards drastically contrasting the colour of the sky. Looking down at eye level, the grass wasn't too high, only around 30 centimeters at most and there were odd trees scattered here and there. Time flew by as I took in all there was to see and before long the town came into view. "Nzar never changes" my mother sighed to herself. Clearly she is used to the view.

"Up ahead is the south west gate Kharln-", she then said, almost rhetorically, expecting me not to understand, "-Isnt the wall big!" she pointed.

Up ahead the wall in question came into my eyeline. It was a variety of shades of grey; made of weathered stone and seemed to encompass the entire town. On closer inspection it appeared to be a similar height as a typical second floor on a house, 'so maybe four to five meters?, I could see the roofs of the buildings beyond it. 'so I guess that makes sense.' Stretching from the edge of the sea cliff and curved round and out of sight it was almost comparable to a snake slithering from the ocean.

Looking up, on top of the wall, some armed guards in matching crimson red plated armor stood to attention with long bows in hand. 'what on earth?, Is this some medieval settlement? I am certainly not in 2022...'  Upon approaching the gated opening in the stone, we were stopped by a guard who stood in a toll booth inside the entrance. "just here for some shopping", my mother said casually as she pulled out her ID card, "shouldn't be in town for long"

"no worries, Mrs. Tsorm" came the gruff reply, "good to see a familiar face, haven't seen you in a while, I assume this is your.. daughter?..."

"Son, actually Ben, haha. His name is Kharln" Joked my mother, "We may have gotten the Wrong Colour accessories"

"Ah, I see, excuse my mistake ha..ha" the guard apologized whilst awkwardly grabbing the back of his neck, "have a nice day, hahaha"

I was puzzled at his fumbled reply 'is the guard scared of my mother? I questioned as we passed through, 'also on a more important note, I thought I had more noticeably masculine features! I'm going to be a stunner when I'm older, I'm sure of it!' pulling a face that could only be described as similar to that of Zoolander, (charming I know) gathered some stifled laughs from people walking past. 'See? already a success.'

Continuing further into the bustling street, I saw all kinds of odd people, some with funny hats that stood tall and pointy with wide wide rims; Even people with armour and weapons too unique and exquisite to be practical. We then took a sharp left after turn passing under what seemed to be a Tavern or Inn that overhung the street rather a precarious way, almost warped under its own weight. Inside the window, I saw someone with cat ears and a tail poking out of their trousers.

That's when the thought struck me, 'Holy shit.. I've been fucking Isekaied.' A huge smile crossed my face, ear to ear, 'who gives a toss where I am, I wanna learn magic!'... 'can I learn magic'? Looking around in excitement, my Question was soon answered after I saw someone washing clothes on the curb by creating water from what seemed to be thin air. 'Awesome' I stared In fascination.

I was snapped back to reality to a sudden halt, we had stopped. 'what are you doing woman? Where are we going?' evidently, my ditsy mother had forgotten what we were even in town for. "where are we going again.. Do you remember Kharln?" followed a question. ''ah yes of course! thankyou sweetie" prompted a kiss on the forehead "I remember now''.

'Glad I could be of assistance ma'am' I would have replied sarcastically, however unfortunately that was not possible.

After turning back the way we came we passed across another few busy streets with market stalls selling trinkets as potions of the such we arrived.

Glancing upward I couldn't read what was on the sign of the 'apparently forgettable' shop before we had stepped inside.

( -  Link to My Art/Lore for the chapter. )

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