Around Two Worlds and Back

Chapter 5: The World Theories of The Great Sangris Olsten (Lore Chapter)

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I have decided to name the handwritten book ''The World Theory's of The Great Sangris Olsten''

Notable information is as follows:

-The World Mana Core-

This lies in the center of the world, it acts as the center of the planet, it creates a unique gravitational field and also provides the necessary heat and energy to fuel the atmosphere and life. Mana is funneled upwards out of the core towards the surface and cycled back around and through the bottom. This exchange of heat also fuels the tectonic movements by causing convection cells in the Asthenosphere. This also influences the flow of air across the disc causing unique characteristics and biomes to arise across the plane.

Beings all have mana cores within them, upon death they solidify into magic crystals proportionate to the power the core has at a full mana capacity, like a muscle this can be trained and strengthened with use.



-Beings and Mana-

Mana is drawn into a persons core subconsciously however this can be sped up through them consciously pulling it in. the way mana is distributed and absorbed and used is through what are called mana veins. These run around the body more similar to the nervous system and have main channels along the arms and legs leading into the body where the core is located in the center of the sternum.

Mana is absorbed through one set of veins and dispersed through another, the makeup of these systems differs slightly due to this difference in purpose.

Mana tends to only be exerted from the palms as this is where the largest mana vein output is, however advanced magicians can exert magic in more than one place.

Mana can be used to strengthen objects by imbuing them. This can also be done to a beings body with mana, known as Mana Coating. Again it will subconsciously happen as the mana core grows and strengthens but can also again be greatly accelerated.

Accelerating the mana cores growth is most effective before the age of 10 in most beings despite varying life spans, it then drops to a constant rate of growth depending on the individual.

Most individuals have an affinity for one or two types of magic types, however with the correct training and understanding most people can increase this to three or four (normally only elemental).



-Mana Forms and basic theory-

When mana leaves the 'Pure' state of the mana core, each mana particle 'adopts' or is divided evenly into one of 10 characteristics (listed below)

These forms can be broken down into more simple ideas however these are how people of the world view them (Basic elemental) Time, Anti , Pure , Gravity are less understood and are rare to be seen used , this is due to the concepts of each not being well understood.

Examples of  these forms down can be seen below.

Basic Elemental:

Water - the creation of water or (H20) and manipulation of liquids

Fire - the creation basic fuel with instant combustion (fire) and the ability to change kinetic energy

Earth - the creation of basic natural building blocks, like dirt rock and clay , being able to manipulate solids

Wind - the creation of basic world building gasses and the ability to move gasses and individual particles.


Gravity - the ability to manipulate/create gravitational fields created by mana i.e. remove gravity or increase it

Light + the ability to create and harness the power light holds, bending and manipulating it and strengthening it

Light - the ability to create areas that cant be permeated by light this can also me manipulated and strengthened

          ( theoretically light and light - are very similar and hold identical properties in opposite effect)

Time - not the ability to travel forward or backward necessarily, but the ability to hold it in place and manipulate its fabric

          alows for 'teleportation' or wormhole creation when paired with gravity as space time can be bent.

Pure - this mana is like a bonus, and can become any other type of mana the wielder wishes , giving additional resources to work with when spell casting if harnessed

Anti - anti mana doesn't work the way and anti particle would instead it can be used to revert mana back to a harmless pure state (e.g.  fireM  + AntiM = 2PureM)

(Healing magic can also be used and is a combination of the basic elemental magics inorder to reform the original state of a living being. The reason this works is believed to be due to the world  mana cores 'magic memory' being set to that of world and life creation and is very rare and hard to use.)



-Core Levels and Mastery-

Mages are categorized into levels of ability, and spells are categorized into difficulty.





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Advanced Mastery

Advanced major


Major Mastery

Total Mastery

These aren't however always accurate to a mages power however, as it takes into account many variables. Such as Core Level, Spell Ability, Conjuring speed and etc.

Spells are ranked into these categories aswell, however separately. So you could have a Intermediate level mage, with a amateur water level and novice fire level for example.

When It comes to a mages core, the amount of mana stored and its purity varies. These levels can be trained and increased over time.

As they increase in potency and clarity, the colour changes. these are all very pale versions of the colours represented so they all look Close to white. The reason for the colorings in this order, is believed to be linked to the way light changes in colour when it is split. We are not sure why this is.


-Pale Red

-Deep Red

-Pale Orange

-Deep Orange

-Deep Yellow

-Deep  Yellow

-Pale  Green

-Dark Green

-Pale  Blue

-Dark blue




-Olsteds Brief Basic World Timeline Theory-

(300,000 Bw or more ) - eons ago. The world formed similar to that of the accumulation of matter and mana, which eventually formed into a mana core that began stages of world development. The Sun and 3 Moons were also created at this point

Kharl side note (This process is much faster than that of earth as apparently mana naturally creates life and habitable conditions through the ''magic memory'' previously mentioned)

the supposed 'supreme god of creation' that oversees the goings of the world commanded this.

10,000 Bw - ancient civilizations ruled the inner and outer continents, its believed races lived separately and rarely clashed or mingled due to the distances between 'kingdoms'

Its believed the great mana ruins were created at this time. The civilizations were also run by their various god and godess counterparts ( the embodiment of mana in a form of a wide belief) (e.g water exists and has a massive presence over the world, therefore the embodiment of waters formed into a godess)

wars and exploration are believed to have also occurred including new inventions and magical techniques. Most of this information was lost due to time.

0 Aw - the great Intercontinental war, the gods of each race and the races themselves battled for power over the central continent due to its abundance of resources and magical power, leading to great destruction and loss of lives, it also made the area around the Center of the world more turbulent, causing the Burgeo sea to form (due to the water gods influence) along with the great central ice rifts and uninhabitable zone of Mortemalis. This massive impact caused all the gods to be banished and sealed within what's believed to be the astral plane, where they have no physical presence or influence on the disc.

600 Aw - The Intercontinental war ended, causing a massive setback in disc wide development, meaning ancient texts , magic uses, technological developments , history and general knowledge of science were lost.  The nations came to a stale mate, eventually residing in the current countries that are marked on the modern map.

Access to the Outer Continents was also cut off due a massive release of mana when the gods departed, creating a barrier on the outside of the Crescent Mountains.

750 Aw - the magic barrier around the Central continent was broken with a joint effort uniting the races in a grand council held in Canol. During this time the central continent and outer continents had no contact, leading to a divide where the outer continents are still more divided and conflicted between nations.

800 Aw - Exploration the the Edges begins and many new lands, oceans,  beasts and climates are discovered.

Around this time the Collective Central Library and Central Research Academy were founded in attempts to recover the knowledge lost to war and time.

970 Aw - 971 Aw  - Due to the after effects of the war, and an unstable atmosphere, 'The Frost'  Occurred, it was a particularly bad winter where the Great Ice rifts and uninhabitable zones extended over 500km further than normal, causing famine and death across the central continent.

1000Aw -  a millennia has passed since the great war. The nations in the central continent have united and times are prosperous. Relations with the outer continents inhabitants are also steadily improving, and trade between them is improving

- grey period, not much to note happened in this time

1786Aw - Kharlns Birth

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