Around Two Worlds and Back

Chapter 6: Olive Blackheart

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Olive Blackheart was born to her parents Julia (Slackston) Blackheart and Gunthor Blackheart on the same day as Kharln was. For her however, her birth occurred in the city of Edgeton. Which resides on the Edgeward border of Ascal, at the base of the Crescent mountains. It's the second largest mining city in the human empire, lying deep within the forest of 'Mull'.


-Gunthor Blackheart-


The sun shone over the edge of the valley, It was a bight spring morning. Dew from night before had frozen over, forming droplets of ice that sparkled in the golden light, creating little rainbows that danced around in front of the eye. My wife and I had just been blessed with the birth of our baby girl Olive, of whom had been born without complication.


Taking in the fresh air with an extended breath, I sighed. In truth the whole notion of a woman giving birth scared me a little, and I was still a little shook from witnessing it, seeing the person you love most bearing excruciating pain can't be a pleasant sight for anyone to behold. But the joy that came afterwards knowing it was over and that we shared a daughter seemed to lighten the burden. If anything, I felt an immense amount of relief in comparison to joy.

I guess It hasn't truly sunk in.


Taking one last look at the view that sprawled before me, I turned and left the somewhat beautiful view of Edgetons slums behind me. "I'll make sure to give her the best life I can" I promised under my breath, taking a step forward into the room with my family.



The weeks passed from there on out, bringing with them the struggles of a working mans life. 'Providing for the family by any means necessary', for me that entailed mining. Day after day I slaved away at what was my only source of income, to provide the life for my daughter, that I never had myself. I would awake at the crack of dawn to leave for work and return at dusk. Days off didn't exist, all I could do is hope Julia my wife and little Olive would be able to cope without me.

"Don't over exert yourself Dear" came a soft but raised voice from behind me as I stepped out of the house pickaxe slung over my shoulder. I would have replied, however my heart ached too much and no words came out.


-Julia Blackheart-


My husband left for work without saying goodbye again today, "I hope he's alright" I asked myself, of course I knew the answer for this.

He wasn't.

Taking extra shifts in the mines in order to support the birth of our daughter was taking a toll on him.

It was the only option we had. We knew this from the start.

On top of this worry, seated deep in my chest, being unable to work like usual made me feel guilty, despite being responsible for looking after Olive and maintaining the house, I still didn't feel right.

I missed the days when we both worked, had days off, spent time together and regardless of my frail body, we used to shoulder all of the burden together.


Now it just feels like we are supporting that weight but apart.




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Olive was growing up quickly, one year turned into two and before we knew it, her second birthday had come around. She was no longer in nappies and was fully capable of holding conversation. She also was able walk around, jump and climb on anything she pleased. Fortunately for us however, she spent most of her time reading. Not simple children's books however, but proper books, the ones with thick leather covers and more words in than I could even understand. Such remarkable intelligence at a young age, not that I'm qualified to say, but I guess you could call her a genius I suppose.

Looking at the time, "Gunthor! Olive!" I shouted, "hurry up!, we want to get to the market before midday!"

"Cominggggg..." came a high-pitched voice from the other room, followed by shrieks of laughter.



"I'm not going to wait much longer!" I yelled after the following moment of silence.

In an instant two sheepish grins burst through the doorway, covered in flour. I crossed my arms looked at them and sighed. This had happened on her first birthday as well.

"We had a little accident," my husband said guiltily before winking at me.

Most mothers would be angry at both their husband and daughter for acting like hooligans, especially on a day with so much planned. The reason I wasn't angry however, this was because our family tradition involves baking a special loaf of bread for special occasions instead of baking a cake. This is due to the fact that the ingredients for cakes are too expensive, but mainly because we could make a mess and have fun without having to worry too much about the result. (I had a spare loaf that had been pre-prepared in case of any major disasters anyway).

"Clean yourselves up. NOW" I said sternly. "We leave in five minutes. No later."

"Oh, Don't be so pwernickety mother," Olive said, flicking back her hair and storming towards the bathroom. I gazed at my husband with a look that he mirrored perfectly.

Both of us had no clue what 'pwernickeryity' even meant, or even how to say it properly.



Twenty minutes later we were outside, making good pace through the crowded streets towards the market. The air was colder than usual for the time of the year, so we were each wearing matching red scarfs I had knitted for the winter. Many people on the street were dressed similarly, none however quite looked as good as my husband, who strode along holding my hand with a massive smile on his face. His short blonde hair was clear of soot for once, and matched with his sharp facial features nicely. Just behind him, tugging on his ears, was our beautiful bright spark of daughter sat happily on his shoulders, making silly faces and bragging about how cool her dad was to people passing by. No one payed attention to this of course, Edgeton was a city for workers and nothing else. Everyone had their heads down and focused on their destination alone. Not that Olive minded much.

Arriving at the market, we were greeted by the warm smell of piping hot fresh food and spices that filled the cool spring air.

"Mummy, Mummy!" exclaimed Olive, "can we get some fwood?" . . . "Pwetty Pweaseeeeeeee" she said with big eyes.

"We can't afford it Honeybun" I replied. "maybe next year instead okay?"


"Fine, I understwand". "next year Olive will buy food for everwyone if mummy and daddy can't afford it".

Olive had somehow gotten into the habit of referring to herself in the third person whenever she was confident about something, neither my husband or I are sure where she picked this habit up, but it can be quite funny at times. "Sure thing Olive" replied Gunthor, trying not to laugh. "Maybe you'll earn enough so we can go and join your Uncle and move to the capital someday"

"Just you wait and see" Olive crossed her arms.

After buying some eggs and vegetables for dinner from a couple of different merchants as well as some flowers, ribbons and candles to decorate the house with, Olive asked, "Can we go to the libwary now?"

"We just have to buy a few more things, but after that of course we can honey. Have you decided on a book you want to get?"

"No not yet." came a muffled voice, Olive had buried her face in her fathers hair. "Mister Swandon the libwaryan said he would help me decwide".

We proceeded to buy the rest of the household items we needed before picking up our pace. Taking a left up the high-street just off from the market, and heading up the hill, we passed the banks and expensive clothing shops looking quite out of place. Though this was the only way to our destination. Mr. Sandon's Library.

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