Arrogant Meets Passionate

Chapter 49: CH 49

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The smart and brave Miss Qin and Mrs. Gu went shopping together.

With joy and a little satisfaction.

She bought a jacket, a pair of shoes, and a tie for Gu Yingjie. She asked Mrs. Gu’s opinion when she picked it out, but actually Mrs. Gu’s opinion differed from hers. She was very hesitant, and wanted to play nice to please Mrs. Gu, but also wanted to buy her man the style and color she liked.

Finally, she gritted her teeth and told Mrs. Gu, “I still want to buy this.” If she can’t buy what she likes, she will have to feel bad when Gu Yingjie wears it in front of her, and she will have to lose her temper again.

Mrs. Gu looked at her and did not insist. “If you want to buy it, then buy it.”

Qin Yufei was immediately delighted, fast as a robbery, to pay and picking up the goods. She felt that Mrs. Gu was actually quite nice, neither stealing to buy things for Gu Yingjie in her place, nor did she object her opinion. After completing the purchase, she took Mrs. Gu’s arm and walked lightly.

But Mrs. Gu didn’t do everything according to her wishes. She had the intention of giving Mrs. Gu a gift and she refused it. There are several items that she took her to see, but she didn’t say whether she liked, but only kept saying that she lacked nothing.

Qin Yufei sighed in her heart and thought shamelessly: ‘What you lack, Auntie, is a daughter-in-law, okay?’

At noon, Qin Yufei and Mrs. Gu had lunch together. They walked to the restaurant when the time was still early. At this time, Qin Yufei finally had a legitimate reason to call Gu Yingjie in front of Mrs. Gu. She first asked Gu Yingjie how long he had been working overtime and how he was going to take care of his lunch, and when she heard he couldn’t leave and had to eat at the office, she told him to eat properly even if he was busy. Then she told him she had met his mother at the mall, they had been shopping together and were now together in the restaurant preparing to eat.

“She’s next to you?” Gu Yingjie knew something was going on over there when he heard Qin Yufei’s tone so well behaved.

“Yes.” Qin Yufei responded with sweetness. So sweet that Gu Yingjie laughed: “You’ve worked hard.” This is not a good time to gossip about the details of their encounter, so he can ask her about it later. “You give the phone to mom.”

Qin Yufei handed the phone over to Mrs. Gu. “It’s Gu Yingjie.”

Mrs. Gu picked it up and Gu Yingjie whispered over the phone, “Mom, why are you so cunning? How can you play such a trick on the younger generation? You want to test Yu Yufei, don’t you?”

Mrs. Gu said nothing, but just laughed. Obviously she miscalculated, but was described by her son as being so smart, even if it was just to coax her, she was still quite pleased.

Gu Yingjie finished flattering her and said, “Mom, Yufei is silly and easily shy. Don’t scare her. You know her, she’s spoiled, she’s also a proud girl. You’re the senior. If there’s any situation, yield to her a little.”

“Do not worry about us.” Mrs. Gu gave him a nonchalant reply. What’s the use of having a son? In the end, his heart is all on his girlfriend’s side. That means she should not bully Qin Yufei, yield to her a little. Hum, it’s because right now in front of the girl so she can say nothing. If it is at home, she will definitely have to give her son a lecture.

Mrs. Gu hung up the phone and returned the phone to Qin Yufei. Qin Yufei wanted to ask Gu Yingjie what he said, but was embarrassed, so she said, “Gu Yingjie works very hard and performs very well. My dad and a few of the company’s top executives appreciate him.”

“Hmm. He is very good.” Mrs. Gu said to herself, ‘you don’t need to praise my son’, in mother’s heart her own children are of course the best.

Qin Yufei smiled, turned her attention back to the menu, discussed with Mrs. Gu what to eat, and ordered the dishes.

The meal went well. Mrs. Gu finally opened up the conversation, asking Qin Yufei about the last time Gu Yingjie visited her home, and about Qin Yufei’s study and work status. Qin Yufei is excited and nervous, but if she’s willing to ask questions, it’s a good thing. She carefully answered one by one.

These restaurant dishes are to Mrs. Gu’s liking, and Qin Yufei’s attitude makes her very satisfied. Mrs. Gu’s wariness was relaxed and she couldn’t help but chat with Qin Yufei about family matters. The three children in her family each have their own situation. Gu Yingjie was the most well-behaved of the three children when he was a child, but ended up being naughty when he reached middle school. However, when she was halfway through, she suddenly realized that her so-called naughty was that Gu Yingjie had one girlfriend after another, and that it was inappropriate to talk to his current girlfriend about such things as early love and not studying properly, right?

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Mrs. Gu stopped in time and only picked two or three interesting things about her family to tell Qin Yufei. Qin Yufei actually found those interesting stories less interesting. She wanted to hear more about Gu Yingjie. However, if she says nothing, she is too embarrassed to ask.

Mrs. Gu said enough about herself and attacked Qin Yufei. She asked Qin Yufei about her study abroad and her plans. She asked her what she and Gu Yingjie had in mind for the future.

“Maybe it’s a little early to say this, but since we’re all sitting together and talking, and my son is quite nervous about you, I think it’s good for us to get to know each other a little better.” Mrs. Gu had forgotten at this point that she had previously planned to cool off a bit about the relationship between the two children.

“We, um, we hope it will be a good ending.” Qin Yufei thought for some time and told the truth. “Auntie Gu Yingjie has had many girlfriends, and when I first started dating, I was very unsure. I’ve been cheated on by a guy before, so I’m very concerned about things like that with guys. I also have my own problems, like bad temper, and rather headstrong, these I also know. So ……”

She paused, thinking about how to say this. “So actually, at first I was really quite unsure. I even thought we would definitely break up. I like him very much and want to be with him, but I think it is impossible to have a good ending with this mentality. During that time, I was very nervous. But Gu Yingjie was very patient with me, and I think he probably had never met a girlfriend as difficult as me.”

Qin Yufei paused, thinking that although she was telling the truth, she couldn’t make herself look so bad. What if her mother remembered and opposed them? She took a sip of water, organized her thoughts, and continued: “In fact, before dating I have told Gu Yingjie, the ugly words have been said, but he still insisted that we should be together. So after dating, we both worked quite hard. Then I slowly adapted, and Gu Yingjie and I both felt that we would like a good ending.”

She glanced at Mrs. Gu and added, “Gu Yingjie said he had never brought a girlfriend home before. I think probably such a thing is very serious to him and has a very important meaning. I haven’t had a boyfriend since my previous failed relationship, so my parents have never seen my boyfriend either. This time, we met our parents very seriously.”

Mrs. Gu said nothing, to be honest she did not have much experience talking to the younger generation like this, whether it was her eldest daughter-in-law or her second son-in-law, she saw it as a good fit, both families felt right, and the young people themselves had feelings, so everything went smoothly. When they came to meet her and her husband, they were all polite and nice, and only after the wedding did they slowly become familiar with each other. After getting acquainted, of course, there are words will not be said.

This Qin Yufei, when she felt she was quite delicate, suddenly showed her the trump card and revealed herself aggressively.

“We are very serious about each other and hope to have a good ending. If we are fortunate, there really comes that day. Hope Auntie to take care of me. I may not do many things well enough, and Auntie can teach me. If it is unfortunate that we can’t get to the end even though we tried, please don’t blame me either, Auntie.” Qin Yufei looked into Mrs. Gu’s eyes, “That’s what I think.”

Such sincere eyes stared at Mrs. Gu, she really can’t put up an arrogant posture, she knew she should give the girl a reply, she seriously thought about it and said: “Then you have to do well. In fact, we as parents have a very simple idea, but just to seek the happiness of their children. I thought so. Your parents must also think the same way. How I think about you is how your parents think about Ah Jie. So, just let nature take its course. I can only say that I will not be an obstacle to your journey to a good ending.”

Qin Yufei laughed when she heard this. She couldn’t help it, she really couldn’t, so she said, “I want to call Gu Yingjie right now.”

“Sure, call him.” Mrs. Gu answered.

Qin Yufei got the phone and ran out of the restaurant and stood outside the glass wall to make a call. Mrs. Gu saw her excitedly talking and dancing, red-faced and happy, smiling, and she couldn’t help but smile too. What a simple child. She can imagine what she said to Gu Yingjie, probably that she didn’t object to them.

Mrs. Gu takes a sip of her drink and sighs. The plan was really messed up. It was obviously not the plan; it was clearly intended to let the son develop a little slower, to look at it clearly, to delay them, to let them calm down a little more. She actually expressed her support, even she herself was not calm.

A short while later, Qin Yufei came in with a sweet smile of happiness. The smile that made Mrs. Gu can not believe this girl in the eyes of everyone’s opinion is the arrogant and big temper.

“Auntie, Gu Yingjie said he will definitely be off work by five o’clock, and he wants to have dinner with you. Let’s go back to his place, okay? I’ve learned to cook a few dishes from the family chef. I’ll cook dinner.” Qin Yufei was so elated that she was almost overjoyed. She just told Gu Yingjie that it took her half a day to fix his mother, and he almost didn’t believe her, and later kept praising her for being great. Qin Yufei also felt awesome, and she wanted to continue to perform well.

She can cook? Mrs. Gu didn’t quite believe it. Her phone rang. She picked it up and looked at it, it was a text message from Gu Yingjie with three simple words, “Thanks mom!”

Mrs. Gu’s heart warmed. “Sure.” She agreed, “Then let’s go sit at Ah Jie’s place.”

Qin Yufei was beaming with joy. She never thought that her proposal would turn into a minor disaster and finally turned into a storm.

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