Arrogant Meets Passionate

Chapter 50: CH 50

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Mrs. Gu and Qin Yufei finished eating lunch, and there is still a lot of time. Tired of shopping in the morning, Mrs. Gu really does not want to walk anymore, but she felt too early to go to her son’s place with only her and Qin Yufei. Two people did not have too much to say. So simply asked Qin Yufei to do hair together. Qin Yufei was very happy.

When she did the hair, Mrs. Gu closed her eyes and rested. Qin Yufei sat a little farther away and used her cell phone to broadcast her wonderful performance and significant gains today. In the beginning, the speed of Gu Yingjie’s reply was fine, but later on, he may have gotten busy and replied little. Qin Yufei felt she was unaware of business things, so she didn’t think much. Just tell Gu Yingjie that she is running out of energy today. Making dinner is the last big move. She was impulsive, now that she thought about it she has only learned from the chef three times, although each time she did a good job, but after all, this time she did it herself, she was afraid that she could not cope with it, really not confident. Gu Yingjie is a better cook than her. She asked Gu Yingjie to come back early to help if there was nothing to do. Gu Yingjie agreed and said he would return early.

Qin Yufei spent the rest of the time brushing recipes on her phone, trying to remember the steps the chef had taught her to cook. She encouraged herself that she would be fine, the god of luck was on her side today and everything would go smoothly.

After her hair was done, Mrs. Gu took Qin Yufei’s car to return to Yingjie’s house. After sitting for a while, she asked Qin Yufei what she intended to cook and made a list for her driver to buy, so that the two of them would not have to make the trip. Qin Yufei thought this was an excellent idea. Because she has never bought groceries, she learned to cook with ready-made ingredients. She was afraid to go shopping for groceries and create problems. So she made a list and planned to make steamed fish, stir-fried meat, stir-fried vegetables and pork bone and seaweed soup.

Mrs. Gu went to the kitchen and looked through the refrigerator, then added some onions, ginger and other ingredients on the list, and wrote some seasoning, then called the driver, let the driver go shopping according to the list she wrote.

This time, Qin Yufei really feels nervous. She forgot Mrs. Gu is the kind of mother who makes soup for her son to replenish his body. Her cooking skills must be good. She is so stupid; she was being carried away and forgetful. In case she failed and her cooking was not good, her points won’t be deducted, right?

Qin Yufei was anxious. And after Mrs. Gu finished arranging this, she felt tired and said she would go to the guest room to rest for a while. Qin Yufei hurriedly sent her there, after settling Mrs. Gu napping, Qin Yufei hid in the bedroom to call Gu Yingjie, want to ask when he can come back, she really need his encouragement and help in cooking.

The phone line was busy. Qin Yufei did not concern and brushed up on the recipe again, reading over the steps of the cooking process. And then call Gu Yingjie’s cell phone again. It was still busy. She continued to memorize the recipe, this time three times, to confirm that she had really memorized the steps, her heart a little more stable. Then she called Gu Yingjie’s phone again, but the line was still busy.

Qin Yufei’s heart messed up with a terrible intuition. She began to review herself. Why did she have another attack? Isn’t it already better? Can’t be too suspicious, shouldn’t think badly at every turn. People always think badly about things. She is just too nervous now because of the stress. She has to be steady. Don’t lose temper, don’t be angry. Gu Yingjie is also working very hard, he has to work on a weekend, his problem must be very difficult, he has to listen to her talk about shopping while he is busy, and talk about chatting with Mrs. Gu, he must be tired too.

Qin Yufei took a few deep breaths and told herself not to be anxious, not to lose her temper. Gu Yingjie will be back in a moment. He has promised. It is better not to disturb him first.

Although she thought so, but Qin Yufei still couldn’t resist calling again after a while. This time, the line is still busy.

Qin Yufei intentionally ignored the unhappiness in her heart. She reviewed the recipe again, then went to the kitchen to prepare. The pots and pans were out, the spatulas were set aside, and the plates were put in place, as if this would give her more confidence in cooking.

After a while, the Gu family’s driver came up and delivered the things. Qin Yufei thanked him and told him that Mrs. Gu was resting. So the driver put the things down and left, saying that Mrs. Gu should call him again if she had any orders.

After the driver left, Qin Yufei changed into her home-wear, put on an apron and started cooking. She first laid things out one by one, put them according to the order. The table almost couldn’t hold a pile of groceries. Then she spent a few minutes thinking about how to sort out this messy pile. It’s really difficult for a newbie to do so much.

At this time, Mrs. Gu yawned and came to the kitchen door, saw the groceries were delivered and asked a few questions. Then she asked Qin Yufei, “Do you need help?”

“No, no. Auntie, you can rest more. I’ll be fine by myself.” Are you kidding? If Mrs. Gu saw her clumsy handiwork, how embarrassing it would be. As long as the final product is ready to eat, it’s fine. It is better for Mrs. Gu not to know about this process.

Mrs. Gu looked at the kitchen and understood Qin Yufei’s concern. She was still very sleepy and got up to look out of courtesy. Now that Qin Yufei said so, she simply said, “Then I’ll go back to sleep for a while, and wake me up when Ah Jie comes back.”

Qin Yufei hurriedly agreed.

Qin Yufei was alone in the kitchen, working by herself. She decided to do the easiest first, washing the vegetables and frying them first. The result was a bit overcooked, but it looked okay. She tasted it and it didn’t taste too bad. She was happy and felt it was barely a success. She put the vegetables aside and suddenly thought that when the other dishes were ready, the vegetables would be cold, wouldn’t they? But it was already done. She was upset. Forget it, and just reheat it at the end. Anyway, they do not know.

Then she began to cut the meat. The meat was sliced big and small, some thin and some thick, but it finished smoothly. She was upset again, anyway; it is not very obvious when it is fried. They put it into the mouth to eat. Size and thickness do not matter. Different sizes may also appear to be more interesting.

After cutting and marinating the meat, then she seriously pondered, after learning the lesson of stir-frying vegetables, should not fry too early and be left to cool. Maybe the fish should be steamed first and then fried meat. Wait a minute, the bone broth has not yet boiled. Hurry and make soup first.

Qin Yufei was so anxious that she was sweating. The bones were cleaned and put into the pot, and she remembered to skim the foam, so she didn’t dare to go away and stare at it boiling and frothing, she seriously fished it all clean, covered the pot, and her face was already steaming hot. Qin Yufei glanced again at the recipe on the phone and looked at the time. How Gu Yingjie is still not back? It would be nice if he could help her.

But now Qin Yufei can’t be bothered to blame Gu Yingjie, she has to hurry and fix the fish. The vendor had already slaughtered the fish in the market, but there were no several cuts on the fish. Qin Yufei follows the instructions taught by the chef, but the fish is very slippery. She struggled to hold it, and she was not used to using the knife. The knife marks were a disaster. The last cut also cut off a piece of nail and finger skin. Blood emerged. Qin Yufei was so scared that she immediately stuffed her finger in her mouth, the fishy smell of raw fish immediately diffused in her mouth, she spat out in disgust, and rinse her mouth with water.

She looks at the finger. Fortunately, only cut off a little skin. After sucking the blood, it is fine. Just a piece of the nail is missing. It’s painful. Qin Yufei really hopes that Gu Yingjie will quickly come back.

Qin Yufei steamed the fish. Cut chili and prepare to stir-fry meat. The chili is very spicy, and the wound on her hand hurts. She endures. The corner of her eye itches. She raises her hand to scratch. The spicy smell immediately rushed into the eye. She rushed to wash her hands and wipe her eyes with water. Her eyes hurt and she wept. She stood silently at the sink for half a day, waiting for the pain in her eyes to pass. It took a while for her eyes to get better, but she endured it and continued to chop up the peppers and other ingredients. Although by this time she was so annoyed that she wanted to drop the pot, she held her temper, feeling that she had really improved.

At that moment, the door opened and Gu Yingjie walked in. Qin Yufei was overjoyed and was just about to greet him when his phone rang. He came over and kissed her. “Sorry, I’ll take a call first.” Then he walked to the bedroom.

Qin Yufei doesn’t mind, actually she’s very happy now, after answering the phone Gu Yingjie will come out to help her out. The meal will be ready soon. It was a really nice day.

Qin Yufei checked the side dishes again and waited, but did not see Gu Yingjie come out, but heard Mrs. Gu get up and was walking to the kitchen. Qin Yufei was so frightened that she hurriedly opened the fire and poured the oil, poured the side dishes into the pot, waved a spatula and set up a chef’s stance, Mrs. Gu came to the kitchen, she looked at the door, did not comment on Qin Yufei’s cooking and asked, “Is Ah Jie back?”

Qin Yufei hurriedly replied, “He’s back, he’s answering the phone in the bedroom.” Qin Yufei watched carefully out of the corner of her eye. Mrs. Gu turned and walked away. Qin Yufei sighed with relief.

Only then did she realize that her oil was not hot at all when she poured the vegetables in, and now the color of that stir-fry was terrible. Whatever, the meat will not be noticeable if you put it in. She thought so and poured the meat in.

Finished frying the meat. Qin Yufei found the fish had been steamed too long. Forget it, she thought in frustration, as long as you can eat it, anyway. She secretly tasted a bite. It was tasteless and fishy. She then remembered that she hadn’t salted the fish and had forgotten to put in the shredded ginger. Forget it, she thought desperately, as long as it doesn’t spoil the stomach. She poured a lot of soy sauce on the fish, hoping it would cover up all those flaws.

Gu Yingjie still did not come out. Qin Yufei really does not have the energy to urge him, and Mrs. Gu is also awake. Qin Yufei also does not dare to order her son in front of his mother. She looked at the soup. The cooking temperature is not enough, and the taste of the soup is not strong. Put salt on it and they can still drink it, anyway. She thought about whether Mrs. Gu would dislike her cooking, while throwing in the seaweed. After throwing it in, she remembered that the seaweed was not washed yet.

Qin Yufei felt very sad in her heart. At least she could only rely on the stir-fried meat. But after taking a bite, she almost cried out. The meat was too hard and salty.

Mrs. Gu and Gu Yingjie walked over while talking. Gu Yingjie smiled at Qin Yufei, hugged her and gave her a kiss. “Is the food all done? So capable.”

Qin Yufei reluctantly squeezed out a smile, stole a glance at Mrs. Gu, and whispered, “It’s not tasty.”

“That’s okay.” Gu Yingjie was very encouraging to her. But Qin Yufei felt his eyes were a little drifting and seemed a little distracted. She once again blamed herself for thinking too much, being too paranoid, and her nerves were acting up again.

Gu Yingjie went into the kitchen to bring out the dishes and put them on the table, greeting Mrs. Gu to sit first. Qin Yufei went to get the dishes, and after setting them on the table, she froze. She was so nervous about cooking earlier that she forgot to make rice.

Qin Yufei bowed her head, wishing she had a hole in the ground to bury herself. She felt so ashamed, very ashamed.

Mrs. Gu also found something wrong, but she said nothing, only silently reached out to serve the soup. Qin Yufei bit her lip, wanting to tell her that the seaweed was not washed, but she felt she really had no face to say.

Gu Yingjie smiled at this point: “How about cooking a noodle for the main meal? Noodles are quick.” He said, turning around to boil water. Turned back and said again, “Eat your food first, while boiling water.”

Qin Yufei peeked at Mrs. Gu and saw that she took a sip of soup and then didn’t touch it again. Qin Yufei was very guilty and turned her head to look at the dishes on the table. Vegetables were cold. The meat was hard; the fish was fishy, and each of them was quite salty. Mrs. Gu’s face is not good. Qin Yufei wanted to cry.

Before Gu Yingjie could taste the food, his phone rang again. Qin Yufei clearly heard him sigh softly, and saw that he seemed to hesitate for a moment before saying, “I’m going to take a call.”

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Qin Yufei looked at his back as he went back to the bedroom, and the uneasiness in her heart grew heavier and heavier. The atmosphere at the table was awkward. Qin Yufei did not know what to say, and Mrs. Gu did not move her chopsticks. The water in the kitchen was boiling, and the man who cooked the noodles did not return. Qin Yufei went to the kitchen to place the noodle, but Mrs. Gu came over and said indifferently, “Let me do it.”

Qin Yufei did not want to argue, nor did she have the face to do so. She gave up her place.

Mrs. Gu cooked three bowls of egg noodles. When the noodles were on the table, Gu Yingjie finally came back. His face was unpleasant, but he still tried to put on a relaxed look. “The noodles smell so good.”

Qin Yufei looked at him silently, not at all in the mood to attach herself to his relaxation. She felt that this time it really wasn’t her being paranoid.

The three people ate the noodles quietly. After Gu Yingjie tasted the dishes on the table, he didn’t move them anymore. Qin Yufei was sad in her heart. But she did not want to force herself to liven up the atmosphere to greet everyone to eat, nor did she want to force herself to eat. No one else is eating, so why should she?

A bowl of noodles has not yet finished. Gu Yingjie’s phone rang again.

He frowned. Qin Yufei also frowned and said to him, “Go answer it.”

Gu Yingjie thought about it and left.

Qin Yufei sat for a while, also got up and went to the bedroom. Pushing the door open, she heard Gu Yingjie say, “Okay, stop crying. This will not solve the problem. Why don’t I ask Jason to go over and help you? Why do you have to be like this again?”

He said, and when he looked up, he saw Qin Yufei glaring at him with a bitter face.

Gu Yingjie’s heart got weak, and he said to the other end of the phone, “I’ve already called Jason, he will help you. If the situation is bad, call the police. I have to hang up now. No, don’t be like that. What’s the point of saying that? Don’t say dead or not, I really have to hang up.” He glanced at Qin Yufei and hung up the phone.

“Who’s going to die?” Qin Yufei asked him. She now only felt that her heart was cold, her head was burning, and her anger was completely uncontrollable.

“It’s Abby. Her boyfriend is violent and is looking for trouble because she wants to break up. She asked me for help.”

Abby? The ex-girlfriend? “So you were on the phone with her when your phone kept being busy?”

Gu Yingjie opened his mouth. Abby’s phone call indeed pestered him in the afternoon, so he came back late. He couldn’t lie, so he had to say, “Her parents are abroad, and there’s no one here to help her, and things are worse today, so she called me.”

“Is that so?” Qin Yufei’s voice was as cold as it could be, and asked him again, “The day you went to my house to meet my parents, did you also talk to her on the phone for a long time after you went back at night?”

Gu Yingjie froze for a moment.

Qin Yufei sneered. She no longer wanted to control her temper at all. “May I ask how Young Master Gu wants to help her? Fight with her violent boyfriend? Or maybe she has nowhere to stay and harassed, and Young Master Gu picks her up and cares for her carefully?”

Gu Yingjie was anxious, “Don’t think too much. I persuaded her to call the police, but she said she did once. The police didn’t care, said it was a couple’s argument, advised a few words and left. I know I shouldn’t get too close to her, which is why I’ve always refused when she asked me to come over. I asked Jason for help. I will solve this.”

Qin Yufei said nothing. Gu Yingjie pulls her hand, and she convulsed it.

“Solve this matter? From the time she visited you in the hospital to make a request to get back together until now, you resolved it well. Becoming more and more entangled.”

Gu Yingjie frowned. “That is because she has trouble, and related to personal safety, I can not ignore her. After all, we have been dating previously, even if we already break up ……” He paused when he said this. Qin Yufei’s face made him know he said something wrong, a big mistake.

“Gu Yingjie.” Qin Yufei coldly spoke, “At the time you visited my home, I was full of joy and felt that I must marry you. But you were chatting with your ex-girlfriend who couldn’t stop talking on the phone. When I tried my best to please your mother hoping that our future would be smooth, and when I was struggling to make a few difficult dishes hoping you could help me, you were talking on the phone with your ex-girlfriend, helping her out with her troubles thoughtfully. Because you have been in a relationship, there are feelings ……” She could not go on. She stared at Gu Yingjie, staring to death. Then suddenly turned around furiously and left.

“Yufei.” Gu Yingjie called after her. She ignored it and strode away.

Walking to the living room, she saw Mrs. Gu looking at her with a surprised face. She should have heard their argument.

“I’m sorry, Auntie. I really overestimated myself and I’m so sorry for making you laugh. I’ll go first.” Qin Yufei took her bag. Hold back her tears and headed out. The day wasn’t over yet, but she felt tired and exhausted. Up early in the morning until now, her mood was up and down, as if she had done a lot of things, nervous, happy, excited, sad, angry, it seemed that all the emotions had been experienced in this whole day.

“Yufei.” Gu Yingjie chased out from the room.

Qin Yufei ignored him. She took two quick steps to the door to change her shoes, just wanted to leave this place quickly. She was afraid her tears would fall.

Gu Yingjie’s cell phone rang again. Qin Yufei stiffened and heard the ringing was gone. Gu Yingjie put it off. She ignored it and continued to change her shoes. Gu Yingjie came over to pull her hand. She shook it off, and he pulled again.

She raised her eyes to glare at him. “Let go, or I will not care about you again.”

Gu Yingjie stiffened, and Qin Yufei shook him off. She pushed open the door and walked out, when Gu Yingjie’s phone rang again.

Qin Yufei stopped.

Gu Yingjie’s heart was so annoyed. He wanted to smash the phone. He stared at Abby’s name on the phone and was about to cut it off again when a hand reached over and snatched his phone away.

Gu Yingjie froze and watched as Qin Yufei picked up the phone. She raised her head and chest, with a strong face, and said to the other end of the phone, “No crying! No need to pretend to be pathetic! Listen to me, I am Qin Yufei, Gu Yingjie’s current girlfriend. No matter what you’ve been through and what happened to you, you pestered my boyfriend and caused me a lot of trouble. You don’t have to talk, I didn’t give you permission! Do you have the self-respect and pride a woman should have? Shame on you! You want to get help, don’t you? You’re being bullied by a man, aren’t you? You need to solve your problems, don’t you? I’ll give you a chance, just once. You tell me where you are now. Where is the man who bullied you? No need to tell me that. I said I’ll give you one chance. Very well! You wait!”

After Qin Yufei finished this, she hung up the phone and transferred the number to her own phone. Then coldly slammed Gu Yingjie’s phone on him, turned her head and left.

Gu Yingjie’s hands were hurriedly picking up the phone and almost break it. When he caught up with it and went out, the elevator door closed in his face. “Yufei!” He shouted, but unfortunately, the last thing he saw was Qin Yufei’s angry face.

Gu Yingjie was busy dialing Qin Yufei’s phone, and she reject it. Gu Yingjie was so frustrated that he returned home and saw Mrs. Gu with a shocked face. She obviously hadn’t recovered from Qin Yufei’s fierce stance. He called Abby and asked her what she had said to Qin Yufei, and finally yelled, “Why did you tell her the address? Where is that boyfriend of yours? What? He’s outside your door? Shit! Abby, if anything happens to Yufei at your place, I will never forgive you.”

Gu Yingjie ran back to the room to get the car keys, and called Xu Yanchang, he was so anxious that he was out of words, only to say that Qin Yufei was going to find Abby, and Abby’s violent boyfriend was still there, he was afraid that something would happen, and asked Xu Yanchang to hurry over to help, he also going over now.

Mrs. Gu is also anxious, followed her son out the door, said: “Don’t be impulsive, the driver is waiting downstairs, let him send us over, let him help.”

“Mom, you should not bother with this.”

“With Yufei’s temper, she’ll be calmer with an elder around.”

Gu Yingjie thought for a moment. That’s true. So he stopped holding back and went with his mother to Abby’s place in the driver’s car.

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