Arrogant Meets Passionate

Chapter 59: CH 59

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The two returned to the room when the four elderly had almost done eating and were chatting with each other. The two men talked about the business, and the two women talked about the gossip in the social circle. When they saw the two young people came back, they all ignored it. Did not even stop, continue to talk.

This reaction fell in the Qin Yufei’s eyes, it means ‘didn’t care about them’.

Qin Yufei blushed and secretly pinched Gu Yingjie. Gu Yingjie was satisfied that he had just taken enough advantage of her and let her pinch and stare, smiling tenderly.

Laugh, laugh, laugh. Not afraid of parents looked at them as a joke. Qin Yufei give food to Gu Yingjie, let him eat and stop being silly. This time Gu Wenguang got up and walked to the bathroom attached to the room, and pushed the door in. The remaining three parents coincidentally subconsciously glanced at Qin Yufei. Said nothing, and continue to chat and eat the food.

Qin Yufei simply wants to dig a hole to burrow herself. Well, obviously the room has a bathroom, but she had to go out and use the one outside. The bathroom is an excuse. She just wants to go out to find Gu Yingjie. Then accidentally, stay outside for a longer time. And accidentally again, she seems to have forgotten to fix the makeup. She spent her lipstick and makeup because of doing this and that with Gu Yingjie. Oh right, they also didn’t pay any attention if there’s anyone passing by the corner of the bathroom door and see them kissing.

Qin Yufei felt that even if she went into a hole in the ground, the heat on her face could not subside. She secretly pinched Gu Yingjie’s leg again.

Of course, Gu Yingjie knew what was going on. Qin Yufei’s expression was so cute that he couldn’t help but laugh out loud.

Then the entire table was glaring at him. Gu Wenguang came out of the bathroom and also stared at him. Gu Yingjie knew this was not good, but when he saw Qin Yufei’s red face and exasperated look, he just wanted to laugh and couldn’t control it at all.

This time, the elders couldn’t control it either. The expressions on their faces were obviously ‘didn’t see,’ ‘young people nowadays.’ ‘Son, you are so embarrassing, can we pretend not to know you?’, ‘daughter, you are so embarrassing, can we pretend not to know you.’ ‘daughter, your face can boil eggs.’…..

This time, not only Qin Yufei, even Gu Yingjie also blushed.

On the other end, Sun Yian hung up the phone and finally settled down. He is not afraid of the world, but afraid of his father. If not for the fear of being discovered by his father, he really did not worry about the money. It’s a good thing that Gu Yingjie agreed, otherwise he would have had to ask someone else, and he would have to feel ashamed. The last time he did Gu Yingjie a favor, this time it’s considered return a favor. He feels he will save his face.

Sun Yian whistled and planned to go out for a drink to have fun. When Sun Yixue heard the sound, she poked her head out of her room and asked in a whisper, “Brother, did you solve your trouble?” They have a good relationship. She knows about his affairs, and she wants to help but has no power.

“Solved.” Sun Yian rubbed her sister’s head, “James promised to lend me.”

“So generous.”

“We’re friends, friends are not for nothing.” Sun Yian said little to his sister. He walked out while calling someone for a drink.

Sun Yixue looked at her brother’s back, retreated to her room, closed the door, and jumped back on the bed to pick up her phone and continue chatting, her best friend still waiting for her on the other end of the phone.

“What’s wrong with your brother?”

“It’s fine, he’s happy, says James is going to help him out.”

“Your brother and James are really close.”

“Yeah. But this way, it ties up your hands and feet.” Sun Yixue continued the conversation with her best friend, that was interrupted earlier.

“In fact, you think too much. Your brother loves you so much, he must be on your side.”

“However, there is not much chance to see James during this time. He did not come to my brother’s gathering. I asked my brother to ask him out, but my brother was not willing. He said James is now in a relationship with Qin Yufei and asked me not to get involved.”

“Didn’t you hear James broke up with Qin Yufei?”

“My brother said he hadn’t heard yet, but he said he wasn’t sure about them, anyway. And James himself did not speak. It is not good for people to guess blindly. He said if I really like him, then wait for him the next time they meet, he helped me to ask about it carefully. If James’s side and Qin Yufei really broke off, he helped me talk to James, and help me pull the strings.”

“How can you be so passive? Your opponent is Qin Yufei. Have you forgotten? The day you went to the yacht and confessed. You were too reserved. James politely refused, and you walked away. The result was Qin Yufei took advantage of the situation. She hooked James into bed, and James became hers.”

Sun Yixue bit her lip. Thinking about it, she felt disgusted and displeased. In her disappointment and frustration that night, Qin Yufei actually used such tactics.

“But you have to think about it. Do you really like James that much? He had a lot of girlfriends before, his type is the most popular. Good-looking, rich, and gentle to everyone. Even if you become his girlfriend, you will have to deal with a lot of rivals in the future.”

“This is nothing. Which man is honest? My brother also had several girlfriends, and his eyes glowed when he saw a beautiful woman. I always go out with him, look at his circle of friends, they are all like this. Men are born with horny genes. I am not afraid, when a man is out to socialize, we must turn a blind eye to it, as long as he does not go too far and have a sense of propriety. I think James is actually a responsible man, you see. Everyone said he had a lot of girlfriends, but he never cheated. Be responsible for his girlfriend.”

The best friend on the other side of the phone mysteriously said: “I tell you, I think he falls in the hands of Qin Yufei, is because he is too responsible. You say, how did Qin Yufei get him into bed that day? He’s done the deed and had no choice but to take responsibility. Now he’s being bullied by Qin Yufei in front of everyone, which is really quite tragic.”

Sun Yixue did not speak. Thinking about Qin Yufei and Gu Yingjie, she felt uncomfortable in her heart, especially since Qin Yufei used such dirty tricks. Do you really have to be shameless in order to chase the boy you love? In comparison, she previously created the opportunity to meet with Gu Yingjie. Those methods are too modest.

The best friend on the other side of the phone said again, “But it seems like it’s your opportunity now.”


“Yes. You think about it, James is the type of polite and gentleman, except Qin Yufei, the girls he dated before are all cute and well-behaved. Like you, for example.” The best friend laughed twice, “So, although Qin Yufei and James were together for a while, but James obviously did not take her seriously, otherwise why did he never take her out? Not introduce her to his friends? Even your brother’s doesn’t know. So it was only a matter of time before the two of them had problems. Now that the conflict is exposed and James is losing face in his circle of friends, it’s the time when he needs comfort, you have to seize the opportunity.”

“You mean I should take advantage of this time to intensify my attack?”

“Of course. I heard that Ah Lu also likes James very much, this time heard that he was bullied. She was heartbroken and said she wanted to give Qin Yufei a scowl. Also, even Qin Yufei’s own best friend, the one called Yin Ting, do you remember?”

“Remember. She was there at the yacht.”

“Hmm, that’s the one. I heard she likes James, too. And I heard she was seen having dinner alone with him the other day.”

“Ah? Isn’t she a friend of Qin Yufei’s?”

“So, the current situation was that everyone was optimistic that James was at a low point, and it was the time to break the hearts of men. You didn’t do it, others didn’t wait.”

Sun Yixue clenched her teeth. Her heart fluttered. “Then I also do not wait for my brother. He is not willing to help me at all, or else he would have already helped me talk to James. Now he advised me not to get involved and wait. Damn, by the time he did so, Qin Yufei was gone, but James’s girlfriend had changed again.”

“Then you hurry and ask him out.”

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“He is difficult to invite. Even my brother did not get a chance.”

“Try it, it’s better than doing nothing.”

Sun Yixue thought about it. “Okay, I’ll say I found a new job, so my friends have a party to celebrate it together, so he can come and take a break.”

“OK. We’ll help you make it happen, then.”

“What if he doesn’t come?”

“We’ll talk about it later.”

“Okay, then I’ll call him tomorrow.” Sun Yixue decided and feels full of fighting spirit.

Gu Yingjie is completely unaware that he is being so intently concerned by others. His heart is only thinking about Qin Yufei. Giggling all night, you gave me dishes, and I gave you a dish. And then both of them ate too much. The parents have developed from ‘can not look anymore’ to ‘really can not look anymore’ and finally ‘do not want to look at it’. So when the dinner is over, Gu Yingjie is dragging Qin Yufei behind, and the parents are already well prepared.

Although prepared, but when Gu Yingjie really has the cheek to say to take Qin Yufei to go for a walk to digest the food and then send her home, the parents are still hesitant.

Especially the female parents. Qin Wenyi looked at his wife and Mrs. Qin looked back at her husband. If they’re agreed, won’t your daughter’s value drop and you’ll look improper? If they’re not agreed, will it be inappropriate? Two people looked at the Gu family couple again.

Mrs. Gu really wants to beat her chest. Son, our family is also dignified. You are so blatantly abducting other people’s daughters. How can I back you up? Gu Wenguang simply looked down at his phone and pretended not to hear. If you say yes, you look like you have no family education. If you don’t agree, is it not appropriate?

The result is that Gu Yingjie proved the fact that men are really thick-skinned at some point. He did not wait for the parents to give a response, and hurriedly said, “Thank you, Mom and Dad, thank you, Uncle and Auntie. I will send Yufei back later.” Then, pulling Qin Yufei and went away.

Mrs. Gu really did not know what to say, watching her son take the family’s daughter into the car and go away. Take a walk, this draft is not detailed enough, take a walk with four wheels?

Mrs. Gu said sarcastically, “This child really does not know how to do things.”

Mrs. Qin also had to smile: “It must be Yufei who wants to go for a ride. I’ll talk to her later. This is really rude.”

“It’s my son’s fault.”

“Yufei is playful, so you should be more patient.”

The two parents were polite, and Gu Yingjie was already driving Qin Yufei towards his home.

After a long time, they reunited.

Gu Yingjie and Qin Yufei completely did not bother to talk about the love and directly rolled on the sheets. The battle is really passionate. They end the first round quite fast. Qin Yufei’s sweat dripping and said: “It’s okay, not too late. It should not be too shameful to go home now.”

“But I just finished warming up.” Gu Yingjie pulled her over, physically proving that he had really just warmed up and was getting into the act now.

Qin Yufei has never been a match for Gu Yingjie in this exercise, and he was in such good shape that she had to use all her skills just to deal with him, forgetting about the time. After it was over, she was a little dazed and slept for a while, and then opened her eyes at midnight.

She looked at her watch, thinking in her heart that if she went home at this time, she would be home anyway, so it’s should be accounted for, right?

But Gu Yingjie held the opposite opinion: “If you go back at this time, you will wake everyone up, which is not good.”

The words were just finished when Qin Yufei glared.

“I’m telling the truth.” The wolf pretended to be more serious.

Qin Yufei ignored him, kicked him, and ran to the shower. To prevent harassment, she locked the door. While washing she thought about what to say, although her parents should have guessed where she was, but that would be embarrassing. If mom makes fun of her, she’ll have to have something to say in response.

She came out wrapped in a big towel, and before she could change her clothes, Gu Yingjie hugged her. He had also taken a shower in the other bathroom, with water still dripping from his hair. He sniffed at her neck and said to her, “You smell good.”

“Stop it.” She was using his shower gel. How could it smell good?

He hugged and kissed her. He couldn’t hold himself back again. Qin Yufei called out: “Don’t, I need to go home.”

He pestered, “I have thought of a solution for you, you can say that I took you to watch a midnight movie.”

This seems to be quite reasonable. Qin Yufei hesitated a little, and was picked up by Gu Yingjie and thrown on the bed. She screamed and laughed: “What the hell is a midnight show?”

Gu Yingjie also laughed. “It is a midnight show. After watching it, I will send you back, really.”

As a result, both of them were exhausted by the end of the game. Qin Yufei fell asleep while muttering, “I’ll leave in a minute.” Gu Yingjie was satisfied, hugging her and quickly fell asleep.

Don’t know how long he slept, Gu Yingjie suddenly woke up, he felt very thirsty. Qin Yufei beside him breathed softly and was sleeping soundly. Gu Yingjie gently got up, went out and poured a glass of water to drink. Then he came back, walked into the bedroom and saw Qin Yufei asleep in his bed under the moonlight.

Long curly hair scattered on his pillow, small face looks calm, one hand on the side of the cheek, and the other hand pressed on the quilt. The long and slender legs are half exposed outside the quilt.

Gu Yingjie looked at her. A thought suddenly rose in his chest at this moment.

It’s her.

What standards and timing to confirm the word ‘future’ of ‘future wife’ should be removed? No standard and unknown timing.

Just a feeling.

That feeling only needs a glance, a moment.

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