Arrogant Meets Passionate

Chapter 60: CH 60

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There is a price to pay for sweetness.

Gu Yingjie understood this truth on the second day of his lustful love.

After sending his beloved queen home to change clothes, he received a phone call from Qin Wenyi before he arrived at the company: “Ah Jie, if you have time today, come to Yongkai, let’s have a talk.”

Qin Wenyi said directly and clearly, Gu Yingjie was shocked. Is this to settle the yesterday’s abduction of his daughter? But even if he knew it was a settlement, he had to agree, and even if he didn’t have time, he had to have time.

Gu Yingjie agreed to the invitation and said he would go over at 3:00 pm.

When Gu Yingjie arrived at the office, he mulled it over for a while, and was called to the office by his elder brother for a while, and only at noon did he have time to contact Qin Yufei.

When Qin Yufei heard her father had summoned that Gu Yingjie, she let out a ‘humph,’ and said, “You deserve it. Let my father teach you a lesson. See if you still dare to bully me in the future.”

Gu Yingjie pretended to let out a long sigh: “Both of us, who is bullying whom?” After a pause, he said, “That’s right, sometimes I am the one who bullied you. But I think you enjoyed being bullied.” The tone of the words was full of hints, and since Qin Yufei was indeed ‘bullied’ thoroughly last night, she immediately understood what he meant.

“Ugh.” Qin Yufei blushed. “Then you can wait for my father to scold you.”

“What if he doesn’t just scold?” Gu Yingjie hinted at her.

“Could he actually hit you?” Qin Yufei really wanted to go through the phone and slap him twice. Is the brain itchy?

“Of course he’s not beating me.” Gu Yingjie said slowly, “We already like this, our parents have met, and both parents are satisfied, so if he asks me what I’m going to do next ……,” he thought his meaning was quite obvious now.

“Oh.” Qin Yufei replied.

“Oh, what oh.” Gu Yingjie was unhappy.

“I’m teaching you to answer ‘oh’. If he asked a sensitive question, you play dumb.”

“You admit to playing dumb, too.” Gu Yingjie teased her, “Why are you playing dumb with me?”

“I’m not. You’re the one talking. I’ll help you out.”

“Well, if your father asks, I’ll say it.”

“Say what?”

“That I want to marry you.”

Qin Yufei was stunned and choked a little. She slowed down for a moment before she said in a pretend relaxed manner, “Hey, this gentleman, do you know that The Mighty cannot give in? How can you give in just because you’re afraid of my dad?”

“I’m very flexible.” Gu Yingjie heard the little twist in her voice and joked with her as well.

“It’s better to show your temperament.”

Gu Yingjie smiled and wanted to skip this and change the subject, but still couldn’t resist. He asked her, “Don’t you think about it at all?” Didn’t think about marrying him at all?

“We’ve only known each other for a short time!” Qin Yufei listed the reasons.

“More than a year.”

“Then how long have we been in a relationship?”

“More than a year, too.”

“Hey, how do you do the math?”

“Definitely high marks in math.”

“I’m ignoring you.”

“But I want to marry you.” Gu Yingjie said.

“Don’t change too fast. We were talking nicely yesterday at the hotel.”

“Yeah, I suddenly had this idea.”

“You are having a psychological effect, scared by my father.”

“No, it was a sudden thought last night.”

“That’s the impulse produced by the vulgar relationship that dissipates easily.”

“Who has a vulgar relationship with you? I got up in the middle of the night last night to drink water, and when I went back to the bedroom I saw you sleeping, I thought how good it would be if this girl was my wife, no need to send her home, keep her at home every day ……”

Gu Yingjie’s love words have not finished and was interrupted by Qin Yufei: “Then it is because you are lazy, do not want to send me back. It’s not enough to be lustful, but also greedy for convenience.”

“Qin Yufei!” Gu Yingjie was a little annoyed, he was full of enthusiasm and love, and she threw cold water vigorously.

“What is it?” Unfortunately, even if he pretended to be fierce, Qin Yufei was not afraid, and her tone was even more aggressive than his.

“I don’t want to talk to you now.” Gu Yingjie played it cool.

“Oh.” Qin Yufei said delicately, “I like it when men act cool.”

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Gu Yingjie immediately shattered, couldn’t pretend anymore. “Don’t mess around. Skipping work in broad daylight to abduct you is really inappropriate.”

Qin Yufei blushed. “You are the one who stops it. When you come over this afternoon, listen well to my father’s lecture. Do not upset him. And if he makes any unjustified request, you must not agree to it.”

But Gu Yingjie did not think so. In his opinion, if he asked for marriage plans, he does not consider it a demanding request. If it is to ask him to help take care of Yongkai, in order to marry Qin Yufei, he is also mentally prepared for this. Although he is not familiar and passionate about this industry, but work is like that. He thought he could accommodate.

In the afternoon, Gu Yingjie went to Yongkai. First, he went to Qin Yufei’s floor to find Qin Yufei, and the two secretly kissed in the office with the door closed. “Don’t worry, I will perform well in front of my future father-in-law.” Gu Yingjie gave Qin Yufei a vow of confidence.

“I’m not worried about it.” Qin Yufei lifted her small chin. In fact, she ran upstairs early to find her father and pouted, and asked why Qin Wenyi called Gu Yingjie over. Do not bully Gu Yingjie and blah blah blah and pestered Qin Wenyi chatted for half an hour. Qin Wenyi assured her that he would never treat Gu Yingjie badly and only then was she relieved to go downstairs.

Gu Yingjie smiled and pulled her over for another kiss and then mustered up enough courage to go up and meet his future father-in-law.

The result of the meeting conversation was unexpected by Gu Yingjie.

Qin Wenyi did not question him about what his intentions towards Qin Yufei. Did not scold him about abducting Qin Yufei last night and did not mention the matter of asking him to manage Yongkai. In the beginning, Qin Wenyi said that last night he went to drink with his father and talked a lot. Gu Yingjie was secretly prepared in his heart, but Qin Wenyi only said that Gu Wenguang had confidence in his son and loved him. And said nothing else.

Gu Yingjie was full of doubts. Qin Wenyi asked him about some of his views on business, his views on the general economic situation, his views on the stock market, his understanding of national economic policies, and so on. After chatting, he let him go.

Gu Yingjie was depressed. He thought it was to see his father-in-law, who knew it became a meeting with the boss. Originally, he thought it was to talk about marriage, but he didn’t expect it to be an interview, and it’s the interview that doesn’t give work. Gu Yingjie ran to Qin Yufei’s office to cry and show her a sad face, which made Qin Yufei laugh. Her dad is really her biological father, too cautious.

“Now you know my dad is not that easy to deal with, right?” Qin Yufei was smug, “He definitely had to see if you were good enough first.”

Gu Yingjie exclaimed it was indeed difficult to deal with, stricter than his own father. “I’m so devastated. Can you come and stay at my house tonight to comfort me?”

What answered him was a pink fist from Qin Yufei.

Of course, although she can’t go home with him, but a romantic dinner is possible.

In the restaurant, Gu Yingjie discussed with Qin Yufei about when to ask friends to come out together for a gathering. Qin Yufei frowned. “I was so embarrassed in front of your friends before.”

“So all the more reason to meet up and earn your face back.” Gu Yingjie coaxed her.

“But they don’t like me.” She didn’t care before, but now she cared to death.

“They don’t know you yet. Give them a chance.”

“They know me well, arrogant, domineering, pampered, superficial rich white girl.” Qin Yufei laughed at herself.

“Then they just don’t understand that’s what I love.” Gu Yingjie grinned.

Qin Yufei was amused by his expression. “I would like to pinch your face a little. How can you be so handsome?” While saying that, she reached out her hand.

“Miss Qin, please pay attention. This is a public place.” Gu Yingjie is unhappy.

Qin Yufei beamed: “Just want to pinch.”

“Okay.” Gu Yingjie moved his face over, and Qin Yufei gently pinched it, giggling happily.

“Satisfied?” Gu Yingjie was helpless and happy. He was more than willing to spoil her. Which is a disease, right?

“Oh, right, I have to tell you. Abby’s matter is done. Her boyfriend has promised to break up. The two people’s stuff is clearly divided. She is now living well. The man doesn’t dare to harass her anymore.”

“She still contacted you?” Qin Yufei said. The lawyer she sent helped a little, and she didn’t care about other things anymore.

“No, you are so fierce. How dare she contact me? It was Jason who told me.”

“That’s good. If she’s looking for you, let her come to me. I’ll keep on being mean.”

Gu Yingjie lost his smile and was just about to laugh at her when his phone rang.

Qin Yufei put down her fork and raised her eyebrows: “I wouldn’t be so bright-mouthed that she calls as soon as I talk about her, right?”

Gu Yingjie looked, it wasn’t Abby, but it would be another person Qin Yufei didn’t like. He showed his phone to Qin Yufei. “It’s Shirley, Sun Yixue. Let’s see what she wants.”

“Just answer it. Am I such a stingy person?” Qin Yufei raised her eyebrows and glared at him. Gu Yingjie smiled and pressed the phone.

The two sides greeted each other. Sun Yixue asked Gu Yingjie what he was doing now and if it was convenient to say a few words. Gu Yingjie said, “Nothing, I’m having dinner with my girlfriend, it’s convenient, go ahead, what’s the matter?”

Having dinner with your girlfriend? Sun Yixue froze, but quickly came back to her senses. She felt that Gu Yingjie prompting her to not say some words and pay attention to the speech.

“It’s like this. I got a new job and my brother said he’s going to help me throw a party this Saturday to celebrate. I’m contacting my friends to set the list.” Changing the word ‘friend’ to ‘brother’ and ‘want to invite you’ to ‘making a list,’ Sun Yixue spoke cautiously.

“Well, congratulations. I’ll ask first.” Gu Yingjie didn’t think much about it and asked Qin Yufei directly, “Shirley is having a party over there. Are you interested in attending?”

Qin Yufei shook her head. It’s the girl who confessed to Gu Yingjie. Only when she was crazy would she go to her party.

“Let’s go. It’s good to meet some friends. I have friends who will be there too.” Gu Yingjie circled back to the earlier topic, feeling that this was an opportunity to bring his family queen to make an appearance with a good reason and the right occasion.

Qin Yufei shook her head again.

Gu Yingjie didn’t force her, so he said to the phone, “My girlfriend has something to do that day, so we won’t go there. Sorry about that.”

When Sun Yixue faintly heard him ask Qin Yufei if she wanted to go, her heart hung in the air, but it turned out that neither of them was coming.

Sun Yixue hung up and stared at her phone. She felt that Qin Yufei was terrible. Gu Yingjie was suppressed by her everywhere. He was so wronged. They actually did not break up? She felt even more frustrated.

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