Assassins in The Witcher

Chapter 53: Wyvern

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"Zoltan, I see you brought the League member earlier than planned. Come on. We are just talking about a plan of action to counter the Wyverns. But, first, I will introduce you to the team members you will be part of.  "  Brouver Hoog, king of Mahakam, the homeland of dwarves and gnomes.

"Since I know the League does a lot of work with Witcher Schools, I guess you know most of the members here, but let me introduce them to you.

"This white-haired young man with the scar on his eye is Geralt, the witcher of the Wolf school. Beside him is Vesemir, a former witcher of the Wolf and Geralt's mentor."

"Indeed, your majesty, I know his two wolves. I have worked with them before.

"Perfect, then there's Zeran, a Griffin school witcher."

Zeran and Saibus greet each other with respect.

"Then, on his left, the last school which answered our call, Lexandre of the school of the Cat."

Lexandre stares at Saibus with hostility and a hint of madness in his eyes, which makes the assassin frown.

"Afterwards, we have proud dwarves and gnomes who will help you in the battle, Moran, and Maran. These two are two of my greatest warriors, besides Zoltan, although he is not always obedient."

"And finally, another assassin like you that you probably know, Desmond."

"Unfortunately, we can't send a more extensive group because they would have more trouble hiking the mountains than a small group. That's why we asked for help from the League and the Witcher Schools. You know a lot about these monsters and are trained to fight them. I leave it to your teammates to educate you about the strategy that we have formed. You are all dismissed except Zoltan, Moran, and Maran. "The king puts an end to end. At the meeting and dismisses the witchers and assassins from the throne room.

Lexandre and Zeran separate from the group and do their own thing while Vesemir, Geralt, Desmond, and Saibus regroup in the direction of their apartments.

They discuss what has happened since they were not seen while arriving at their apartments. Their apartment is a large circular living room with four doors. There are several sofas, tables, everything in a mini house. They look at the doors, three double bedrooms, and a bathroom. The rooms are distributed as follows, the assassins between them and the witchers of the Wolf together, leaving the last room to the witcher of the cat and the griffin.

After visiting where they sleep for the next few days, they settle on the sofa in the square.

It is Saibus that begins the conservation.

"So, can you tell me what plan we're going to follow to track down the wyverns and kill them?"  Saibus asks to be kept informed of the strategy to be followed.

"Of course, our goal in the first instance is to get to the top of the mountain as far as possible to find out what causes the wyverns to descend and their massive appearances."  Vesemir begins to work out what they plan to do over the next few days.

"Once that is done, we will advise according to our findings."  Geralt ends.

"What is our combat training? Even though we are strong, we need a lot of coordination to kill a wyvern without serious injury and even more so a large amount."  Saibus declares.

"We discussed a lot and decided on the next plan. Geralt, Vesemir, and I will ensure to have the wyvern's attention while Lexandre, Zeran, and Zoltan attack him from behind and destroy his weak spots. Moran and Maran will be our support. They will both use a medium crossbow. In addition, they will carry a spear and a Mahakan's war hammer if necessary. Well, you have no specific role. You are good at both contact and range, thanks to your magic. So we let you improvise and act according to the situation. "  Said Desmond.

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"Alright. Okay now, Geralt, how did you get that scar?"  Saibus asks, which kicks off an animated explanation from Geralt.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  ~~~~~~~~~

The following day, a group of nine people is at the gates of Mahakan. These people are the members of the team that has the wyverns killed. The king encourages them and wishes them good luck. The team members then leave the summits.

Zoltan is at the head of the group. Being a dwarf knowing these mountains, he is the group guide.  Vesemir, Geralt, and Desmond come next. Being the defensive body of the group, they are in the front. Lexandre and Zeran are in the middle and can react quickly, thanks to their agility. Finally, Saibus is with Moran and Maran at the back of the group. He is there to protect the dwarves who carry the crossbows that can bring down the wyverns.

The climb up the mountain is relatively easy, as all team members are trained and have a muscular build.

Halfway through the ascent, the group is stopped by the witchers, who hear soft growls thanks to their enhanced senses. 1

"Wait, the growls are getting closer. Everyone is getting him into position. This is a wyvern that smelled us,"  Vesemir says.

Everyone did what Vesemir said and got into battle formation.

They were on a slightly narrow slope. Lexandre and Zeran hid behind trees and rocks.

The growls moved closer and became audible to non-witcher members.

The growls turned into a wyvern roar. A shadow darkens Zoltan, Vesemir, Desmond, and Geralt, who are in front. Above them, a wyvern flaps its wings, hovers, and watches people on the ground like predators.

The wyvern dives to the forehead of the group. Desmond and Geralt dodge their attack on either side as Vesemir and Zoltan dive forward and roll, dodging the wyvern's bite. Now on the ground, the latter is attacked by Lexandre and Zeran to her right. Zeran runs towards the wyvern's wing and tries to cut her wing to keep it down, but she dodges. At the same time, Lexandre jumps on his back with agility and plants his sword behind his back. But the dodge of the wyvern destabilizes Lexandre, who grows his sword in the bone of his wing instead of his back. Then, feeling a significant threat, the wyvern tries to fly away, which it does but can only do 2 meters before crashing to the ground due to its torn wing. Saibus and Moran take the opportunity to deliver the final blow to him by perforating his brain with his sword and crushing his disappointment with his hammer.

"It was swift. Less than a minute is too easy. I hope I have more blood."  Lexandre notices with murderous intent in his eyes and a bloodthirsty smile.

"She's just a wyvern, and there are nine of us, including four witchers, two assassins, and three dwarves. What do you expect when alone wyvern attacks us? Of course, we'll kill her, but we must do it. Be careful. If she attacked us, that means more and more wyverns are trying to eat us. "  Vesemir said seriously.

"Vesemir is right. We will see more and more wyverns. We have already tried to send teams, but they always returned with many dead and wounded. It is the number of wyverns that is worrying. If three or four wyverns attack simultaneously, we will be in trouble. "  continues Maran.

"Weak," Lexandre replied weakly before continuing forward alone.

They leave Lexandre ahead because no one appreciates him very much. They resume their marches information with the addition of Alexandre in the lead. They walk for an hour. The ascent becomes more and more complex, and the snow becomes thicker, slowing their progress and requiring more energy with each step. But that's nothing unbearable, just embarrassing.

Witchers, Assassins, and Dwarves have already killed several Wyverns on the way.


A roar echoes in the mountain range. Following this cry, other less mighty roars echoed through the mountain.

Three wyverns rise from the sky and attack the scout team with these cries.


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