Assassins’ First Transmigration

Chapter 1: First transmigration

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Ming Jin was a well-known assassin within the underground, he was classified as an elite with his skills which are unmatchable. Most thought he would continue his profession for a long time however they didn’t expect he would die at the age of 23.


All this happened because he trusted one person the only person, he thought that he knew.”

“Ming Jin any last words before you go to the afterlife”


“All I can say is see you in hell you bitch.” Ming Jin spat on Jun face, he looked at him with disdain in his eyes. Jun looked at him a started to laugh hysterically.


“Hahaha, you are very funny Ming you are about to die yet you still have the strength to spit at me, if that’s all you have to say I’ll see you there” he shot Ming Jin in the head, Ming Jin lost his conscious the only thing he could see was pitch black, however he could move around.


‘Sigh, I didn’t expect Jun out of all people to betray me what a bastard, tch’ Ming Jin kept walking around the area even though he couldn’t see or know where he was going, from time to time he would sit down. He didn’t know how much time he spent walking maybe a few hours to what felt like days it wasn’t physically exhausting, but it was definitely mentally tiring.


“AHHHH, I feel like I’ll go crazy at this point!!!” Ming Jin kept walking until he finally saw a soft glow in the distance, he ran as quickly as he could to the light the light grew brighter and brighter finally, he reached it and got a closer look.

It was an orb with no general shape it was white, and gold even faint red could be seen on it, honestly it looked quite cute in a weird way. Ming Jin closely inspected the orb not touching, although his curiosity was at its peak, he just wanted to make sure it wasn’t dangerous.


After some time, he decided it wasn’t anything bad, so he slowly point his finger to touch it, the orb was a little cold when his hand got closer to it. The orb let out a blinding light covering Ming Jin’s vision.

A play through of a person’s life appeared in front of Ming Jin it was information overflow and he felt disorientated with an uncomfortable noise in his ears and a splitting headache.


It didn’t take a while till he felt better, Ming Jin felt his surroundings, it was different he could hear birds chirping the rustle of trees and a waterfall, he quickly opened his eyes he saw a bright blue sky he squinted his eyes as he sat up only to feel his abdomen in pain. He was bleeding but half of it was already dry.

“Well, that was a ride” From what Ming Jin got, the body his currently in is technically a “elf young master” he had the same name, so it made thing easier for him. After sometime Ming Jin recollected the story of the owner.


Although this person’s body is a young master, he really wasn’t treated like one the only thing they gave him were clothes and food other than that they all talked shit about him even in front of him, the city wasn’t any better the city’s people looked down on him. His father didn’t care for him after his mother passed. The man even married another woman who had two devil babies.


And the reason the original owner’s body is in this forest is because they said he had to become stronger, in translation throwing him to die in the wild without putting dirt on their hands. Well, they got what they wanted to bad their karma was catching up.  


“Hah what a pitiful life you had, only living until 15 you didn’t even turn 16 yet… I’ll get them back for you since I took your body” Ming Jin said with his raspy voice, he carefully stood up limping towards the waterfall. Although Ming Jin knows about this person’s past, he really didn’t get to see his face since it was the persons point of view. Now that he saw the owners face, he was quite enchanting.

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Nice elf ears, long black hair which shows a hint of purple in the sun, thick black eyelashes. His face was a bit bruised however it was perfectly proportioned, his skin was pale however it was on the sickly side, he wasn’t too feminine or masculine.


“Wow, not bad your quite handsome you could’ve been a lady/man killer if you grew up a bit more, don’t worry kid your death wasn’t for nothing.” A small gust of wind hit Ming Jin after his promise. Ming Jin took off his clothes and dipped himself into the water and cleaned his wound. Ming Jin went back to the place he woke up he saw there was a small bag with bandages, some disinfectants even an extra pair of clothes it looked like it had infinite space because when he placed his old clothes in there the size didn’t change, it was quite convenient.


After he covered his wound if wasn’t a problem anymore, he wore the extra clothes he decided to find something to eat. Luckily the owner brought some good quality weapons, he was well prepared to bad he didn’t have many physical skills.


Ming Jin brought the bag and went deeper into the forest to find fruits or animals. He walked around for a bit and found a weird looking apple instead of it being red or green it was pure white it was a sight to see. Ming Jin already knew that this isn’t his earth, not even his universe at this point.


Ming Jin tried to revise the owners’ memories, even though the owner didn’t have powers or was physically active they were pretty informative, kinda like a walking dictionary. He found out that it is an apple, but it’s called an “ajin”, even their writing was something his never seen however thanks to the owner he understands what’s going on.


Ming Jin was done revising and gracefully climbed the tree with no problem and took the apple from the tree, Ming Jin sat on the tree branch and ate the apple it was delicious it was juicy and had a sweet taste, but it had a bit of a sour aftertaste it was very refreshing. He took a few of them and placed it in his bag before heading deeper because he hasn’t seen animals only a few birds in the sky.


He found a few berries and other fruits but no animals, it took a while until he saw a boar shaped animal in the distance, Ming Jin stayed hidden and moved closer towards it, hopping from tree to tree until he was overhead, he waited a bit just to look at it, the boar had black fur with red stripes on its hooves, its eyes were also red. Ming Jin first measured it, and guessing whether it would be a tough kill, it seemed easy to kill so Ming Jin went in, falling from the tree branch and holding the daggers tightly in his hands.


He skilfully stab the boar in the head making it collapse of the floor with a thump. He took the daggers off its head.


“Wow I thought it would be a bit tougher than that, but I do feel like I could have done better I should put some muscles on this body.” Ming Jin poke the non-existent muscles he used to have, he sighed and started to skin the boar and washing its fur in the river nearby, he also cooked its meat, there where some herbs he passed by and used then a seasoning.


The sun had finally fell into night-time, Ming Jin set up a pillow with the boar’s skin and fell into a light sleep.


This was the start of his new life.


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