Assassins’ First Transmigration

Chapter 2: Capital Elron

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2 weeks had passed, and Ming Jin’s wound was completely gone, and he built some muscles on his body. In the morning Ming Jin packed up all his belongings and headed towards the Capital Elron to visit his dear old parents. Currently he was in Mechlic Forest this place wasn’t as dangerous as he thought but when it came to its animals there’s a 20-80 chance of being injured or dying for those with no powers or martial prowess and the original owner was one of them.


Looking back at the owner’s memories Capital Elron was a floating land with smaller floating islands around it. Ming retraced the owners steps out of the forest it wasn’t a very long trip to the capital if you had a car, it would only take 5 hours, however on foot it would take at least a day or two.


Ming Jin didn’t really mind the walk, before leaving the forest he gathered fruits placing them in the bag.


It had been a few hours since Ming Jin left the forest, he didn’t know where he was going and got a bit bored even checked if the owner got things which were interesting, but there weren’t many things other than some books, but they did have a pretty ring it had a sapphire crystal in it the rim was silver. He inspected the ring then he touched the crystal a screen appeared in front of him. He was a bit startled but composed himself.


The screen looked like a laptop, phone, there were some apps and he saw some messages the owner sent. Well now he wasn’t bored anymore, Ming Jin looked over some messages, some where just from his deceased mother, some messages to his father but most of them weren’t read, and the last message were his last words. Some messages are from his school mates usually bulling him, he had a friend on there but seemed like the friendship ended.


“Damn, that’s just sad.” Ming Jin closed the messages and checked for a map, he set it up and put the ring on his finger he ate a few fruits and continued his trip. Hours had passed even though the journey was long it was enjoyable he got to see so many new creatures he couldn’t even imagine, he moved from a dirt road to brick road after sometime even saw some flying cars and some buses here and there. Many did give him weird looks, but he didn’t pay much attention to it.


A day had passed, and Ming Jin saw some buildings from afar, he was quite happy during his time he also found out he had some money on him could finally buy some good food although he didn’t mind the fruits it was just the meat had been bland.


Ming Jin reached the first town of Elron he saw many types of species such as elves, foxes, dwarves, beast men and so on, one must say it was an interesting experience for Ming Jin.


Currently his “home” was in the main Capital, he first bought some snacks, ate a full meal and bought new clothes, and got himself a hotel room just to stay for the night. Ming Jin savoured his time relaxing because he knew he bring chaos into the Jin family. The next day Ming Jin was done, he got out the hotel and kept walking towards the main capital gate.


He did make a few stops buying all sorts of things which intrigued him they were mostly daggers and some cute accessories for his hair and some small stuff animals of fluffy creatures. What Ming Jin didn’t expect were the owner’s classmates. There were at least 3 he could recognize from the owner’s memory which were Samael Azar, Dong Azar, and Fay Ping ; however Ming Jin doesn’t pay much attention to them since they were a waste of energy to engage with.


One of them recognized Ming Jin and went up to him. “Oh, look who it is isn’t it Ming Jin it’s been a while most of us thought you were dead.” The group laughed


“No wait really I can’t believe it, hahaha.” The other one said


Ming Jin didn’t even spare them a glance and continued to enjoy his noodles. They all got irritated from being ignored and one of them decided to cause trouble by trying to fight Ming Jin too bad for them it wasn’t the original Ming Jin.

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“How dare you ignore me you bastard!!!” Dong threw a punch at Ming Jin, which Ming Jin easily avoids, punch after punch Dong couldn’t even touch Ming Jin. Ming Jin finally finished eating his noodles and set his plate down and paid the bill, Dong was out of breath the others in the group were flabbergasted, he left the restaurant and headed towards the capital.


 Ming Jin reached the gates of Capital Elron, he had to show his identification to pass the barrier, many had recognized him they even talked out loud about the rumours that he was dead, the rumours were half right and half wrong, the original Ming Jin was dead, but fate chose otherwise. Ming Jin went through the barrier and into a new building which would take him to the floating land.


When he entered the building, it was gorgeous the crystals surrounded the window edges and the floating chandeliers glow, and the open glass roof brought in bright light into the building. Ming Jin walked towards the bunny receptionist. He scans Ming Jin’s ring and sends him to an elevator.


“Step in here sir.” The receptionist said, Ming Jin entered the elevator the receptionist put his hands on the door of the elevator, and it started to glow. Ming Jin felt a pleasant feeling and in a flash he reached another area, he stepped out and looked around he was high up in the sky he was finally in Capital Elron.


The first thing Ming Jin did was message his so-called father.

2:34pm: ‘Hello father it has been a while since we talked, I hope you missed me oh and tell mother and my siblings I am coming over’


Duke Harald Jin heard a ding from his ring, he thought it was another investor, but he turned severely pale when he saw the message, Duchess Yao saw her husband freeze she was quite worried.


“Honey, what is the problem” She stood up from her seat.


“It’s… Ming Jin is alive…” the duke told his wife. Yao was stunned


“H-how, he shouldn’t have survived, maybe its just another person there is no way, he doesn’t even have powers or martial arts experience!!!”


“Yao, you know our communicators only responds to the owner. We’ll figure this out don’t worry, he even said he would be coming soon…” Duke Harald and Duchess Yao were in distress.





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