Assassins’ First Transmigration

Chapter 3: Arrival

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Ming Jin was imagining how distress his ‘parents’ were, he smiled mischievously oh he was going to enjoy his time with this. He took his sweet, sweet time to get to the Jin Estate. The city people saw Ming Jin and started to talk among themselves, most just bad mouthing him, but he didn’t care and gracefully walks towards the estate.


A few moments later he reached the Estate gates, but the guards stop him.


“STOP, Duke Harald Jin says you are not allowed to enter the estate please move away from the premises else we will have to use force.” The guards spoke in a confident tone, Ming Jin just kept smiling however it became a hostile smile which the guards could feel, the amount of killing intent coming off of him, they all felt a cold sweat dripping down their backs.


“Oh really, I didn’t know that… How could my dear old father forbid me from coming to my own home, his own flesh and blood.” Ming Jin said as a wiped the fake tear from his face before he stared directly staring at the guards.


“I do hope that you will really stop this young master from coming in, right?” Ming Jin cocked his head and asked in a mocking tone, all the guards were stunned they knew that Ming Jin left for Mechlic forest, and many thought he wouldn’t come back but they didn’t expect that he would be a completely different person and a terrifying one at that.


However, one of the guards could not tolerate Ming Jin’s new behaviour, he stood up in a tall stacher in front of Ming Jin, he was way taller than him the head guard looked down on Ming Jin, even though Ming Jin came back with a different attitude he knew that Ming Jin didn’t have powers or martial arts prowess.


“Ming Jin, I do not know where you got that attitude from, however if you do not get of this premises at this instance, I will not show mercy.” The head guard put himself in a defensive position with his spear, his hands had a red aura which was transferred to the spear. Ming Jin didn’t budge and just watched without expression on his face, what he was doing was analysing the guard’s weak points.


“Hah, I don’t think I’ll be going anywhere.” Ming Jin gave them a sinister smile while he was walking closer and closer with long strides. The Head Guard tightened his spear “Do not say I did not warn you!!!” The guard went at full speed with the spear in hand pointing it at Ming Jin.


Ming Jin moved to the side with no problem, the guard was shocked, but he didn’t give up he kept targeting Ming Jin. Strike after Strike none of them even hit him, even though the guard used his powers to enhance his strength however he couldn’t Ming Jin.


Sometime had passed but the battle still went on Ming Jin was quite used to the Head guards moves and techniques, even movements the guard didn’t know himself, but finally Ming Jin got bored and swiftly hit the guard on his pressure points, leaving the guard on the ground paralysed Ming Jin looked at the guard with no emotion on his face before turning towards the gate. He passed the other guards who were in pure shock and fear, he was finally back at ‘home’.


He walked through the courtyard; he quite enjoyed the scenery and interesting plants with vibrant colours. All the maids and butlers just looked at him with disgust and mockery, some who saw the scene were in fear.


Ming Jin heard that his two siblings were on a school expedition and wouldn’t be back for a while.  He went into the mansion and directly went to the duke’s office, Ming Jin knocked on the door and stepped in. Duke Harald was in shock, he remembered he told the guards not to let him in the estate. He watched as Ming Jin sat himself on a chair, crossing his legs and drinking the tea that was made for him as if he owned the place.


Ming Jin grinned and looked at his father. “Hello father it’s has been a while, has it not?” He placed the tea down on the tray.


Duke Harald was still in shock but composed himself, something as insignificant as Ming Jin wasn’t a problem. “Yes, it has been a while Ming Jin, how was your journey to Mechlic Forest?” The duke looked at Ming Jin with a suspicious eye, Ming Jin just kept on grinning.


“Well, it was very difficult for me, I almost thought I would die that’s why I sent you that message, but I unexpectedly survived and during that time I learned a lot of survival skills. I also learnt how fight, even though I had no powers I still survived could you believe that!!?” Duke Harald wanted to interject but Ming Jin kept talking.


“I was so happy after my journey that I came running home to tell my dear father about my achievements but for some reason the guards said I was not allowed to come to my own home, they even dare say it was your order.” Ming Jin wore a poker face first his happy the next he was enraged.

Duke Harald didn’t know how to respond, he just observed Ming Jin’s new behaviour, one thing was for sure he didn’t like this change.


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“I knew that father wouldn’t place such an order even the Head guard tried to fight with me, but I taught him a lesson.” Ming Jin gave his father a smile and stood up from his seat and walked towards the door.


“Oh, and father I can’t wait to see my siblings again, and don’t worry I’ll be going to school in a few days.” Ming Jin gave him a malicious grin before leaving the office. Duke Harald slumped on his chair breathing a long sigh this person wasn’t his old son anymore, he had a really bad feeling.


Ming Jin walked through the long corridor slowly he saw many photos of his stepmother and siblings but none of his original mother, Ming Jin was just walking with no real goal in mind for now. He walked to his room it was quite a long way to go the room was in the back of the mansion not many people went there but it had a lovely garden that no one knew about except the owner and his mother.


The owner’s room was quite cluttered with books, clothes, some and more , it also had a sickeningly sweet flowery smell.


“Wow, this place is a mess, it looks like I have my work cut out for me.” Ming Jin looked through books and dairies etc. There was nothing much, but some of it was fascinating to read especially how people of this world wrote as well as some history behind certain places of machines, he look the around the room from the bathroom to closet.


Ming Jin thought that the owner’s original style was a bit too bland, they mostly had white shirt, some floral jackets and some jeans, and some jump suits. ‘If you actual put a bit more effort into what you wore, you really could have enchanted people. I should get a job, I wonder what type of work places they have here and if they take in teens.’


Ming Jin settled into his room even replaced a few things to suit his preference, an example was his perfumes the owner preferred sweet flowery scents which Ming Jin didn’t like, the smell was too sweet so he changed it to a more subtle sensual smell, he may have the body of a 15-year-old, but he was still an adult none the less. However currently he didn’t have a lot to work with.


Ming Jin kept brainstorming on what to change where to place which item or buying furniture which could suit his aesthetic. He was quite excited it had been a while since he designed a room which he would stay in for a long time since many of his missions made him jump from place to place but never settle down. It was quite refreshing obviously there were things that are in his way right now but after he “deals with them” he will relax and maybe travel around his new world.


He thought what other parts of the world was like, he did get a bit of what the world was like. The place was a bit close to the vehicles and buildings on earth, but he could say it more futuristic.


‘Hmm, there are many things I don’t know about this place, I should probably read up on it more.’ Ming Jin figured that he wouldn’t do it today, he felt quite hungry, so he went out his room and walked to the long corridor. He didn’t know where to find the kitchen since the owner had no recollection of its direction, this made him walk around aimlessly until he found the kitchen.


During his aimless walking he found the kitchen the reason he didn’t ask for them to make him food was that after paying close attention to his body, during his first week after waking up he felt an uncomfortable sensation in his stomach however that time he thought it was probably from the injury or transmigration but as days passed, he still felt a weird sensation from time to time.


However now it was better, although it wasn’t as frequent it was still there. Ming Jin had a hunch that it was the food the owner ate, so he decided he would make his own food from now on.





Mini Theater

Ming Jin: Damn bitch you live like this. (¬_¬")

Owner: Don't be so mean I just didn't get the time to clean up. ヽ(*。>Д<)o゜

Ming Jin: Ye sure...


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