Assassins’ First Transmigration

Chapter 5: Chapter 5: School time

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Another week had passed Ming Jin finished some of the books, he would go to the kitchen to make his food and almost all the staff members quite enjoyed his company, some of them even started to joke around with him at times. Lui Ping still had arrogance when talking to Ming Jin, however she did tolerate him more than before, but it didn’t mean there wasn’t a bit of chaos in the mansion Ming Jin would go pester Duke Harald and Duchess Yao from time to time when he was bored.


He would usually go into the duke’s office with no warning staying there for bit then left, sometimes would silently criticize Duchess Yao make up or clothing choice and Duchess Yao knew making it even worse. Ming Jin loved seeing their hopeless faces every time he came around, but who could blame Ming Jin they both left the owner for dead he was giving them a little pay back, although this was the bottom of the barrel, he was planning something for them for the future.


All was left were his step siblings, he couldn’t act as if they weren’t also involved in this, but Ming Jin kept them in the backburner for when they come back. Ming Jin would fight the guards when he had free time. He also got some money from the duke so he could stop pestering him it was quite a large sum, so he went to buy new clothes and furnishing which were to his taste and some more accessories, Ming Jin did care about his looks, and he preferred to look like someone noble, even back in his old life he preferred to dress up.


Ming Jin would also look through his communicator from time to time, it was its own phone although he didn’t use it often, but he searched for information and brought himself up to speed with present times now. Ming Jin found it interesting since there were also humans however, they were in another planet, so it cleared up his questions it was an interstellar universe, and Qulue was the second-best manufacturing planet.


It was finally Monday, Ming Jin got off the bed stretching for a bit after he went to the bathroom to wash himself up. Ming Jin tied half his hair into ponytail and tying it with a red ribbon leaving the rest of his hair down, he split his bangs into two combing on side to the back and clipping it.


Ming Jin wore the school uniform provided since the owners one couldn’t fit him, Ming Jin looked at himself in the mirror and smirked ‘At least the school is quite fashionable.’ The uniform colour was mostly baby blue from the hat to his long pants which reached up to his torso, the shirt was the same baby blue as the hat and pants with a nice cream white sleeveless tailcoat and a pale red bow on his neck and a thin long cloth on the back he decided to drape it down his shoulder. The shoes were plain leather navy blue with a ribbon on the end.


Ming Jin wore the cherry earrings he bought after he was done, he went out his room and to the kitchen, he greeted the staff and made himself some breakfast as well as a lunch box then left to the flying car in front of the mansion gate. He sat in the silently as he looked through his communicator as the driver took him to school.


A few minutes had passed, and the car had stopped at a building, Ming Jin got off the car and walked to the gates he tapped the communicator on gate and Ming Jin went through it he looked around he was quite fascinated although the owner came here many times, and they were in his memories Ming Jin thought it looked better with his own eyes. The building looked like a castle however it had its differences, some small buildings were floating there were lovely flowers surrounding the area there was also a mini waterfall. 


There were many students as well, Ming Jin kept walking and looking around the place since it wasn’t time for his classes, so he just looked around to fill his curiosity. As he walk many students looked at him with ridicule even gossiping with their friends, although Ming Jin was quite curious on why most of the students disliked the owner he really didn’t care much since they were all children in his eyes.


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He quite enjoyed the scenery of the school; it had some type of calming effect. ‘If only it was a bit quieter it would be perfect for napping’ he thought, lately he’s been pretty sleepy and his no longer an assassin so not a lot of danger was around him. Ming Jin checked the time he had 20 minutes until class started so he decided to find a place to sit. He went into the building and walked to his class, as he was walking, he felt like someone was following behind him, so he swiftly manoeuvred his body and grabbing the persons hand and throwing them over his shoulder.


The person fell with a large thump which vibrated around the hall, students started to look over they were surprised. Ming Jin looked who the person was he smiled sarcastically. “Oh, it’s you Samael, you really shouldn’t be following people like that.” Ming Jin smirked as he dusted off his hands and clothes, he also noticed that Samael had a cup with red liquid, but it was spilled on the floor and on Samael when he flipped him over.


Ming Jin looked over Samael’s face still keeping his smile “Hmm, look at you, you made such a mess on the floor you’ll have to clean it up.”  Samael couldn’t say anything his faces was the colour of a tomato both from frustration and embarrassment even some tears could be seen, he picked himself up and ran sometimes bumping into some students most of started to giggle.


Ming Jin looked at his back as he ran, he squinted his eyes as his smile grew wider, he liked seeing depraved people embarrassing situations is quite refreshing and anyways they needed to be taught a lesson once a while, Ming Jin turned around and kept walking to his class. All students who saw the confrontation where completely stunned.

[Wasn’t that Ming Jin?]

[Ye, it was.]

[I don’t remember him being strong, he doesn’t even have powers.] They all had their speculations about the event, however the bell started to ring, and they all went to the classes.


Ming Jin was sitting in his seat and saw other students getting into the class until all seats were taken, a few minutes later the teacher finally came in. Ming Jin recalled that the teachers name was his name was Mr. Kato he was a tiger beast man, he found this teacher quite interesting from the owners past memory he was nice person to all his students, he always tried to help the owner out he was bullied, he even brought the problem to the principle however it didn’t help much.


“Hello students welcome back I hope you all had an enjoyable school holiday. Let’s get started” Mr. Kato clapped his hands together and gave his students a smile.



Author drew the school clothes (。・∀・)ノ

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