Assassins’ First Transmigration

Chapter 6: Chapter 6: Family full of devils

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The class was okay, all they did was revise on the subjects they studied last time after they started a new topic. It was the biology which was the constitution of species such as beast men, elves, dwarves ect regarding how they grew the process of where they gain their powers, Ming Jin found the subject enjoyable since he only skimmed through about it.


It went on until they went on their break, most students went outside to eat or talk to their friends. Ming Jin walked out the class, he wanted to eat his lunch in a place with few people and he thought he could take a small nap since their breaks were long anyways so he had time. He found a place to sit, there weren’t many people there so he climbed up the tree and sat on the large branch.


He ate some of his lunch then took a quick nap, lately he was a bit lazy but who could blame him it was very peaceful although there were somethings which annoyed him, it was way better than being on a hit list, being betrayed by those he trusted and always moving from place switching identities so those who wanted to kill couldn’t find him.


Some time had passed and Ming Jin was done with his nap, he sat on the tree branch for a while a finished his lunch, during that time he saw the annoying trio walk towards where he was. Ming Jin climbed higher up the tree, he didn’t like to have unnecessary confrontations and he thought they might have an entertaining conversation. The group started to talk near the tree, they didn’t notice Ming Jin at all, he narrowed his eyes and lazily listened to the group.


In all honesty Ming Jin found their conversation funny, Samael was throwing a tantrum and angry that he humiliated him saying that he wouldn’t let him off the hook. The rest of them were saying that they would get revenge for him, Ming Jin thought that their plan was too simple and he found it quite funny.


All they would do was indirect bully him verbally such as spreading more rumors about him being a two-faced bitch as well as a cowardly person who secretly bullies those weaker than him a fear those who are above him after that they would go to their teachers and parents to say Samael was bullied by him so that he could get suspended or even better expelled. Ming Jin thought they were right on the two-faced part but the rest was amusing.


He just quietly sat in the tree and kept listening he used his terminal to record their conversation he wanted to have some type of evidence on them if they ever executed their plan, during their conversation he would sometimes chuckle a few times however the group didn’t hear him or know about his existence.


After a while he decided, he was done listening to the group because it was getting boring. He silently got down from the tree without them noticing. He brushed the leaves and dust off his uniform and walked back to the class as he thought about how they would execute their revenge plan on him.


Break had ended and students went back to their class and continued their lessons then the first day of school ended, he found the place was decent he liked the aesthetic of the place and he gets long breaks so his not complaining. Ming Jin was dropped off he walked into the mansion Ming Jin felt like it was livelier than before he could guess that his step siblings had already arrived from their field expedition.  



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He continued walking, while observing the added decoration within the halls it was quite enjoyable to the eyes. He reached Duke Harald’s office and opened the door without a warning it was a bit of a habit at this point, everyone who were in the room were startled turned their heads to looked at him the atmosphere became a bit awkward.


He saw his step siblings, Duchess Yao, Duke Harald, a few maids and butlers as well as a new person he has never seen before they weren’t in the owner’s memories either seems like they were brought by them. Ming Jin put on a smile “Oh, Yula and Noah it’s been a while how was your field expedition.”


Yula and Noah glanced at eachother; Noah placed on his own smile but anyone could feel it leaked out with malice “Hello Ming, we quite enjoyed the expedition we even got few souvenirs from the trip but we only got enough for mother and father so we couldn’t buy some for you, sorry about that” He stated with a sneer.


“No, there no need to apologize, its fine if you couldn’t give me any souvenirs I really don’t mind, and anyways I don’t need anything bought buy you two the gifts must really suite your parents.”  Ming Jin kept his smile seemingly unbothered by Noah’s provocation, but Ming Jin’s statement also had a more indirect meaning behind it the two siblings felt like they were insulted by him but they couldn’t really figure out why.


Duke Harald felt like he was about to get a painful headache, Duchess Yao on the other hand was currently clutching her chair she was infuriated, she really hated Ming Jin when he talked about her children even insulting them none the less. Ming Jin saw her reaction and sneered at her with mockery he thought it was quite funny he didn’t even directly insult Noah and Yuki however she looked like she was going to kill him.


Ming Jin found it quite hypocritical she let her children spread rumors, verbally degrade the past owner and even letting them pull stunts which injured him, but she couldn’t even stand him retaliating against them and not forgetting how she and her husband even left him for dead in a fucking forest where there was a low chance of those without fight experience or magic to survive, he really wanted to hysterically laugh.


Even now after thinking about it, she must have also been the one to put told the cook to put something in the owner’s food, Ming Jin felt like this family was full of devils, although he lost his own parents, he felt a lot more sympathy for the owner circumstances. He internally sighed “Well then I should go change it was nice having a chat with you.” He calmly walked out the room and slammed the door behind him he felt a bit irritated.


He walked into his room and opened the door again and came out fully changed and carrying his weapons. He rushed out and went to the garden, he threw the dagger aggressively at the bullseye on the tree multiple times until he felt better.


After his session he puffed out a sigh and laid on the grass, he really wanted to burn this family down to the ground.




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