
Chapter 13: CH 13

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Chapter 13 Airport will be paralyzed

The signal within the recording studio wasn’t very good.

The message interface was stuck for a bit, and before the message that “the other person is currently typing” was sent, another automatic system message appeared in the chat.

Xu TangzhouzzV: Tap on my home page to discover others with similar interests and expand your circle of friends! Flow is wonderful because you discovered it!


It seems Flow, this rogue software, was advertising itself as a user guide!

Xu Tangzhou suddenly felt relief from the bottom of his heart. Thank goodness! He wouldn’t be misunderstood as having paranoia!

To tell the truth, he would still occasionally have a guilty conscience by doing this and that with the other person in his dreams.

The line “The other person is currently typing” had disappeared, which indicated the other person had given up on sending the message or they had already sent the message. Because the signal began to buffer again, Xu Tangzhou couldn’t tell the difference.

He held his breath in anticipation if Ling Che had sent anything.

At that moment, the nearby crowd separated and the tall Ling Che walked towards him.

Ling Che walked until he was one step in front of Xu Tangzhou.

Due to their height difference, he slightly lowered his head: “Xu Tangzhou, what are you doing?”

“That, I found out you had followed me…” Xu Tangzhou immediately explained. He wanted to complain how terrible Flow was, and that it had absolutely nothing to do with him.

But Ling Che wasn’t asking about that: “They’re calling everyone to gather--”

Having said that, it seemed he couldn’t help but pause. He proceeded to follow up on Xu Tangzhou’s sentence and said, “You just realized? The account was given to Situ Ya for registration. She was the one who followed you.”

TN: … See note at bottom of chapter

So that was the case.

Xu Tangzhou felt like he had a sudden realization. Before debuting, Huang ge also took his account and deleted his previous personal information before applying for verification. In addition, Huang ge also followed a bunch of Flow bloggers with “three proper views*”.

TN: How to live life, values of life, and how the world should be.

Situ Ya using Ling Che’s account to follow him wasn’t strange.

Then was the person typing Ling Che or Situ Ya? Xu Tangzhou was a bit curious.

Ling Che glanced at him, and spoke emotionlessly: “Stop playing, let’s go.”

The other person quickly entered into their working state, and Xu Tangzhou quickly followed. Putting this matter in the back of his mind, the two went back under the spotlight at the recording studio.

The guests returned to their seats after a short break, and the program switched to a new set.

The shooting began.

Three sets of different flight tickets were made into cards and shown at the front.

Set A: First class. Direct flight to Surilan, departs in the afternoon, and an 11 hour flight. A round trip for two costs 14,000 RMB.

Set B: Business class. Direct flight to Surilan, departs at night, and an 11 hour flight. A round trip for two costs 8,500 RMB.

Set C: low-cost special airline tickets. Departs at night with a transfer in the middle. The flight is 14 hours. A round trip for two costs 3,500 RMB.

Qi Mu stood in front of the enlarged tickets and used a variety of gestures to draw attention to the key points: “After the program coordinated with everyone, these are the most cost-effective and discounted flights.”

Lu Chengan said: “Discounts? We were only given 20,000 and the tickets for set A costs 14,000. How could we live for the next seven days?”

Mi Fei’s opinion differed this time: “Ge, it’s not like that. Look, set A is the only group that could leave this afternoon. The people who select set A would definitely be first to arrive on the island.”

What the reward for first place was, Mi Fei didn’t continue saying.

Around them were competitors. Whether it was on purpose or not, he only mentioned it. After all, the people who understood would know.

Xia Xing then said: “First place has three days of free lodging and food, not to mention we can choose a room first! Half of the trip would be covered! Xia Yue, let’s choose this!”

Xia Yue had a different opinion: “What are you in a rush for? We have the least money right now. If we choose this, we would only have 4,400 left. Haven’t you realized that we can’t just survive for seven days? The person who has the most money left over would win.”

Xi Mu smiled: “That’s correct. However, there’s no absolutes in this world. When we arrive at Surilan, we will have many events sporadically. In addition, the house prices are different so the people with the least money now might not be the ones with the least money in the end.

No one could predict what the program group would do, so no one dared to believe Qi Mu word for word.

Considering the future, everyone was weighing the pros and cons for the three plane tickets.

The ones who selected set B would be the second to arrive in Surilan. Although they couldn’t get three days of free lodging and food, they could still have the room waived or the water and electricity waived. In addition, they would still have half of the starting amount left.

If they chose set C, they would be the last to arrive at Surilan. Although they would take the leftover lodging, it's incredibly cheap.

“Okay.” Qi Mu interrupted their conversations, “For the sake of fairness, we will not reveal the chosen sets. In other words, you could choose not to let the other guests know when you arrive. Please note, multiple groups can choose the same airline. If others choose a set, it doesn’t mean you can’t also choose it’”.

How devious.

Xu Tangzhou gasped.

The show group actually began to plant seeds of unrest at this time.

He really wanted to know who planned this show! If they’re so talented, why won’t they go write palace fighting dramas instead?

Qi Mu gave each group an envelope with the show’s logo that contained their basic funds.

“The timer begins now, let’s meet again at Surilan.” Xu Mu smiled as she spoke her last remarks, “I look forward to all the guests having a perfect trip, wishing everyone the best!”

Lu Chengan and Mi Fei left first.

Xia Yue and Xia Xing also left.

Before Xia Xing left, she was still clamoring to choose set A, and was dragged away by Xia Yue.

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Ling Che, Xu Tangzhou, their two following cameramen, and the following assistant Momo were left in the studio.

Ling Che handed the envelope over: “Take it.”

Xu Tangzhou took it. He felt that he wasn’t good at managing money, and was a bit hesitant: “I’m the type of person who isn’t good at math…”

“It’s fine.” Ling Che said, “If we calculate wrong, we’ll just sell you for money.”

Xu Tangzhou: “... Is it too late for me to quit the show yet?”

Ling Che’s lips curved upwards, and said lukewarmly: “Did you decide which ticket to choose?”

Xu Tangzhou discovered that upon entering into working mode, it was easier to get along with Ling Che. He threw away his chaotic thoughts and spoke in a relaxed manner, as if he was talking with a friend: “Guess which set the others would choose? I think senior Lu’s group would choose set A.”

Judging by Ling Che’s eyes, if there weren’t any cameras, Xu Tangzhou would have probably been called an idiot.

But Ling Che indignantly spoke only two words: “No way.”

Xu Tangzhou didn’t know why Ling Che was so certain that they wouldn’t choose set A, but he didn’t dare to ask.

After all, the two of them didn’t have any tacit understanding.

“Don’t think about which sets the others would choose.” Ling Che said, “You should just focus on what ticket you want to choose.”

Xu Tangzhou took out his phone and opened his notes: “This is the travel guide I made a few days ago. It has the cost of Surilan’s items, lodging, service fees, etc. I calculated if two people live there, food and lodging would require around 2,000 per day. If we save a bit, the minimum we would spend is 1,500 per day.”

After speaking, he looked up and realized that Ling Che was focused on the screen in his hand.

They were close together, and the number of Ling Che’s thin eyelashes could clearly be counted.

Ling Che’s body had a light masculine scent.

But what made Xu Tangzhou’s heart beat faster was the scent of the scorching sun pheromone.

After recording for a few hours, from his gland being itchy to gradually becoming calm, Xu Tangzhou already became accustomed to the distance between him and Ling Che. He took the medication Qiu Yin gave him on time, so his immunity to Ling Che’s alpha pheromone had been greatly increased.

But at this moment, their distance was even shorter.

Even though he didn’t feel embarrassed from the pheromone, his heart still beat so loud as if it would burst his eardrums.

Don’t worry. There was a little person shouting in Xu Tangzhou’s heart. Qiu Yin is a doctor, and he is definitely correct! You will not nosebleed in front of the camera! If you do nosebleed, you can take care of him when you return!

“You even did your homework.” Ling Che suddenly looked at him. His amber eyes were as cold as glaze, “You’ve become smarter.”

In front of the camera, Xu Tangzhou couldn’t immediately back away.

This distance between two friends wasn’t too excessively close. If he reacted too obviously, it would seem strange.

His ears turned red and he looked at the screen: “So we can’t choose set A. Look, the tickets are 14,000 alone and we would only have 3 days of free lodging and food. We still have to live there for 4 days. At the minimum, we would still need to spend 6,000 for 4 days. We would be in last place.”

Ling Che sat on the ground. Space was limited, so he could only bend his left leg, which made him appear very casual.

Like this, the distance between the two increased.

Xu Tangzhou internally let out a sigh of relief.

He also sat down next to him.

“I just said you were smart.” Ling Che took his phone and opened the calculator, “Why didn’t you reverse your thinking?”

“Hm?” Xu Tangzhou wondered.

While typing numbers, Ling Che spoke: “Our expenditures are 2,000 a day, and theirs is the same.”

Saving a bit and spending 1,500 a day was simply not within Ling Che’s calculations. “The tickets from set B only have two days of free lodging and food, which means they would need to spend 10,000 to live afterwards. Adding on 8,500 for the plane fee, they would only have 1,500 left over.”

This scene felt familiar.

Xu Tangzhou remembered. Within his dream when Ling Che taught him how to do problems, wasn’t it just like now?

However, they also did other things in the dream…

“......” Xu Tangzhou was stunned from his own dirty thoughts. He tossed those thoughts aside and focused on the problem at hand. He still didn’t understand what Ling Che meant, “Then they would still have more money left over than us if we chose set A.”

Ling Che noticed that the white jade-like earlobes of the person in front of him turned redder and redder.

He looked away and said: “You forgot, we could also choose a room first.”

“Right!” Xu Tangzhou suddenly widened his eyes, “How could I forget?”

They’ve already watched the previous episodes, and the people who chose the first room would all choose the room with the lowest daily rent.

If they could tolerate the poor facilities, they could even choose the free housing.

In other words, if they could arrive and choose a room first, their daily expenditures would be greatly reduced!

“Do you understand?” Ling Che finished teaching and waited for the student to answer.

Xu Tangzhou seemed to have understood, yet he also didn’t seem to have understood.

He still had a question: “Then, why won’t we choose set C’s tickets? No matter how you look at it, group C seems to have the most money left over.”

Of course, there wasn’t only a single pit dug by the program, but set C’s tickets were the most cost-effective at the moment.

“Are you an idiot?” Ling Che didn’t move, as if he was staring at an idiot.

“Huh?” Xu Tangzhou felt really dumb in front of him.

The type that was really dense.

“You forgot, I can’t take a low-cost plane and stand in line waiting for the transfer flight.” Ling Che said helplessly, “Zaizai, the airport will be paralyzed.”

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