
Chapter 17: CH 17

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Unlike Alphas, the concentration of Omega pheromones could not be suppressed on its own.

That being said, it was rare for Xu Tangzhou to smell his own pheromones. 

Over twenty years ago, the ABO gender ratio reached a 100-year low of 3:5:2 and the declining omega population led them to seek gender rights for themselves. It was then that the pheromone suppression spray, capable of blocking Omega pheromones for a short period of time, was introduced. It prevented Alphas from triggering their heats caused by the pheromones of Omegas and transformed Omegas from the position of passive courtship to active choice, before ultimately gaining true gender equality.

Each Omega uses a pheromone suppression spray after their differentiation is completed up until they are either temporarily marked in a romantic relationship or thoroughly marked when they step into marriage.

On the other hand, Omegas who don’t use pheromone suppression sprays are considered to be openly seeking attention at the end of the day.

And Xu Tangzhou didn’t want to openly seek attention. 

His current mood was no different from getting shit on by a dog.

As the only Omega, Xu Tangzhou was not familiar with the program team in this foreign land, nor did he know any other Omegas that he could borrow from.

Fortunately, chokers were non-essential for emergencies, pheromone suppression sprays and glandular patches and whatnot were available at convenience stores.

The only tricky thing was that the medication Qiu Yin prescribed him had gone missing, and he didn’t know whether he would still be sensitive to Ling Che’s pheromones or not. If he were to have a nosebleed in front of Ling Che during filming sessions ——- It’d be a spectacular sight.

After sitting around for two or three minutes, the faint scent gradually became more evident, and he believed that anyone who entered this room could smell his scent.

Xu Tangzhou had no choice but to drop by the convenient store.

He was at his wits’ end and covered his glands with a piece of clothing, and tied a ridiculous knot around his neck in hopes that the scent could be concealed before stiffly proceeding to knock on Ling Che’s door —- He had to discuss this with Ling Che because he had no money except for the base funds.

Only after Xu Tangzhou sniffed himself and made sure that there was no scent on his body did he stroll across the not-so-long aisle towards Ling Che’s room. 

The surveillance camera on the wall curiously followed his movements and emitted a faint noise.

Ling Che was taking a shower at this moment.

He wore a pair of shorts and had a towel draped over him when he came to open the door with water still dripping from his hair.

Xu Tangzhou was unsure where he should look, so he peeked at Ling Che’s abdomen. The young Alpha’s body was vigorous and beautiful with distinctive abdominal ravines, which was incredibly stimulating. 

As someone with a facial complex, he’d truly fall in love at first sight if Ling Che were to keep his mouth shut the entire time.

“What are you doing?” Ling Che used his hands to fidget with the clothes around his neck, “Late Night Cosplay?”

Xu Tangzhou ignored the temptation and calmly decided to be a decent individual: “My suppression spray is missing.”

Xu Tangzhou told him what had occurred.

Ling Che gradually put away his impatient expression and frowned slightly before looking up at the camera on the wall. 

At that time, the luggage was all sorted out by the people from the program crew after Qi Mu had searched them in order not to delay the process.

Ling Che remembered that Xu Tangzhou’s personal belongings were in his cloth bag and all the supplies were indeed packed inside.

No matter how scheming the program team was, they were unlikely to take this sort of matter as a joke. However, he would absolutely not tolerate it if the program team was the culprit.

“I need to purchase one.” Xu Tangzhou said in a dilemma, “It’s a little expensive. How about this, I’ll spend the base funds first before asking Mo-mo whether I am allowed to buy this item with my own money tomorrow, and exclude it from our PK expenses.” 

Olcu Jtf kjrc’a mbcmfgcfv jybea atf fzqfcrfr ja jii, jcv jr jc Ciqtj mtjenlclra, tf wfgfis jrxfv, “Qtfgf mjc sbe yes la?”

We Kjcuhtbe: “Ktf mbcnfclfcmf rabgf.”

Pa rffwfv atja Olcu Jtf yfilfnfv atlr kjr abb lwqgjmalmji: “Tbe jgf jyif ab qegmtjrf la ja atf mbcnfclfcmf rabgf?”

We Kjcuhtbe lcafgcjiis atbeuta: Qfgfc’a sbe lc j gfijalbcrtlq yfobgf, tbk mbwf sbe jgfc’a fnfc jkjgf bo atlr?

It appears that the more outstanding you are, there’s more of a reason for you to be single.

He needed to purchase the suppression spray in person. Xu Tangzhou entered his room to retrieve his passport, but Ling Che was already dressed neatly and waiting for him. 

There was a low banana tree in the yard and the sea breeze blew against the leaves which caused it to rattle.

Ling Che stood beside the tree, his beautiful facial features had depth and he resembled an arrogant and conceited noble vampire more than usual at night.

Even if he was craving to suck blood, he would be the sort of individual who barely spares a glance at his prey after they washed their neck and delivered themselves to him.

After seeing that Xu Tangzhou had come out, Ling Che said “why are you being such a slowpoke” before taking the lead to walk outside. 

Xu Tangzhou was caught by surprise: “Um, you are going to accompany me?”

It’s true that they were not familiar with each other. Xu Tangzhou could still recall that Ling Che had warned him not to cause any trouble.

Ling Che came to a halt after taking a few steps, and said condescendingly: “Didn’t you come to find me for this purpose?”

He automatically interpreted that Xu Tangzhou wanted him as company, and did not notice Xu Tangzhou had come to have a discussion with him about the expenses at all.

Xu Tangzhou knew that if he were to deny it, he would undoubtedly meet his demise and Ling Che could possibly lose his temper.

Therefore he quickly nodded: “That’s exactly what I meant!”

“If that’s the case, hurry up.” Ling Che turned around and continued walking without waiting for him, “Or else you’ll be on your own.”

It was dark in the coconut grove, and there were only luminous beacons set up by the program team along the path.

Xu Tangzhou had chills on his back and feebly caught up with him: “No, no, no, don’t let me go there all by myself. Stop walking so fast!” 


This neighborhood was not in the downtown area of the island, and by 10 o’clock late at night, there were no more people in the convenience store.

The clerk was a local, he merely spared a second glance at them after seeing their distinctive eastern features and they did not manage to attract much of his attention.

Xu Tangzhou quickly found the world’s best-selling Mist pheromone suppression spray in a wide arrangement of shelves; Although the ice cream flavor product was no longer considered new, it was still placed in the most conspicuous position. 

A single Mist product cost about 2,000 RMB and its usage could last for several months.

Ling Che surpassed the height of the shelves while standing next to it and was listless: “Hurry up.”

Xu Tangzhou said indignantly: “60% of my Mist product was left unused! I am not even sure if I can find it anymore!”

Ling Che could not relate to such a mentality at all.

Xu Tangzhou’s family was much better off than ordinary people, and he could be regarded as a young master who grew up with fine clothes and food.

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It should be because he’s an adult now. 

Ling Che: “Are you done?”

Xu Tangzhou went for the ice cream flavor: “Yup, this was the flavor that I previously used.”

In fact, there’s not much to choose from except for the flavor. It could be put to use right after you had paid and inputted the serial number of your pheromones.

During checkout, the clerk felt that Ling Che was incredibly familiar and kept staring at him. Ling Che turned to avoid the other party’s gaze and happened to spot the neatly stacked condoms placed next to the cashier counter. 

Xu Tangzhou was behind him, and he said after glancing over: “Get me one of those, I want the slightly thin ones.”

Ling Che: “…… What for?”

Xu Tangzhou looked up at him, and there was no evil intention visible on his delicate and cold eyebrows as he said in a very natural manner: “For me to use, the slightly thin ones are relatively comfortable.”

Ling Che: “…… Comfortable?” 

Xu Tangzhou nodded: “That’s right, you can’t feel any difference when using it.”

With that, Xu Tangzhou turned sideways and helped himself to a box of glandular patches placed next to the condoms.

The moment he got the glandular patch, he realized what Ling Che had misunderstood just now.

Xu Tangzhou’s ears were heating up. As long as he was with Ling Che, the temperature of his ears would seemingly raise from time to time: “Are you assuming that I want to get condoms?! It’s not as if I am a pervert, how could I use them by myself?”

Xu Tangzhou’s live broadcast during the night of New Year’s Eve suddenly surfaced on Ling Che’s mind.

He had the guts to provide a tactical response to all sorts of inside jokes and dared to sprout all sorts of improper ideas as if he was a veteran: How could he be that knowledgeable? 

One of the factors that contributed to this was obvious.

“Are you feeling awkward?” Seeing that he didn’t speak, Xu Tangzhou was about to die of shame but he forced himself to be calm and picked up a box of condoms, “I’m sorry for not making my words clear, these are ultra-thin as well.”

The words “ultra-thinness 0.01 with extreme relief” was written on the blue box.

Ling Che left behind a cold remark: “I’ll wait for you outside.”

On the way back, Ling Che hardly spoke to Xu Tangzhou. 

Xu Tangzhou wasn’t considered much of a chatterbox nor someone who enjoyed taking the initiative, thus he strived too hard and overdone it out of carelessness.

The actions he used to ease the misunderstanding just now seemed to be overly exaggerated. The other party was not his fan nor his acquaintance but Ling Che.

Now that he thought about it, Ling Che probably had no intention of getting along with him at all. When it was all said and done, they had no choice but to get involved with each other because of this program.

Once the show reaches its end, there wouldn’t be much of a chance for them to interact based on the gap between him and Ling Che.

The pair walked back with one of them at the front and one of them at the back as Xu Tangzhou was at a loss. 

“Xu Tangzhou.” Out of the blue, Ling Che called him by his full name.

Xu Tangzhou: “En?”

The two stood in the dark coconut grove, and they could barely make out each other’s appearance with the fluorescent beacon arranged by the program team of《Our Perfect Vacation》.

Ling Che’s eyes lacked warmth: “Why did you want to join this show?”

There was no one else here, so Ling Che showed his true self and spoke frankly without the need to put on an act as close friends. 

However, Xu Tangzhou did not understand his implication and curiously said, “Aren’t you aware that Huang-ge was the one who arranged me to participate?”

Ling Che inquired further and specified his question: “Why would you still go along with it when you obviously know that I’d be here? Are you not bothered by it at all?”

Are they about to have a heart-to-heart conversation?

Xu Tangzhou thought to himself: Was Ling Che still concerned about what had occurred during the annual meeting last time?

It was difficult to pretend that nothing had happened even for Ling Che after he had obviously rejected someone who he still ended up participating in the program with. 

Huang Qian had told Xu Tangzhou that Ling Che wasn’t someone whom he could not interact with at all. By taking the initiative to show goodwill and have a chat when the opportunity arises, no grudges would persist through proper communication.

Therefore he said: “Not at all.”

Ling Che: “Why is that?”

Xu Tangzhou said: “That’s because I am fond of you. I didn’t have much intention of joining in the show to begin with, but I only decided to join after seeing that you were the one who would be accompanying me.”

Didn’t he make himself very clear at the Fisher Hotel that time?

He was a lover of music, someone who was fond of his songs.

He was a fan, someone who did so-and-so with him inside of his dreams —— Xu Tangzhou didn’t have the guts to speak about this. Having dreams wasn’t a violation of law, and it’s not as if this was within his control anyways. 

Ling Che did not say anything for an entire minute or two, and remained motionless as if he had been struck by lightning.

Xu Tangzhou belatedly realized that his words seemed to be ambiguous and immediately clarified: “It’s not what you think it is! I am not trying to leech off your popularity….. I know that you don’t have a very favorable impression of me but rest assured, I am simply fond of you and don’t harbor any other intentions. After the show reaches its end, I will not keep leeching off of you and it’s fine if you were to deny that we are friends, there’s no need for you to carry a psychological burden.”

Xu Tangzhou didn’t want fame, he only wanted to live up to Huang Qian’s passionate support by doing his work properly.

After waiting for this strange silence to pass, Ling Che opened his mouth once again but his tone was stiff: “Got it, you shouldn’t casually talk about this sort of thing with others.” 

Xu Tangzhou was puzzled: “Why not?”

Ling Che took a step closer and his gaze was indistinguishable: “You shouldn’t anyways, I don’t want them to create unnecessary misunderstandings.”

The sense of oppression belonging to an Alpha assaulted his face and Xu Tangzhou subconsciously retreated, but Ling Che stretched out his hand and placed it behind his neck. He was as stiff as a poor kitten even though it was obvious that a layer of clothing was still surrounding his neck.

The two of them were very close to each other, and Ling Che lowered his head slightly before saying in a heavy tone: ”Got it? We only need to record the show properly and nothing will change after we go back.” 

Xu Tangzhou nodded: “I got it.”

Ling Che still appeared to be unsatisfied: “Also….. I caught the scent of your pheromones.”

Ling Che aggrieved his tone at the latter portion of the sentence.

Xu Tangzhou hesitatingly said: “Then, would you please help me apply a glandular patch?”

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