
Chapter 18: CH 18

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Chapter 18 Could it be that he fell in love?

It wasn’t until much later did Xu Tangzhou finally understand the true significance of the phrase "I can smell your pheromone" spoken by Ling Che.

That was the first time Ling Che had smelled his pheromones.

But at that time, Ling Che's expression had only slightly changed upon hearing his request. He narrowed his eyes: "I’m putting it on for you?"

Gland patches were to be used in conjunction with pheromone blockers. Glands need rest after they have been exposed to blockers for a long time. Not only do gland patches physically block the pheromones for a while, but they could also maintain the gland. It’s an item exclusive to Omegas.

Simply put, asking someone else for help to put on gland patches was considered a very intimate act.

Xu Tangzhou was incredibly embarrassed: “... I don’t know how to put it on. Don’t misunderstand. Otherwise, forget it if it’s inconvenient. I’ll do it myself.”

He wasn’t seducing anyone.

It had only been four years after Xu Tangzhou’s glands had differentiated. Qiu Yin indulging him was the reason he didn’t know how to put on the gland patch. As a medical doctor, Qiu Yin had OCD. If Xu Tangzhou put it on slightly crooked, he would tear it off and meticulously put it back on.

Ling Che ignored him and took long strides toward the log villa.

“They’re back, they’re back!”

In another house, the staff who saw their return on the camera exclaimed.

On the screen in real-time, Ling Che entered the yard first as Xu Tangzhou followed closely behind, still carrying the shopping bags from the convenience store. For some reason, they had only gone for a little while, yet the atmosphere between the two people seemed even more strained than before. It felt as if a cold war would begin at any moment.

Xu Tangzhou just returned to his room. He sat cross-legged on the floor, opened the bag, and resigned himself to figuring out how best to put on the gland patch.

Ling Che pushed the door open and entered with a displeased expression: “Give it to me.”

Xu Tangzhou had question marks appearing above his head.

Ling Che: “The gland patch.”

Xu Tangzhou: !!! It’s so difficult to guess what an Alpha is thinking!

Xu Tangzhou was internally angry, but he still offered up the item. He humbly explained, hoping that Ling Che wouldn’t turn around and leave: “It’s not hard! Look, you just need to align it in the middle when you put it on. It’s really quick.”

Ling Che made an “En” sound.

He clearly doesn’t know how to put it on, but he still knows how to read the instruction manual.

Analyzing it silently for a few minutes, Ling Che said: “Lower your head a bit, and don’t move.”

After giving the command, he grabbed the clothes that Xu Tangzhou had used to wrap around the neck and threw them accurately over the camera.

The screen suddenly went dark. The gossiping staff: “...”

Xu Tangzhou had already obediently lowered his head. He couldn’t see Ling Che’s expression, but his heart had begun beating. Was he worried? Or did he finally realize that his most vulnerable parts were being displayed to Ling Che, which was somewhat inappropriate?

Ling Che tore open the package, but he didn’t move for a while.

Xu Tangzhou’s eyelashes lightly fluttered. It was only putting on a gland patch, why was the atmosphere a bit strange?

Unbeknownst to him, Ling Che’s eyes have already become darker.

Because of the lowering of his head, there was a slight bulge on that slender and white neck. The skin that was exposed to the air was perfectly flawless.

There were no bite marks.

It was so clean to the point of being a little dazzling.

Ling Che finally confirmed it. The mark that showed Xu Tangzhou had once belonged to someone else was completely removed. There was no trace left of any other Alpha mark on him.

He already couldn’t remember how many times he had tried and failed to find some gland here -- but now, it was just slightly bulging under that layer of clean and tender skin. It reminded him that it had completely matured.

If he took a bite, if he pierced through that skin, the Alpha pheromones would be completely injected into the glands which would make the owner of the body become completely his.

Xu Tangzhou clearly didn’t do anything. It appeared to be an extremely normal neck, but it seemed to be silently inviting and calling out to him.

Something crazy and tyrannical came from deep within the Alpha’s bones. What he couldn’t deny was that the Omega in front of him was really fragile.

If the fit was sufficient, the Omegas couldn’t physiologically resist the advances of an Alpha. It wouldn’t matter if they were mentally willing or not, they physically couldn’t resist it.

So it was natural for Ling Che to be biased. It was a fact that Omegas couldn’t control themselves.

But Xu Tangzhou came back.

He removed the mark and came back.

He also said those words.

What did Xu Tangzhou want to do?

Ling Che held onto that gland patch. His hands couldn’t avoid touching the warm skin, only to feel a tiny current briefly rushing through his fingertips.

To his surprise, the snow-white neck under his hand quickly flushed pink as the redness spread to the ears.

He was startled. How could Xu Tangzhou be this sensitive?

“It’s itchy.” Xu Tangzhou raised his head, and the corners of his eyes were slightly red, “Can you hurry up?”

Xu Tangzhou’s pheromones were very light, like a thread of cold air passing through. It was just like the impression he gave off to others. After his glands differentiated, his pheromones completely merged with him. Starting from his skin and hair to other details, his temperament had completely changed.

Seeing Xu Tangzhou look at him like this, in the next second, Ling Che mercilessly put on the gland patch with a “smack”.

Xu Tangzhou: “...”

This straight A cancer*! He was only a small and weak Omega!

TN: Think of all the stereotypical derogatory terms and then associate them with Alphas. (I’ve got no better explanation for what a straight person cancer is)

“Done.” Ling Che said emotionlessly, “It’s getting late. I’ll have someone check tomorrow. Your blocker and choker shouldn’t randomly disappear.”

Xu Tangzhou nodded, looking a little obedient.

Ling Che couldn’t stay any longer. No matter what Xu Tangzhou wanted to do, he definitely wouldn’t fall for it.

He didn’t stay in the room for long and left a sentence before leaving: “Use your blocker well. Don’t let your pheromones spread everywhere.”

Xu Tangzhou sniffed his surroundings. He immediately inputted his pheromone number to unlock the Mist blocker and inhaled several breaths.


Ling Che didn’t plan on letting the program team investigate this matter. If it truly was the work of the program team, they were abroad so they were insignificant people. They wouldn’t be able to investigate the root of the issue.

He called Situ Ya to explain the situation.

Situ Ya muttered to herself for a while: “I’ll mention this to Huang Qian. It’s better for him to speak about some matters rather than me.

Ling Che: “En.”

Situ Ya said: “How are you two? You’re living in the same house now, is everything still fine?”

Ling Che clearly knew what Situ Ya was worried about.

You are reading story Asteroid at

She definitely wasn’t worried if something had happened between Xu Tangzhou and Ling Che which was then used for hype, but she was worried about Ling Che’s feelings.

After all, no matter what had happened before, only the involved parties would understand their own feelings.

“It’s fine.” Ling Che said casually, “There are cameras everywhere, and we’re separated by a corridor. Besides, I don’t have that little self-control.”

At worst, he would be aroused by the pheromones and it wouldn’t go down all night.

Two cold showers would solve that problem*.

TN: Ah, I remembered this moment in the extra episode… let’s just say the audio drama team overdid themselves…

Xu Tangzhou’s snow-white neck and the gland that was slightly bulging kept dangling in front of him, meandering within his thoughts. He had a bit of insomnia last night, so he simply got up to write a song.

It couldn’t even be considered a song. It was just a few scattered melodies that might not be used.

“You two are very popular these past few days.” Situ Ya said, “The day before, the extra scenes* from the recording studio came out. You can go online and watch it when you have time.”

TN: IMO, it should be a blooper, but it’s a pretty niche term, so extra scenes they are~

On the other side, Xu Tangzhou also received Huang Qian’s phone call. He watched the aforementioned extra scenes from the recording studio.

The scene that was replayed on a loop and spread everywhere, was the scene where he called Ling Che to ask him why he hadn’t arrived yet. It was the first time he saw himself attending the variety show on video. Xu Tangzhou finally understood why Huang Qian always wanted him to manage his expressions.

[His face is so cold. He’s acting so high and mighty.]

[He really thinks he’s some supermodel? After a few years, who would still remember you? The people around you are all seniors. Is there a need to pretend? [rolls eyes] ]

[Only getting resources after hugging Ling Che’s thighs*, you should know your own position.]

TN: Hugging someone’s thighs means kissing up to someone… more or less

[Stealing my gege away. Can’t they go on the show with their good friend? Black fans should die.]

TN: Black fans are antis

Forget about others, Xu Tangzhou wanted to roast himself upon seeing his own face.

It seemed that when he sat together with the other guests, his face was expressionless from beginning to end.

But he clearly felt that he already tried his best to be good.

The extra scene wasn’t long. Soon, it came to the moment when Xia Xing was talking about Ling Che preparing for the concert, and then Xia Yue cueing him: “Xu Tangzhou should know?”

[Ignoring others???]


[Zhouzhou has always been like this. You guys are all bullies!]

[What Zhouzhou? If he didn’t leech off of Ling Che’s popularity, no one would know about him]

[I didn’t want to continue this trend, but even I feel pity towards the superficial sisters who try to help him. Respect]

When Qi Mu asked Xu Tangzhou to give Ling Che a call, the comment barrage suddenly went faster. It was full of envious and jealous comments, with a few occasional anti-Ling Che comments being covered up by the colorful and jealous comments.

[I want gege’s phone number!!! Ahhhhhh]

[Ling Che, don’t randomly give your phone number away to strangers! Give it to me!!!]

[Ahhhhhhhh Gege’s voice sounds so good]

[There was a traffic jam. I feel so distressed, there was a car accident that day]

[The black fan that had said he was ‘acting high and mighty by purposefully being late’, has your face been slapped* yet? Would you like to come out so I can give you a few slaps?]

TN: Slapping face is when one person says something, but they’ve been proven wrong

“Zaizai.” Ling Che’s voice came through.

[OMG OMG OMG Zaizai?]

[Zaizai?!!! Ahhhh Ling Che I won’t allow you to call him that!!]

[Let me first kill myself, Sisters, do what you will. [small smile]]

[My husband is spoiling someone 1551*. And the one who was being pampered wasn’t even me]

TN: 1551 = sound of crying

[Hahahaha I’m not going crazy, he must be calling me Zaizai hahaha]

When Xu Tangzhou heard these two words again, his ears still turned red and his heart beat faster. He touched his phone, interested to see how the black fans would scold him. The next moment, the mood of the comment barrage suddenly changed.

[??? Why do I feel that it’s suddenly a bit cute?]

[Wait, did I just click the pause button?]

[The commenter above, hold on! You didn’t press the pause button! It was Xu Tangzhou who was petrified! Hahahaha My Zaizai’s skin is too thin*]

TN: having thin skin means being really shy and easily embarrassed

[It’s edited, right? Did his face just turn red from a blush?]

[Sisters, he blushed in a second!! What sort of godly speed is this? Quickly look, even his ears are red!!]

[Hold on, I suddenly feel that this feels like he’s being spoiled… Goes to sit in a corner]

[I want to f***.]

TN: … Look, there’s only so many ways I can make 想日 not as explicit...

#Ling Che Zaizai#

#Xu Tangzhou blushing in a second#

These two tags quickly appeared on the Flow hot search.

Some people have made Xu Tangzhou’s reaction into a GIF. Because of the surprising speed at which his face blushed, it was used extensively in many other places.

Xu Tangzhou lay* on the bed and repeatedly looked at that animated image in shock.

TN: Forget about Chinese, ENGLISH is confusing OTZ

He was thinking, why did he always react so excessively… At that time and even now, as soon as he heard Ling Che call him like that, his heart skipped a beat. Could it be that he fell in love with Ling Che?

Everything was clearly fake, even being friends was fake. Ling Che also told him to only focus on properly recording the show. He must’ve thought too much into it.


Xu Tangzhou cursed himself, and immediately… replayed the audio of Ling Che calling him twenty times.

It sounds nice.

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