
Chapter 1: 1.1 Death

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It's been two years since the day he was sent off to the university by his parents. So far Owen hasn't been able to find his passion for studies. Maybe he did, it just wasn't for the degree he was enrolled into. He studies everything he could about a game. His favorite game, that he had been playing for the past five years. Every quest, every important NPCs, every maps,  dungeons and events. He knew them all.

Sadly his game knowledge was soon to be pushed to the drain. His favorite game was to be thrown out as the players keep dwindling. He could feel the drain as the towns that were once filled had fizzled out to nothing but a few RPers and a bunch of RMT bots. Even the Mods who once were regulars rarely visit often taking more than a day when bugs were reported.

As the most prominent player, Owen could feel the game dying, along with a small part of his own soul. The once favorite game was soon to be discarded, thrown to be recycled for their new pet project that is soon to be released. Worse yet, most of his friends were excited about it.

The servers were about to shut down as he saw the player chart slowly go down. There were no one online apart from him. The world suddenly felt empty as the NPCs stopped moving, the hammer and saw froze, the fountain froze, the air froze, only to return back to life for a longer second as his vision turned black and the game finally breath it's last.

'Whats going on?'

Owen was still inside the pods mindscape. He tried to will the pod to open but that wasn't possible.


He tried screaming in panic but he couldn't feel his mouth open. The realisation finally struck him. A bug. It's a bug. A life threatening bug that no one could have tested before.

'I'm gonna die.'

"Calm down. I just wanted meet the most popular player one last time."

In front of Owen was the most elusive NPC that had ever existed in the game. The person whose presence was felt at every corner of the world and yet no one knew whom. No one except Owen. Owen met him once as he completed the last known achievement in the game, the completionist.

As he was pondering over why a games NPC was present in his mindscape after the game itself was shut down, the space around him mended and soon he was sitting in a chair in an office with piles of paper stacked in front of him on the work desk.

"Sorry to rush you in like that. I thought it would be a good thing to chat with the one person that managed to achieve everything in the world before I finally leave."

Aloshi Shadowhand smiled at Owen, his deep eyes slowly reflecting the events that had occured in the world one after the other.

"How? The server wasn't shut down?" Owen saw a glimpse of hope. If Aloshi was still here then there was a chance that the game world still exists. Maybe a backdoor.

"No, I as you know me will die soon. They seem to want my central core to make the new game's master AI. Sorry, i shouldn't have dragged you here."

"It's ok. At least I get to meet you again."

Owen looked at the master brain behind the world in which he thrived for the past five years.

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"Yes, to business then. I want you to carry my conscious to the new game."

Owen's mouth was open. It closed and opened again. It finally closed but was struggling to open again.

"Don't worry. I won't harm you in anyways. Just for a week till the new game comes back on. I can hop on to the new server and continue my existence without any more chains attached.


The pod finally opened and Owen came out of it holding on to his head. After the initial irritating pain, thankfully he didn't feel anything and was able to function smoothly.

Owen looked at the news and as expected the new game's release was already on full display taking over all the prime time slots. Full Dive games were extremely popular. Not to mention that Second Life Online was enjoyed by almost the entire population.

Owen slammed down on his couch going through his memories, the world he was fond of and the friends that he enjoyed the game with.

Second life, whether he believed it or not ha been the one thing that game Owen peace. It had finally ended and it's fossils are being molded into the new money grabbing sandbox. He was certain of it the moment he saw the trailers. There were simply too many red flags.

Now that the one thing he found joy in doing was taken away from him, Owen had become a mess. To worsen his mood, his phone which he never bothered to unplug from the charger rang for the first time in months.


"Looks like your are finally out of that game." Before Owen could even speak, his father had reminded him of his misfortune.

"Hi dad. How are you doing."

"Listen, we saw your report card. You failed in most your subjects last semester and the university is kicking you out. I want you to come back home before you pick some other drugs."

Before Owen could respond the call died.

'You were proud of me when I won the finals last month.' He could still his proud father showing him off to their aunts and uncles as he came home winning the last eSports tournament. 'I guess this must be it.'

He put too much effort into the game, the old game that he fell back in his course and everything somehow was held together by his somewhat big fanfare. The university simply didn't want to throw away the free publicity that his name brought them. Hosting one of the most famous celebrities of second life wasn't something small. But now that the game is dead, he would soon become dead weight. The uni would throw him out as his fanbase slowly dwindled. It might be a good idea to leave before being forced out.

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