
Chapter 10: 3.6 Summoned

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The two girls walked behind Owen quietly following his lead. Once they recovered from their initial shock, they were ecstatic.

With a powerhouse like Owen leading them, they had nothing to worry and they were sure to be able to clear out the forest. Owen on the other hand stroke up a deal himself. Since he lost the player tag, he could no longer recieve the drops that a normal player would recieve from hunting mobs. Bringing the two girls along meant he would be able to take the drops and the two didn't look like the kind that would complain.

"We are almost at the place. Alright, who wants to form a contract with me? I can't joina team with you."

[You have recieved a temporary contract from Cassandra.]

Joining the two, Owen entered the forest. He could immediately fell the change in the aura. The air had a foul stench and the place was to dark. He noticed his first prey at the side of the map.

"Why don't you two wait here. I'll go kill a few mob bosses. It shouldn't take long. Gale Step." Owen immediately disappeared to the other side of the map using wind magic.

[Enraged Direboar L15 BOSS
A boar cursed by nether. It has lost its mind and can only follow the orders recieved from the nether palace.
Enraged: All stats +20%]

"Earth Spike."

[You helped kill Cassandra a Direboar.]

A small bag droped where the mighty boar once stood.

[You recieved 1 Enraged Claws (uncommon), 12 Heavy Hide, 20 silver coins, 5 Town teleport scroll (common), 2 summon contracts (epic), 1 Enraged Direboar Armor schematic (rare), 1 NPC familiar contract (epic), Order of village settlement (legendary)]

He immediately placed all the items inside the inventory and went looking for the next big red dot on his map.

Five minutes later Owen was back with the girls who had both reached level 10.

"That was really fast. Thank you." The two girls just gained the qualifications to enter town.

"It's ok, don't forget to purchase a few Quest scrolls from the town hall for me. Meet me at the farm. Also keep these scrolls." Owen gave a summon NPC scroll and two town teleport scrolls to the girls and said his good bye.

The girls thanked him again and ripped the scrolls to enter the town.

"Gale Step." Owen returned to his farm as well. The trip only took 20 minutes. There was still more than 3 hours left to complete the farming process which meant he had nothing to do for the time being. Thankfully, killing the enraged beasts had completed his special quest objective but the new side quest had him more worried.

[Special side quest.
The world needs a saviour Part 2.

The nether world has consolidated their forces and plans to attack various town settlements. Help defend the Naglorent Town from fiend invasion. Objectives updated.

Objective 2: The regional bosses have been recruited by the nether legion. An attack on the towns are unavoidable. Prepare the town nearest to you and make sure the survival of all life forms.
Naglorent Town survival (1/1)
Naglorent Town Mayor (1/1)
Naglorent citizens (112/120)

You are reading story Asura at

Recommended party: solo
Rewards issued: 5 Uncommon table items.

Complete objective 2 to unlock more objectives.]

As he entered the farm, the mayor was also at the door step waiting for him.

"Is everything alright?" Owen could see the worry on his face even though the mayor put on a smiling face.

"I came to ask for your help. Some of our residents haven't returned today from their hunting trip. I'm afriad something might have happened to them. It was my fault. I had them go out to ensure we had enough stockpile of venison. Had I known more adventurers would come, I wouldn't have risked their lives at this crucial time. Lady OA, could you please help us find them. I have already established a search team, we just need a capable leader."

"You want me to go out and look for missing people. What is something attacks the town while I'm away?"

"Rest assured lady OA, the guardian spirit is already awake and prepared to protect the town. It's safer to go out know. It will be able to hold the beasts back for some time." He rummage through his storage pouch and took out two scrolls and extented it to Owen. "This is a teleport scroll and a communication scroll. If there is an unavoidable circumstance, then I can let you know and you can return immediately."

"Alright, I'll try. But I'm not sure if I can save them. Do you know which way they went."

"The needle grass meadow. It's not that far from the town and there are few monsters that are strong."

"Fine, I'll go. Can you sent some guards to make sure the farm is protected as well. I'm not sure how long I'll be gone for."

"I'll arrange some guards immediately."

Owen and the mayor returned to the town. The search party was already waiting outside when they reached the front. There were two familiar faces among them who immediately recognised Owen. With one gesture Owen made the two ignore him.

"Is this child the expert you went to hire?" One of the players suddenly asked looking at Owen.

"Seriously, you're telling me the strongest NPC here is a child? What a shitty stater town. We are definitely going to get destroyed bro." The party members started speaking up.

"That's enough." The mayor stoped the players from insulting Owen immediately. "This is lady OA, she will be incharge of the search party. You have your quests. Make sure you compete it before returning to ensure the survival of the town."

He turned to Owen and said. "Sorry, they are a rowdy bunch. But i can assure you they would be holding you back."

'I seriously doubt it.' Owen didn't raise any concern and just agreed to the mayor's arrangement.

There were a few high ranking members from the town council nearby. One of them stepped forward and asked Owen, "My daughter is also with the hunters. Please bring her back safely."

"We'll try our best but I can't make any guarantees." Owen said looking at the man in near tears. "Alright, listen up everyone. The search is to find 8 resident hunters of the town and we don't have a lot of time. We need to find them before nightfall. Let's get moving. Also if anyone think I would be a burden to them, feel free to more and search on their own. The goal is to find the people missing not to find who has a bigger dick. Let's get going." Owen walked towards the direction of the meadow without looking back.


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