Atheka: Beginning of a new dawn

Chapter 6: Chapter 4: Mission

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As I traveled through the corridor, I saw many people rush towards the exit with various important documents and folders, most of them covered with rubble and dust which dirtied their elegant uniforms. As I seem to go past them, I notice that am the only person who is walking further inside the building and all others are walking towards the exit. As I was going past the crowd which was heading in the opposite direction, a concerned young man stopped me.

"Umm! excuse me but there was an explosion earlier in the main hangar, it's not safe to---."

Before he could finish his sentence, I nodded my head and continued walking in the same direction. The young man certainly perplexed and somewhat confused what to do, once again tried warning me by trying to grab my shoulder.

"It's dangerous, please move tow—"

Before he could grab me, I moved further in the crowd and as the flow of the crowd was going, it carried him in the opposite direction further away from me.

I covered my face with a gas mask which were lying near the emergency bag which had been opened and unattended. Because I was in heightened state, I could feel everything around me, from strangers breathing to drops of water leaking from a broken vent. My Atheka was starting to go berserk, because it was sealed and not let out for such a long time. All that accumulation of Atheka was starting come out at a constant rate, I tried controlling it but after two failed attempts I gave in.

Because of the rate at which my Atheka was coming out, it multiplied the effect 10x fold and sent me into the 'Trio Mati' state. This state is so stressful to deal with because so much information is coming at high speed, I can literally hear heartbeat and blood flow of people around me. Not only that I can even see through people's bodies, I can even see their flow of Atheka. My other senses also go haywire as if God had personally descended and gave me all the fucking information in this world. This state is highly inconvenient to be in, because not only does it make me feel uncomfortable but it also sends my brain into overdrive.

"FUCK this!"

I voice out a complaint to myself, not like its gonna fix anything though....

As I easily dodged people running in the opposite direction around me, I finally see the hangar in the distance as I make my way towards the transport bay. The time was 1556 hrs, I was 4 mins early. I made my way towards the docking ports searching for the initials A6, after walking for about 2 min in a straight line I came face to face with a huge door which had the initials of A6. I went near the key card terminal and saw the initials UWA written on it, I took out the pass that I received earlier and taped it on the scanner. The huge bulk door opened and, on the inside, leaning on a MAV her rather charming figure and somehow on her white skin not a single piece of rubble or dust was visible. She slowly looked at me the and then pulled back her robe near her hands to reveal a wrist watch.

"You're on time."

She said while patting the MAV on her back. I remove my mask and throw it to the side and once again I tried controlling my raging Atheka only for it to end up in another failure. It's really unpleasant, I can feel her breath, her heartbeat and sound of her angel circuit nerves......Hm? My guess really hit on point didn't it, she really is an Angel and a noble one to be exact.

"Let's get down to business, I have zero intention of wasting any time here."

She said while she brought out a Atheian Tablet and then pulled up the same file with the information on the screen and handed it to me.

"Who are you? No rather the correct phrasing is 'WHAT' are you?"


I stare at her blankly, before once again turning my attention towards the open file on the tablet.

"Ignored, huh.... I guess everything has a first. Well, either way! Let's get to the main point."

She took a moment to clear her throat, a rather cute noise if I were to describe it.

"We want you to clear the Ather Trial and receive 1st place, but as a member of our faction. Further instructions will be given on the completion of the trial. All necessary information is provided to you in that tablet, take note that the GOLDEN BLOODED faction members are also going to take part as they do every year.....they will also probably be aiming for the 1st position. The tablet will also function as a point of contact between us. We will send any additional instructions if necessary."

I scroll through the information on the tablet going over the necessary details and what catches my eye is the prize for achieving 1st place.


I unconsciously muttered that out.

"Yes, it's 1 out of the 7 and ONLY Septile cores, it's a pretty rare catch if I were to say."

"Can I keep the Septile core or you bastards want it?"

"What you do with the prize is none of our business, anyways do you accept?"

"I don't have a choice either way, do I?"

"Here's your ID and Pass as a cadet, and the robe is in the small bag."

She handed me 2 Small passes and a black bag. I open the black bag and took out the LUNAR U—282 red robe and put it on.

"The registration for the Ather Exam will start in 2 months, you have time till then to do your necessary preparations. Also, since the exam is conducted in faction sponsored groups there will be least 50-60 people per faction."

"Hm, noted."

"The chief has faith in you MER—216 don't let us down."

"Its 'Hayden'.... I don't go by that anymore."

"Roger.... Hayden."

She said as she started moving to the front of the Launch Bay and got into what looked like a red colored MAV with the insignia of LUNAR U—282. Before she closed the door she said

"I look forward to when we meet again."

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And closed the door and the MAV which was ready to go started its engines and roared as the ground trembled around it.

There she goes.

This is the path that 'I' have chosen, I guess being forgotten by the world is a part of it, for which I alone stand. Losing my only friends because I was weak, no wonder the world despises existences like mine.

"It should've been me who should have died."

The world doesn't give two shits about you, because you are who you are and if you think otherwise people will reject you. For you to be with them you have to act like them, which I refuse to do. People didn't abandon me; I chose to abandon them because I am tired of being other people's plaything. Let's finish what we all started, no matter the obstacle, this time I will eradicate their filthy existences from this part of the continent.

Firstly, I need to escape from this headquarters. There was a spare MAV parked adjacent to the current launch bay, it had a Midnight black finish on the outside and had an insignia of the IA......... Hehe this will be fun.

I had found my motivation and with the intention to screw over the IA in my mind and also escape this place, I jumped on to the launch platform from where her MAV had just left and crossed on to the other platform where the IA's Mav was parked. I climbed on to the docking area and reached out to the lever and opened the door and made my way to the cockpit. I took a good look at the instruments and made my way to the seat.

After, strapping myself in and then initiated the starting sequence.

"It's been a long-time love; I hope you treat me gently."

I didn't have many friends, but the only friend I ever had who didn't leave me were Technics I built.

The first friend I ever had was a MAV which I had built from my own hands.

"I didn't think the she would copy and paste the whole cockpit design."

I look around there seems to be different controls for weapons and projectiles. Well, its standard Imperial Operating procedure so I guess I can figure it out.

I initiated the startup procedure for the both engines and fired them up.

"Terminal systems...... Check, Modular NAV and Aero Display...... Check, Power levels and Atheian Energy pressure...... Check. Ready for take-off."

After putting the on the helmet, I firmly grabbed the Joystick and gave more power to the engines. The MAV started moving from its platform, slowly started to inch forward and gain height.

All startup procedures were positive and there were no problems with the engines, with that out of the way I slowly but carefully started giving more power to the engines and started making my way towards the sky from the launch bay.

But as things were going too perfectly, an ear-piercing alarm went off in the launch bay as I could even hear it inside the ship, it was that loud. Panicked, I skipped overall checks for take-off and gave 70% power to the throttle.

A small shock ranges though my body as MAV races at high speeds escaping the dome which was now slowly closing.

Suddenly on the Proximix, 2 dots appeared as I was escaping the dome. They were moving at high speeds and getting close to me.

Sudden voice rung through my helmet.

"Unknown Pilot! Identify yourself!... you are in restricted Airspace of the HQ! Surrender the vehicle that you stole Immediately! Or else we wil—"

Did she even include comm stones in the helmet? An improvement to say the least.

I immediately pressed the button that disabled the interaction with the stone. Last thing I want is getting annoyed by those repetitive warnings. I looked at the Proximix, the 2 two appear to be closing the distance at a decent speed. As I gained altitude, I reached the very end of HQ.

"Time to RUMBLE."

I increased throttle to 100% unloading full capacity of the engine. Due to IAs MAV being more of support based, it had much stronger engines mainly designed to carry officials to various designated locations.

The MAV accelerated at a high speed, leaving the 2 dots in the Proximix in the dust. The engine can handle least 4-5 min more on full capacity, at this point I'm burning through the energy reserves anyways. I got an overview of the terrain around me as I looked around, from my guess we are near the BIG DISC MOUNTAINS. If I cross over this and head least 70SM in that direction, I should probably reach the town of Norfolkis. An 45min journey to say the least.

As the altitude increased the winter winds of the mountain interfered with the engines, signaling the MAV was not equipped for this altitude.

"I picnicked on the way out, should have gotten an Avian suit instead of this huge MAV."

Well, theres nothing I can really do, whats done is done, no point fretting on it.

Suddenly the whole MAV shook, and warnings were going around the cockpit from the Proximix and MAV internal system system.


As I first looked towards the rear, I could see the second engine smoking as if it was hit by an explosive projectile. The only thing that surfaced in my mind was—

"Anti—Angel Armament."
I immediately turned my attention towards the Proximix which was warning about two winged looking objects approaching me at near Angel Speed......there was only one thing that surfaced in my mind and I unconsciously mumbled it out.

"An Avian Suit."

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