Atheka: Beginning of a new dawn

Chapter 7: Chapter 5: This led to that…

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As soon as my mind came to that conclusion, I gunned it towards the mountain top as the operators in Avian suit were catching up with me. I looked back through the partially glass cockpit, I could barely see them in the distance.

As soon as I reached towards the top of the mountain, I inverted the MAV, and dove down in the valley between mountains. The dive was steep and dangerous, but I had no choice either way cause MAVs usually weren't made for combat (Mainly used for cargo) and especially this one.

Another explosion followed suit, but I wasn't hit, instead the Anti-Angel armament exploded near me blowing up the rocks on the side of the mountain. They had made it in the mountain valley and were in close pursuit. But in this valley, I can evade their Armament through evasive maneuvers. I lowered the engine power to 60% and started with various steep turns and other maneuvers, yet I still failed.

(Explosion rocks the cockpit)

(Various equipment in cockpit goes offline)


I barely managed to keep the MAV floating, signaling I had to end this somehow. My engine was hit and was sparking badly and leek of Atheka was rampat.

"It's done or die now.... I can't die...I PROMISED HER!!"

The valley was coming to end on the other end, I pushed the engine power to 100% and pulled up to escape the valley. I get pushed into the seat further as the engines blast in full power.

I narrowly escape the valley of mountains, and darted towards the sky as I got a small glimpse of the sea of clouds below.

(Beep.... Beep.)

It was too fast for me to even react. Flying in a straight direction might have made me an easy target for the Avian suit.... after all a MAV wasn't capable or designed to do this. Plus, a support version being able to do such crazy maneuvers, Com. command must be scratching its head right now.

(A huge Explosion rocks the MAV, and the bulky support MAV starts to spiral in the downward direction as if all hope is lost.)

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As I lose control of everything, I abandon the controls which are practically useless and unstrap myself. I slowly but steadily make my way towards the back of the MAV which is partly exposed and cool air is blowing through it. There was fire every where and looked like it was about explode anytime. The only compartment that can survive during a MAV crash is the Reserve storage compartment. I quickly opened it and fit myself in somehow and shut the door tight, only for the ship to get in contact with the ground below seconds later effectively knocking me out cold for a whole 1 min.



"My head hurts."

I kick the door several times and on the third try, I somehow get it to open. I shakingly stood up and looked outward and for a second I didn't know how to react.

I had landed in the outskirts of what seemed like a rural town. But using the term landed might have been far-fetched, correct word would be 'crash landed'.

And what I mean by 'crash landed' is directly related to the MAV blowing through 3 buildings and coming to a stop leaving its trail on the blackish soil and coming to a stop on what seemed like some sort of ground.

I turned around in the other direction to see a rather young man tied to wooden poles shaped like an X. Beside him was a black sword with a glowing jewel in its middle somehow erected into the ground.

The young man was looking at me with his widened eyes and somehow, I had ignored him the whole time.


Our gazes coincided; the young man was wounded. There was blood all over his face and what looked like several cuts and slashes that had torn the clothing around his body. I was pretty surprised that he could keep a straight face with all of that.

But little did I know that this encounter would be the very foundation of the rebellion that would change the world.

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