ATLA: A Fire Nation Mob

Chapter 15: Chapter 15

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I'm in front of a shooting gallery holding a steampunk crossbow taking aim at a standing target a few meters away.
'there's no bolt loaded but the steam pressure alone is lethal at close range. How is this safe for children?'
A burst of water pressure sent a pellet shot down the gallery hitting the target knocking it over. The crossbow had a strong kickback from the burst of pressure nearly knocking me off my feet, if it wasn't for blood bending reinforcing myself I would have fallen over.
'How is this safe?'
"Winner." The booth owner gave me 4 candy apples as a prize, which I shared with Suki, Mingxia, and Jie. They attempted the crossbow game before, but fell down in the process and miss the target.
"Che". June was peering at us from behind another booth a little distance away.
'It's June, she's been following us this whole time, maybe she like's me and doesn't know how to express it?'
While I pondered about whether if June is just a mean girl who doesn't know how to express her feelings. Suki, Mingxia, Jie, and I proceeded to go to the other booths at the Kyoshi day festival. 'All of them.'
'I'm tired, and I love spending time with the girls. But every booth! Did we really need to try every dango stall Mingxia. Suki I don't think its safe to ride that platypus bear. Jie open your eyes your back on the ground why did you agree to the rope climbing bell ring race.'
It was after the Kyoshi face painting booth when I said I needed to use the restroom, I manage to separate from the girls to get some alone time.
June was waiting near the restroom stall for me with a drink in hand and a apologetic look on her face.
"Hey, I was a jerk and I don't have many friends, sorry." June handed me the drink as an apology.
I took the drink and accepted her apology. After sniffing the drink as a precaution, I took a sip and continued drinking it, it was just water.
'June doesn't seem like a bad girl, maybe my instincts were wrong about her.'
It was then I stumbled, but June caught me before falling.
"Are you alright?" June ask nervously while looking around us.
I nodded in response, then started to walk away back to the festival, to Suki, Mingxia, and Jie. My foot steps became heavier and heavier.
'I must have been more tired then I thought.'
"Here let me take you home". June supported me and started leading me away from the festival.
'June is such a nice girl, I should gift her something. Some brass knuckles maybe?'

"Are you still awake?" June asked me with caution.
'June is so caring, I should ask the girls to give her a chance to hang out.'
I groaned in response.
"How!" June ask astonishingly.
'something's wrong, I'm starting to loose feeling in my legs'
'I can hear Suki's voice, i feel so tired, I'll just close my eyes for a little bit.'
"Let him go June, please!"
'That's Jie's voice, she sounds like she's crying, don't cry Jie everything is going to be alright, I'm just tired and June's taking me back to the dojo.'
'It sounds like they are fighting, why am I on the ground? why can't I move? Is someone whistling right now?'
swlisch, swlisch, swlisch.
'That's the roar of a large beast. Run girls, it's dangerous. What ever it is? Just leave me behind maybe if it eats my body the girls and June will have enough time to escape.'
My mind felt hazy and drifted to sleep.
I woke up to the sounds of waves, my body felt numb and nonexistent.
'I'm I dead, is this the afterlife. Why can't I move? I can hear and feel the motion of the wave near me. Is it because I'm a water bender my afterlife has to revolve around water? I have so many regrets, I hope the girls escape the beast unharmed.'
"Stay still, and try not to choke on this."
'Is that June? Did she not make it to safety and is in the afterlife with me. What did she mean try not to choke, does she know something?'

I felt water brought to my lips and being poured into my mouth, then spilling out onto my body.
"Che! this isn't working". June said in frustration.

After a moment I felt something soft pressing against my lips as water started to run down my throat slowly quenching my thirst. Then something lick me across my face.
'Gross, my head feels numb, I wonder if I can sleep in the afterlife?'
I "woke" up later in the afterlife.
'I can sense the moon right now, it must be nighttime in the afterlife. June is sleeping holding me in a hug and a large beast is curled protecting us from the elements.
June is shivering from the cold.
'Is it cold in the afterlife? I wonder if I can help?'
I started a deep meditative breathing as more warmth started emanating from my body, causing June to hold me tighter.
'I wasn't a good water bender in my past life, maybe I can be a decent one in this one?'
Focusing what little perceptions I had left in the afterlife, I began to study the flow of moisture in the surroundings. Sensing how they swirled and flow like a river riding in the air then forming condensation when falling onto the ground. Sensing how water in the moisture was constantly rising and falling, until I no longer sense the water as the sun started to rise. But something licked my face, and my head felt numb again.

I woke up to something soft pressing on my lips again, followed by a sweet taste of cherry liquid flowing down my throat.
'It feels and taste nice.'
Then something lick my mouth and I felt numb again.
The moon feels fuller tonight, I can feel June and the sleeping beast in the outdoor environment.
'I can't see, but I can sense my surroundings. June is holding me, the beast is curled by us. There's condensation forming on the grass and trees, moisture in the air and in the clouds. It will rain soon, June will catch a cold if she stays outside. I should try to warn her or maybe I can keep the rain from reaching her if I try?'

Connecting what senses i still had remaining, I felt the incoming rain. I couldn't move, speak, or touch, but I could still breathe. Taking longer and shallower breaths. I could sense the rain started to contrast and expand around us, as if an invisible barrier was around June and I.
'This is tiring, but I wouldn't want June receiving a cold in the afterlife.'
It was on the third day. I felt the soft thing pressing against my lips again, this time I wanted more of the liquid because I was more tired then usual. While the soft thing was pressing on my lips, I inhale deeply sucking more liquid out then usual.
"gasp, ah, hah, hah". June's gasping for air.
'That's June's voice, she must have tried the same thing I did.'
I felt the sting of something slapping across my face, followed by a lick.
'The thing in the afterlife that feeds us, must have not like that I took more than usual, I'll try not to be greedy next time.'
"Hey, are you awake?" June asked.

Its nighttime and I can feel the moon is out.
"do you think we could have been friends in another life?" June asked in a somber tone.
'We are in the afterlife June, we can be friends now.'
Days past in the afterlife and I got to know June a little better.
"Did you know I've never once lived in a home, I've always been traveling with my papa for work. I always wanted a big family one day. Papa said gold is the only thing that really matters in this world, maybe he's right. I like your scars, they tell a story don't they. Papa says I have many brothers and sisters out there but my mother was the only one to track him down. Your a really good listener, I don't have many people my age I can talk too. My best friends is Nyla, she was the first and only gift my papa gave to me. Papa said you-"
It was about 2 week into the afterlife. Something wet began to wipe down my body.
"Y-yo-Your you were a a boy?" June asked while stuttering.
'Yes, I'm a boy June, but more importantly can you see what is happening right now? I don't like it when someone touches my scars, can you please tell them to stop.'
It was around the time of the something soft daily feeding. A liquid was brought to my lips and tried to pour itself into my mouth.
'I don't like it, maybe I can water bend this?'
The liquid began to miss my mouth and spill out down my neck.
"D't-dont get any funny idea about this." June said with a fluster.
I felt the soft something pressing on my lips again, followed by liquid that tasted like chicken soup, then a wet worm like object started probing inside my mouth.
'Is that a tongue? wait is something feeding me mouth to mouth. Wait is it June, but why? then all those times before!'
After coming to the realization that June was the one feeding me all this time, I began thinking of other stuff that happen in the past weeks.
'I'm I blushing, I cant move or speak out, this is so embarrassing.'
June's lips pressed against my lips again as more chicken soup went down my throat and her tongue briefly started probing my mouth.
'June, you don't have to use tongue to feed someone.'
Then something licked my face.
'Is that June, why is she licking my face, is it a fetish thing?'

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Weeks past by with June's mouth feeding sessions seemingly becoming longer and longer.
It was another night I could feel the moon and my surroundings, but this time it was different, I felt I was laying down on a soft bed. There are people outside walking about. A pitcher of water is near me as I can sense the vague outline in my mind. I'm in a building of some sort, not outside where I can feel the moisture in the air.
"Hey are you awake?" June asked
I could only breathe in response.
"Maybe I can convince papa to let you go." June said with hope.
I could only breathe in response.
"Maybe papa can take you in, and you can join me on some bounties every once in while." June said with anticipation.
I could only breathe in response.
'This isn't the afterlife is it.'
My breathing started become erratic, as the water pitcher in the room started shaking.
"Don't get mad, it will be better this way."
'Think Riku, you've been kidnapped. A crazy girl is holding you against your will and taken you very far away from Suki and the others. What do you do? I could try to convince her to let me go? You can't talk. I can run away when I regain feeling in my legs again? And outrun that beast June keeps near her, nice try, keep going. I can try to blood bend myself, when June falls asleep I can try to blood bend my body to move far away for enough time to feel again.'
It's at least a full moon I can feel it.
After receiving no response from myself I began putting my plan into action.
The full moon is at its highest, focusing my senses inwards I felt my blood and circulatory system in my body.
'lets see what if I did this.'
My body hug June in an embrace and June responded by hugging back in her sleep.
'What if I did this'
I pulled June closer to me, I can sense our faces are just centimeters apart, I felt her breath on my nose.
'June smells really nice. No focus, what about this.'
I rolled over out of June's arms and fell directly on the floor.
'Score, OK what's next. The door, the window, I can sense people below maybe they can help me?'
'I'll choose the window, I don't think current me can handle opening doors right now, now stand.'
My head slammed into something.
Again my head slam again into something, but this time it was closer to the window.
Like a door on a hinge my body stood up right and began to teeter back and forth between going out the window and back on the floor.
'wait how far is it down below?'
I fell out the window of a two story building on the ground below. I immediately got up like a hinge door, Luckily no one was around to see me fall.
'Now how do I move? If I lean forward and focus on the nearest body of water'.
My body started to glide across the ground, my bare feet dragging on their tiptoes through the empty streets.

"Is someone there?" The voice of a unknown man.
'Yes, its a person maybe he can help me.'
I began gliding slowly towards him so not to scare him.
"Hiiiyp, stay back spirit, I-i d't-dont want no trouble" The man said in a frighten tone.
The man started to run and I began to chase after him.
'Hey wait, help me, I've been kidnapped.'
I manage to corner the man into an alleyway I think, because the man had no where else to run.
"pls-please forgive me spirit, I'll atone for all the sins I've done I promise. I'll donate all my bribe money to charity, I'll spend more time with my family, I'll stop raising taxes on the poor, I didn't mean to run over that child with my carriage, I thought paying off her family was enough. And I'll stop cheating on my wife with my other mistresses. P-pls-please just let me live!"

'What! maybe I should kill him.'
It was then I felt the presence of a huge beast enter my sensing range. But there was something else. A person was riding on that beast on the roof top above me.
"Well, look what my Junebug brought me." A voice of a gruff man sounded in the night.
The man jump down to the alley below. He's almost 7 feet tall, with a muscular outline and landed a punch on me sending me crashing into the wall.
"I'll handle this mayor, you should get back to your mistresses." The gruff voice said.
"Th-thank you, Jun, I will repay this later". The mayor said with sincerity.
The mayor ran past the man name Jun, who then in turn, turn around to face me.
I was so numb I couldn't feel anything, but I could sense things on my body were bending the wrong way. I began my healing breath and blood bending to fix my injuries.
Cracks and pops could be heard in the night air as my body began to mend itself, it was then.
"mhiisss". A sound came from around my neck.
'Sh**, Miffens you were here this whole time, why didn't you help me you ungrateful cat snake!'
Miffens slithered away leaving me to face the muscle giant man name Jun alone.
'Fine! I don't need you, I can take him by myself.'
I stood up "healed" like a hinge door ready to face the muscle giant. The muscle giant Jun ran right at me throwing wall debris in my face. I couldn't sense the debris, I could feel it hit me, causing me to stumble slightly. The muscle giant grab my weather worn Kimono and threw me through another wall. My body parts were bending in the wrong directions again. I "healed" then stood back up. I then locked onto the blood in the muscle giant body and propelled myself forward spinning myself in the process making my arms flail about.
'I hope this works.'
My hand smacked into his hard chest.
'I think my hand is broken.'
1 second, 2 seconds. The muscle giant fell to one knee and vomited a mouth full of blood.
'Yes, I didn't think trying to burst one of his lungs was going to work.'
Which it didn't.
A large hand grab me by the neck and I was lifted a few feet into the air.
'I can't breathe, my sensing is starting to grow dark.'
I was sent crashing into another wall, this time I felt too weak to continue healing, It was then.
"Wait papa don't hurt him."
It was June, I could sense her standing in front of me and the muscle giant.
"Get out of the way Junebug". The muscle giant said threateningly.
"Papa, We don't have to turn him in. Maybe he can be apart of our family."
I could sense the approaching figure of the muscle giant coming closer.
Smack. The muscle giant back handed June with a heavy impact. June collapse to the floor.
"Go get Nyla, you are finishing this bounty". The muscle giant said in a cold tone.

"I'm sorry." June whispered into my ear, while starting to cry a little.
I could sense the the departing figure of June from the alleyway and the droplets of her tears falling.
'June, take care of yourself.'
The muscle giant made a high pitch whistling sound with his mouth.
It was then the huge creature from the roof top jump to the ground below causing the dirt to kick up into the air.
A huge tongue lick my face and a much stronger feeling of numbness came over me, as I passed out in the alleyway.
I open my eyes for the first time in what feels like months in a coma and scanned my surroundings. I'm standing in metal chains, all my limbs are stretching out into an X cross. The room I'm in is a stone dungeon of some kind with one metal door with no handles, and there something resting on my face.
"The mask fits you perfectly."
A man in a near all black attire, wearing a black featureless mask spoke to me in a grave and menacing tone.
"We meet again spirit."
There was a glint of fury and madness in his eye.

A/N this chapter was difficult for me to write, like mentally taxing the bs level I had to do, but I hope you enjoyed it.

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