ATLA: A Fire Nation Mob

Chapter 14: Chapter 14

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Suki, Mingxia, Jie and I are currently watching new Kyoshi warrior recruits sparring against one another. We were watching a particular brutal beat down match from a top the dojo roof looking down on the training ground. It was a girl in her preteens who join the village a half a month ago name June 'Oh, she just ripped out a chunk of hair from her a opponent.'
"She's fighting dirty!". Suki said reprimanding June's actions.
"She's really pretty". Mingxia said while starting to blush.
Jie and I watched with different emotions. Jie watched in terror while clutching her short hair. I watched intriguingly, her movements and the way she fights are good, too good for someone who suppose to be a refugee.
'She's familiar to me, but I can't place it.'
"Hey cry babies, you just going to stay and watch, or are you too scared to fight me". June said in a taunting manner looking at us.
Suki got up accepting June's challenge, causing June to smirk in response.
"Tell you what, your friends can join you. I'll even fight with one hand behind my back to make it fair."
Infuriated by June's remark Suki grabbed Mingxia and Jie by the hands in response, jumping with them both onto the training grounds below.
'Oh, good they landed safely. Sorry Jie your hand didn't miss to grab my hand, I moved my hand away myself. I really don't want to get involve with June, my instincts are telling me to stay away from her'.
"What about her". June look at me with a narrow gaze, while licking her lips.
'I don't like that look. It's the same look when a predator when its about to hunt its prey. As the prey in question its sent a shiver down my spine. Should I fight?'
Just when I was about to make my decision to join the girls.
"Riku doesn't like to fight." Suki spoke up for me, as she, Mingxia, and Jie began to encircle June.
"It's a shame. but it will be fun to play with her one on one later". June mocked Suki and that started the fight.
Suki struck first with her tiny fist in a fit of fury, throwing a few kicks in the mix for variety at June's face.
'Suki is like a miniature version of Sukira, she'll grow to become a fine Kyoshi warrior one day. But not today.'
June strong arms Suki by her forehead before grabbing Suki's bangs and kneeing her in the nose. Mingxia manage to grab June from behind, before promptly receiving a elbow to the face. June preformed an over the shoulder throw with Mingxia, throwing her into Suki with some force. A rock hit June's head from the side, June turn to see Jie. Jie was holding a rock in her hand, ready to throw it. June ran and dodge the second rock then threw dirt into Jie's eyes. June then grab tackle Jie to the ground, then mounted herself on Jie's upper chest. As June was about to lay a pummeling beat down unto Jie, a hand caught June's wrist when her fist was raised in the air.
'I've seen enough.'
I burst down to the dojo training grounds with blood speed catching June before she could lay down her first punch at Jie.

'She's strong, I'm struggling to hold June back and I'm using a bit of blood speed to do so.'
After a bit of struggle between June and I.
"Ok, that's enough, spars over. Go home everyone, The Kyoshi festival is tonight." Sukira's announcement put an end to the fight.
"This isn't over." As June got up, she whispered then brushed past me as she left the dojo grounds.

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'She's definitely nothing but trouble, I have to avoid her from now on.'
I help Jie, Mingxia and Suki tend to their injuries with my water healing abilities inside the house.
They interrogated me why I didn't step in before, and whine about how I only stepped in when Jie was going to get hurt.
I just apologized to them sincerely and to promised to do what they wanted during the festival, and with that they calm down a bit.
'hah, probably was going to hang out with them any ways'.
It was when I was getting ready for the festival, My water talisman choker was missing. I've search my entire room and Sukira's house for it.
'Where is it? its one of the few things that covers my neck scars and matches really well with my hair color. ?'.
After pondering and having a existential crisis, on why don't I have more male friends in my life. I decided to wear Miffens like a scarf, who was currently in a hibernating state to the Kyoshi day festival.
"hey you, are you looking for this?" It was June twiddling the choker talisman in her hand, waiting by the dojo's entrance.
I took a quick glance at June, turn around and left in a "humph" to the village Kyoshi Festival.
'That choker may have some memento values for me, but I rather spend more time with the girls then fight June for it.'
"Hey wait". June said in desperation.
Suki, Mingxia, and Jie waited for me at the village's entrance. They looked adorable in there new Kimonos and even had there hair done too. Suki wore a deep sea green pattern kimono with a big white obi holding it together, her brunette hair was let down and styled with braided bangs. Minxia wore a light blue wave line pattern Kimono with a big light green obi belt holding it together, her brown hair was let down and she wore a pony tail for the festival. Jie wore a yellow Kimono with a dark grey belt holding it together, she wore a yellow hair band in her short brown hair.
'I hope the girls like the gifts I made for them.'
I made them bracelets made from my long white hair. Each bracelet had a different braid style design to them and are tied by a coin holding them together.
'I swear next year, I'll gift them with better gifts. Maybe training weapons, I should talk to Oyaji, should I ask for a salary from Sukira? I don't think they would like hunting skulls as gifts, as my instinct's are telling me to get them.'
The girls had different reactions to the bracelets. Suki was happy to receive the bracelet hugging me suddenly as thanks. My reflexes were about to throw her off but I manage to turn it into a hug instead.
'Nice save me.'
Mingxia was honest, she didn't like it, but didn't give it back when I promise I could get her something else. Instead Mingxia said she'll help me find gifts girls would like with me.
'Mingxia is such a honest and helpful friend.'
Jie slowly walked up to me, then gave me a quick peck on the cheek before shyly returning the girls in embarrassment, but with a smile plastered on her face.
'I did not see that coming.'
After a small commotion among the girls, we entered the Kyoshi day festival.

A/N Next chapter will be longer then average one.

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