ATLA: A Fire Nation Mob

Chapter 17: Chapter 17

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The first day the man in the black mask heated the cuffs around my limbs, I screamed and when I stop screaming, he left the room. The entire hour felt like an eternity, as my burnt smelling flesh filled the chamber. After an hour another person entered the room.
It was the black mask man that came in, but something was different, his smell was different and he didn't speak. This new mask man just stood in front of me at attention, It was when I let down my head to rest or close my eyes for a prolong time. The mask man started to use me as a punching bag to keep me from resting. An hour past as I tried to discern any weaknesses in my surroundings as I was just watch by the mask man. The man left the room and an identical man enter the room wearing the same attire as the man before who just stood guarding me as before, and just like before the moment I started resting I was used like a punching bag. The punches were light and were meant to hurt to keep me awake.
'What is the purpose of this, is it just to keep me from resting?'

For the rest of the day this continued, any signs of rest I showed was met with a beating to keep me awake.

It wasn't until the next day, the original black mask man came in.
"Did you know, Spirit, when we were stranded at sea there weren't many life boats for all my men. We had to take turns treading in the water." The mask man pulled out a fire poker and began heating the end of it until it turn red hot.

"For three days, we took turns treading water hoping to be rescued. I lost over 200 men by the third day." The mask man started leaving burn scars all over my body with the metal poker. By laying the red hot metal over the exposed parts of my body, leaving over 200 small scars one for each man lost. After an hour past the mask man who could fire bend left the room and another hour past by leaving me all alone.

I took the opportunity to rest with the little time I had before I was promptly woken up to a fist to my gut.

And just like before the Identical mask men wouldn't let me rest, beating me like a punching bag if I showed any signs of resting.
And like that another day past.
I'm tired, hungry, and dehydrated.
'If I don't get anything to drink I will die in the next few days.'
It was then the mask man who could fire bend entered the room. He carried a bucket full of rotting liquid in one hand and a funnel in the other.

"It was by the fourth day, Spirit, things turn for the worst. My men started to loose hope, the little food and water we did have, we fought over. And by the fifth day some men turned savage, they started to spill the blood of our dead and started to madly drink the spilled blood. But for you spirit, only the finest rotten Chicken pigs blood you deserve none the less"

I fought, struggle, and failed as the mask man inserted the funnel down my throat, and began pouring down the foul liquid.

'You've drunk blood before how bad can it be.'
What ever went down my throat I immediately vomited, but the mask man continued pouring the foul liquid into the funnel.

The mask man left after his hour was up. I continued to hurl and wretch for the next hour until the next mask man came. I was beaten severely that day, because all I wanted to do was rest.

It was the next day, the fire bending mask man will be coming soon, but to my surprise it was a different mask man that I've never smelled or seen before.

"I can help get you out." The man said as he began to release me from my chains.

'This is a trap, kill him.'
My instincts are telling me to kill him.
'Your not thinking straight, You've been awake for a few days, your sleep deprive, why would he release you if he wasn't here to help?'
My reasons seems reasonable.

I collapse to the floor once I was freed from the chains, my head is in a fog, just wanting to rest.

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"Here, drink this." The man bought a small wooded bowl of water to my lips. I accepted the man's kindness drinking all the water in the bowl. Using a bit of healing breath to remove some fatigue.

'This is a trap, kill him.'
My instincts want me to kill him.
'He just gave you some water. Your not feeling well, or thinking correctly right now. If you kill him now, what do you do if you run into another mask man.'
My reason is making allot of sense.

"We need to leave." The man began to support my body even carrying me in his arms.
'This is your chance, bite his jugular and kill him.'
My teeth are getting every so closer to the mans neck.
'Fine, don't listen to me, do what you want.'
I quietly settle down trying to rest slightly while being carried.

After running through a few corridors not meeting any other mask men. We reached a latch metal door at the end of a hallway.

"Through there is the way out, I'll stay behind to make sure no one follows you." The man set me down and gestured for me to go through the metal door.

'See I told you, that man was here to help.'

I open the door, and then felt a hard shove from my back. The metal door then shut, the latch loudly closing locking the door. Then I heard "That" persons voice from a balcony above me.

"It was on the sixth day we've could have been rescued, spirit, instead we met pirates who wanted some entertainment, and they said. "kill each other and then well give you some food.""

In front of me are a few dozen's of men and women in pirate attire. They each looked to have been starved, have burn scars all over their bodies, and look to be in a sleep deprive state the same as me.

"And so, kill each other and well give you some food." The mask man said.

I look up above their are dozens of mask men in the same attire as the one who spoke in standing on stone bench rafter watching a large size circle arena from up upon meters on high.

'Kill them.'
My instincts are right, they are always right.

A/N I still want the torture to be fun.

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